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Solid Mechanics 3

Assessment Task 1 - 2021

Milestone a (Due by week 5)

Question 1.

The state of stress at a point of an elastic solid is given in the x-y-z coordinates by:
σ xx σ xy σ xz   80 0 − 60
  
[σ ] = σ yx σ yy σ yz  =  0 150 0  MPa
σ zx σ zy σ zz  − 60 0 100 
 

a. Using the matrix transformation law, determine the state of stress at the same point for
an element rotated about the y-axis (in the x-z plane) 30o anticlockwise from its original
b. Calculate the stress invariants and write the characteristic equation for the original
state of stress,
c. Calculate the deviatoric invariants for the original state of stress,
d. Calculate the principal stresses and the absolute maximum shear stress at the point.
e Calculate the stress invariants and the characteristic equation from the transformed
state of stress. Compare the results and comment on the significance of the outcome.

(16 marks)

Question 2

The thickness of a 50 mm-thick plate was decreased in consecutive rolling processes to the
values:40 mm, 20 mm, 10 mm. Calculate the total thickness strain;
• Once on the basis of initial and final dimensions and
• once as the summation of the incremental strains,
a. Conventional strain and
b. True strain.
Compare the results and comment on the significance of the differences.

(12 marks)
Question 3

The 3-dimensional state of strain at a material point in x, y, z coordinates is given by:

ε xx ε yx ε zx   −100 0 −120 
 
[ε ] = ε xy ε yy ε zy  =  0 0 0  *10-6
 ε yz ε zz   −120 0 250 
ε xz

a. Calculate the volumetric strain and the deviatoric strain invariants

b. Calculate the mean stress and the deviatoric stress tensor.
c. Calculate the characteristic equation of strain.
d. Calculate the characteristic equation of stress.

The material is linear elastic (E=210GPa, ν=0.3).

(18 marks)

Question 4

The state of stress at a point of an elastic solid is given in the x-y-z coordinates by:

σ xx σ xy σ xz   250 0 0 
  
[σ ] = σ yx σ yy σ yz  =  0 50 −60 MPa
 
σ zx σ zy σ zz   0 −60 180 

a. Calculate the strain tensor

b. Calculate the characteristic equation for the three-dimensional state of strain.
c. Calculate the principal strains at the point.
d. Calculate the volumetric strain and the deviatoric strain invariants

The material is linear elastic (E=200GPa, ν=0.3).

(14 marks)

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