Regulations MT - 2016: For Master's Thesis

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MT - 2016
For Master’s Thesis
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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of
Higher Education

[Signature] Еugene Vaganov
[Round seal with the Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation:
Сertificate ПС.RU.П.740 2016.01 Ministry of Education and 26 December 2014
Science of the Russian Federation*Federal State Autonomous
Educational Institution of Higher Education “Siberian Federal
University” (SibFU)*PSRN 1022402137460, TIN Grounds:
2463011853*All-Russian Classifier of Businesses and
Organizations 02067876* TIN 2463011853*All-Russian Decision of the Academic
Classifier of Businesses and Organizations 02067876]
dd 24 November 2014
Minutes #11


For Master’s Thesis

MT - 2014

Krasnoyarsk 2014
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Tel.: +7 (391) 206 27 99; e-mail:

Anastasia Mitrukhina ________________________________________

MT - 2016
For Master’s Thesis
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1. General Provisions
1.1 These Regulations determine the content requirements to the master's thesis of
the Siberian Federal University (hereinafter - the University) and its defence.
1.2 Master's thesis is a type of graduation qualification work and can be of two types:
research or project, depending on the type of master's program.
1.3 The master's thesis shall confirm the author's ability to conduct independently a
scientific search, using theoretical knowledge and practical skills, identify and formulate
professional problems, know the methods of organization and carrying out of a scientific
research and be able to apply them in practice. Content of the work can be the results of
theoretical studies, development of new methods and approaches to solving scientific
problems, solution of tasks of an applied nature, or project development.
1.4 The master's thesis should contain elements of novelty in the field of theoretical
and applied research or design, which are expressed in clarification, improvement,
formulation of new concepts and categories, in development of new techniques,
algorithms, mechanisms to solve applied problems of research, as well as in creating an
intellectual product.
1.5 Preparation of the master's thesis goes in the framework of the scientific and
research workshops, practical trainings, research work.
1.6. Regardless of the type of master's thesis, the general requirements are:
- topic and objectives of the thesis should be significant for development of a relevant
- conclusions and results obtained in the thesis should lie upon a sufficient and reliable
scientific basis;
- the thesis should demonstrate the ability of the author to apply methods and tools of
scientific research or a methods of search and analysis of solutions and designing their
them implementation to achieve the set goals;
- the thesis must demonstrate a high level of critical thinking, intellectual courage and
independence of the author;
- in the thesis, during its preparation and defence, the author must demonstrate the skills
of academic writing and communication, and presentation of the results of their work;
- the thesis should be logically structured and written clearly (for publication in the open
- plagiarism in any (conscious or accidental) form is prohibited.
1.7 As a rule, a research advisor for the master's thesis is the master student’s
research advisor.

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Anastasia Mitrukhina ________________________________________

MT - 2016
For Master’s Thesis
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2 Types, topics, volume and structure of master's thesis

2.1 Master's thesis of a research type represents a report of a research self-
designed and conducted by master student.
In addition to the master's thesis of research type the following requirements are
to be met (along with the general requirements, listed in para. 1.6):
- the thesis should demonstrate the author's knowledge and understanding of the
scientific context of their work;
- the formulation of research problems and hypotheses is to have novelty, i.e. does
not reproduce previously published ideas;
- based on a critical analysis of the results obtained and the results of other
scientific papers published on this topic, the author should presented conclusions on
further focus of their research.
2.2 Project master's thesis is a report on development of a project that allows
creation of an intelligent product.
In addition to the thesis of the project type, the following requirements are to be
met (along with the general requirements, listed in para. 1.6):
- search for project ideas should be backed by published scientific papers
(theoretical, applied, and research);
- design of an intellectual product must be carried out on the basis of pre-project
studies, which include search, justification and selection of a project idea, collection and
analysis of information, analysis of costs, benefits and risks;
- the developed intellectual product as a result of the design should be described in
detail and presented in a specific section of the master's thesis;
- the thesis should give criteria and methods of evaluation of the product
efficiency, along with risk management measures.
2.3 A rough list of topics* for master's theses is developed by the graduate chair,
head of the master's program, master student’s research advisor, and is also suggested by
a Partner enterprise; and it is approved annually in the order established in the school.

* The student may choose to prepare their thesis in a classified domain. In this case, an additional expert opinion shall be required.

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Anastasia Mitrukhina ________________________________________

MT - 2016
For Master’s Thesis
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2.4 Initially the topics for master's theses are set in accordance with the
established procedure no later than November 1 of the first year of training based on the
master student’ applications (Annex A).
2.5 In case of a positive decision on finalization and approval a topic of master's
thesis with the research advisor head of the master student, a University order sets the
chosen topic of their master’s thesis for the master student.
2.6 Master’s thesis (without annexes) should not exceed 80 print pages
for engineering and natural science domains and not more than 100 pages for the
2.7 The amount of graphic and illustrational material of master’s thesis is agreed
by the master student with their research advisor.
2.8 The structure of the master's thesis is as follows:
- a title page;
- an abstract;
- ** executive summary of a research in Russian and English;
- a content with page numbers indicated;
- an introduction;
- main part;
- results and conclusions;
- list of references;
- appendices.
2.9 Abstract
The thesis’ abstract indicates the research problem (project concept), formulates
research questions (justifies the choice of the project concept), presents the methods of
the research (work), as well as general results and conclusions of the conducted research
or design.
The abstract should end with the key words of the paper; and should not exceed one
2.10 Brief summary of research
A brief summary of the research is a short presentation of the received results of
the research. It is written in accordance with the approved requirements for the structure
and content of the summary for the master's thesis and be not more than 10 pages.
** According to the decision of the head of the master's program.
2.11 Introduction
The most important elements of introduction are the description of problem,
theoretical and practical research grounds, shaping of research questions/hypotheses,
setting of goal and research tasks. The description of the problem should briefly
introduce key concepts. Theoretical and practical grounds briefly introduce explanatory
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Anastasia Mitrukhina ________________________________________

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For Master’s Thesis
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theories and outline coverage of the problem area. This section is developed using
scientific sources and should contain appropriate links.
It is also recommended that introduction should give a brief description of
structure and content of the author’s work. Please, pay attention to the correspondence of
the content of your work to the goals and tasks set.
2.12 Main part
The main part gives theoretical and practical grounds of the paper. It analyses the
explanatory theories and the results of research in the problem domain, identifies strong
and weak points of the theory, questions that have not been investigated or remain
The main part can consist of two or three chapters at the discretion of the author,
however, in any case it should contain:
- a description and analysis of theories/concepts through which the problem under
investigation should be considered and explained (theoretical grounds);
- an analysis of the results of modern research based on which the author draws
conclusions about the study of the problem domain (practical grounds);
- a research methodology;
- results of research (or design).
2.13 Results and conclusions
This section contains answers to the research questions with the use of the results
obtained, and identified, confirmed or belied patterns.
The author should also include a critical analysis to this section, which would
allow determining of similarities and differences between the results obtained, and
previous fundamental and applied research.
The author should conclude about the comparative attractiveness of the developed
intellectual product and suggests measures to improve the product, plans about
introduction or further promotion of the product.
2.14 List of References
The list of references includes all literary sources, legal and regulatory documents
used by the author when writing their master's thesis.
The list of references is drawn up in accordance with clause 7.9.4, clause 7.10 and
Appendix У of the СТО (Company Standard) 4.2-07-2014 or ГОСТ (State Standard) P
7.0.5- 2008.
2.15 Appendices
The appendices present those materials which supplement the text of the thesis.
Appendices can be research materials, extended descriptions, including research tools,
large tables, detailed calculations, graphic material, etc. The text of the paper should
provide links to all the appendices.

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Translator, Translation Services Office
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Tel.: +7 (391) 206 27 99; e-mail:

Anastasia Mitrukhina ________________________________________

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For Master’s Thesis
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2.16 Master's thesis is assessed by research advisor and reviewer based on the
following criteria:
a) content:
1) clearness and definiteness of the research problem statement;
2) validity of theoretical and practical relevance;
3) relevance and representativeness of the review of sources on the topic of the thesis;
4) maturity of theoretical and practical grounds of the thesis;
5) adequacy of the used methods;
6) correctness of the definition of basic concepts;
7) validity and reliability of the research methods;
8) representation of the research results in full, evaluation of their reliability;
9) critical insight of the original setting of the thesis objective;
10) comprehension of the paper limits, the possibility of practical application of the
11) recommendations for the outlook of the research.

b) the form:
1) understandability and conformity of the structure to the goals and objectives of the
2) use of the relevant academic language;
3) correctness of the abstracting;
4) relevance of the material volume;
5) quality of data representation in the form of tables and figures;
6) quality of appendices.

3 Strategy of master's research

3.1 the strategy of master's research has the following steps:
- prepare an action plan for preparation of master's thesis;
- justify its relevance, determine theoretical and practical significance of the research
topic, give the hypothesis of the research;
- form goals and objectives of the research, an object and subject of the research;
- refine methods and techniques of the research;
- study and analyze theoretical grounds of the research;
- collect and study practical information;
- confirm the hypothesis by calculation through the processing of scientific and practical
- shape clear conclusions on the thesis;
- write the text of the thesis;
- write the text of the thesis’ summary.
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Translator, Translation Services Office
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Anastasia Mitrukhina ________________________________________

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For Master’s Thesis
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3.2 Implementation of master's thesis is carried out under the guidance of the
master student’s research advisor who advises them on the research problem, supervises
the implementation of individual plan for the work on the thesis and bears responsibility
for the course of their research, qualitative and timely preparation of master's thesis.

4 Thesis writing
When preparing their thesis, the students are recommended to stick to Standard of
the University СТО 4.2-07-2014 “Quality Management System. General Requirements
for the Structuring, Presentation and Execution of Documents for Educational
Activities” or ГОСТ (State Standard) Р 7.0.5-2008.

5 Defence of master's theses

5.1 The students who fulfilled the requirements of the curriculum will be allowed
for the defence of their master's thesis.
5.2 Master's thesis with the opinion of the master student’s research advisor and
the reviewer is submitted to the graduating department or chair no later than one week
before the defence.
5.3 Defence of master's thesis includes a presentation of the defender of the thesis,
their answers to the questions of the commission members, scientific discussion on the
problems brought up in the work, reading of the research advisor’s opinion and a review
of the paper.
5.4. The presentation of the thesis should correspond to the contents of the
master's thesis, and should not exceed 10 minutes. Simple listing of the contents of the
sections with a deeper insight into the details of the paper is prohibited.
The presentation should reflect:
- the purpose and objectives of the research;
- relevance and practical value;
- the subject matter of the thesis and the most important conclusions with a brief
5.5 The master student should use illustrative materials such as slides, printed
5.6. The defended master's thesis shall be submitted to the graduating department
for registration and archiving for the period of 5 years. Papers which won first awards on
all-Russian, republican or university competitions shall be kept permanently.
5.7 In cases when the defence of master's thesis is deemed unsatisfactory, the
State Examination Commission (hereinafter - SEC) decides on the possibility of
preserving the topic for the future defence or on the preparation and defence of master's
thesis on a new topic. The decision taken is entered into the SEC minutes

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Translator, Translation Services Office
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Tel.: +7 (391) 206 27 99; e-mail:

Anastasia Mitrukhina ________________________________________

MT - 2016
For Master’s Thesis
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Application of a Master Student for
Approval of their Master’s Thesis Topic

To Rector of SibFU
Eugene Vaganov
About the topic of master’s thesis

Hereby I request approval of the topic of my master’s thesis

Master’s thesis topic
In major ________________________________________________________
Code and name of major
Degree program__________________________________________________
Code and name of degree program

Research Advisor__________________________________________________
Full name, academic degree and title

Master student _______________ _______________________________

Signature first and last name
Research advisor _______________ _______________________________
Signature first and last name
Head of master degree program _______________ _________________________________
Signature first and last name

I hereby certify this to be a true and accurate translation of the document from Russian into English
Translator, Translation Services Office
International Department of Siberian Federal University
Tel.: +7 (391) 206 27 99; e-mail:

Anastasia Mitrukhina ________________________________________

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