Types of Comedy Drama

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Romantic Comedy Drama deal with a romantic relationship, almost always between
a young woman and a young man. The comedy derives from their clumsy efforts to
get together – usually they like each other, but each is unsure that the other likes them
back, and their behavior is nervous and awkward, resulting in situational comedy.
Satiric Comedy Drama has a critical purpose. It usually attacks philosophical
nations or political practices as well as general deviations from social norms by
ridiculing characters.
A farce Drama is a comedy so silly and over-the-top that it just doesn’t make any
sense and you have to laugh. Farces usually use an extremely exaggerated
combination of physical comedy and situational comedy, and are usually thick with
plot twists, hidden identities, and confusing surprises.
Comedy of Manners Drama also satirical in its outlook ad it takes the artificial and
sophisticated of the higher social classes under closer security. The plot usually
revolves around love or some sort of amorous intrigue and the language is marked by
witty repartees and cynicism.
Comedy of Humours Drama, in this type of drama characters are marked by one of
these predispositions which cause their eccenitricity or disorted personality. An
example is Ben Jonson’s Every Man in His Humour.
Melodrama is a type of stage play which became popular in the 19th century. It
mixes romantic or sensational plots with musical elements. Melodrama aims at a
violent appeal to audience emotions and usually has a happy ending.

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