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Hallelujah! What a Saviour! P,P, BLISS arr. by Wayne’ Hooper 1. “Man of sor- row," what a name For’ the Son of God who came 2 Lifted ‘up was He to ‘die, “It is fim-ished,” was His ory: 3. When He cones, our glo-rious King, All His ran-somed hone to bring, Ru-ined sin-ners to re-claim! Hal-le - lu-Jan! What a Say-iour! Now in hearin ex~alt-ed high, Wal-le- lu-jah! what @ Sav-iour! Then a-new this song wllsing Hal -le- 1u-jan! What a Sav-iour! Lot He Comes! HENRY SMART ‘Arr. by Wayne Hooper S355 i He comes with clouis de~scend-ing,Once for fav-ored sin-ners slain; 2. Every eye shall “hold Him, Robed in dread-ful ‘maj ~ es ~ ty; 3. Yea, a-men, let all a~dore Thee,High on Thine e- ter-nal throne a 2 Se SSS SSS ae ‘Thousand, thousand saints at-tend-ing Swell the triumph of His trai Those who set at naught andsold Him, Pleroed and mailed lin to the tree, Saviour take the power and glo~ry; Claim the king-doa for Thine own. | | | | t 4 SSS eS Hal le -1u- jah! fal - 1e- 1u - Jah! God appears on earth to reign, Deep -1y wail-ing, Deep -ly wail ing,Shall the true Mes -si - ah see. Oh, come quick-1yi Oh, come quick- ly! EY - er- Inst-ing God come down, 1s SS SS =a SS

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