Module II - Les Alphabet Français, Les Accents & Les Caractères Spéciaux

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3/21/2021 Module II - Les alphabet français, les accents & les caractères spéciaux

Module II - Les alphabet français, les accents & les caractères spéciaux

Site: New Era University Printed by: Era A. Ellorimo

Course: AIS 06-18/ELECT1-18 - Professional Elective 1 (Foreign Language) Date: Sunday, 21 March 2021, 12:12 PM
Module II - Les alphabet français, les accents & les caractères
spéciaux 1/11
3/21/2021 Module II - Les alphabet français, les accents & les caractères spéciaux


Leçon 2: The French Alphabet, the accents & special characters 2/11
3/21/2021 Module II - Les alphabet français, les accents & les caractères spéciaux

Table of contents

1. Introduction/Overview

2. Learning Outcomes

3. Les alphabets (overview)

4. Les alphabet Anglais et Français

5. Les alphabets (structure)

6. Les caractères speciaux

7. Additional References / Source Links 3/11
3/21/2021 Module II - Les alphabet français, les accents & les caractères spéciaux

1. Introduction/Overview

In this module, you will learn the basic french alphabet, its pronounciation and its usage. You will also learn the additional characters and the accents used in the
french language. 4/11
3/21/2021 Module II - Les alphabet français, les accents & les caractères spéciaux

2. Learning Outcomes

· Identify and pronounce the basic French alphabets.

· Explain the intonations used on the alphabet and its significance to the language.

· Explain the special characters integrated in the alphabet and its use.

· Explain how the alphabets and characters are written and pronounced.

· Be able to spell out words using the French alphabet 5/11
3/21/2021 Module II - Les alphabet français, les accents & les caractères spéciaux

3. Les alphabets (overview) 6/11
3/21/2021 Module II - Les alphabet français, les accents & les caractères spéciaux

4. Les alphabet Anglais et Français

As you may notice, the French alphabet is the same as the English Alphabet. This is one of the reasons why French is one of the languages you might want to
learn after English. For the figures, nearly 30% of all English words come directly or indirectly from French. English speakers will typically know at least 1500
French words without needing to study the language.


Déjà vu – from the French words déjà (already) and vu (seen – past participle of ‘voir’)
Souvenir – from the French word souvenir (memory)
Rendez-vous – from the French word rendez-vous (appointment)
Cliché – from the French word cliché
Eau de toilette – from the French word eau de toilette
Fiancé – from the French word fiancé (engage)

You may watch the video on this link as to the reason for these English French common words.

Does that mean that French is the same copy as English or vice versa? The answer is “No”. The pronunciation of the names of the alphabet varies in both
languages. In this module, you will learn the names of the letters in the French alphabet and their pronunciation. 7/11
3/21/2021 Module II - Les alphabet français, les accents & les caractères spéciaux

5. Les alphabets (structure)

The French alphabet have 6 vowels (six voyelles) and 20 consonants (vingt consonnes).

The letters in the French alphabet are pronounced as below:

You may check the video for the pronunciation of the alphabet (how natives pronounce): 8/11
3/21/2021 Module II - Les alphabet français, les accents & les caractères spéciaux

6. Les caractères speciaux

Other than the pronunciation of the alphabet. One of the main differences also of the English language and the French Language are the accents. When we say
accents, this does not mean the native accents etc. this means that the accents indicated with the letters. The below are the example of the accents in the
French alphabet.

The applicability of these accents is summarized as below:

Examples of these accents in a word are:

· Accent aigu

parlé – spoken

compatibilité - accounting

école – school

défi – challenge

· Accent grave

Où – where

fièvre – fever

là – there

· Accent circonflex

gâteau – cake

chômage – unemployment

île – island

· Tréma

Noël – Christmas

coïncidence – coincidence

· Cedille

garçon – Boy

Français – French

Other than the accents we also have a special symbol in French which is a combination of two letters. It is known as ligature (Le ligature)


This letter is called «e dans l’o» which literally translates to letter E in the O.

It is pronounced like O with the little bit accent of the letter E. It is used in words such as:

cœur – heart

œuf – egg 9/11
3/21/2021 Module II - Les alphabet français, les accents & les caractères spéciaux
sœur – sister

Also, here are the punctuation marks also commonly used in the French sentences.

You are now ready to spell out words in French and pronounce them like a native. Très bien ! 10/11
3/21/2021 Module II - Les alphabet français, les accents & les caractères spéciaux

7. Additional References / Source Links
alphabet%2F&psig=AOvVaw2_uVo_ibdjVI43VMMnh- 11/11

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