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Maño, Lhara Stefani R.



The three important events in my life that makes me comprehend or understand

christian morality are first, there's a time that every sunday, I am too lazy to go to church
but as I grow up, it makes me think of all the things that God has given us. He gave us
life, he is our king, and we should love and put him first above all things. Even though
there are times that we don't wanna do what we are supposed to, we should think first if
it's right or wrong. Second is, respecting other people even though they don't respect us.
As time passes by, we encounter a lot of things and happenings. I realized that things
matter such as listening, being polite, being kind, and being thankful. Lastly is, saying
things that I don't mean when I'm mad. Sometimes, we forget to distinguish what is right
and wrong when we feel hard feelings, or when we're mad. We should learn how to
control our emotions at all times. Your moral values are built by the environment you live
in. Always choose to do good things because this is the beautiful thing that we can carry
as we grow older.

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