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- Nastanak magnetnog polja ( posebnog stanja prostora koje se manifestuje… ) kretanjem

naelektrisanih cestica ( elektromagnetno polje )

- Opisuje ga kvantitativno B ( indukcija ) I H=B/µ ( jacina magnetnog polja )
- U materiji, u molekulima, postoje mikro struje - one obrazuju mnoštvo elementarnih strujnih
kontura. Kada nema stranog magnetnog polja - polja mikrostruja orijentisana su podjednako u
svim pravcima-nema rezultujućeg makropolja-magnetik nije namagnećenKada se magnetik
unese u strano magnetno polje-elektromagnetne sile delujuju na elementarne strujne konture i
teže da ih postave tako, da im se polja poklope sa spoljnim (stranim) poljemTermičko kretanje
atoma i molekula suprotstavlja se ovoj tendenciji-dolazi samo do delimične orijentacije kontura
mikrostruja, ali rezultujuće magnetno polje ovih struja više nije nula
- Unošenjem nekog tela u spoljašnje magnetno polje H, pod uticajem tog polja u telu se javlja
ukupna magnetna indukcija , a od vrste materijala ( µ ) zavisi koliko ce biti B u tom materijalu
- Feromagnetici ( bitni za praksu ) imaju nelinearno µ ( kod linearnih kao sto su vazduh I vakum B
proporcionalo H ) koje zavisi od H, pa se mogu zasititi ( svi domeni se orjentisu) – k-ka
- Magnetni fluks ( pravilo desne ruke)
- Fluks je protok kroz neku povrs, u ovom slucaju zamisljenih linija magnetnog polja
- Elektromotorna sila u drugom namotaju ( magnetno spregnutom )
- Struja magnećenja je u fazi sa fluksom. Ako se pretpostavi linearna karakteristika magnećenja,
tada je struja magnećenja I prostoperiodična ( ako je fluks prostoperiodican). U STVARNOSTI
- The current that flows through the primary winding of a power transformer when no loads are
connected to the secondary winding; This current 1. Establishes the magnetic field in the core
2. furnishes energy for the no-load power losses in the core---aktivni gubici!!!

For any coil, E = N*d(phi)/dt. Always. If E is the applied voltage phi will be the flux produced.
If phi is the applied flux to the coil, E will be the emf produced. Lets look at this step by step.

1. When there is no load on the secondary side (i.e. No load condition) E is the emf applied to
the primary coil, then the coil will produce phi flux in the core. You can see that, if E is
sinusoidal, phi will be cosinusoidal. The coil will consume that much current as required to
produce the phi flux. since, phi = N*I / reluctance_of_core we can calculate what will be the
current required to produce the flux phi. This current is the magnetizing current.

2. When you connect load to the secondary, then there will be secondary current. The secondary
current flowing in the secondary coil will produce flux phi2 which will be in opposition with the
flux previously being produced by the primary coil (by virtue of the primary magnetizing
current). So, in effect the net flux in the core will reduce to phi-phi2. But Since Emf E is still
being applied to primary coil, it demands that the flux linkage of primary coil still be phi. So
what happens is the current in primary coil increases so that it now produces the flux: phi + phi2
so that the net flux linkage of the coil (that is flux in the core) becomes: phi + phi2 - phi2 = phi
again. The additional current required in primary coil to restore the flux will not be equal to the
current in the secondary unless the no. of turns are same in both of the coil. Hence, the secondary
current that flows when load is connected to the secondary coil will be reflected in the primary
coil on top of the already present magnetizing current (not as a replacement for it).
The primary and secondary load components of magnetic flux are notionally in balance but the
primary current always has a magnetising component which adds to the primary load current
component. Since there is usually a phase displacement between the load and magnetising
components, the effective primary current is determined by the complex number addition of the
two primary components.

U mehanizmu uspostavljanja naponske ravnoteže uz zanemarene

termogene otpornosti:-Indukovani napon mora dostići veličinu
nametnutog napona mreže.-Toliki indukovani napon se uspostavlja
sam po sebi struja magnećenja pod dejstvom napona mreže raste
dok se ne uspostavi dovoljno veliki naizmenični fluks..-Vrednost
potrebne struje Iμ definsana je potrebnom MPS (N1Iμ) da bi se u
magnetnom kolu imala potrebna indukcija potrebna indukcija.
- Napon mreže je prostoperiodičanFluks je prostoperiodičan
Indukovani napon u sekundaru TR je prostoperiodičan. NAPON
šeta radnu tačku po histerezisnoj petlji. “Fluks igra kako napon
svira”Kako je k-ka magnećenja nelinearnastruja magnećenja je
- Struja magnećenja zbog karakterističnog oblika ima samo neparne harmonike
- Učešće pojedinih harmonica u struji magnećenja zavisi od oblika krive
magnećenja i stepena zasićenja
- Zbog histereze struja magnećenja ima pored dominantne reaktivne
komponente i aktivnu komponentu

- Zbog histereze==zbog gubitaka u gvozdju

- I umjesto ukidanje valjda pojava???

The purpose of any magnetic core is to provide an easy path for flux so as to have high coupling
between primary and secondary windings in case of a transformer. Having core helps in obtaining
required flux density with less number of turns or less amount of magnetizing current.

In alternating current (AC) devices they cause energy losses, called core losses, due to hysteresis and
eddy currents in applications such as transformers and inductors. "Soft" magnetic materials with low
coercivity and hysteresis, such as silicon steel, or ferrite, are usually used in cores.

Feromagnetici se koriste zato sto su najbolji od svih vrsta magnetika, I to meki jer imaju manje gubitke
zbog histerezisa.
Поједностављени упоредни преглед магнетне пермеабилности: феромагнетика (μf),
парамагнетика (μp), вакуума (μ0) и дијамагнетика (μd).

Bolje namagneceno jezgro = manji magnetni otpor, pa jaci fluks I manje navojaka I manja potrebana
struja magnecenja

In transformer, Flux and voltage are having 90 degree angle between them. So to produce flux in
the core, i will be requiring a current which is having a phase difference of 90 degrees with
voltage. This current is also known as magnetising current.

In reactive power, current and voltage are having phase difference of 90 degrees.

Hence power associated with magnetising current is known as Reactive power.

In active power, voltage and current are in same phase. In transformer, windings have resistance
and eddy current losses also occur. These losses require a current which is in same phase as

How saturation affects inductance?

This is an approach I consider simple to understand. Imagine the core of the coil (inductor) as
something composed by an infinity amount of tiny magnets. When you apply a current to the
coil, this current creates a magnetic field (usually we call it the H field), and this field manages to
align a portion of those tiny magnets. The aligned tiny magnets create some more magnetic field
(usually we call it the B field) , because you have a non zero net sum of all their fields. This new
field is usually much more intense than original field from the current itself. The more current
you apply, more the tiny magnets get aligned. But there is a limit for it, when they are all
aligned, you can’t force them to create further more field, because, well, you can’t get a better
alignment them 100% aligned. When you reach this point, if you increase the current the
magnetic field doesn’t increases (only the H field increases, but it is negligible compared to the
B field). That’s saturation.

The more noticeable effect is the following: when you increase/lower the current, you end up
increasing/lowering the magnetic field. This variation of field induces a voltages on the terminals
of the coil (faraday law). That's the induction effect, and that's why we call the cook and
inductor. But when the core is saturated, the variation of current can't cause a variation of the
field anymore, and if the field remains constant, there is no induced voltage. At this point the coil
doesn't behave like an inductor anymore, it acts just like a small resistor (because of the
conductor resistance).

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