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A. List of terms to learn:

1. Concrete bed
2. Damp-proof membrane
3. Deck
4. Drainage and waste
5. Eave
6. Fiber-glass floor insulation
7. Finish floor
8. Fittings /fixtures
9. Flat roof
10. Floating floor
11. Floor (1) & (2)
12. Floor slab
13. Gable roof
14. Gutter
15. Hardwood
16. Hipped roof (syn. hip roof)
17. Pitched roof
18. Plumbing system
19. Plywood
20. Raised floor
21. Ridge
22. Roof
23. Services
24. Shed roof
25. Solid floor
26. Subfloor (syn: blind floor, rough floor)
27. Suspended floor
28. Thermal and acoustic insulation
29. Tile
30. Utility

B. Listen to the audio of each term. Repeat each term after you hear the
sound. Do it several times.

C. Pay special attention to the pronunciation of the following terms,
check document ‘materials to get you started’:

1. Damp-proof membrane / dæmp pruːf ˈmɛmbreɪn/: Pay special attention to

the sound of ‘membrane’.

2. Drainage and waste /ˈdreɪnɪdʒ ænd weɪst/: Notice the ‘drainage’ sound
links with ‘and’. Do not forget to pronounce the ‘t’ at the end of ‘waste’.

3. Eave /iːv/: pronounce the ‘v’ properly.

4. Fiber-glass: /ˈfaɪbə(r)ˌɡlɑːs/ ‘fiber’ is not /fi/ but /fai/.

5. Fittings /fixtures /ˈfɪtɪŋ/ /ˈfɪkstʃəs/: observe that the pronunciation of the

end of ‘fixture’ is the same as ‘architecture’ or ‘structure’.

6. Floating floor /ˈfləʊtɪŋ flɔː(r)/: pay attention to the first syllable of ‘floating’,
and that ‘floor’ has a long vowel.

7. Gable roof /ˈɡeɪbl/: check first and second syllables of ‘gable’.

8. Gutter /ˈɡʌtə/: observe the first vowel.

9. Pitched roof /pɪtʃt/: the –ed end of pitched sounds ‘t’.

10. Plumbing system /ˈplʌmɪŋ/: ‘u’ sounds the same as the ‘u’ in ‘gutter’

11. Plywood /ˈplaɪˌwʊd/: note the pronunciation of ‘y’.

12. Raised floor /reɪzd/: the –ed end of raised sounds /d/.

13. Services /ˈsɜːvɪsɪz/: do not forget to pronounce the plural properly.

14. Thermal and acoustic insulation /ˈθɜːməl/ /əˈkuːstɪk/ /ˌɪnsjʊˈleɪʃən/:

observe the phonetic highlighted syllables in these three words in order to
pronounce them properly.

15. Tile /taɪl/: ‘i’ sounds /ai/, NOT ‘ei’. ‘Tale’ sounds /teil/ whose meaning is
story, for children.

16. Utility /juːˈtɪlɪtɪ/: ‘u’ sounds like a consotant.

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