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Read & choose the best title for this text

a. (Sustainable Trees) c. Artificial trees

b. Electricity generation d.artificial Trees generating electricity

The London-based company Solar Botanic has developed an artificial tree capable of generating enough energy for
consumption in an independent home. These trees not only take
advantage of photovoltaic energy from su might but also energy from
wind and thermovoltaic energy, that is, from environmental heat.

All these thanks to its nano blades, which absorb sunlight, heat, and
wind energy. Its green color means that in terms of capturing sunlight,
they are less efficient than photovoltaic panels, but thus they are more
aesthetic. I can’t imagine a tree with blue leaves.

For example, when it is windy, it moves the nano blades, which with
each 'flutter,' produces energy. So the stronger the wind, the higher the
amount of energy produced. Even rain can generate energy if it is strong
enough to move the nanoblades. That way, it does not matter if the
weather is good or bad; the tree will generate power anyway.

According to its creators, a single tree of this type could produce between 3,500 and 7,ODD kWh per year. Also, they have a
significant advantage over other systems. In essence, they look like real trees, can shade in the summer, and they are

According to this text, distinguish the main and secondary ideas.

1. An artificial tree capable of creating enough energy to consumption in autonomus

MAIN IDEA housing

Secondary a) Thermovoltaic
Ideas(s) b) Energy from wind
c) Photovoltaic
Title: ”.e-waste ................................................................................................ ”

Mauntai ns of discarded smartphones, televisions, ovens, microwaves,

Spoin genero†es 817 mi 11 ion
monitors, and keyboards and other ‹imiIar devices increasingly affect our
kilo of electronic per yeor,
future more and more. It is the ‹a-called electronic waste (e-waste) If you
made a mountain out of a II the electrical and electronic gadgets. This giant
†o †he ' £ tudy of Globol mountain wo uld weigh 44.7 million tons, the equivalent of nine times the great
Elec troitc Woste, ' from †he pyramidofCheopsin Egypt.However,expedsvvarnthattheprobem isonly
UiJited NatioiJ UiJiversity growing: in 2021, 50 million tone of electronic waste will exceed.

Spain generates 817 million kilos of electronic per year, but anIy 2D°A of all this junk is recycled Although Spain 1s not am ong
the countries that create electronic waste - due to size. The United Nations doe3 place the country in the European statistics
for recycling, only ahead of Romania and Cyprus. Also, it is unknown where 80% of Spanish waste
remains. “

Invent a Title for this e-waste

2. The main idea is the recycling
3. A secondary idea is pyramidofCheopsin Egypt

Title: A computer is a high-speed adding machine

The fact that electronic computers a re now used for data processing. They have led the public to believe that JI is a
mysterious, complicated science and that they are giant brains. Both of these ideas a re false. A computer is just a high-speed
adding machine that performs functions. The input data are varied even a little, and the computer is unable to operate. Until
it is programmed to accept the variations. The business operations JI performs a re impressive only because of the extremely
high speed of manipu lation. Still, mast of these operations are in use for decades. Un like man, the computer performs
repetitive calculations without getting tired or bored (READING — Main Ideas Rev. August. 2005)

a. A computer is a high-speed adding machine.

b. A computer i‹ a mysterious giant brain.
c. A computer is impressive because of its high speed.
d. A computer i‹ superior to man In many ways.

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