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Unused Compact Disc as a source of Electricity


Electricity is not an energy. As J.J. Thompson discovered electrons, it was

described that the cathode rays contain charges of negative electricity. Einstein thinks

that electricity is not a form of electromagnetic energy, but rather the same thing as

charge, where he quotes that the “electric fluid” that runs through wires is the negative

one, which was clearly framed by Thompson upon the discovery of electrons. Maxwell

admits that electricity is a physical quantity. Electricity flowing thus is called electric

current, and is measured in the unit of Cuolomb (Beaty, 1999). So, electricity is the

movement of electrons from one place to another (“How is Electricity produced”, n.d.)

These years, electricity has been used for air conditioning, water heating,

lighting, refrigeration, television, and etc. greatly (“Use of Electricity”, 2018). Electricity is

produced in different ways which uses generators to make electrons run. Fuels are

used, such as fossil fuel, nuclear power, and renewable alternatives like wind, solar, and

hydropower. The fuels produces steam that runs the turbines, and puts the magnet in

generators in motion (rotate), and produce electricity another (“How is Electricity

produced”, n.d.). With the use of electricity, our life becomes convenient.

Photovoltaic Cells

Photovoltaic cells were invented for converting light energy into electric current.

This kind of new way of getting electric energy is to replace the non-renewable energy
sources, especially oil. This idea is very successful as it uses free energy sunlight (Hu &

White, 1983).

Alexander Edmond Becquerel (1839) found out about the photovoltaic effect

which explained in his discovery that electric current can be produced when light strikes

on an electrode dipped in a conductive solution. In this idea was the solar cells founded.

A material for photovoltaic effect, plus a conductor, equals electricity (“Solar panel Brief

History and Overview”, n.d.).

Photovoltaic effect is a process that generates electric current when exposed to

sunlight. In the solar cells, electron hold the semiconductor together by forming bond

when unexcited. When light strikes, electrons get excited and are free to move which

leaves a hole. Electrons move to the n-side causing an electric current, while holes

move to the p-side

A solar cell is composed of a semiconductor material, usually silicon. It is has two

opposite layers, one for negative (n-type), and on the other positive (p-type). The two

layers are divided by a junction. When light enters the semiconductor, the negative and

positive particles are free to move, and are collected on an upper and lower contact, and

creates a current which flows to metal wires. The current produced is a direct current, so

an inverter is needed so that all the appliances can use the electricity (Hu & White,


Solar cells came out of anonymity and achieved popularity when they were used

to power a small part of the satellite. It has replaced the problem that came out in using

batteries, which is that batteries wear out in time. Initially, when only batteries were used

to fuel the satellites, they would invariably suffer from shorter life span. When cells were
attached to the external surface of the body, it resulted in longer mission time without

requiring any major changes to the satellite or its systems. Since then, solar cells

became a solution to the energy supply for satellites without having any problems of

running out of energy. (Vanguard, 1958).

Compact Disc

Compact disc is used in the experiment of the study.  It is made up of a

clear polycarbonate plastic substrate, a reflective metallic layer, and a clear protective

coating of acrylic plastic. From its discovery in 1982, it has been used in replace of

phonograph discs (“Compact disc”, n.d.). The use of CD’s is mainly for storing data that

may be accessed later on. Standard CD’s are can store 72 minutes of music for 650 MB

data, while an 80 munite CD can store 700 MB of data. After its invention, common

replacements, such as DVD and Blu-ray discs, have been used in replace to it

(Computer Hope, 2017).

The compact disc will serve as the semiconductor material. As part of the

photovoltaic cell’s parts (Hu & White, 1983), it will serve as the receiver of light, with its

metallic reflection (“Compact disc”, n.d.).

Conducting Material

Silver has been used as the conductor material for solar panels. It possesses the

property of conduction, as a metal. This element is the most electrically conductive,

which means that it conducts electricity greatly than any other metal elements (“Solar

panel Brief History and Overview”, n.d.; Helmenstine, 2018). It also contain the highest

conductivity of thermal energy, and highest light reflectance. The reason for its high
conductivity is that electrons are freer to move, which is related to its valence and crystal

structure (Helmenstine, 2018).

Copper is in the top 2 of the list of the most conductive elements (Helmenstine,

2018). Copper is a good electric and thermal conductor, corrosion resistant,

antibacterial, easily joined, ductile, tough, non-magnetic, attractive in color, easy to alloy,

recyclable, and catalyctic, these are some of the good characteristics of copper, which

made it very used in many different ways. However, its most important property is its

electrical conductivity. That is why copper has been used in a wide variety of technology

which uses electricity, almost in all appliances (“Properties & uses”, n.d.)

Though silver is more conductive than copper, copper has been the standard

used element used in wiring. This is because silver is a rare material compared to

copper, and it tends to oxidize and lose it efficiency in conduction. This means that

copper is more like “durable” to use and is stronger in sensible environments, making it a

top choice for wiring, though silver is reserved to be used in sensitive systems and

specialty electronics where high conductivity property is much needed (Flournoy, 2018).

Zener Diodes

Zener diodes, a semiconductor diode, allow current to flow in to one direction

only (Oskay, 2012). This means that electricity will flow on one direction only, as it

passes through the diode. What makes this diode different from other diodes is that it

allows current to flow in reverse direction.

Zener diodes are used in different applications like voltage stabilizers or

regulators, surge suppressors for device protection, peak clippers, switching operations,

reference elements, and in meter protection applications. This diode is helpful as it

regulates the current flow from an unregulated power source, preventing damage to

devices (“What is a zener diode?” n.d.).

As in the idea of a photovoltaic cell which uses semiconductor silicon to produce

electricity, in the research, an alternative material (compact disc) is used. Measuring the

effectivity of a compact disc is still unknown. Thus, a need to test the effectivity of

compact discs as an alternative source of electricity is needed.


Arizona Science Center. How a solar panel works. Retrieved from

panelworks_infographic_revised_ 111715.pdf. Accessed 2018, July 20

Chasteen, S. and Chaddha, R. Inside a Solar Cell. Retrieved from Accessed 2018, July 20

Compact disc. (n.d.). Retrieved from https//


Computer Hope. (2017). Compact disc. Retrieved from https://www.computerhope.


Flournoy, B. (2018, May 2). Copper vs. silver wire conductivity. Retrieved from https://

Helmenstine, A. M. (2018, April 18). Conductivity and conductive elements. Retrieved


Helmenstine, A. M. (n.d.). What are cd’s made of. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.


Hu, C. & White, R. (1983). Solar Cells: from basics to advanced systems. United States

of America: McGraw-Hill Book Company.

Intergrated Publishing (n.d.). Physical charatceristics of a compact disc. Retrieved from


Oskay, W. (2012, January 12). Basics; Introduction to Zener diodes. Retrieved from,

Periodic table. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Photovoltaic effect. (n.d.). Retreived from https://energyeducation .ca/encyclopedia


Properties & uses. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Solar panel brief history and overview. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Use of energy. (2018). Retrieved from


Beaty, W. (1999). “Electricity” as quantity in physics: some physicists’ quotes regarding

“electricity”. Retrieved from

What is a zener diode? (n.d.). Retrieved from


Woodford, C. (n.d.). Copper. Retrieved from


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