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Stonegate HOA Board Meeting

July 8th, 2010

6:30 PM
Caldwell Free Methodist Church

1. Opening
a. 6:40pm – Roll Call
i. Present: Brent Orton, Jim Porter, Amanda Gigray, Karla Baker; Joanna Bartrop
ii. Motion: Mr. Orton motioned to accept the April notes with corrections. Second:
Ms. Gigray. Vote: All approved.
2. Financial Report
a. Ms. Gigray reported that our balance is $18,996.74
b. Ms. Gigray noted she is still having issues with the QuickBooks software and will try
and reinstall the program. Mr. Porter asked Ms. Gigray if she wanted anyone to look at
the program before she reinstalled.
c. xxxx – Still are past due and we have heard nothing from them.
d. xxxx – Made a payment of $360, but their bill was for $525.56. The difference with the
interest charges and fees that have been added to their bill. Mr. Orton said he would talk
them in person. Mr. Orton proposed that the Board stop accruing interest, but that the
prior interest accrued not be forgiven.
e. xxxx – owed $505.97. The bank paid us $295 in back HOA dues and 120 for this years
dues, and two transfer fees (xxxx to bank, bank to new owner), $85.97 in interest; a total
of $508.93.
f. xxxx – property sold, we were paid the transfer fee and the first half of the year’s HOA
g. xxxx – On a payment plan of $55 per month. They have not made a payment since
December. How does the Board want to handle this? The Board will send a letter asking
them to resume payments and send a copy of the payment plan contract and ask to pay.
If they still don’t make payment, then we will charge the past interest.
h. Ms. Baker will provide Ms. Gigray with receipts for the advertisement of the Annual
Yard Sale, and for the PO Box fee. Ms. Baker will provide a letter stating that she lost
the receipt, but did pay and the box is still open and functioning.
i. The insurance bill was sent over two weeks ago. Ms. Gigray will call and see if they
have received the check yet.
j. Motion: Mr. Porter motioned to authorize Ms. Gigray to put a stop payment on the
check if it hadn’t cleared; the cost is $32. Second: Ms. Baker. Vote: Unanimously
k. xxxx sent a note stating that she didn’t get a return envelope.
l. JayDub sent in bill for vandalized sprinkler system and the sprinkler repairs.
m. No financial report this month.
n. Ms. Gigray will email a list of those who are delinquent on their dues. She reported that
we have received some of the past due accounts.
o. Motion: Mr. Orton motioned to receive the July financial report. Second: Ms. Baker.
Vote: Unanimously approved.
3. Current Business
a. Pioneer update – Mr. Orton called Mr. Jeff Schott and left a message. He asked if we
could install a plastic liner now. Mr. Orton will email with an update when he hears back
from Mr. Scott.
b. National Night Out is August 5th. Ms. Baker and Ms. Bartrop will organize the event.

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c. Crime – there was a car burglary between 3 and 5AM on Ross; Reminder of vandalism
of the fences and sprinklers; Bad words in concrete near Caldwell pool
d. Trees – one of the newly planted trees is dead. Plan to replace in fall or next spring.
Discussions on having a tree service take care of trees. Still have two more dead trees on
Ustick. Ask Sand Hollow about the dead tree and see if they suggest a tree service. Mr.
Orton will take off the support ropes on the new trees. Consider making budget addition
on the tree service.
e. Motion: Mr. Orton motioned that the Board request that JayDub and his crew hand mow
at least 1 to 2 widths next to fences, or what he deems prudent to not have the fence
damaged. Second: Ms. Gigray. Vote: Unanimously approved.
f. Newsletter – discussion on what to put in the next newsletter to get people to join the
Board. One high school graduate at the corner of Ray and Dewey.
g. Fence – Graffiti and frequent fence vandalism. Board discussed having the exterior
fence stained to cover the graffiti. Cleaning this up sends a message that we are not
going to tolerate the graffiti. Mr. Orton will look into a price quote for the stain and Ms.
Bartrop will look into a sprayer. We need permission from homeowners of the fences
that will be stained.
h. Ms. Gigray announced she is expecting, and will be resigning soon.
i. Mr. Porter handed in his letter of resignation. He felt he wanted to keep the Board with
fresh vision. Mr. Porter’s resignation will follow the next HOA Board meeting
scheduled for October 7th. Mr. Orton expressed thanks for such a great job. The Board
feels that Mr. Porter has done an exemplary job as President, and the Board will deeply
miss Mr. Porter. The Board discussed appointing Mr. Orton as interim president. Mr.
Porter also suggested that Ms. Porter would be a potential candidate for bookkeeper.
4. Close
a. The next meeting will be the on October 7th, 2010 at 6:30 P.M. at the Caldwell Free
Methodist Church.
b. 8:30 P.M. – Motion: Mr. Porter motioned to adjourn the meeting. Second: Mr. Orton.
Vote: Unanimously approved.

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