Meeting Notes WEB FINAL Oct 07 2010

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Stonegate HOA Board Meeting

October 7th, 2010

6:30 PM
Caldwell Free Methodist Church

1. Opening
a. 6:49pm – Roll Call
i. Present: Brent Orton, Jim Porter, Amanda Gigray, Karla Baker; Joanna Bartrop,
Sharon Porter
ii. Motion: Ms. Gigray motioned to accept the July notes with corrections. Second:
Ms. Baker. Vote: All approved.
2. Financial Report
a. $16,762.79 in checking
b. Look into online backup for HOA financials
c. The next installment of dues is due October 31st. Ms. Gigray will start working with Ms.
Porter. Mr. Porter discussed with Ms. Porter about assisting with financing.
d. Past dues:
i. Amounts due may not have current fees included:
ii. xxxx - $60 past due
iii. xxxx - $120 including billing, 60 past due
iv. xxxx - $565.97, no lien, should we place lien?
v. xxxx - $280, stopped paying payment plan, no lien, should we place lien?
vi. xxxx - $183.69, rental
vii. xxxx - $263.07
viii. xxxx –- $131.30, questions on this account
ix. xxxx - $120 paid, didn’t pay fee of $3.69
x. xxxx – wont see dues until home sales, $257.30, for auction
xi. xxxx – $120
xii. xxxx – $120
xiii. xxxx– Mr. Orton will talk to, paid $339 in March, still owe $140.87, stopped
charging interest when on payment plan, then stopped making payments, them
made March payment
xiv. xxxx - $183.69
xv. xxxx - $183.69
xvi. xxxx - $183.69
xvii. xxxx – $225.59, $360 payment that didn’t include interest and fees, Mr. Orton
will write note on invoice about this interest
xviii. xxxx - $120
xix. xxxx $616.58, check lien
xx. xxxx – $183.69, verify with county on last legal change – name change
xxi. xxxx – rental, paid twice, send refund
e. Motion: Mr. Orton motioned to approve the financial report. Second: Ms. Baker.
Vote: All approved
3. Current Business
a. Fence Stain Project
i. Ms. Orton returned the first stain, it did not turn out well
ii. No complaints
iii. Results look great
iv. Need summary of receipts for work and stain. Mr. Orton will get detailed

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b. Sprinkler blowouts
i. Mr. Orton called Jdub about performing sprinkler blow outs for a special
price, Jdub agreed to for $15
ii. Ms. Gigray will put a paper in the bills instructing people about the offer
and tell customers to send paper back with bills.
iii. Motion: Ms. Gigray motioned that we will offer free sprinkler blowout to
anyone who is current by October 31, and that customers will have to
return a slip from billing to indicate if they want sprinkler blow out.
Second: Mr. Orton. All approved
c. Tree Update
i. Ms. Gigray said that Sand Hollow Nursery will replace tree if dies within
one year. Mr. Orton called Sand Hollow Nursery and asked about getting
a replacement tree. He set it up to replace tree on October 23rd.
ii. Motion: Ms. Gigray motioned that we replace the dead tree with a
flowering pear. Second: Mr. Porter. Vote: All approved.
d. Storm drain pond update
i. Pioneer has a new manager, Mark. Mr. Orton talked with Mark about the
ditch and pond connection. Mark agreed to pack the ditch with bentonite
at their own expense. We will see if this works by next year when water
is turned on.
e. Mr. Orton gets extra points
f. Discussion about large checks:
i. Suggestion of having two signatures for checks over a certain amount, or
checks made out to individual persons.
ii. Motion: Mr. Orton motioned that we create a policy (not rule) that we
need two authorized signatures on checks made out to individuals.
Second: Ms. Gigray. Vote: All approved.
g. Discussion on replacing the Treasure position with Ms. Gigray expecting.
i. Ms. Porter has extensive bookkeeping experience and enjoys balancing
ii. Motion: Ms. Gigray motioned that Ms. Porter take over as Treasures as
an Officer for the Board. Second: Mr. Orton. Vote: All approved.
iii. Need to add Ms. Porter to the checking account.
1. Motion: Ms. Gigray motioned to remove Mr. Porter from the
checking account and Ms. Porter be added to the checking
account. Second: Ms. Baker. Roll call vote: Ms. Baker - Yah, Mr.
Orton - Yah, Ms. Gigray – Yah, Ms. Porter – Yah.
h. Discussion of annual meeting:
i. Agenda: Parking on front lawn in grass, furniture left on lawns
i. Meeting date: March 10th
ii. Need to reserve library
b. Mr. Porter turned in his formal resignation.
i. Mr. Orton expressed that Mr. Porter did an excellent job as President of
the HOA Board. Mr. Porter brought a great deal of community
generosity. He will be truly missed.

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ii. Motion: Mr. Porter motioned that the Vice President become the Interim
President. Second: Ms. Baker. Vote: Mr. Orton abstained. All others
2. Close
a. The next meeting will be the on January 13th, 2011 at 6:30 P.M. at the Caldwell Free
Methodist Church.
b. 8:31 P.M. – Motion: Mr. Porter motioned to adjourn the meeting. Second: Ms. Gigray.
Vote: Unanimously approved.

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