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Calapini, William Angelo
2 BSN 1

Sr. Mark John Palanca


In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Creator of all things,
true Source of light and wisdom,
lofty origin of all being,
graciously let a ray of Your brilliance
penetrate into the darkness of my understanding
and take from me the double darkness
in which I have been born,
an obscurity of both sin and ignorance.
Give me a sharp sense of understanding, a retentive memory,
and the ability to grasp things correctly and fundamentally.
Grant me the talent of being exact in my explanations, and
the ability to express myself with thoroughness and charm.
Point out the beginning, direct the progress, and help in completion;
through Christ our Lord. Amen
St. Thomas Aquinas, Pray for us.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Office of Religious Affairs


.,, let's find out how much you already know about this topic. Read -car,-•n-o-•
questions in each item and think what is being asked. Give your honest am
the question by encircling the best answer from each question.
1. Which particular part of the Vision-Mission of the University expresses the ultimate goal of UST-
Legazpi's brand of Education?
a. A leading university in the region
b. Nurturing with truth, love and gratitude the mind, heart and spirit
c. Members committed to social transformation
d. Center for Bicol studies, and environmental protection
e. With globally competitive academic programs

2. Which of the following attributes do NOT belong to the identity of UST- Legazpi?
a. A Catholic Institution d. An Academic Institution
b. Dominican in Spirituality e. A Charitable Institution
c. Bicolano in Culture

3. What UST-Legazpi core values are expressed in the motto of the University?
a. Prayer, Study, Community, Apostolate
b. Truth, Love, Life, Gratitude
c. Nurture, Enrichment, Spiritual, Academic
d. Excellence, Integrity, Passion, Compassion
e. Justice, Fortitude, Prudence, Temperance
4. The tagline "Nurturing the mind, Enriching the spirit" expresses what brand of e
Legazpi is offering to her students?
a. Forms the total dimension of the human person
b.Caters solely to the academic need of students
c. Emphasizes extra-curricular activities over the curricular
d. Promotes mental/spiritual health over physical/emotional
e. All of the above
5. What specific department oversees and supervises all the 1O-RE subjects?
a. Office for Religious Affairs (ORA) d. Center for Religious Education (CREED)
b. Center for Campus Ministry (CCM) e. Office for Academic Affairs
c. Center for Community Involvement (CCI) 111/// 1/ /J
6. What is the essence of a Catholic University if the essence of any university is the search for Truth
in all its facets?
a. The truth we search must lead to the Supreme and Ultimate Truth - God. 1///// j/

1lL 1/JJJ////,
i b. The truth we search must transform us into political leaders of societies.
c. The truth we search must affirm our humanity as supreme and only truth.
d. The truth we search must defend freedom, as individuals understands it, at all costs.
e. The truth we search must create a society that reflects progress and economic wealth.

□ =-- ,

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--- = 0 ffi ce of ReI igious Affa i rs
-=:::::-::::::--- -------------=:::

7. The Mission Statement of the UST-Legazpi includes which of the following?

0/ a. Disaster risk management and preparedness
b. Strengthening of one's moral integrity through fervent prayer and witnessing ...................
c. A respected HEI with consistently high academic standard and values oriented programs
d. Promotion of environmental protection "-
e. All of the above
8. What department in the Office of Religious Affairs caters to the spiritual nourishment of members
of the university community?
b. CCI
c. CCM e. All of the above "
d. ORA
9. Which of the following elements in the Seal of the University correspond to its Patron, Saint
Thomas Aquinas?
a. Fleur-de-lis c. Blue background e. Black backround
b. Mayon Volcano d. Blazing sun
10. What Charism or Spirituality is being imparted by the University of Santo Tomas-Legazpi to its
a. Thomasian c. Benedictine e. Dominican
b. Marian d.

Quaest io /
Our rationality, humans that we are, compels us, most of the time if not all the time, to think before
making any decisions. Our way of deliberating on our possible choices usually begins with questions.
Questions that weight the significance and impact of our decision. Now you have decided to be part of
the University of Santo Tomas-Legazpi as learners. So what do you expect?

/ Activity 1: ASK ME!

If you are given an opportunity to ask the Rector and President of UST-Legazpi three most
significant questions that will affirm that choosing the University as your school is the best
decision you have ever made so far, what will it be? List down below by order of importance
your questions.

1. How can I contribute to become a better member of the society as a student of UST-L?
1. 2. How can I perform and become an excellent student?
3. What are the ideal characteristics of student in UST-L?


4 Ill-
Office of Religious Affairs ---
,c io p-1t()CEss QUESTIONS
How do you feel in asking those questions? Why is that so?
I feel great because those question means you’re eager to strive to become a better member of the
society and as a student of UST-L.

What did you consider in coming up with those questions?

I was thinking about the society and how can I contribute to it

If you are to answer your own questions, what will it be?

To become a better member of society, we have to be respectful, generous, honest and caring, these
may also be the characteristics of a UST-L student. To become an excellent student we have to work

Your answers to these activities and questions boils down to one essential question that you
deserve to know and understand -What kind and quality of education and service am I going to
expect from this University? What will I be when I graduate from this Institution?

Formulating the right questions is the key to the right answers. So far, you have thrown your
best questions, and most probably, it led you to wonder about opportunities and expect more good
things from the university. But for now, try to flex your mind and explore more by considering what
others have to say. Do the activity below.

Activity 2: SURVEY SAYS... !

In order to deepen your knowledge and make your perspective even wider, explore related
ideas from your environment by making a simple survey from at least 10 people about the following
(anybody can be your respondent even your family members. But you cannot be counted as
respondent). Write the top 3 answers with the statistics after each questions:
What is the top most adjective (positive or negative) that best describe UST-Legazpi ?
1st 1. Prestigious
2nd 2. Excellent
3rd 3. Inconsiderate

What is the top most adjective (positive or negative) that best describe a Legazpi
1. God oriented
2. Faithful 5
3. Generous

Office of Religious Affairs ---

.. 3rd

What is the best event/activity in the University?


1. Acquaintance Party

2. Christmas Party

What is UST-Legazpi famous for?

1. A Catholic School
2. Full of outstanding student
3. Full of rich student
Who is the most famous Legazpi-Thomasian graduate?

1. Mae Diane Azores



What did learn from this simple survey?
I learned that UST-L is an amazing school
Do you agree with the survey results? Why is that so?

Yes, attending UST-L is quite a surprise, because at first I thought student are obnoxious but now my whole
perspective is changed. The bond and unforgettable moments are priceless.

What can you suggest so that in your criteria UST-Legazpi shall be the best University?

Improve the academic standards also decrease the tuition fee and be more considerate and compassionate
especially in times of crisis. The school teaches the student to become ethical and compassionate and yet, it is
not applied.

At this point, you are coming closer to having a better understanding of UST-Legazpi. But first, it has
to be established that UST-Legazpi, by its very name is a Catholic and Dominican University in the

e d u ca t:i o n o .ufrom
a rth:e:e:u:to e x p ect
is understanding that you may emoark on a deeper analysis of

h e B ic o l Re g io n . It is f ro m th

Achieving Excellence Together

People in UST-L are very approachable and accommodating. If you need help on something, they are always

Achieving” means doing something successfully with effort, or skill or courage. Accomplishing something despite it being
difficult or challenging. “Excellence” is the quality of being outstanding or consistently good. It means developing everyone’s
talent and qualities so they are the best they can be. “Together” means with other people. It means we respect others and
their rights.

Yes, people in UST are trained not only to become excellent in academics , but also but also includes moral
uprightness, sense of service to humanity, and emotional and spiritual maturation as having a good
conduct that contributes in the society.
We envision the University of Santo Tomas-Legazpi as a leading university in the
region – nurturing with truth, love and gratitude the mind, heart and spirit of each
member to be committed to Christian so- cial transformation. Specifically, we see
UST-Legazpi to be:
 a Christ-centered educational community;
 a respected HEI with consistently high academic standard and values-oriented, socially
responsive and
globally competitive academic programs;
 a leader in Bicol in the fields of Law, teacher Education, Business Management and
Accountancy, Engineering, Architecture, Communication Arts, and Health
 a center for Bicol studies, environmental protection, disaster risk management and
preparedness; and
 a deregulated university by 2025.
The University of Santo Tomas-Legazpi, a nurturing community of Dominican
learning… trans- forming and perfecting, under the patronage of St. Thomas Aquinas,
commits itself to:
 the pursuit of academic excellence through dedicated study;
 the strengthening of one’s moral integrity through fervent prayer and witnessing;
 the sharing with others the fruits of one’s endeavor through loving service;
 the enhancement of one’s emotional maturity towards a more Christian community; and
 the promotion of cultural advocacy for a genuine appreciation of Catholic, Filipino and Bicol
Office of Religious Affairs
objectives are specific tasks and plan of action to realize the University's raison d'etre. It is noteworthy
that these objectives reflects the holistic approach of the University to education. It does not limit

itself to academic tasks, but extend to the holistic formation of all the stakeholders as essential :--.:
contributors to the achievement of the common good and the formation of a genuine Christian society.

The brand of holistic education UST-Legazpi is catering starts with culture-building that gives
importance to the religious dimension of every individual member of the school community. This culture-
building requires a serious and focused spiritual, moral and emotional formation program that will
eventually lead to a faith that is translated into action. This is the road that will bring other objectives
such as promotion of work ethic in the spirit of service, collegiality and solidarity, strengthening the
commitment as stewards of creation, advocates of social justice, and respectful of human dignity, rights,
and diversity, to its fulfillment. The Legazpi-Thomasian culture we are dreaming of is a culture of Truth,
Charity and Gratitude.

Vita Veritatis et Amoris Ex Gratitudine

From the very beginning of the Order's existence, St. Dominic insisted that all brothers must
search for the Truth; that they may preach the Truth; that their preaching of the Truth be useful to the
souls of others; hence the single word motto of the Order - Veritas. This is the reason why Dominic
sent the friars to the universities to study assiduously, and become passionate for the truth - a truth
that is not just an abstract learned in an academic manner, an object of the intellect, but the ultimate,
salvific and supreme Truth who is a Person. It is in this understanding, bearing the Dominican identity,
that the University of Santo Tomas-Legazpi crafted and internalized the motto: In a Life of Truth... This
means to say that with all the values being upheld by the institution, Truth is at the very core of them,
together with the virtues of Love and Gratitude which were explicitly indicated in the motto of the
university, all the rest flows from it.

Vita Veritatis et Amoris... in a life of Truth and Love. Truth is not pursued for itself, it must be
ordered towards the highest form of Love - love for humanity and love for God. Truth begets charity.
Just as we develop the passion for the truth, our compassion for humanity should also be born. The
noble truth about man, nature and God moves us to respond to our vocation. Thus, a Legazpi
Thomasian is not only called to possess the Truth, but also to translate that truth into charity which will
be the foundation of all action.
,1/ /l l // / 1/
...ex Gratitudine, out of Gratitude. When one discovers the truth that everything is a gift, a
present, out of the generosity of God's perfect love, then one is compelled to be grateful to it. We love,
because God loves us first (lJn 4:19). "We must love one another because God is love; everyone who
loves is begotten by God and knows God" (lJn 4:7), and that is the Truth, and God is Truth. That
Gratitude for the goodness and love of God should be manifested in every human action. So, it is a
must that a Legazpi-Thomasian must be full of gratitude for God, first and foremost, and to this

institution. I111111111///////
Office of Religious Affairs ---

Nurturing the Mind, Enriching the Spirit

From the very beginning, the goal of Legazpi-Thomasian education is not only oriented
towards quality and excellence, but also includes moral uprightness, sense of service to humanity, and
emotional and spiritual maturation. This is what holistic education is all about - the total development
of the human person in all aspects. As the mind is nurtured with academic exercises, the spirit is
enriched as well with transformative programs. Hence, a Legazpi-Thomasian is a whole person -
balanced in all dimension.

This ideals provides rationale to activities and programs of the University that is beyond the
category of the academic - hence, the array of extra-curricular and co-curricular activities.
the raison d'etre for the important division of the Religious Affairs.

The Office of Religious Affairs: Frontliner of the Faith Formation

The University, like any other institution, is organic in its structure and function. Each of its division
and departments, just like any organ in the body, carries a particular and exclusive functions and
responsibilities that contributes to the Vision and Mission of the whole institution. Without any of
these component divisions and departments, the University will be crippled, and will fully achieve its
very goal. Thus, it is necessary that every member of the school community understands the different
roles of the divisions and departments, and the harmonious relationship among them.

Reason for Existence and Its Mandate

Embedded in the very identity of the University as Catholic and Dominican, as specified by the
Apostolic Constitution of Pope John Paul II Ex Corde Ecclesiae, is the mission of service to the Church
and to Society where "it prepares men and women who, inspired by Christian principles and helped to
live their Christian vocation in a mature and responsible manner, will be able to assume positions of
responsibility in the Church..." and " the Church respond to the problems and needs of this a e."
Also, as a natural expression of the Catholic identity..., the university community should give a practical
demonstration of its faith in its daily activity, with important moments of reflection and of prayer,
encouraged to participate in the celebration of the sacraments, especially the Eucharist as the most
perfect act of community worship. And lastly, by its very nature, a Catholic University must contribute
to the Church's work of evangelization, the proclamation of the Gospel. All of these tasks proper to
Catholic Universities provides the rationale for a particular office that will effectively and efficiently

materialize this mission.

, 1///II// / / / II/ / / / /

/J J/
The Statutes of the University of Santo Thomas-Legazpi made e, xplicit the nature of the Office
of Religious Affairs, highlighting the work of evangelization through formal and informal
processes and the promotion of Dominican Spirituality. This is in consonance with the very Vision and

/12 ///- /2
Mission of the Institution.

Office of Religious Affairs


1/ The Vice President for Religious Affairs

Taking the lead of implementing the mandate and of actualizing the Catholic and Dominican
character of the University is the Vice President for Religious Affairs. He has the free hand to prepare,
develop and implement programs aimed at spiritual and moral formation of all the members of the
university community. He is also to ensure that these formation programs and activities are "in
accordance with the Christian, Catholic, and Dominican ways and teachings."

To ensure the relevance of our Catholic and Dominican Education to the contemporary society, it
is also the responsibility of this office to initiate research projects that will seek to discover root causes
of serious problems of our times, most particularly focusing on the ethical and religious dimensions of
those social issues and its impact to individuals and society.

The Center for Religious Education

First and foremost, the reason for existence of the University is the search for Truth in all its
aspects, both secular and religious, leading to the ultimate Truth, in academic manner. Hence, it is
fundamental that the University's mission of service to the Church and society should start with the
acquisition of the Truth in every dimension of reality, human and divine, so that the work of
evangelization, pastoral ministry and Christian transformation of society is fully grounded. It is a must,
then, that the doctrinal foundation of our university community has to be taken aggressively and
systematically. This task requires the necessity for a specific department which will directly handle the
task, thus the Center of Religious Education.

Created to help the university achieve its goal, the Director of the Center for Religi0us Education
must "institute a program of supervision to raise the efficiency of religious instruction, research and
extension services" through a comprehensive and doctrinally sound curriculum and program of study.
This task implicitly include creation of strategic programs for efficient delivery of religion courses in the

The Center for Campus Ministry

Pastoral ministry "is part of the m1ss1on of the Church within the University, and is also a
constitutive element of a Catholic University itself, both in its structure and in its life." (Ex Corde
Ecclesia 38). Any Catholic University should offer opportunities for "practical demonstration of their
faith in its daily activity" to the members of the university community and encourage them "to
participate in the celebration of the sacraments, especially the Eucharist as the most perfect act of
community worship." That is the reason why the Center for Campus Ministry is a very important

/13 / - .:. .
department in the university for the spir itual formation of the members of university community.

. i' -I

Office of Religious Affairs

Let's find out how much you have learned about this topic. Think and give t l L.::J.:1'1r-.lill

swers to the questions by encircling the best answer from each question.

1. Which of the following are the attributes of a Legazpi-Thomasian?

a. Faithful to the Catholic teaching
b. Practicing Spirituality that is Dominican
c. Appreciates the value of the Bicolano Culture "
d. Pursues academic excellence and moral integrity
e. All of the above
2. Which of the following is not part of the Core Values of UST-L expressed in its motto?
a. Love c. Excellence e. Truth
b. Life d. Gratitude

3. What does the tagline "Nurturing the mind, Enriching the spirit" implies as UST-Legazpi's brand of
a. Focus solely to academic excellence of students
b. Focus on the extra-curricular activities
c. Focus solely to the spiritual and moral integrity of students
d. Focus on the holistic formation the learner as a human person
e. Focus on the promotion of psycho-social formation
4. Which of the departments under the Religious Affair Division supervises Religious
a. ORA c. CCM e. CREED
  b. OAA d. CCI

5. The goal of Legazpi-Thomasian Education is implied in what part of the V-M-0 St

a. Commitment to Christian Social Transformation by all its members
b. At the forefront of environmental protection and disaster risk management
c. A premier university in Bicol region
d. Nurturing the mind with truth, enriching the spirit with love and gratitude
e, Programs that are globally recognized and accredited

6. What is the essence of a Catholic University if the essence of any university is the search for Truth
1//// I////
in all its facets?
a. The truth we search must lead to the Supreme and Ultimate Truth - God. 1/ ///II
b. The truth we search must transform us into political leaders of societies.
c. The truth we search must defend freedom, as individuals understands it, at all costs.
d. The truth we search must affirm our humanity as supreme and only truth.
e. The truth we search must create a society that reflects progress and economic wealth.

Office of Religious Affairs


Which of the following is expressed in the Mission Statement of the UST-Legazpi?

a. Promotion of environmental protection------------------------------------------------------------------...._
b. A respected HEI with consistently high academic standard and values oriented programs
c. Disaster risk management and preparedness
d. Strengthening of one's moral integrity through fervent prayer and witnessing
e. All of the above
8. What specific department provides the spiritual nourishment of members of the university?
a. CCI c. CCM e. All of the above "-
b. CREED d. ORA -,
9. Which of the following elements in the Seal of the University correspond to our Devotion to the
Blessed Virgin Mary?
a. Mayon Volcano c. Blazing sun e. Fleur-de-lis
b. Blue background d. Black
10. What is being imparted by UST-Legazpi to its learners in their formation?
a. Dominican Charism c. Augustinian Spirituality
b. Thomasian Spirituality d. Marian Charism

1:-I Closure \

How do you rate yourself on this topic? Check one box for each row
depen n assessment. \ \
\ \

Learning Skills E from the heart the Vision-

1. I can Mission-Goals of Ithe
Easy get University
RECIT of Santo Tomas-Legazpi.
2. I can DISCUSS the brand of Education that
UST Legazpi is catering to its clients.
Easy, I get it Well, more
3. I can EXPLAIN thoroughly the meaning and
Easy I get it examples
application of the motto of the university in the life of
the students
4. I can DEMONSTRATE in my daily dealings with Easy I get it
life the core values of the University.
Well, more examples

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
May God the Father bless us.
May God the Son heal us.
May God the Holy Spirit enlighten us,
and give us
eyes to see with,
ears to hear
hands to do the work of God
with, feet to walk with,
a mouth to preach the word of salvation with,
and the angel of peace to watch over us and lead us at last, by our Lord’s gift,
to the Kingdom.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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