In Most Successful Organizations

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In most successful organizations, some people believe that communications

between managers and workers is important, other people said that other factors
are more important. What is your opinion?
In the field of human resource management, it is believed that effective
communication between the high and low hierarchical levels is of great importance.
There are, in addition to this, other more considerable factors that determine the
success of a company, including recruitment and strategic planning.
It is important that managers can communicate their ideas to lower-level employees
and vice versa. From the top-down perspective, successful communication
guarantees that procedures established by the management level are well upheld
by junior employees. If a procedure is not clearly explained to employees, there will
be a chance of them not following the working process properly, which may
eventually result in faulty products or lower productivity. From the bottom-up
perspective, workers should give feedback to their superiors about the management
decisions made by them. This is significant because line employees are often those
who have hands-on experience, which renders their feedback invaluable to the
decision making the process of managers.
For a business to succeed, however, there are matters of even greater significance,
namely recruiting the best people and developing an effective strategy. Prior to
communication between different hierarchical levels, the owners of the business
have to recruit staff members who are suitable for the company culture.
This is supported by a contemporary human resource management theory that
effective communication may naturally be instilled when workers of the same
working culture are arranged into a group. Another critical criterion of a successful
company is that a proper strategy is well-devised by the management board. This
ensures that each step the organization takes is properly planned, which enables it
to develop sustainably.
In conclusion, internal communication between different levels of the hierarchy in a
company is an element that may lead to business success. There are, nevertheless,
more significant factors for an organization to thrive in today's market, including
staff recruitment and planning a sound business strategy. It is recommended that
the board of managers should first design the organizational plan and choose the
suitable subordinates before thinking of promoting communication between workers
of the high and low levels.

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