Absence of Morals Essay

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Aum Patel


Absence of Morals
One winter evening, I was strolling the sidewalks with my friends. It was beautiful outside with

fresh white snow and sparking snowflakes mounting every inch of the air. Since everyone was craving

for pizza, we decided to have a meal in the nearby Pizza Pizza. As we entered the restaurant, we had a

very fulfilling sense of smell, almost making it as if the pizza can be tasted. We were all excited by the

tempting aroma, we placed our orders and took our seats; which we were lucky to find as the place

was packed with people. While we waited patiently for the meal, we witnessed one of the harsh acts in

today’s grim society. It was around dinner time, we saw a man come in the shop. He appeared to be

homeless as he wore old and torn cloths. Seeing this an employee behind the counters, came outside.

Wearing all his chef clothing; a bright tall white hat, apron, and gloves. He loathed the homeless man

based purely on his appearance. The chef developed a hateful expression by the mere presence of the

destitute man. I was quite surprised by the fact that the chef based his thinking on mere appearance.

As we sat intrigued by the chef’s expressions, we wanted to help but were sadly too afraid to do so.

First the chef asked the man to leave; not in a rough tone, but neither polite. Upon hearing this the

man said he has sufficient funds to pay for a meal at the food shop and wouldn’t be a hassle to the

other customers. The man’s expression were pitiful, all his life he must have went through such

contempt. The chef, not wanting to make a scene tried to be as polite as possible, but his merciless

expression showed right through his fake smile. At the end, the solid hearted chef send the man out of

the shop. Seeing this occur in a modern society, it makes me wish only if people were more moral. This

could have been a wonderful society where people respected each other and lived morally.

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