Shonkoff. Building A New Biodevelopment Framework

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Child Development, January/February 2010, Volume 81, Number 1, Pages 357–367

Building a New Biodevelopmental Framework to Guide the Future of Early

Childhood Policy
Jack P. Shonkoff
Harvard University

Four decades of early childhood policy and program development indicate that evidence-based interventions
can improve life outcomes, and dramatic advances in the biological and behavioral sciences now provide an
opportunity to augment those impacts. The challenge of reducing the gap between what we know and what
we do to promote the healthy development of young children is to view current best practices as a starting
point and to leverage scientific concepts to inspire fresh thinking. This article offers an integrated, biodevelop-
mental framework to promote greater understanding of the antecedents and causal pathways that lead to
disparities in health, learning, and behavior in order to inform the development of enhanced theories of
change to drive innovation in policies and programs.

Dramatic advances in neuroscience, molecular biol- Decades of research in child development have
ogy, genomics, and the behavioral and social taught us that families and communities play the
sciences are deepening our understanding of how central role and bear most of the costs of provid-
healthy development happens, how it can be ing the supportive relationships and positive
derailed, and what societies can do to keep it on learning experiences that young children need for
track. We now know that genes provide the initial healthy development (Shonkoff & Phillips, 2000).
blueprint for building brain architecture, environ- There also has been considerable documentation
mental influences affect how the neural circuitry of the extent to which public policies and formal
actually gets wired, and reciprocal interactions services can enhance developmental outcomes for
among genetic predispositions and early experi- young children living in a wide variety of circum-
ences affect the extent to which the foundations of stances (Karoly, Kilburn, & Cannon, 2005). Build-
learning, behavior, and both physical and mental ing on this extensive knowledge base, striking
health will be strong or weak (Fox, Levitt, & Nel- new discoveries in the biological sciences are pre-
son, 2010; Meaney, 2010). A strong foundation lays senting policy makers and civic leaders with pro-
the groundwork for responsible citizenship, eco- vocative insights into the far-reaching influences
nomic prosperity, healthy communities, and suc- of early developmental processes that were not
cessful parenting of the next generation. A weak appreciated as recently as a decade ago. The
foundation can seriously undermine the social and extent to which advances in molecular biology are
economic vitality of a nation (Knudsen, Heckman, already beginning to transform the way we diag-
Cameron, & Shonkoff, 2006). nose and treat disease illustrates one example of
this new world. The challenge before us is to capi-
The author acknowledges the enormous contributions of past talize on the capacity of this scientific revolution
and present members of the National Scientific Council on the to stimulate creative new ways of thinking about
Developing Child, including W. Thomas Boyce, Judy Cameron, how to address a much broader range of societal
Greg Duncan, Nathan Fox, William Greenough, Megan Gunnar,
Eric Knudsen, Pat Levitt, Betsy Lozoff, Linda Mayes, Bruce concerns, including education reform, workforce
McEwen, Charles Nelson, Deborah Phillips, and Ross Thompson; development, health promotion, prevention of
members of the National Forum on Early Childhood Program disease and disability, protection of children from
Evaluation, including Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Greg Duncan, Ber-
nard Guyer, Katherine Magnuson, Deborah Phillips, Helen Rai- the consequences of maltreatment and exploita-
kes, and Hirokazu Yoshikawa; associates of the FrameWorks tion, reduction in violent crime, and alleviation of
Institute led by Susan Nall Bales; and staff of the Center on the poverty.
Developing Child at Harvard University, led by Gillian Najarian
and Al Race.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed
to Jack P. Shonkoff, Center on the Developing Child, Harvard  2010, Copyright the Author(s)
University , 50 Church Street, 4th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02138. Journal Compilation  2010, Society for Research in Child Development, Inc.
Electronic mail may be sent to All rights reserved. 0009-3920/2010/8101-0023
358 Shonkoff

Figure 1. A biodevelopmental framework for understanding the origins of disparities in learning, behavior, and health.

Developmental Frameworks and Theories of Building on these broadly supported models of

Change child development, the field of early intervention
for children living in disadvantaged circumstances
Current Models
(most typically associated with poverty) in the United
Early childhood policies and practices over the States is currently driven by a theory of change
past several decades have been guided by several that emphasizes the provision of enriched learning
theoretical models of human development that opportunities for the children and a combination of
have been refined over time. These include the parenting education and support services for their
transactional model formulated by Sameroff and families (usually focused exclusively on mothers),
Chandler (1975) and later adapted to the challenges in community-based centers and ⁄ or the home. Over
of early childhood intervention by Sameroff and four decades of program development and evalua-
Fiese (1990, 2000), the ecological model articulated tion, this basic model has been implemented suc-
by Bronfenbrenner (1979), and the concepts of cessfully in a number of flagship demonstration
vulnerability and resilience developed by Werner projects, each of which has produced desirable
and Smith (1982), Garmezy and Rutter (1983), and impacts on a range of long-term outcomes, includ-
Rutter (2000). Together these models underscore ing increased rates of high school graduation and
the extent to which life outcomes are influenced by adult earnings, as well as reductions in special
a dynamic interplay among the cumulative burden education referrals, welfare dependence, and incar-
of risk factors and the buffering effects of protective ceration, among others (Heckman, 2006; Shonkoff
factors that can be identified within the individual, & Phillips, 2000).
family, community, and broader socioeconomic
and cultural contexts. Each of these models also
Building an Enhanced Framework to Inform Innovative
emphasizes the influence of reciprocal child–adult
interactions in the developmental process, thereby
underscoring the importance of stable and nurtur- Although the basic principles of development
ing relationships, as well as the recognition that described above have stood up well over time,
young children play an active role in their own advances in the biological and social sciences now
development. The challenges of applying these offer an opportunity to formulate an augmented
multidimensional models, however, lie in their framework to drive a new generation of early child-
complexity. That is to say, the acknowledgment of hood policies and practices. Support for this new
numerous, interactive influences on developmental framework is underscored by a rich and rapidly
outcomes underscores both the futility of searching growing evidence base that illustrates the extent to
for simple solutions to complicated problems and which early experiences are biologically embedded
the difficulty in choosing which variables to include in the development of multiple organ systems, with
and which to omit when one is designing a specific long-term impacts on metabolic regulation and
policy, program, or research project. cardiovascular health as well as the mastery of
Framework for Early Childhood Policy 359

cognitive, language, and social skills (Hertzman, support the conclusion that significant adversity
2000; Meaney, 2010; Shonkoff, Boyce, & McEwen, early in life can induce physiological responses in
2009). Beyond its potential benefits for policies that the service of short-term survival benefits that come
affect all young children, the proposed biodevelop- at considerable cost to long-term adaptive capacities
mental framework alerts decision makers to the as well as both physical and mental health
particular importance of addressing the needs of (Cicchetti, Rogosch, Gunnar, & Toth, 2010; Pollak
those who are the most disadvantaged at the earli- et al., 2010). The relation between low birth weight
est ages. Equally important, yet potentially more associated with severe nutritional deficiencies in
challenging from a policy planning and implemen- utero and greater risk of subsequent metabolic syn-
tation perspective, new research into individual dif- drome, central body fat distribution, obesity, hyper-
ferences in biological sensitivity to context offers tension, insulin resistance, and cardiovascular
significant promise in helping to explain why some disease is another example of this phenomenon
children appear to do well in the face of adversity (Barker, Osmond, Forsen, Kajantie, & Erikson, 2005).
and why selected interventions appear to be effec- In an effort to educate policy makers about the
tive for some children and not for others (Obrado- biology of adversity and its consequences for both
vic, Bush, Stamperdahl, Adler, & Boyce, 2010; health and development, the National Scientific
O’Neal et al., 2010). Council on the Developing Child (2005) proposed a
This new framework for research and policy is conceptually guided taxonomy based on three cate-
informed by a growing body of evidence that the gories of stress experience—positive, tolerable, and
foundations of healthy development and the origins toxic—to differentiate normative life challenges that
of many impairments can be found among bio- are growth promoting from significant threats to
logical ‘‘memories’’ that are created through gene– long-term health and development that warrant
environment interactions in the early years of life, in intervention. It is important to note that these three
some cases beginning as early as the prenatal period categories refer to the physiological expression of
(e.g., Barker, 1997; Davis & Sandman, 2010; D’Onof- the stress response and not to the specific stressors
rio et al., 2010). These patterns, often mediated themselves. Although the underlying biology of
through epigenetic modifications, can be manifested these distinctions awaits empirical validation, their
within the circuitry of the developing brain and the conceptual basis is grounded in well-established
physiological systems that influence a variety of scientific principles.
biological functions such as stress management, Positive stress is characterized by moderate,
immunological responsiveness, metabolic and neu- short-lived increases in heart rate, blood pressure,
roendocrine regulation, and cardiovascular integ- serum glucose, and circulating levels of stress
rity. The scientific concepts that explain these hormones such as cortisol and inflammatory
phenomena are derived from evolutionary biology, cytokines such as interleukin-6. Precipitants include
grounded in the assumption that the immature the challenges of dealing with frustration, adjusting
organism ‘‘reads’’ salient environmental characteris- to a new child-care setting, and other normative
tics in the service of developing the capacity to experiences. The essential characteristic of positive
adapt to the environment in which it ‘‘expects’’ it stress is that it is an important aspect of healthy
will live. When early experiences are nurturing, con- development that is experienced in the context of
tingent, stable, and predictable, healthy brain devel- stable and supportive relationships that facilitate
opment is promoted, and other organ regulatory adaptive responses that restore the stress response
systems are facilitated. When early experiences are system to baseline.
fraught with threat, uncertainty, neglect, or abuse, Tolerable stress refers to a physiological state that
stress management systems are overactivated, and could potentially disrupt brain architecture (e.g.,
the consequences can include disruptions of devel- through cortisol-induced damage of neural circuits
oping brain circuitry as well as the establishment of in the hippocampus) but is buffered by supportive
a short fuse for subsequent activation of the stress relationships that facilitate adaptive coping. Preci-
response that leads to greater vulnerability to a host pitants include the death or serious illness of a
of chronic diseases. Although more research is family member, parental divorce, homelessness, a
needed to elucidate the precise nature and full range natural disaster, or community violence. The defin-
of causal mechanisms that mediate these effects, ing characteristic of tolerable stress is the support
there is compelling evidence from recent studies of provided by invested adults that helps restore the
young children who have been abused or subjected body’s stress-response systems to baseline, thereby
to chronic neglect in institutionalized settings to preventing neuronal disruptions that could lead to
360 Shonkoff

long-term consequences such as posttraumatic als); and effective controls against the growing prob-
stress disorder. lem of excess caloric consumption and early obesity.
Toxic stress refers to strong, frequent, and ⁄ or The second set of domains in the proposed
prolonged activation of the body’s stress-response framework includes a variety of physiological
systems in the absence of the buffering protection responses that present promising opportunities for
of stable adult support. Major risk factors include a new generation of mediating, biological variables
extreme poverty, recurrent physical and ⁄ or emo- whose measurement might inform the effects of a
tional abuse, chronic neglect, severe maternal broad range of experiences and interventions. In
depression, parental substance abuse, and family some cases, these physiological markers may be
violence. The defining characteristic of toxic stress associated with specific adverse events or experi-
is that it disrupts brain architecture, adversely ences that occur during sensitive periods in the
affects other organs, and leads to stress manage- development of the brain or other organ systems.
ment systems that establish relatively lower thresh- The lifelong cognitive deficits and physical impair-
olds for responsiveness that persist throughout life, ments associated with first trimester rubella infec-
thereby increasing the risk of stress-related disease tion or significant prenatal alcohol exposure are
or disorder as well as cognitive impairment well two prominent examples of this type of time-sensi-
into the adult years. tive effect. In other circumstances, physiological
The basic elements of the biodevelopmental changes may reflect the cumulative damage or bio-
framework presented in this article are organized logical ‘‘wear and tear’’ caused by risk factors such
within three sets of target domains: (a) interactions as recurrent abuse or chronic neglect that build up
among foundations of healthy development and over an extended period of time. When early influ-
sources of early adversity, (b) measures of physio- ences have been positive, physiological systems are
logical adaptation and disruption, and (c) both typically healthy and adaptive. When influences
positive and negative outcomes in learning, behav- have been adverse, systems may be dysfunctional
ior, and health. These domains provide a scaffold and lead to impaired learning, maladaptive behav-
for the design of further research into basic develop- ior, illness, disability, and a shortened life span. In
mental processes as well as a roadmap for a new era both cases, genetic predisposition moderates the
in early childhood policy focused on specific foun- effects of environmental influence and differential
dations of health and sources of adversity that offer sensitivity to context can result in differential out-
promising targets for innovative intervention strate- comes (Obradovic et al., 2010). The identification
gies, beginning as early as the prenatal period. and measurement of these physiological ‘‘foot-
The first target area—the environment of relation- prints’’ offers considerable promise as a potential
ships in which a young child develops—requires source of short- and medium-term markers of both
attention to a continuum from nurturing, responsive resilience and vulnerability in the face of adversity,
caregiving to neglectful or abusive interactions. This as well as potential metrics for assessing the impact
includes both family and nonfamily members as of early life interventions on mediators of longer
important sources of stable and growth-promoting term outcomes (such as chronic diseases) that
relationships as well as critical buffers against signif- require decades to confirm. Potentially promising
icant threats to healthy development. The second biomarkers that appear to be worthy of careful
target area—the physical, chemical, and built envi- study include measures of oxidative stress, inflam-
ronments in which the child and family live—re- matory cytokines, telomere length, telomerase lev-
quires protection from neurotoxic exposures such as els, and epigenetic profiles, among many others.
lead, mercury, and organophosphate insecticides; The third set of target domains includes adult
safeguards against injury such as the use of infant outcomes in educational achievement and economic
seat restraints in automobiles; and availability of productivity (high vs. low), health-related behav-
safe neighborhoods and the associated social capital iors that are enhancing (e.g., nutritious diets, fre-
that supports families with young children. The quent exercise, and use of condoms to prevent
third target area for intervention—appropriate ver- sexually transmitted disease) versus those that are
sus poor nutrition—requires attention to the avail- threatening (e.g., smoking, alcohol abuse, illicit sub-
ability and affordability of nutritious food; parent stance use, unprotected sexual activity, antisocial
knowledge about age-appropriate meal planning for behavior, and violent crime), and health status
young children that assures adequate intake of both (well-being vs. disease or disorder). Although
macronutrients (e.g., protein, carbohydrates, and greater details regarding precise causal sequences
fat) and micronutrients (e.g., vitamins and miner- remain to be elucidated, increasing evidence
Framework for Early Childhood Policy 361

supports the conclusion that many aspects of these moving scientific frontiers offer unprecedented
domains of adult competence and health can be opportunities to stimulate new thinking. With the
influenced by early life experiences that are amena- demand for prudent investment increasing and the
ble to intervention. pressures on resource allocation growing, three
challenges have become increasingly clear.
First, there is marked variability in the quality of
implementation of successful programs as they are taken
The Evolving Context of Early Childhood Policy
to scale. Demonstration projects tell us what is pos-
in the United States
sible, but their replication on a broader scale has
The origins of public support for the notion of been remarkably uneven. In some cases, failure to
intervening in the lives of disadvantaged young achieve comparable impacts has been attributed to
children were fueled by four foundational influences the difficulty of reproducing the charismatic leader-
in the 1960s—President John Kennedy’s interest in ship and exceptional motivation displayed by those
mental retardation, President Lyndon Johnson’s who launch new programs. Others point to the
determination to eliminate the intergenerational inevitable shortcomings of replication efforts that
cycle of poverty, the moral force of the civil rights attempt to serve more children at lower costs by
movement, and emerging scholarship that chal- hiring less well-trained staff and burdening them
lenged the prevailing view of genetic determinism with large caseloads.
and promulgated the novel idea that intelligence Second, increasing evidence indicates that the most
could be influenced by experience (Bloom, 1964; effective interventions for children living in poverty pro-
Hunt, 1961). When President Johnson called on duce positive outcomes, but the magnitude of their
policy makers and researchers to design a War on impacts is typically modest in size. This is perhaps
Poverty, they created school breakfast programs, best illustrated in 40-year follow-up data from the
neighborhood health centers, and a preschool most frequently cited early childhood program, the
summer enrichment project named Head Start, Perry Preschool Project, which reported higher
among a host of other initiatives. Over the interven- rates of high school graduation (from 45% to 66%)
ing years, randomized controlled trials have and lower rates of arrest for violent crime (from
demonstrated that a variety of early childhood 48% to 32%) for program participants compared
interventions (including well-studied programs with a randomized control group (Schweinhart,
with extended longitudinal follow-up data such as 2005). By any reasonable standard, the magnitude
the Perry Preschool Project, Abecedarian Program, of these intervention impacts would be judged as
and Nurse Family Partnership) can clearly make a impressive. However, the fact that one third of the
positive difference in the development of disadvan- program participants did not graduate high school
taged young children (Campbell & Ramey, 1994; and another third were arrested indicates the need
Olds, 2006; Schweinhart, 2005). After more than 40 for more effective intervention strategies. Longitu-
years of concurrent advances in the science of early dinal follow-up data on recipients of home visiting
childhood development, the challenge facing policy services through the Nurse Family Partnership Pro-
makers at the end of the first decade of the 21st gram support a comparable conclusion (Olds,
century is clear—it is time to leverage new scientific 2006). Statistically significant impacts on long-term
knowledge in the service of generating new inter- outcomes can be achieved, but effect sizes are often
vention strategies that will produce substantially modest and persistent disparities remain to be
greater impacts. addressed.
We know more now than ever before about how Third, large numbers of young children and families
young children learn and about how to facilitate who are at greatest risk, particularly those experiencing
the development of competencies in a variety of toxic stress associated with persistent poverty compli-
domains. We also have greater insights into how cated by child maltreatment, maternal depression, paren-
significant adversity can produce disruptive physi- tal substance abuse, and ⁄ or interpersonal violence, do
ological effects on the developing brain, cardiovas- not appear to benefit significantly from existing pro-
cular system, and immune system that can have grams. Highly disorganized parents are less likely
lifelong impacts on both educational achievement to seek services and more likely to drop out of
and health. As the notion of early childhood policy programs when they do enroll. When they are
for children and families is attracting the interest of successfully engaged, the needs of families fac-
increasing numbers of public and private sector ing exceedingly complex social and economic
leaders across the political spectrum, these rapidly disruptions typically overwhelm conventional early
362 Shonkoff

childhood program staff whose expertise is The need for an expanded definition of evidence that
restricted to child development and parenting edu- includes well-established scientific concepts as well as
cation. Consequently, the evaluation literature on benefit-cost data and the results of randomized controlled
interventions for children in highly distressed fami- studies. The growing demand for evidence-based
lies, such as programs for children who have been policies and programs is an increasingly powerful
victims of abuse or neglect, reveals relatively lim- force in the early childhood policy arena. Account-
ited evidence of success (MacMillan et al., 2007). ability protects the interests of those who rely on
Together these three challenges underscore the services and those who provide them no less than
need for a new era in early childhood policy and it meets the needs of those who are responsible for
practice that is guided by science and driven by funding them. The question is not whether deci-
leadership that combines a strong sense of civic sions about the allocation of resources should be
responsibility, an informed understanding of the informed by evidence, but whether the current defi-
positive returns that can be generated by wise nition of evidence that guides early childhood
investment, and a willingness to explore new ideas. investments may be too narrow. There can be no
Within this context, the field of early childhood disagreement with the assertion that randomized
intervention currently requires the concurrent experiments remain the gold standard for compar-
pursuit of two separate, yet complementary, paths. ing the efficacy and effectiveness of alternative
One track leads toward closing the gap between interventions. The value of cost effectiveness and
what we know and what we do right now. Its cost–benefit assessments for calculating the mone-
course is well marked–enhanced staff development, tary returns achieved from selected interventions is
increased quality improvement, appropriate also not in question. That said, although these well-
measures of accountability, and expanded funding established sources of evidence provide useful
to serve more children and families. The second information about existing services, they offer rela-
path heads into less well-charted territory, yet its tively little guidance for the compelling task of
purpose is deeply compelling–to create a new innovation.
mind-set that promotes innovation, invites experi- Core concepts of development that meet the
mentation, and leverages the frontiers of both the rigorous criteria of scientific peer review represent
biological and social sciences into transformational an underutilized yet equally important source of
changes in policy and practice. The first path will evidence for the policy arena. The extensively docu-
bring state-of-the-art services to greater numbers of mented influence of early experience on gene
children and families. The second positions current expression is evidence that poor school perfor-
best practices as a promising starting point, not a mance is not an inevitable consequence of growing
final destination. Both courses are essential. up in poverty. The disruptive impact of toxic stress
on the development of neural circuitry in the
immature brain, and the special sensitivity of the
hippocampus that contains much of the neural
Crafting a Science-Based Transition Into a
infrastructure for simple memory and early learn-
New Era
ing, provide compelling evidence of the need for
In 2000, the National Research Council and Insti- intensive intervention for very young children who
tute of Medicine produced a report entitled, ‘‘From have been abused or neglected. The inextricable
Neurons to Neighborhoods: The Science of Early interactions among neural circuits that subsume
Childhood Development’’ which proposed three cognitive, language, and emotional capacities pro-
broad sets of research recommendations: (a) vide more than enough evidence to indicate that
integrating child development research, neurosci- attention to the mental health of children experienc-
ence, and molecular genetics; (b) integrating the ing significant adversity may be as important to
basic science of human development and the their preparation for school success as exposure to
applied science of early childhood intervention; experiences rich in language and literacy. Although
and (c) improving evaluations of early childhood evidence documenting the adverse effects of expo-
interventions (Shonkoff & Phillips, 2000). Striking sure to violence on brain development does not tell
scientific advances over the ensuing decade now us anything about the effectiveness of a specific
underscore the compelling need for comparable intervention program, it does underscore the need
innovation in policy and practice. The following for dramatic rethinking of marginally effective pro-
four objectives are offered as promising directions grams for very young children who live in highly
for such efforts: threatening environments. Although quantitative
Framework for Early Childhood Policy 363

data from cost–benefit studies can help policy frameworks by placing constructs related to social
makers calculate the financial returns that can be position and social stratification at the core of their
expected from existing services, they offer relatively formulation of child development rather than at the
little guidance for creative agency directors or ser- periphery. This approach is based on the assump-
vice providers who are motivated to develop new tion that stratifications associated with racism, pre-
ideas. judice, discrimination, and segregation have
The challenge facing those who seek to reduce important effects on the development of minority
the gap between what we know from the biological children, particularly with respect to the impacts of
and behavioral sciences and what we do through segregation, which can be manifested through vari-
policy and practice is to look beyond the program ous combinations of residential, economic, social,
evaluation literature alone and leverage sound and psychological separation or frank isolation. In a
scientific concepts to drive innovation. When pro- related fashion, the cultural distance between pro-
gram evaluation data are presented favorably fessional staff in early childhood programs who are
by advocates and dismissed as methodologically predominantly representative of the dominant cul-
flawed by critics, responsible policy makers can still ture and the increasingly diverse population of
make informed decisions based on sound scientific families with young children they are asked to
principles, followed by ongoing evaluation to deter- serve presents a clear challenge that has generated
mine the impacts of their choices. In short, evidence considerable rhetoric, yet relatively little productive
from randomized experiments and cost–benefit action. More empirical data on the developmental
studies is instructive but it simply tells us what we consequences of minority group status for young
have learned from the past. When these data are children, separate from the influence of social class,
augmented by evidence grounded in well-estab- would promote a more constructive approach to
lished scientific principles, tempered by a balance this issue.
of wisdom and creativity, promising new ideas are The need to overcome the persistent fragmentation
more likely to emerge. that typifies health, education, and human services sys-
The need to bring a science-based approach to under- tems by leveraging an integrated, science-based frame-
standing how early childhood policies and programs can work rather than negotiating interagency agreements
be more responsive to variations in cultural context as among conceptually disconnected programs. The initial
well as adversity associated with racial or ethnic discrim- rationale for establishing the National Research
ination. Acknowledgment of the importance of cul- Council and Institute of Medicine Committee that
tural competence in early childhood policy and produced ‘‘From Neurons to Neighborhoods’’ was
practice is common, but scientific investigation of a firm belief that the fragmented world of early
the impact of different childrearing beliefs and childhood policy, practice, and research was
practices on early brain development is nonexistent. guided by a single underlying science of early
Moreover, although the need for more behavioral childhood development that needed to be articu-
research into the normative development of chil- lated. As our understanding of that unified science
dren who grow up in a variety of cultural contexts base has deepened, the persistent disconnection
is clear, it is essential that such research include that typifies the multiple policy streams that
more analyses of within-group variability rather address early childhood concerns has become
than continue to focus primarily on between-group increasingly untenable. The contrast between
differences. The extent to which advances in the research-driven attempts by departments of educa-
biology of adversity may provide greater insights tion to provide enriched preschool programs for
into the causes of disparities in health and learning low-income children and resistance by welfare
outcomes associated with minority group status departments to the establishment of high-quality
also awaits further study. Recent findings that chil- standards for child care for young children whose
dren with high neurobiological stress reactivity are mothers face mandated employment regulations is
more likely to exhibit maladaptive outcomes in the one striking example. Another prominent discon-
face of significant adversity but better adaptation in nection is the primary focus on physical safety and
the context of low adversity suggests a particularly the absence of expertise in early childhood mental
compelling direction for additional research in this health within child protective services systems that
area (Obradovic et al., 2010). have responsibility for the well-being of young chil-
Garcia Coll et al. (1996) proposed an innovative dren who have been abused or neglected. In these
conceptual model for developmental research on and many other circumstances, improved outcomes
minority populations that differed from previous for children facing significant adversity are most
364 Shonkoff

likely to be achieved through the coordinated appli- substance abuse, food insecurity, homelessness,
cation of a unified, science-based framework across and ⁄ or neighborhood violence.
agencies and sectors, not through continuing Stated bluntly, precipitants of toxic stress in the
attempts to foster improved interagency coopera- lives of vulnerable children and their families are
tion among disparate systems that are guided by not currently addressed sufficiently. Although there
divergent, historical traditions rather than conver- is a growing evidence base for effective treatment
gent, contemporary knowledge. of behavioral and mental health problems in young
The need to formulate and test new theories of change children, the incorporation of that expertise is extre-
to drive more effective interventions. Early childhood mely limited in the typical early care and education
policies and practices are likely to advance best center. The absence of explicit intervention strate-
within an open environment that engages a broad gies to address the considerable financial burdens
diversity of values and expertise, promotes intellec- experienced by low-income families whose children
tual flexibility and creativity, and encourages a are enrolled in early childhood programs presents
willingness to take risks and learn from failure. another serious gap, particularly in the face of evi-
This is not meant to minimize the continuing dence that the experience of living in poverty
importance of efforts that focus on incremental between the prenatal period and age 5 appears to
improvements in the quality of existing programs. have a strong association with subsequent adult
It is simply intended to underscore the need for earnings and work hours (Duncan, Ziol-Guest, &
dramatic rethinking in the search for more effective Kalil, 2010). Finally, the increasing racial and ethnic
intervention strategies. diversity of the early childhood population and its
The biodevelopmental framework described ear- varied needs demands a deep commitment to the
lier presents an integrated approach for addressing critical task of building, testing, and continually
the early childhood roots of disparities in learning, refining more sophisticated and multidimensional
behavior, and health. Advances in neuroscience theories of change that speak to a broad range of
suggest two currently underaddressed threats to childrearing beliefs and practices.
early development that are particularly promising
candidates for greater attention. The first and most
compelling is the need for more effective interven-
A Global Perspective on Early Childhood
tion strategies to reduce the adverse biological
effects of toxic stress on developing brain circuits
and other organ systems. As noted above, although Advances in the natural sciences generate core bio-
the underlying biology is likely to be exceedingly logical concepts that apply to all animal species.
complex and resistant to simple remedies, there is One of the central principles of this growing knowl-
sufficient evidence right now to support substantial edge base is the critical role of early experiences in
new investments in innovative, relationship-based shaping the developmental process, whether the
interventions for young children burdened by the subjects of investigation are rodents in laboratory
stresses of child maltreatment, significant parental cages, rhesus macaque monkeys in primate
mental health impairments (particularly maternal research centers, or humans living in a wide variety
depression and substance abuse), or family vio- of social, political, or economic environments. In
lence. Another candidate domain for increased the wealthiest countries in the world, where eco-
attention, which is closely associated with the nomic disparities, racial or ethnic discrimination,
immediate consequences of toxic stress, is the dis- and other social challenges are associated with per-
ruptive impact of child mental health problems on sistent gaps in educational achievement and health
early learning. In short, the provision of rich, cen- status, science can inform the development of inno-
ter-based learning experiences for young children is vative policies and practices to mitigate the nega-
not sufficient to prevent developmental lags if the tive impacts of adversity on young children. In the
children are burdened by anxieties or fears as a lowest income countries, which continue to strug-
result of disruptive life circumstances that are not gle with severe malnutrition, debilitating infection,
being addressed directly. Similarly, the provision of high child mortality rates, and limited educational
information on child development and advice on achievement, science offers a promising opportu-
parenting is not sufficient for mothers and fathers nity to augment policies focused exclusively on
with low income and limited education if the par- child survival with a complementary array of
ents themselves are having considerable difficulty investments in early childhood development that
coping with the stresses of poverty, depression, will help build the human capital needed to
Framework for Early Childhood Policy 365

overcome deeply entrenched poverty and promote early child care and education that of the education
a broader social and economic agenda. sector. The proposed biodevelopmental model
Over the past decade, the concept of early child- could be used to support a science-based strategy
hood development has received increasing atten- to transcend those barriers.
tion in several high-profile international documents
and reports, including the Education for All Dakar
Declaration (UNESCO, 2000), the United Nations
Concluding Thoughts
Millennium Development Goals (United Nations,
2000), the WHO Commission on Social Determinants After four decades of scientific advances and early
of Health (Commission on Social Determinants of childhood program development, we have solid evi-
Health, 2008), and the 2007 Lancet series on child dence that underscores the role of positive, early
development in low-income countries, which esti- experiences in strengthening brain architecture and a
mated that 200 million children worldwide are not growing understanding of how significant adversity
reaching their cognitive potential as a consequence damages brain circuits and undermines lifelong
of deep poverty (Grantham-McGregor et al., 2007). learning, behavior, and both physical and mental
Concurrent with this growing global awareness, health. Moreover, neurobiology tells us that the later
UNICEF (2009) reported that more than 30 govern- we wait to invest in children who are at greatest risk,
ments have established national early childhood the more difficult the achievement of optimal out-
policies and 70 have some type of national mecha- comes is likely to be, particularly for those who expe-
nism to coordinate programs across ministries or rience the early biological disruptions of toxic stress.
sectors. Complementing this knowledge base in the bio-
Despite these positive trends, however, substan- logical and developmental sciences, program evalu-
tial gaps remain to be closed. More than half of the ation data tell us that we can improve the life
world’s governments do not have any policy or trajectories of children who face the burdens of
coordination mechanism related to early childhood poverty and social disadvantage, but the quality of
health and development, and those that have artic- program implementation and the magnitude of
ulated policies are typically guided by statements measured impacts are highly variable. This evi-
of intent rather than enforceable or implementable dence base is supported further by the anecdotal
plans. In a parallel fashion, although the first goal reports of early childhood program staff who indi-
articulated in the 2000 Dakar Declaration calls for cate that they see the positive impacts of their
‘‘expanding and improving comprehensive early efforts on a daily basis yet are often overwhelmed
childhood care and education,’’ it is the only goal by the emotional, behavioral, and social problems
without a quantifiable indicator or specific target of many of the children and families they serve. All
by which progress can be measured. Finally, few of available information points to the same conclu-
the major international donors have identified early sion—intervention in the early years can make an
childhood as a specific component in their funding important difference, and the magnitude of policy
strategies and most allocate less than 2% of their and program impacts must be increased.
development assistance for education at the prepri- Science tells us that the early childhood period is
mary school level (UNESCO, 2006). a time of both great opportunity and considerable
Generally speaking, global understanding of the risk, and its influence can extend over a lifetime.
science of early childhood development and its The foundational importance of the early years is
implications for framing policy priorities remains increasingly appreciated across the political spec-
limited. This is further complicated by the paucity trum, and there is growing recognition that fami-
of available data to determine which interventions lies, communities, the workplace, and government
have measurable impacts on child well-being in a each has a shared interest and distinctive, noninter-
variety of political and cultural contexts. The need changeable role to play in assuring the healthy
for coordination across policy sectors (i.e., involv- development of all young children. Stated simply,
ing ministries in health, education, and finance) as the science of early childhood and brain develop-
well as among the senior leadership within interna- ment is strong and growing, the moral imperative
tional agencies adds to the current challenges. Con- for preventive action is compelling, and the poten-
sequently, objectives like enhanced early childhood tial social and economic returns on investment are
development are very difficult to achieve and sus- substantial.
tain as they tend to be departmentalized, with child The distinguished biologist E. O. Wilson (1998)
survival being the focus of the health sector and wrote, ‘‘We are drowning in information, while
366 Shonkoff

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