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A message arises in the mind of the _____.

In communication cycle, the process of re translation of signals into ideas is called ______.
_____ is a merger of two words 'web' and 'seminar'
Job satisfaction and success at work can give ______ to the employees.
Warning carries with it a sense of urgency and so requires _____ action.
A motivated worker does not need much _____.
______ is an authoritative communication.
______ is the final component in the communication cycle.
A good speech contains a/an ______ beginning, a convincing and persuasive middle and a striking close.
Communication is a ______ way process.
Communication saves time in ______
Realizing the potential of the self is part of the communication development?
Posters fall under _______ communication
The information the receiver gets is called ________
Communication is the _____ of business
_______ are welcome, for it is not obligatory to accept them.
Interpretation of data is followed by ________
Motivation can be achieved through _______ incentives
_______ is a very conscious process of communication
The main objective of communication is _______
________ is the process of arriving at agreement through consultation
Effective communication can only be achieved when ______
Communication means _______ information, feeling and thoughts with others
Sources of information is _____
The aim of ________ should be the organization's betterment
The effort to influence the attitudes, feeling or beliefs is _____
_____ is the information or ideas the sender wants to give the receiver
Preparing a message is known as _____
A _____ is required to send a message
Human communication is a/an ______ activity.
Wheel is type of ______ communication
Grapevine provides ______ feedback to the management.
______ originates in the minds of sender

______ is the manner in which a person holds his/her body.

Communication that moves from a superior to subordinates is an example of ______ communication.
______ is a well established informal channel in every organisation.
_____ is the study of space around us.
Reports, memos and letters are examples of ______ communication.
Information about its products is _______ information
On _____ it is possible to get immediate feedback.
Warning can be ______
Informal communication is otherwise known as ______ communication.
A circular is a form of _____ communication.
Gestures is an example of _____.
The speaker must stand before the audience in a/an ______ posture.
The downward communication flow from ______
Communication network in any organization is ________
Telephonic conversation is a _____
Facial expressions and gestures are known as _____
The possibility of misunderstanding at any step _______
Audio-Visual communication is ______
______ communication is the most popular means of transmitting message
Non-verbal communication is a ______ to verbal communication.
People of different time zones often have a problem in communication. This is an example of a ______ barrier to commu
______ requires the conscious involvement of the listener.
Body language is also known as ______
______ communication needs space for storage
When superiors provide directions to their subordinates regarding what to do, which is known as _____ communicaton
_______ communication takes place between people of the same status belonging to different organizations.
_______ communication takes place between people of the same status belonging to same organizations.
______ and banners are widely used for outdoor advertising and publicity.
Physical distance may be classified as _______, personal, social and public.
A ______ is a movement of the head, hands, legs and shoulders.
_____ communication is time saving.
______ and banners are widely used for outdoor advertising and publicity.
Communication by touch is known as _____

A curriculum vitae is commonly known as ______

______ gives legal validity to a letter
______ is an extension of the body of the letter.
_____ introduces sender to the receiver.
_______ is a kind of personal essay that makes out a strong case for the applicant.
The documents attached with the letter are known as ______
Dear sir/madam is example of _______
A ______ letter of application is sent in response to an advertisement.
The full form of AIDA is ______, Interest, Desire and Action.
CV stands for _______
E-mail is known as _____
In full block layout of a business letter, all parts of the letter are _____ aligned.
______ is a modern mode of written communication.
BCC stands for _____
To send an E-mail, a computer or a smartphone needs _______ connection
If applicant is successful at interview he/she will be handed a ________
When applicant receives a letter of appointment, he/she should send back _______
When an employee decides to quit an organization, he should put in a _______
CC stands for ______
Encl. stands for _____

A paragraph must begin with a ______ sentence.

___is a basic management tool used in decision-making
A _______ is a series of sentences joined together in a coherent, logical sequence.
A paragraph must revolve around a _______ idea.
IQ stands for _____
EQ stands for ______
Before a presentation -
During the presentation -
At the end of presentation -
Posters are _______
Which of the following is correct?
Which of the following is correct?
Which of the following is correct?
Which of the following is correct?
Option 1 Option 2
sender receiver
decoding encoding
webinar weminar
motivation warning
immediate slow
supervision encouragement
order persuation
feedback complaint
attractive hasty
two one
oral communication. internal communication.
personality development language development.
visual. spoken
message output
Backbone life blood
suggestions order
suggestion conclusions
Monetary social
education action
information and persuasion skill and personality development
consensus horizontal
the audience is understood feedback is encouraged
exchange of to receive
all the above meeting
order warning
persuasion instruction
message output
encoding decoding
medium vehicle
on-going limited
grapevine vertical
unofficial late
idea decoding

posture gesture
downward upward
grapevine upward
proxemics kinesics
written oral
internal external
telephone fax
general or specific specific
grapevine lateral
oral face-to-face
body language grammer
erect slouching
superior to a subordinate superior to a superior
internal & external verbal & written
verbal communication non-verbal communication
non-verbal communication oral communication
brain drains output
both sight and sound sight
oral written
supplement complement
physical psychological
listening hearing
kinesics kinetic
written oral
downward horizontal
diagonal vertical
horizontal parallel
posters pictures
intimate near
gestures posture
oral written
posters letters
haptics proxemics

bio-data circular
signature subject line
post script date line
letterhead date line
Statement of purpose resume
enclosure dateline
salutation complementary close
solicited unsolicited
Attention Attraction
Curriculum Vitae Curriculum Vitamin
Electronic mail English mail
left right
E-mail letter
Blind Carbon Copy Black Carbon Copy
internet letter
letter of appointment letter of regret
job acceptance letter job recommendation letter
letter of resignation letter of appointment
carbon copy copy case
Enclosure Enclove

key easy
report business letter
paragraph letter
single double
Intelligence Quotient Internet Quality
Emotional Quotient Emoji Quotient
plan and prepare speak
speak up gather feedback
gather feedback and reflect speak up
visual aids audio aids
Management Managment
feasibility fesibility
Questionnaire Questionaire
colleague collegue
Option 3 Option 4 Answer No
medium feedback 1
response feedback 1
webminar websem 1
mistrust security 1
written oral 1
advice suggestion 1
advice counseling 1
letter message 1
slow fast 1
three multi 1
interview schedule 1
skill development. Writing development 1
oral written 1
input source 1
nervous system head 1
courtesy complaint 1
complaint recommendation 1
non-monetary legal 1
order warning 1
control and management need 1
vertical Upward 1
thoughts are organized systematic delivery of speech 1
conveying to accept 1
Observation old files 1
suggestion Counseling 1
suggestion motivation 1
medium channel 1
feedback loading 1
fee symbol 1
static unlimited 1
horizontal diagonal 1
official formal 1
feedback letter 1

structure facial expressions 1

horizontal diagonal 1
downward horizontal 1
signs semantic 1
symbolic semantic 1
deciding planning 1
e-mail letter 1
particular Completely general 1
visual horizontal 1
group visual 1
speech written 1
aggressive defensive 1
subordinate to a subordinate subordinate to a superior 1
oral & non-verbal feedback 1
visual communication written 1
face to face communication Multimedia communication 1
channel medium 1
sound none of the above 1
visual face-to-face 1
contradict semantic 1
semantic mental 1
speaking acting 1
cryptic psychological 1
listening encoding 1
upward lateral 1
upward downward 1
diagonal vertical 1
emojis graphics 1
close far 1
stature sign 1
letter non verbal 1
colours signals 1
semantics silence 1

notice letter 1
enclosure salutation 1
salutation signature 1
salutation body of the letter 1
letter of recommendation letter 1
signature post script 1
subject line signature 1
invited requested 1
Affection Art 1
Card vitae Close vitae 1
Effective mail Engine mail 1
center not 1
SOP notice 1
Behind Carbon Copy Blind Copy case 1
signature social media 1
call letter memo letter 1
resume job resignation letter 1
resume letter of recommendation 1
call copy caste copy 1
Encoder Enclosed 1

difficult vague 1
document specific reports 1
resume CV 1
multi half 1
Interest Quotient Information Quality 1
Effectiveness Quotient Effective Quality 1
gather feedback reflect 1
reflect plan 1
plan prepare 1
voice gestures 1
Mangement Managemet 1
feasiblity feasiability 1
Questionare Questionnare 1
coleague culleague 1

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