Course Outline SE-BCS - 7th Edition

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Punjab University College of Information Technology, University of the Punjab 1-6

Course Outline
Title Software Engineering
Code CS – 3901-3
Weight: 3 Cr. Hrs.
Contact Hours: 3 Hrs.
Lectures: 2
Credit Hours Duration: 1.5 Hrs.
Weight 0 Cr. Hrs.
Contact Hours 0 Hrs.
Labs. 0
Duration 0 Hrs.
Prerequisite CS – 2402 – 4: Object-Oriented Programming
Understanding of basic programming concepts.
32 x 1.5“ hr lectures 48
Lab activity / tutorials / presentations NILL
Regular student’ Centered learning 45
Net Surfing 10
Required Study Hours In’ course practical assignment(s) NILL
In’ course writing assignment(s) 2 x 1.5 hrs 3
Preparation term examination + viva 24
Term examination + viva 8
Total 138
Follow Up CS – 3902-3: Object Oriented Analysis & Design
Program Name CS
Category Computer Science (core)
Punjab University College of Information Technology, University of the Punjab 2-6

Aim: Application of software engineering elements to the development of software in any computing application domain where professionalism, quality, schedule,
and cost are important in producing a software system.
 To convey the importance and need of software engineering
Aims and Objectives
 To discuss different software development models appropriate for the development and maintenance of software products
 To introduce the basic project management concepts for the development of a high-quality product
 To impart comprehensive knowledge regarding software development lifecycle
 To demonstrate, with justification, an appropriate set of tools to support the development of a range of software projects
 The students will recognize the importance and need of software engineering to cope with the modern trends in software industry
 The students will have the knowledge of all phases of software life cycle including the artifacts that are produced
Learning Outcomes  The students will be proficient enough to analyze, evaluate and apply a set of CASE tools
 The term project will enable the students to implement the software engineering concepts in a disciplined way, to compete the local and international
The Scope of Software Engineering: Definition, Motivation and Need, Software Characteristics and Applications. The Software Process: Definition,
Introduction to Software Development Life Cycle, Software Process Models. Project Management Concepts: Essentials, 4Ps (People, Product, Process, Project);
Software Measurement concepts: Project, Process, Product and Software Quality Metrics, Software Cost Estimation techniques; Project Scheduling: GANTT
Syllabus chart, Critical Path Method. Requirements Engineering: Definition, Requirements Elicitation, Requirement Traceability, Requirements Analysis and
Specification. Software Designing: Elementary Concepts, Data Design, Software Architecture, Functional Independence, Interface Design, Component-level
Design, Coding Standards. Software Testing: Fundamentals, Verification & Validation, Testing Plan, Testing Techniques, White Box Testing and Black Box
Testing, Test Case Design, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Validation Testing, System Testing, Debugging practices.
Text Book/s A - Roger S. Pressman “Software Engineering- A practitioner’s approach”, 7thth Ed.
 Collaborative and cooperative learning
 Discussion groups and seminars
 Labs
Pedagogical Strategies
 Demonstrations
 Ongoing reflection
 Self-evaluation
1. Ian Sommerville “Software Engineering”, 6th Ed.
2. An integrated approach to software engineering by Pankaj Jalote
Reference Material 3. Fundamentals of Software Engineering By Carlo Ghezzi
Punjab University College of Information Technology, University of the Punjab 3-6

 Class facilities to Instructor and students for Lectures per Room

o 1 Network enabled PC
o 1 Multimedia
o 1 Whiteboard
o 1 Rostrum
o 1 Board marker/Month i.e. 4 Week Lectures (eight sessions)
o Max 45 students sitting facility
o CASE tools must be available in the lecture room as well as in labs.
Instructional Aids/Resources
 Evaluation and Support facilities
o Announced Testes i.e. pre mid and pre final Testes should not be conducted during class hours

 Photocopy facility for different Handouts

o Subject description document that includes student version of course outline, prerequisite test and its solution should be distributed in first class.
o Handout: - Required handouts as mentioned in lecture framework
o Quizzes and Solution: - Quizzes and their standard solution must be provided to students in handout form after each quiz.
o Case Studies and Tutorials: - Description of case study and handout of each tutorial should be provided.

Sessional 25% Mid 35% Final 40% Total 100%

Assessment Criteria Quizzes and Test 15 Paper 35 Paper 40
Assignment and Presentations 10
Recommendations Marks division for sessional or project may vary on the basis of complexity of project or available time for project execution and documentation.
Punjab University College of Information Technology, University of the Punjab 4-6

Required Recommendations for Learning Activities
Week Lecture Topic Study (Mention Assignments, Test, Case Study, Projects, Lab
Hours Work or Reading Assignments)
The Scope of Software Engineering: Motivation and need for software A-1.1
1 engineering, Definition of Software Engineering, Introduction to 1
software engineering vocabulary
The Software: Software characteristics, software application, Software A-1.1.1,
2 Myths 1.1.2, 1
1.3, 1.6
Software Engineering: A layered technology A-2.1,
3 1
Software Process Models: Introduction, Linear Sequential Model, A-2.3,  Project Announced
4 1
Prototyping Model
RAD Model, Evolutionary software process models, Incremental A-2.3  Case Study
5 1
3 Model  Assignment 1 (Process Models)
6 Spiral Model, Formal methods Model A-2.3 1  Test 1 (The software process)
7 Project Management Concepts, Project Management Lifecycle Handouts 1.5  Project Proposal Announced
The Management Spectrum: The people, The product, The process, A-24.1,
4 The project 24.2,
8 24.3, 1
Software Metrics: Metric, Measure, and Indicator, Metric for software A-25.1,  Project Phase 1: Project Planning
9 quality, Decomposition Techniques, Software Measurements, Size 25.2 1
5 oriented metrics, Function oriented metric
10 Function oriented Metrics, An example of FP based Estimation A-26.6.4 1.5
6 11 The COCOMO Model Ref. 2 1.5
12 Project Scheduling: GANTT chart, Critical Path Method Handouts 2  Assignment 2 (Scheduling and Costing)
7 13 LAB Session: Microsoft Project Handouts 2  LAB session
 Case Study
Punjab University College of Information Technology, University of the Punjab 5-6

Requirements Engineering: Requirement gathering and fact finding A-5.1  Project Phase 2: Software Requirement
techniques Engineering
14 1.5
 Test 2 (Scheduling, project management, and
project metrics)
15 Requirement Elicitation: FAST, QFD, A-5.3 1
16 Pre Mid Review 2
Information Domain, Modeling, A-6.4
17 1
The elements of analysis model, Data modeling
Data Flow Diagram A-7.2  Case Study
18 1.5
Behavioral Modeling, Process Specification, Control Specification, A-7.3
19 1.5
10 Data Dictionary
20 LAB Session: VISIO and ERWIN Handouts 2  Case Study
Software Design: Design principles, Design concepts A-8.3  Test 3 (Analysis Modeling)
21 1.5
11  Project Phase 3: Software Design
22 Design Concepts, Effective Modular Design A-8.3 1.5
Software Architecture, Architectural Styles, Mapping Requirements A-9.1,
23 1.5
12 into software architecture 9.3, 9.6
24 Transform Mapping, Transactional Mapping A-9.6 1.5  Case Study
User Interface Design A-11.1,  Lab Session
25 11.2, 2
13 Handouts
Component-level Design A-10.5  Project Phase 4: Software Implementation
26 1.5
Software Testing Fundamentals, Test Case Design, Black Box Testing  Project Phase 5: Software Testing
White Box Testing, White Box testing with example A-18.1,
27 1.5
A strategic approach to software testing, Strategic Issues, Unit Testing, A-17.1,  Test 4 (Testing)
Integration testing 17.2,
28 1.5
Integration Testing, Validation Testing, System Testing, The art of A-17.6,
29 debugging 17.7, 1.5
30 Software Quality Assurance Handouts 2
Punjab University College of Information Technology, University of the Punjab 6-6

31 Software Quality Assurance

32 Post Mid Review 2  Interactive session

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