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The imperative mood

The imperative – expresses commands, requests, suggestions, instruction.

Forms Examples
Affirmative : Hurry up!
Negative : Don't hesitate to contact us if you need information.
Emphatic : Do hurry. (This Do could be persuasive.)
Addressing someone You entry there.
Be sure to give me a call when you arrive in Germany
(Обязательно позвони когда приедешь в
Imperative question (со смягчением) Do it ,will you?
let us (let's) + bare infinitive Let us stand together in this emergency. Don't let's tell
When we use negative, we can put not the police. Let's not tell the police.
before the infinitive or put don't before let's
Warning Look out !!!
Subject + shall (in written English) Shall The Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected annually.
can be used in very formal written
regulations which will normally remain in
force for some time.
must You must not mention this meeting to anyone.
Instructions or orders can be conveyed You are to report for duty immediately.
by the be + infinitive construction
Prohibitions may be expressed in Candidates may not bring textbooks into the examination
written instructions by may not room.
Can is the most informal Can I have a sweet?( when used by adults, sounds more confident)
Could is the most generally useful Could I have two tickets, please?
Couldn't (with favourable(положительный) I can't wait. ~ Couldn't you wait five minutes?
May and might are more formal than could and May/Might I have a copy of the letter? He asked for a
We can use same construction as ask + copy of the letter.
indirect object + for + object
Ask to see/to speak to = may/could see I asked to see Mr Jones. May/Could I see Mr Jones? = I asked
for Mr. Jones
Do you think/I wonder(ed)/was wondering I wonder/was wondering if I could have tomorrow off?
if are more diffident (неуверенно в себе,
Will/would you (please) = Could you Will/Would you please count your change? Shut the door,
will you?
You'll . . . won't you? ( used mainly among You'll write to me, won't you?
Would you mind+ gerund Would you mind moving your car?
Perhaps you would Perhaps you would let me know when your new stock arrives.
If you would(the speaker is quite sure If you'd wait a few minutes…
he will be obeyed)
Would you like to . . . ? Would you like to take a seat? = Please take a seat.
I should/would be very grateful if I should be very grateful if you would let me know if you have any
you would vacancies.
Would you be good/kind enough Would you be good/kind enough to keep me informed?
Would you be so kind as
I wish you would I wish you 'd give me a hand.
Invitation (приглашение)
Will you have/would you like + noun Will you have a drink?
She offered me a drink/a coffee(indirect speech)
Will/would/could you? would you like to? Would/Could you have lunch with me? or Would you like to
have lunch with me?
Answers to invitations
Offers of a drink/a cigarette are usually answ. Yes, please or No, thank you.
Would you/could you/would you like are usually I'd like to very much/I'd love to or
answered: I'd like to very much but I'm afraid I can't.
Must, ought to and should You must read this book. It's marvellous.
Advise + object (in indirect speech) He advised me to plant trees.
You had better + bare infinitive You 'd better take off your wet shoes
If I were you I should/would If I were you I'd buy a car.
I advise/would advise (you)+ infinitive/ gerund I'd advise applying at once.
Why don't you . . . ? Why don't you learn to play your guitar?
It is time you + past tense It is time you bought a new coat.
May/might as well + infinitive( express very You may/might as well ask him
unemphatic advice)
Let's or shall I/we let's + infinitive Let's get the paint today, shall we?
Let's not(a negative answer) Let's take the tent. ~ Let's not!
Why don't we/you + infinitive or why not + Why don't we meet and discuss it?
infinitive/expression of time or place Why not meet and discuss it?
What's wrong with/what's the matter with + noun What's wrong with the hotel?
What/how about + gerund/noun Where shall we sleep?-What about renting a caravan?
Suppose I/we/you + present or past tense Suppose you offer/offered to pay him?
Suggest (+ possessive adjective) + gerund, or I suggest (предложить)(your) selling it.
suggest that + subject + present tense/should.
suggest + should + infinitive is more formal
That . . . should be is necessary in the passive. I propose that a report should be sent in.
Suggestions in indirect speech
Suggest/suggested (+ possessive adjective) + gerund, or Ann suggests that he sells/should sell his house. Ann
suggest that + subject + present tense/should, or suggested that he sold/should sell it.
suggested that + subject + past tense/should, or suggest
(any tense) + noun/pronoun.

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