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Journal of the Formosan Medical Association (2018) xx, 1e4

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Case Report

Clinical management of gamma-

hydroxybutyrate (GHB) withdrawal delirium
with CIWA-Ar protocol
Po-Chiao Liao a, Hu-Ming Chang b, Lian-Yu Chen b,c,*

Department of Psychiatry, Taipei Medical University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
Taipei City Psychiatric Center, Taipei City Hospital, Addiction Psychiatry Department, Taipei, Taiwan
Institute of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

Received 2 March 2018; received in revised form 31 May 2018; accepted 4 June 2018

KEYWORDS Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) is a synthetic drug used mainly for recreational purpose.
Gamma- Although the prevalence of GHB abuse is low in Taiwan, GHB has become increasingly popular
hydroxybutyrate; in certain subpopulations such as clubbers and men who have sex with men (MSM). GHB depen-
GHB; dence could be associated with severe withdrawal syndrome including hallucinations and
CIWA-Ar; delirium. Despite systematic studies on detoxification and management of GHB withdrawal
Withdrawal delirium have been performed, no validated measurement for severity of GHB withdrawal syndrome
is available. Here we present a case of GHB withdrawal delirium that was treated successfully
with fixed and symptom-triggered benzodiazepine dosing regimen based on Clinical Institute
Withdrawal Assessment for AlcoholeRevised (CIWA-Ar) scale. The utilization of CIWA-Ar in such
cases could offer useful guidance for benzodiazepine dosing. To the best of our knowledge,
this is the first case report of GHB withdrawal delirium in Taiwan.
Copyright ª 2018, Formosan Medical Association. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Main text short half-life, it has caused significant drug-induced coma

or mortalities in western countries.2 In addition to its risks
Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) is a popular drug of recre- for physical dependence and lethality in overdose, GHB use
ational use for its effects of euphoria, sedation, amnesia is associated with more severe withdrawal syndrome
and sex-stimulation.1 Due to its low therapeutic index and compared to other club drugs, causing a disproportionate
number of GHB users to seek medical help for potentially
life-threatening withdrawal syndrome.3
As national survey in Taiwan has shown a relatively low
* Corresponding author. Taipei City Psychiatric Center, Taipei City prevalence of GHB use,4 an increasing trend of GHB use in
Hospital, No. 309, Songde Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan. certain subpopulation such as clubbers and men who have
E-mail address: (L.-Y. Chen).
0929-6646/Copyright ª 2018, Formosan Medical Association. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (

Please cite this article in press as: Liao P-C, et al., Clinical management of gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) withdrawal delirium with
CIWA-Ar protocol, Journal of the Formosan Medical Association (2018),
2 P.-C. Liao et al.

sex with men (MSM) have been noted in Western countries.5 On admission, he was oriented, attentive, with logical
In Taiwan, a web survey examined the prevalence of risky thoughts and denied any hallucinations. Laboratory tests
sexual behaviors and recreational drug use among MSM including complete blood count and biochemistry profile
group has shown that up to 15.3% of them reported using revealed no abnormalities except hypokalemia (K:
GHB in the past 6 months.6 Hence, we present a case with 3.2 mEq/L). His urine drug screen was negative for mari-
severe GHB withdrawal delirium who was hospitalized and juana, ketamine, MDMA, methamphetamine, and opioid.
treated with benzodiazepines detoxification regimen as His blood alcohol level was zero. He could cooperate with
supported by previous study.2 As there was no readily medical staff on ward routines. His CIWA-Ar score was 10 on
available assessment tool for GHB withdrawal syndrome, day 1 morning. However, a few hours later he developed
we further used Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment disorientation to time, place, and person that night. Poor
for Alcohol (CIWA-Ar) scoring to determine the target doses attention with vivid auditory and visual hallucinations was
of benzodiazepines. The case demonstrated that CIWA-Ar noted. He became agitated under fixed dose of lorazepam
could offer basis to monitor GHB withdrawal and to deter- of 12 mg/d. His CIWA-Ar was up to 32 due to his delirium;
mine treatment regimen. The patient has signed the thus, symptom-triggered lorazepam up to 6 mg was given in
informed consent and anonymity has been preserved. 8 h. We rechecked his blood count and biochemistry profile
which simply showed mild hypokalemia (K: 2.9 mEq/L).
Other laboratory results were within normal limits. The EKG
Case revealed prolonged QTc (0.454 s).
On day 2, we increased the dosage of lorazepam to
A 31-year-old male has a history of alcohol use disorder for 16 mg/d and olanzapine 10 mg injection was given for
more than 10 years. He started occasional alcohol drinking agitation and delirium. As a systemic review has shown that
at age 20 while he was a college student. He developed olanzapine is equally effective in treatment of delirium as
tolerance to alcohol quickly and had alcohol dependence at haloperidol,7 we avoid typical antipsychotics use such as
age 22 with 15e20 drinks per day. He reported difficulty haloperidol for his QTc prolongation. Extra 2 mg of loraze-
quitting, guilty feeling, larger amount and longer period of pam was given due to his high CIWA-Ar. On day 3 and 4, his
alcohol consumption and withdrawal symptoms such as CIWA-Ar was decreased to 26 under 12 mg/d of lorazepam.
tremor, anxiety, nausea and insomnia. However, he denied Olanzapine injection was given on day 4 for agitation and
any history of delirium tremens or withdrawal seizure. Be- hallucinations. On day 5e7, he gradually became oriented
sides, he also used ketamine and MDMA recreationally since and auditory and visual hallucinations were much
age 23 as he started to go to night clubs. He denied any improved. He started to walk around in the ward and could
psychiatric history or family history of mental illness. cooperate in an interview. He reported lost of memory
His first use of “Liquid G” (GHB) for recreational purpose during his delirious phase. On day 8, he showed signs of
was at age 30. He reported euphoria and relaxation after recovery from the withdrawal delirium and his CIWA-Ar was
using GHB and rapidly developed GHB dependence one decreased to 2; thus, lorazepam was tapered accordingly.
month later. He stopped alcohol drinking within months and He was then discharged on day 9. The detailed dosing and
started binge using GHB (up to 20 mL per day). Severe CIWA-Ar scores are documented in Table 1.
withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, restless and nausea
were noted. He reported numerous black-out experiences
and had several traffic accidents due to driving under in- Discussion
fluences (DUI) of GHB. He was not able to maintain his work
due to hangover effects of GHB. In spite of his interpersonal GHB is a recreational drug, mainly used in a liquid oral
problems with his colleagues and family, he found it diffi- form, notorious as a “date rape drug” for its euphoric,
cult to cut it down. He reported strong craving for GHB relaxing, and sexually stimulating effects. It has recently
when he felt bored or depressed. He also had guilty feeling been gaining popularity in western countries with lifetime
out of his GHB use and was admitted to our substance abuse prevalence of 0.9e4.7% in the U.S.8 and 0.5e1.4% in
treatment ward voluntarily for GHB dependence. Europe,9 respectively. Although the past-year prevalence of

Table 1 CIWA-Ar score and lorazepam dosing of GHB withdrawal treatment.

CIWA-Ar Fixed dose of Symptom-triggered Injection for agitation
score Max lorazepam dose of lorazepam and delirium
Day 1 10 12 mg per day 6 mg per day
Day 2 32 16 mg per day 2 mg per day Olanzapine 10 mg IM
Day 3 30 12 mg per day
Day 4 26 12 mg per day Olanzapine 10 mg IM
Day 5 20 12 mg per day
Day 6 14 12 mg per day
Day 7 10 12 mg per day
Day 8 2 8 mg per day
Day 9 2 8 mg per day

Please cite this article in press as: Liao P-C, et al., Clinical management of gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) withdrawal delirium with
CIWA-Ar protocol, Journal of the Formosan Medical Association (2018),
GHB withdrawal delirium with CIWA-Ar protocol 3

illicit drug use is considered only 0.09% in Taiwan,10 inpatient treatment of GHB withdrawal and for outpatient
cumulating evidences have supported the increasing use treatment of GBL dependence.3 As it is extremely difficult to
of GHB in Asia, particularly among MSM, up to 2.3% in the know the amount of GHB consumption by our patients, it is
past 6 months.11 As there is limited study focusing on the crucial to have a measurement for the risk of withdrawal
treatment of GHB dependence or withdrawal syndrome, delirium and to offer guide for benzodiazepine dosing.
within our knowledge, this is the first case report of GHB Up to date, there has been no validated measurement
withdrawal delirium in Taiwan. for GHB withdrawal syndrome severity. We used CIWA-Ar as
GHB, also known as 4-hydroxybutanoic acid and sodium an assessment tool for two reasons. First, the clinical fea-
oxybate, is a naturally-occurring substance found in the central tures of GHB withdrawal syndrome are very similar to
nervous system. It mainly acts at GHB receptor and GABA-B alcohol withdrawal as they are both central nervous system
receptors. At low doses, GHB stimulates dopamine release depressants. Second, benzodiazepines are the mainstay
through activation of GHB receptors, while at higher doses it treatment for alcohol withdrawal as well as for GHB with-
attenuates dopamine release through activation of inhibitory drawal. CIWA-Ar includes 10 items, each score from 0 to 7,
GABA-B receptors.12 Like other central nervous system de- with total scores 70.20 There items are objective measures
pressants, chronic GHB use could lead to tolerance associated of the severity of alcohol withdrawal syndrome including
with down-regulation of inhibitory GABA and GHB receptors. nausea/vomiting, anxiety, disorientation or auditory/visual
Thus, discontinuation of GHB use will result in unopposed disturbances, etc. It has been used effectively as a guid-
excitatory neurotransmission due to decreased GABA- and GHB- ance on benzodiazepine dosing of alcohol withdrawal
mediated neuroinhibition, causing withdrawal syndrome.13 treatment for decades,20 we suggested using CIWA-Ar as a
Among recreational drugs, GHB is at particular risk to tool to evaluate the severity of GHB withdrawal. There has
develop overdoses and intoxications, resulting in coma, and been long-term debate over whether fixed or symptom-
to develop a quick dependence, resulting in severe with- triggered doses of benzodiazepine could reach better
drawal symptoms.14 The oral absorption of GHB is relatively treatment outcome. Generally speaking, symptom triggered
fast, with peak concentrations in plasma after 20e45 min, regime is favored over fixed dose regime for decrease in the
and half-life of 20e30 min, which explains why regular quantity of benzodiazepines and shorter treatment duration.
users typically use the drug every 1e4 h to prevent the In a randomized clinical trial, the quantity of benzodiaze-
onset of withdrawal.15 However, that potentiates the risk pines decreased by 83.7% and treatment duration decreased
for overdose. At doses >60 mg/kg, coma and respiratory from 62 to 20 h.21 As the management of severe GHB with-
depression can occur. Combination use with alcohol further drawal is more complicated than alcohol withdrawal due to
increases the risk of respiratory depression. its higher delirium risks and higher doses of medication
GHB is well known for its short duration to reach de- needed,16 here we adopted a detoxification method
pendency. As our case has demonstrated, tolerance could combining fixed dosing and symptom-triggered dosing
occur within 1 weeke6 months. The median time for chronic regimen. In addition to regularly given high medications,
GHB users to experience withdrawal syndrome was 18 additional symptom-triggered benzodiazepines were given
months, much shorter than those with alcohol use disorders. to control his agitation if CIWA-Ar score of 15 or greater.
Although GHB withdrawal has many similar features to Here we presented a case of GHB withdrawal delirium
alcohol withdrawal, including tremor, sweating, anxiety, that we treated successfully with fixed and symptom-
agitation and confusion, it is generally more severe, and the triggered benzodiazepine dosing regimen based on CIWA-
risk for psychosis and delirium is exceptionally high.16 Usually, Ar scale. It is worthy of our attention that onset of delirium
GHB withdrawal syndrome develops within the first 6e72 h usually occurs abruptly within 24 h after stopping GHB use.
(mean 7.5 h). History of short latency and abrupt onset could Although GHB withdrawal symptoms are somewhat similar
help clinicians to differentiate GHB withdrawal from alcohol to alcohol withdrawal, characterized with autonomic ner-
withdrawal.17 A systemic review on 27 studies of GHB-related vous system hyperarousal, the symptoms are usually more
withdrawal syndromes described the most common with- severe and the risks for psychosis and delirium are partic-
drawal symptoms included tremor (67%), hallucinations ularly high. We as clinicians should pay attention to the
(63%), tachycardia (63%), insomnia (58%), and anxiety management of intoxication or withdrawal of GHB due to
(46%).18 The prevalence of GHB withdrawal delirium up to 12% the increasing popularity among MSM population as well as
was higher than alcohol withdrawal delirium (about 5%). in clubbers. The utilization of CIWA-Ar in such case could
Factors associated with withdrawal delirium was not clear offer useful guidance for benzodiazepine dosing regimen.
yet, except one study showed frequent ingestion (ingestion
every 8 h or less) could cause withdrawal delirium.2
As GHB acts at GABA-B receptors and benzodiazepines act Conflicts of interest
at GABA-A receptors, long-acting benzodiazepines are the
mainstay of treatment for GHB withdrawal.19 A review sup- The authors have no conflicts of interest relevant to this
ported high dose benzodiazepines (diazepam, 150e200 mgs/ article.
24 h) effective in management of GHB withdrawal delirium.
For refractory delirium, both barbiturate and propofol could
be considered when symptoms persisted despite high dose Acknowledgments
benzodiazepine after 24 h.2 In some cases, the psychotic
symptoms are prominent, in which low dose antipsychotics No external funding, apart from the support of the authors’
such as haloperidol or olanzapine was recommended.17 institutions, was used for this study. The authors declare
Baclofen, a GABA-B agonist, has also been used for that there are no conflicts of interest in this study.

Please cite this article in press as: Liao P-C, et al., Clinical management of gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) withdrawal delirium with
CIWA-Ar protocol, Journal of the Formosan Medical Association (2018),
4 P.-C. Liao et al.

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Please cite this article in press as: Liao P-C, et al., Clinical management of gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) withdrawal delirium with
CIWA-Ar protocol, Journal of the Formosan Medical Association (2018),

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