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Optimization model for the design and analysis of

an integrated renewable hydrogen supply (IRHS)
system: Application to Korea's hydrogen economy

Minsoo Kim, Jiyong Kim*

Department of Energy and Chemical Engineering, Incheon National University, Incheon 406-772, Republic of Korea

article info abstract

Article history: This paper presents a framework for the design and assessment of a renewable energy
Received 3 March 2016 sources (RES)-based hydrogen supply system. We generate an integrated renewable
Received in revised form hydrogen supply (IRHS) system that includes various types of RES and hydrogen technol-
30 June 2016 ogies such as production, storage, and transportation. We then develop a multi-period
Accepted 11 July 2016 deterministic optimization model for the IRHS system by using a mixed integer linear
Available online xxx programming (MILP) technique. The proposed model optimizes the configuration and
operational strategy of the IRHS system. The capability of the proposed model is demon-
Keywords: strated through its application to the design problem of Korea's future hydrogen economy.
Complex energy system We perform an economic evaluation to identify the major parameters for the required cost
Renewable energy of the energy system infrastructure.
Hydrogen supply © 2016 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

renewable (e.g., biomass, solar, wind energy) [5,6]. This wide

Introduction range of hydrogen sources is another merit because it helps
improve energy security. In contrast to regional imbalances
Growing concerns about the depletion of fossil fuels and of global petroleum reserves, a hydrogen-based energy sys-
climate change due to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have tem can use diverse sources for the hydrogen supply,
motivated research efforts to accelerate the transition to a including abundant domestic resources [4,5,7,8].
sustainable energy system. In particular, the transportation Despite the merits of hydrogen as an energy carrier in the
sector currently consumes nearly 25% of the total net primary transportation sector, there are still barriers to prevent the
energy and accounts for 18% of the total amount of GHG practical realization of a hydrogen-based energy system. A
emissions [1e3]. Hydrogen is an attractive alternative crucial obstacle is the lack of infrastructure for producing,
to petroleum-based liquid fuels because it can be used to storing, and delivering hydrogen [1,4,5,8]. Furthermore,
power both combustion engines and fuel cell vehicles with determining how to design and operate a hydrogen supply
near-zero carbon dioxide emissions [4]. Hydrogen can be system is a critical factor that affects the economic viability
produced from various primary energy resources, both and thus competitiveness of such a system against other al-
conventional (e.g., natural gas, coal and petroleum) and ternatives [7,8]. A number of attempts have been carried out to

* Corresponding author. Fax: þ82 32 835 0797.

E-mail address: (J. Kim).
0360-3199/© 2016 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Kim M, Kim J, Optimization model for the design and analysis of an integrated renewable hydrogen
supply (IRHS) system: Application to Korea's hydrogen economy, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2016),
2 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 e1 4

develop economically viable hydrogen infrastructure: new We consider three types of primary resources: wind, solar,
optimization models for the design and operation of the and biomass. In the IRHS system, these resources are used to
hydrogen supply chain [7,9,10], a systematic analysis of the generate electricity or directly produce hydrogen. For the RES
economics of hydrogen supply under demand uncertainty potentials, we use meteorological and topographical data
[4,8], a multi-period model for strategic planning of the such as wind speed, solar irradiance, and the amount of
hydrogen supply [11,12], and other related topics including available biomass in a specific region on a specific time. This
environmental impact analysis and safety and life cycle represents the inherent characteristics of RES (e.g., temporally
assessment (LCA) [13e15]. intermittent and regionally non-uniform RES availability).
While hydrogen itself is an eco-friendly energy source, We consider three types of technologies for the hydrogen
using renewable energy sources (RES) as the hydrogen supply supply routes from RES: energy production, storage, and
is also important to reducing GHG emissions throughout the transport. Production technologies are classified into two
life cycle, including hydrogen production [16,17]. For instance, subgroups: electricity generation and hydrogen production.
once hydrogen is produced from fossil fuels, the amount of The electricity generation subgroup is divided into three ac-
carbon dioxide emitted during the hydrogen production cycle cording to the source type: PV systems, wind turbines, and
is similar to that emitted by fossil fuel combustion [18,19]. bio-power systems. The electricity produced from the above
Various studies on hydrogen production systems using RES technologies can be used for hydrogen production through
have been reported in the literature: an analysis on the po- water electrolysis and/or sold to the grid as excess electricity.
tential of various RES for hydrogen production [20,21]; an Similarly, hydrogen production technologies are divided
economic evaluation of hydrogen production from wind into water electrolysis and biomass gasification according to
[22,23], PV [24,25], and biomass [26,27]; and a systematic study the feed type. In particular, unlike indirect gasification that
on the design of a RES-based hydrogen supply chain [28e31]. uses air to burn biomass, we assume that oxygen is necessary
Despite a number of studies on renewable hydrogen supply to produce hydrogen in direct gasification. The required oxy-
systems, the literature review reveals a lack of study on gen for the direct gasification is assumed to be supplied from
developing a complete framework capable of (i) identifying water electrolysis technology without additional purchases
integration opportunities of various RESs along with related from outside the IRHS system.
technologies to address the intermittent supply of RES and The IRHS system has two storage technologies available:
corresponding imbalance with the hydrogen demand and (ii) for hydrogen and oxygen. Storage technology has the impor-
evaluating economic benefits from the integrated hydrogen tant role of buffering imbalances between the hydrogen sup-
supply system. Therefore, the goal of the present study is to ply (due to an intermittent RES supply) and the hydrogen
develop a new systematic approach for the design, operation, demand with fluctuating profiles. Note that considering a
and techno-economic evaluation of a RES-based hydrogen storage system can resolve the trade-off problem between
supply system. In achieving the goal, we first generate a establishing a new storage facility or an extra production fa-
technology superstructure for an integrated renewable cility for economic credits by selling excess energy. This trade-
hydrogen supply (IRHS) system, which includes various pri- off is represented as decision variables in the optimization
mary renewable sources and a number of technologies for model (Section 3) that are related to the establishment of
storage, production, and transportation of hydrogen. We then production and storage facilities, such as types, locations,
develop a multi-period deterministic optimization model for numbers, and producing and storing schedules.
identifying the optimal configuration and operational solu- While hydrogen and oxygen are transported by the trans-
tions of the IRHS system. Finally, we apply the proposed portation mode, electricity is assumed to be transmitted by
model to the design problem of an energy supply system for connection to an existing grid. Note that another trade-off
the transportation sector of future Korea. problem is whether to establish new production facilities in
a region to reduce unnecessary transport expenses (distrib-
uted system) or transport materials and products from outside
a region for the economy of scale effect (centralized system).
Integrated renewable hydrogen supply (IRHS) Transportation decisions determined by the IRHS system
system include the flow rates of electricity, hydrogen, oxygen, and
biomass and the types and numbers of the established
The hydrogen supply routes from primary resources to the transportation modes.
final demand are composed of a number of processing tech-
nologies along with corresponding energy flows. We can
represent these routes as a superstructure to provide a holistic Optimization model
view for the possible configurations of the IRHS system. Based
on information of the technologies and flows, we can To design and evaluate the IRHS system, we develop a multi-
sequentially connect them to generate complete hydrogen period deterministic optimization model based upon previ-
supply routes. As a result of the interconnections between the ous works [7e9]. The proposed model is formulated by using a
technologies and flows, a number of possible configurations mixed integer linear programming (MILP) and focuses on
for the IRHS system can be integrated. We can then generate a identifying the optimal configuration for design and opera-
superstructure embedding the integrated configuration, as tion of the IRHS system by simultaneously (i) determining the
shown in Fig. 1. The technologies and energy flows are rep- facility locations and sizes and the amounts of electricity and
resented as nodes and arcs, respectively, in the network. hydrogen produced, stored, and transported and (ii)

Please cite this article in press as: Kim M, Kim J, Optimization model for the design and analysis of an integrated renewable hydrogen
supply (IRHS) system: Application to Korea's hydrogen economy, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2016),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 e1 4 3

Fig. 1 e Superstructure of the integrated renewable hydrogen supply (IRHS) system.

evaluating the economics of the IRHS system by using a period t, and NPijn is the number of PV facilities j for electricity i
monetized metric (i.e., the total annual cost) that includes all in region n. For a wind turbine, the electricity generated from a
expenses. We discuss the constraints and objective function wind turbine is given by:
of the model in detail in this section.
Pijnt ¼ kijnt NPijn ci2IE ; j2JWT ; n; t (4)

where kijnt is the output power of a wind turbine j for electricity

i in region n during each time period t.
For bio-power technology, the electricity generated from a
Overall flow conservation and demand satisfaction
bio-power facility can be calculated by:
For hydrogen flows in a region, the sum of the hydrogen
X X  
produced from production facilities, inflow of hydrogen from Pijnt ¼ ðni  pi ui Þhij 1  tj Uijnt c j2JBP ; n; t (5)
neighboring regions, and previous inventory must equal the i2IE i2IB

sum of the outflow of hydrogen, inventory, and amount of

where Pijnt is the amount of electricity produced from bio-
hydrogen delivered to the final demand:
power facilities j in region n during each time period t, ni is the
X XX X high heating value of each biomass i, pi is the required energy
Pijnt þ Qin0 ntl þ Siknt1
j2JHP n0 l k for drying each biomass i, ui is the amount of water that
XX X should be extracted from the biomass i, and Uijnt is the amount
¼ Qinn0 tl þ Siknt þ Dint ci2IH ; n; t (1)
n0 l k of biomass i used in bio-power facilities j in region n during
each time period t. ui is given by:
where j is the set of production facilities that can produce
hydrogen, l denotes the transportation modes that can ai  b
ui ¼ ci2IB (6)
transport hydrogen, and k represents the set of storage facil- 1b
ities that can be stored for hydrogen. Each region across all
where ai is the water content in biomass i and b is the target
time periods in the IRHS system should satisfy the demand
level to which the biomass has to be dried.
with the delivered hydrogen:
The amount of electricity generated in region n during
Dint  DEint ci2IH ; n; t (2) each time period t is equal to the sum of the electricity from
each electricity production facility j in region n during time
where Dint is the amount of hydrogen i delivered to the final period t:
demand in region n during each time period t and DEint is the
demand of hydrogen i in region n during each time period t. PTint ¼ Pijnt ci2IE ; n; t (7)

Energy flow balance of energy production technology The energy balance of the total production of electricity is
For a PV system, the electricity generated from a PV facility is also given by:
calculated by:
  PTint ¼ ðQinn0 t  Qin0 nt Þ þ Uijnt þ Pex
int ci2I ; n2N; t2T
Pijnt ¼ fPj hij 1  tj wnt NPijn ci2IE ; j2JPV ; n; t (3) n0 j2JET

where fPj is the size of a PV facility j, hij is the efficiency of PV where Qinn0 t is the total flow rate of electricity i transported
facilities j for electricity i, tj is the parasitic factor of PV facil- from region n to region n during each time period t and Uijnt is
ities, wnt is the solar irradiance in region n during each time the amount of electricity i used in electrolysis facilities

Please cite this article in press as: Kim M, Kim J, Optimization model for the design and analysis of an integrated renewable hydrogen
supply (IRHS) system: Application to Korea's hydrogen economy, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2016),
4 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 e1 4

installed in region n during each time period t. Pex int is the prevent large-scale storage and serve demand fluctuations
amount of the excess electricity i in region n during each time [4,8,9]. Thus, the inventory in region n during each time period
period t. t also should be equal to:
For water electrolysis technology, the amount of hydrogen q  
produced from electrolysis facilities j is given by: Mt dSik NSikn  Siknt  Mt εSik NSikn ci2 IH ; IO ; k; n; t (16)
X XX  
Pijnt ¼ hij 1  tj Uijnt cj2JET ; n; t (9) where NSikn is the number of storage facilities k for hydrogen
i2IH i2IE n' or for oxygen i in region n.
Once hydrogen is generated from the water electrolysis pro- The number of transportation modes needed to deliver a
cess, half the number of moles of oxygen is produced certain amount between regions is calculated from the flow
concurrently as a byproduct of hydrogen. Therefore, the rate of mass i, the capacity and availability of transportation
amount of oxygen generated in region n during each time modes l for mass i, the delivery distance between regions, the
period t is calculated by: average speed, and the loading/unloading time:
X X X X X X Qinn0 tl 2xnn0 
Pijnt ¼ Pijnt mh=o cj2JET ; n; t (10) NTil ¼ þ 2il c i;IE ; l (17)
n n0 t l
Mt jTil εTil zil
i2IO i2IH

where mh=o is the amount of the oxygen produced when 1 kg of The constraints of a regional transportation network are
hydrogen is produced from electrolysis. Similar to Eq. (1), the given as follows:
mass balance of oxygen can be expressed as: Vinn0 tl SN  Qinn0 tl  Vin0 ntl BN ci; n; n0 ; t; l ; nsn0 (18)
Pijnt þ Qin0 ntl þ Siknt1
j2JET n0 l k
Vinn0 tl þ Vin0 ntl  1 ci; n; n0 ; t; l ; nsn0 (19)
¼ Qinn0 tl þ Siknt þ Pex
int þ Uijnt ci2IO ; n; t (11)
n0 l k j2JDG
Wint  Vinn0 tl ci; n; n0 ; t; l ; nsn0 (20)

where j represents the set of electrolysis facilities that can Yint  Vinn0 tl ci; n; n0 ; t; l ; nsn0 (21)
produce oxygen and Pex int is the amount of excess oxygen i in
region n during each time period t. Wint þ Yint  1 ci; n; t (22)
Finally, biomass gasification technology can produce
hydrogen through the thermochemical conversion of syngas Biomass availability limit
produced by gasifying biomass. The amount of hydrogen The amount of biomass used for energy production cannot
generated from a biomass gasification facility is calculated by: exceed the amount of available biomass:
X X   XX X
Pijnt ¼ ðni  pi ui Þhij rj 1  tj Uijnt cj2JGA ; n; t (12) 6int ri  ðQinn0 tl  Qin0 ntl Þ þ Uijnt ci2IB ; n; t (23)
i2IH i2IB l n0 j2JBG ;JBP

The amount of biomass used in direct gasification facilities where 6int is the potential of biomass i in region n during each
should be constrained by the amount of oxygen. This can be time period t, ri is the availability of biomass i, and Uijnt is the
captured by the following constraint: amount of biomass i used in bio-facilities j in region n during
X X X X each time period t.
Uijnt ¼ Uijnt mo=d cn; t (13) Finally, non-negativity constraints must be represented to
i2IO j2JET i2IB j2JDG
ensure that the following variables are continuous and posi-
where mo=d is the required amount of oxygen when 1 kg of tive integers:
biomass is combusted in direct gasification. PTint ; Pex
int ; Pijnt ; Siknt ; Uijnt ; Dint ; Qinntl ; NPijn ; NSikn ; NTil  0 (24)

Technology capacity limits

The amount of hydrogen produced from electrolysis facility j
Objective function
in region n is restricted by the number of facilities and the
minimum and maximum production limits:
The objective function is to minimize the total annual cost
Mt dPij NPijn  Pijnt  Mt εPij NPijn ci2I ; j2J ; n; t
(14) (TAC) of the IRHS system for the given time period (1 year) as
where Mt is the number of days in each period time t. FCC þ TCC þ LLC
Similarly, the amount of biomass used in a biomass-related minTAC ¼ þ FOC þ TOC þ BC  PC (25)
facility cannot be beyond the minimum and maximum
where FCC is the facility capital cost, TIC is the transportation
capital cost, LCC is the land capital cost, FOC is the operating
Mt dPij NPijn  Uijnt  Mt εPij NPijn ci2IB ; j2JGA ; JBP ; n; t (15) cost of production and storage facilities, TOC is the operating
cost of transportation, BC is the biomass cost, and PC is the
Logically, the capacity of hydrogen or oxygen storage fa- total byproduct credit of excess electricity and oxygen. CCF is
cilities does not have to correspond to meet the monthly in- the capital charge factor to amortize the initial capital costs.
ventory; we assume that the inventory period of a storage The elements of the total yearly cost are explained in detail
technology (i.e., storage holding factor) is 10 days in order to below.

Please cite this article in press as: Kim M, Kim J, Optimization model for the design and analysis of an integrated renewable hydrogen
supply (IRHS) system: Application to Korea's hydrogen economy, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2016),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 e1 4 5

The capital cost of the production and storage facilities is The total byproduct credit is obtained by multiplying the
given by: total amount of excess electricity and oxygen by the selling
0 1 price:
FCC ¼ @ NPijn c þ
NSikn c SA
ij ik PC ¼ int οi
Pex S
i n j k
i2IE ;IO n t

where the first term on the right-hand side of Eq. (26) repre-
sents the capital cost of production facilities and the second
term represents the capital cost of storage facilities. cPij and cSik
are the capital costs for energy and mass i of production and Application to the Korean energy system
storage facilities, respectively.
The transportation capital cost is equal to: Hydrogen demand and resource data
TCC ¼ NTil cTil (27) To demonstrate the capabilities of the proposed model, we
i;IE l consider the design problem of the future hydrogen infra-
structure in Korea. To estimate the total hydrogen demand of
where cTil is the capital cost of transportation modes l for all
Korea in the future, we first project the future demand (2044)
mass i.
in the transportation sector based on historical data and
The total land capital cost is obtained by multiplying the
current statistics. We then generate three scenarios for the
occupied area of a production or storage facility by the num-
market shares of internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs),
ber of each facility type and the regional land price. The total
electric vehicle (EVs), and fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) based on
land capital cost is equal to:
external factors such as oil prices and energy taxation using
0 1 the method in our previous work [32].
LCC ¼ @ NPijn 4j cn þ
NSikn 4k cn A
(28) To facilitate the multi-period deterministic optimization
i n j k model, this study divides Korea into fifteen administrative
regions and set 1 year as a time horizon including twelve pe-
The facility operating cost is calculated by multiplying the
riods (months). The hydrogen demand of each region can be
unit production and storage costs:
fulfilled either locally or by importing hydrogen from different
XXX X X regions in each time period. Based on the FCV market share,
FOC ¼ Pijnt lPij þ Siknt lSik (29) we estimate the hydrogen demand of the transportation
i n t j k
sector in 2044. We examine three case studies according to
The first term on the right-hand side of Eq. (29) denotes the different hydrogen demands, as given in Table 1, by assuming
operating cost of production facilities, and the second term different energy taxation policies: no energy tax, $1.5/btu of
represents the operating cost of storage facilities. conventional energy, and $3.0$/btu of conventional energy.
The transportation operating cost includes the expenses We then calculate the regional demand map based on regional
for fuel (FC), labor (LC), vehicle maintenance (MC), and general characteristics (i.e., population and location [7,8]), as sum-
and administration costs (GC): marized in Table S1 of the Supporting Information (SI). Finally,
we apply the monthly energy consumption profile for the
TOC ¼ FC þ LC þ MC þ GC (30) transportation sector of Korea (Fig. S1 of SI) [33] to calculate

XXXXX   the monthly distribution of hydrogen demand of fifteen

Tf 2xnn0 Qinn0 tl
FC ¼ lil (31)
i;IE n n0 t l
Mt iil εil

Table 1 e Total hydrogen demand of the transportation

XXXXX    sector of Korea in 2044 [1000 ton].
Qinn0 tl 2xnn0
LC ¼ lTd þ 2il (32)
i;IE n n0 t l
Mt εil
zil Region Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
% of H2 11.6 41.3 76.2
2xnn0 Qinn0 tl 1 91.2 302.1 461.7
MC ¼ lTm (33)
i;IE n n0 t l
Mt εil
T 2 323.2 1070.6 1636.2
3 390.4 1293.2 1976.4
4 49.6 164.3 251.1
XXXXX  ! 5 65.6 217.3 332.1
Tg Qinn0 tl 2xnn0
GC ¼ lil þ 2il (34) 6 48.0 159.0 243.0
i;IE n n0 t l
Mt jTil εTil zil
7 49.6 164.3 251.1
8 84.8 280.9 429.3
The biomass cost represents the expenses of biomass 9 59.2 196.1 299.7
purchased for bio-power and gasification facilities and can be 10 60.8 201.4 307.8
expressed by: 11 46.4 153.7 234.9
12 105.6 349.8 534.6
BC ¼ Uijnt οPi (35) 13 78.4 259.7 396.9
i2IB j2JGA ;JBP n t 14 112.0 371.0 567.0
15 36.8 121.9 186.3
where οPi is the purchasing price of each biomass i. Total 1601.6 5305.3 8108.1

Please cite this article in press as: Kim M, Kim J, Optimization model for the design and analysis of an integrated renewable hydrogen
supply (IRHS) system: Application to Korea's hydrogen economy, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2016),
6 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 e1 4

regions in three different demand cases. The numerical re-

Table 3 e Parameters of hydrogen production and storage
sults are listed in Tables S2eS4 of SI. Note that more detailed
information about the demand estimation method, projection
Water Hydrogen Oxygen
tool, and assumptions is presented in Ref [32]. We summarize
electrolysis storage storage
other regional information such as the average land price
(important for determining facility allocation) and the dis- S L S L S L
tances between regions (important for calculating transport Capacity 50 200 10 250 10 250
costs) in Tables S1 and S6 of SI. (ton/day)
In this study, we consider five types of biomass as sources Capital costa 104.2 732.0 4.7 32.2 1.5 9.8
of electricity and hydrogen, as listed in Table 2. More detailed
Operating cost 270 270 15 15 0.2 0.2
data, including the regional distribution [34e36] and monthly ($/ton)
availability [35] of the five biomass types, are summarized in Unit area 0.036 0.144 0.002 0.045 0.002 0.045
Table S6 and Fig. S2 of SI. To avoid conflict with food pro- (km2)
duction and conserve the ecosystem, we consider relatively a
Land purchase cost (7% of the capital cost) is not included.
strict availability conditions of the biomass for energy pro-
duction, as given in Table 2 [34]. The numerical data of the five
types of biomass are listed in Tables S7eS11, respectively, of
SI. Table 4 e Parameters used to estimate the costs of wind
Tables S12 and S13 of SI present the monthly wind speed at turbine facilities.
a height of 50 m and the solar irradiance, respectively, in each S L
region [37]. These results are calculated from meteorological Rated power (MW) 2 7.5
and topological data. Diameter 82 126
Hub height (m) 100 135
Capital costa (M$) 2.7 8.5
Operating cost ($/MWh) 0.4 0.4
Technology data
Unit area (km2) 0.19 0.44
Land purchase cost (7% of the capital cost) is not included.
We adopt technical (e.g., capacity and efficiency) and eco-
nomic (e.g., capital and operating costs) data on state-of-the-
art technologies from the literature, while some parameters sale prices of the excess electricity and oxygen to the market is
(e.g., occupied area of a facility) are estimated by using engi- assumed to be $0.06/kWh and $58/ton, respectively [40].
neering methods such as the power law and proportional The technical data and specifications of the wind turbines
expression rule [4,7,8]. We here estimate cost data of different- are estimated based on values in previous works [36,41,42], as
size facility using the power law rule based on cost and size summarized in Table 4. For the technical characteristics, we
data of an existing facility [38] as shown in Eq. (37); production assume that the Weibull shape parameter is 2.1, the power
and storage facilities, the power low, a in Eq. (37), is assumed law shear exponent is 0.1, and the cut-in and cut-out wind
to be 0.6: speeds are 4 and 25 m/s, respectively. We use the occupied
!a area of a wind turbine by multiplying 4D with 7D based on an
Capacitynew empirical knowledge, where D is the rotor diameter of a wind
Costnew ¼ Costreference (37)
Capacityreference turbine [42,43]. Tables S14 and S15 present the regional power
The parameters of electrolysis, hydrogen, and oxygen outputs of selected wind turbines [41]. In this study, the power
storage facilities are summarized in Table 3 [7,8,11,39]. We output by a wind turbine is calculated by using the calculation
assume that hydrogen is stored and flows only as liquid phase; algorithm of the System Advisor Model (SAM) of the National
from an economic viewpoint, the storage and transportation Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), USA [36,41].
of liquefied hydrogen (LH2) is more efficient than that of Table 5 shows the capital and operating costs of different
compressed gaseous hydrogen via pipelines and tanks [8,9,12]. PV facilities [6,36,44]. In this study, we assume that the
We also assume that hydrogen from the electrolysis facility packing factor is 0.95 and that the PV facility includes a
can only be produced by green electricity that is generated directealternating current inverter.
from RES such as bio-power, wind turbine, and PV facilities. The parameters for the bio-power and gasification facilities
The cost to supply water to an electrolysis facility is not are estimated based on values used in previous studies
considered here because of its negligible contribution [7,11,45,46], as summarized in Table 6. The direct gasification
compared to the expenses for electricity consumption. The facility requires oxygen to operate; this is produced from the

Table 2 e Parameters of available biomass in Korea.

Rice straw (B1) Barley straw (B2) Rice husk (B3) Industry residue (B4) Forest residue (B5)
Heating value (kWh/ton) 4261 5339 2559 5650 5514
Amount (1,000 ton) 6034 167 1090 15,625 23,298
Availability (%) 2.4 2.4 2.4 36.4 89.8
Moisture content (%) 20 20 20 44 44

Please cite this article in press as: Kim M, Kim J, Optimization model for the design and analysis of an integrated renewable hydrogen
supply (IRHS) system: Application to Korea's hydrogen economy, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2016),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 e1 4 7

Table 5 e Parameters used to estimate the costs of Table 7 e Parameters used to estimate the costs of
photovoltaic facilities. transportation modes.
Size S L Hydrogen/oxygen Biomass
Module size (m ) 1.2 2.1 Capacity (ton/trip) 4.0 8.0
Efficiency (%) 17.2 20.2 Average speed (km/h) 55 55
Capital costa ($) 408 798 Mode availability (h/day) 18 18
Operating cost ($/MWh) 0.45 0.45 Load/unload time (h/trip) 2 2.3
a Driver wage ($/h) 23 23
Land purchase cost (7% of the capital cost) is not included.
Fuel price ($/kg of H2) 3.4 3.4
Maintenance expenses ($/km) 0.0976 0.0976
General expenses ($/day) 8.2 8.2
Fuel economy (km/kg of H2) 80.5 80.5
Table 6 e Parameters used to estimate the costs of bio
Capital cost ($) 500,000 300,000
Bio power Bio-gasification
Direct Indirect
of bio-power facilities because they have the largest amounts
Size S L S L S L of biomass available. On the other hand, wind turbine and PV
Power efficiency (%) 0.37 0.37 e e e e facilities are not installed at all due to the relatively low po-
Gasifier efficiency (%) e e 0.83 0.83 0.68 0.68 tentials of these RES compared to biomass for electricity
H2 processing efficiency (%) e e 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 generation.
Capacity (dry ton/day) 50 250 50 250 50 250
For hydrogen production, a total of 187 large-capacity bio-
Capital costa (M$) 8.6 22.7 16.4 43.1 16.0 42.2
direct gasification, 14 large indirect gasification, and 20 small
Operating cost ($/MWh, $/ton) 4.2 4.2 140 140 140 140
Unit area (km2) 0.004 0.02 0.004 0.02 0.004 0.02 electrolysis facilities are established to meet the hydrogen
demand. While most regions have hydrogen production fa-
Land purchase cost (7% of the capital cost) is not included.
cilities, some have a higher production rate than their
hydrogen demand. For instance, Region 4 has a relatively low
hydrogen demand but the highest number of direct gasifica-
electrolysis facility as a byproduct. Combusting 1 kg of
tion facilities (37 units) because of the low land cost for facility
biomass consumes 0.0653 kg of oxygen [47].
allocation and significant abundance of biomass. On the other
Table 7 presents the parameters of the transportation
hand, Region 2 contains the capital city of Korea and has the
modes [4,29,48,49]. In this study, we only focus on one tech-
second-highest demand but has very small units of hydrogen
nology for transportation modes: a tank truck. This is due to
production facilities because it has the highest cost of site
the efficient distribution in Korea [8]. The parameters associ-
purchase for facility installation. Therefore, the allocation of
ated with the costs of hydrogen transportation are assumed to
hydrogen production facilities is clearly a very complicated
correspond to that of oxygen transportation.
decision that depends on the demand level, resource avail-
Finally, the following capital charge factors related to the
ability, and land prices of regions.
initial investment cost were assumed:
Fig. 2(b) and (c) shows the optimal network configurations
for cases 2 and 3, respectively. The main differences are how
 0.101 with a 20-year lifetime and 8% interest rate for the
biomass is utilized as a source of hydrogen. In case 1, biomass
installation of production and storage facilities;
is converted to hydrogen through either bio-power electrol-
 0.149 with a 10-year lifetime and 8% interest rate for the
ysis or gasification, whereas bio-power facilities are not
purchase of transportation modes.
established in cases 2 and 3 at all.
The other difference is that the amount of hydrogen pro-
duced from electrolysis facilities in cases 2 and 3 is signifi-
Results and discussion cantly higher than that in case 1. To meet the increased
demand in cases 2 and 3, more hydrogen production facilities
The proposed model was implemented in GAMS and solved by should be established than in case 1. However, hydrogen
using the CPLEX 12.0 solver. In this section, we discuss the production by utilizing biomass is not possible in cases 2 and 3
results of the design problem for the IRHS system of Korea in because of the limited biomass available for energy produc-
the future. However, we mainly deal with the results of case 1 tion. Note that the amount of biomass used in case 1 is about
for the sake of brevity. The results of cases 2 and 3 are dis- 25,570,000 ton/year (97.2% of the total amount of available
cussed wherever needed to further understand the effects of biomass), while cases 2 and 3 utilized the same amount of
different hydrogen demands. biomass (26,300,000 ton/year). This is 100% of the available
biomass assumed in this study.
Optimal configuration of IRHS system Fig. 3 clearly shows the different hydrogen production
approaches in cases 2 and 3 compared to case 1. The figure
Fig. 2 shows the optimal network configuration of the IRHS shows the amounts of hydrogen produced from three main
system. In the first case (Fig. 2(a)), a total of 97 bio-power fa- production technologies in the three cases. While direct
cilities (large size) are installed to supply electricity to the gasification facilities contribute most of the hydrogen pro-
electrolysis facility. Regions 4 and 8 have the highest number duction in case 1, electrolysis technology becomes the main

Please cite this article in press as: Kim M, Kim J, Optimization model for the design and analysis of an integrated renewable hydrogen
supply (IRHS) system: Application to Korea's hydrogen economy, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2016),
8 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 e1 4

Fig. 2 e Optimal configurations of the IRHS system for different demand cases.

version)) has a local production rate higher than its hydrogen

demand level.
Case 1 has six supply regions (4, 5, 8, 9, 10 and 12). In
particular, Region 4 contributes only 3.1% to the total demand
but produces 275,000 ton/year for 17.1% of the total hydrogen
production. In case 1, major cities (e.g., Regions 1, 2, 6, 11, 13,
14 and 15) are classified as demand regions because the
amount of produced hydrogen is less than the demand level.
For example, the local production rate of Region 2 (Seoul,
capital city) is 110,000 ton/year, which could meet 34.2% of the
local demand. The remaining demand (65.8%) is met by
hydrogen imported from nearby supply regions.
Regions 4 and 8 remain supply regions in cases 2 and 3,
Fig. 3 e Amounts of hydrogen produced by different whereas western regions including cities changed to neutral
production facilities. regions where the local production rate is merely equal to the
demand level. Only Region 2 (Seoul, capital of Korea) remains
a demand region in all cases because of its high demand, small
hydrogen production technology in cases 2 and 3. Electrolysis land size, and expensive land cost.
facilities accounts for 21.1%, 61.8%, and 74.9% of the total
produced hydrogen in cases 1, 2, and 3, respectively. There-
fore, biomass is clearly the most suitable RES for hydrogen Operational strategy of IRHS system
production in the Korean IRHS system from an economic
viewpoint. The availability of biomass for energy production is Fig. 5 shows the monthly flow rate of hydrogen, oxygen, and
identified as a crucial factor for determining the configuration biomass of four seasons; March, June, September, and
of the IRHS system, including the technology selection and December are selected to represent the four seasons because
facility location. they well represent seasonal features of hydrogen demand
Fig. 4 compares the quantities of hydrogen demanded, and RES potentials. Fig. 5(a) shows that the most frequent and
produced, and stored by different regions. Fig. 4(a) shows the highest amounts of hydrogen transportation occurred in
hydrogen demand level, production rate, and storage amount summer because of the highest hydrogen demand level
of the three cases, while Fig. 4(b) classifies regions into three compared to the other seasons. The direct transport of
groups according to the ratio of the production rate to demand hydrogen is identical to the result presented in Fig. 4. City-
level. For example, a supply region (colored in blue (in the Web type regions (i.e., Regions 1, 2, 6, 11, 13, 14, and 15) import

Please cite this article in press as: Kim M, Kim J, Optimization model for the design and analysis of an integrated renewable hydrogen
supply (IRHS) system: Application to Korea's hydrogen economy, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2016),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 e1 4 9

Fig. 4 e Regional comparison of (a) hydrogen demand level and production and storage rates and ( b) region classification by
the ratio of production to demand.

hydrogen during all seasons, while the other demand regions Fig. 6 shows the detailed monthly changes in the produced
only import hydrogen in the summer and fall. Similar to and stored amounts of hydrogen along with the hydrogen
hydrogen, biomass transport is more frequent in the summer demand level. This figure presents the optimal operational
than in the other seasons because of the highest amount of strategy for handling hydrogen to determine the rates of
available biomass along with the highest hydrogen demand. hydrogen production and storage to the meet demand in each
Oxygen from Regions 2, 3, 11, and 14 is exported to neigh- month. Fig. 6(a) shows that the demand level during May-
boring regions with oxygen demands not met by the local eOctober is higher than that produced in the same time
supply as a byproduct of direct gasification facilities. period. The shortage of hydrogen supply against the demand
The national-level distributions in cases 2 and 3 are during this period is balanced by consuming the storage. In
considerably different from the results of the small demand particular, 30,000 tons of hydrogen, which is approximately
case (case 1), as shown in Fig. 5(b) and (c). In cases 2 and 3, the 17.2% of the monthly demand, is supplied by the hydrogen
amount of hydrogen transported between regions is remark- storage system in June.
ably low compared to case 1. The large contributions of elec- On the other hand, the imbalance between demand and
trolysis facilities to the hydrogen production in cases 2 and 3 production reversed in winter. For instance, the surplus
(see Fig. 3) change the infrastructure of the IRHS system from a amount of hydrogen produced on November reaches
central production and distribution strategy (case 1) to a 27,000 tons, which is nearly 26.0% of the hydrogen demand in
distributed production strategy. this month. Thus, in the small demand case (case 1), the

Please cite this article in press as: Kim M, Kim J, Optimization model for the design and analysis of an integrated renewable hydrogen
supply (IRHS) system: Application to Korea's hydrogen economy, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2016),
10 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 e1 4

Fig. 5 e National distributions of hydrogen, biomass, and oxygen in the IRHS system for different demand cases.

imbalance between the hydrogen supply and demand is Economic analysis of IRHS system
resolved by introducing a storage system in the IRHS system
rather than establishing additional production facilities and Table 8 summarizes the costs of the IRHS system in the three
selling excess hydrogen (or electricity) to the market. The ef- cases. The total capital cost increases with the demand,
fect of hydrogen storage is also observed in higher-demand whereas the capital cost for transportation modes gradually
IRHS systems (i.e., cases 2 and 3) to different degrees. There- decreases. This is because the amount of transported
fore, establishing a storage system to balance hydrogen sup- hydrogen decreases in the higher-demand cases with a
ply and demand is clearly a more economically suitable distributed production strategy. The byproduct credit from
strategy than a production-oriented strategy of selling excess selling excess oxygen increases in the higher-demand cases.
products. This is because, while the amount of oxygen from electrolysis

Please cite this article in press as: Kim M, Kim J, Optimization model for the design and analysis of an integrated renewable hydrogen
supply (IRHS) system: Application to Korea's hydrogen economy, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2016),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 e1 4 11

facilities increases from case 1 to cases 2 and 3, the produced

oxygen cannot be fully used in direct gasification facilities
because of the limited biomass.
Finally, there is a considerable difference in the levelized
cost of hydrogen in the three cases. This is sort of unexpected;
in general, we expect a cost reduction from increasing the
scale of the IRHS system because of the effect of economies of
scale. The levelized cost of the IRHS system is lower in case 1
than in cases 2 and 3 because the main facilities established
for hydrogen supply differ. While case 1 mainly utilizes
biomass utilization facilities (i.e., bio-power and gasification),
cases 2 and 3 install huge numbers of PV systems in the IRHS
system (see Fig. 2). This difference changes the contribution of
the capital cost to the total network cost. While the capital
cost for production facilities in case 1 is 34.8% of the total
network cost, that of cases 2 and 3 is 86.9% and 90.2%,
respectively. Consequentially, the high proportions of PV
systems in cases 2 and 3, as shown in Fig. 7, greatly increase
the levelized costs compared to case 1.
In summary, the operation cost is a main cost driver fol-
lowed by the capital cost in the small demand case (case 1).
However, with increased hydrogen demand (cases 2 and 3),
the capital cost become a major contributor to the total
network cost. Thus, the main cost driver for an IRHS system in
Korea is determined by the hydrogen demand.


We developed a new systematic approach for the design and

analysis of an integrated renewable hydrogen supply (IRHS)
system. We represented the IRHS system as a superstructure
that includes different types of RES, such as wind, solar, and
biomass, along with a wide range of technologies. We then
developed a network optimization model for optimizing the
design of the IRHS system, including the selection of RES and
facility types, locations and sizes of facilities, quantities of
Fig. 6 e Amounts of hydrogen demanded, produced, and transportation flows, and inventory strategies for storage fa-
stored in different time periods by the IRHS system for cilities. We considered the design problem of an IRHS system
different demand cases: (a) case 1, (b) case 2, and (c) case 3. for Korea in the future. In this case study, we analyzed the
features of the IRHS system in Korea and identified major cost

Table 8 e Breakdown of hydrogen infrastructure costs of

different demand cases [M$/year].
Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
Total capital cost 1509.0 29,237.5 52,481.1
Production and storage facilities 1337.6 28,347.0 51,012.0
Transportation modes 112.7 87.0 51.0
Land purchase 58.7 803.4 1418.1
Total operating cost 2250.7 3339.1 3978.4
Production and storage facilities 362.4 1283.3 2126.5
Transportation modes 358.3 475.8 271.9
Feedstock purchase 1530.0 1580.0 1580.0
By product credit 103.9 1480.0 2800.0
Electricity sale e e e
Oxygen sale 103.9 1480.0 2800.0
Total network cost 3655.9 31,096.6 53,659.5
Levelized cost of 2.2 5.8 6.6 Fig. 7 e Contribution of established technologies to the
hydrogen ($/kg of H2)
capital cost.

Please cite this article in press as: Kim M, Kim J, Optimization model for the design and analysis of an integrated renewable hydrogen
supply (IRHS) system: Application to Korea's hydrogen economy, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2016),
12 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 e1 4

drivers and the effect of different scales on the economics of

the IRHS system by considering three different hydrogen de- Appendix A. Supplementary data
mand cases.
The major findings from the case study are as follows: Supplementary data related to this article can be found at
 The types, sizes, and locations of hydrogen production
facilities depend on the hydrogen demand level, resource
availability, and land price of regions. In particular, the Nomenclature
availability of biomass for energy production is a crucial
factor for determining the configuration of the IRHS sys-
tem, especially the types and locations of facilities.
i2I the set of energy and mass
 Northeastern Korea (e.g., Regions 4 and 8) is a major
j2J the set of production facilities
hydrogen supplier because large amounts of biomass are
k2K the set of storage facilities
available for energy production and it is contiguous to
l2L the set of transportation modes
major demand regions (e.g., Regions 2 and 3).
m2M the set of biomass types
 When the hydrogen demand level of Korea is small, the
n2N the set of regions
optimal IRHS system has a central production and distri-
t2T the set of time period
bution structure because most demand is satisfied by
mass-produced hydrogen from biomass gasification fa- Subsets
cilities. On the other hand, when the demand is high, the I2IE ; IH ; IO ; IB IE electricity, IH hydrogen, IO oxygen and IB
IRHS system should be changed to a distributed produc- biomass
tion structure so that local hydrogen demand is satisfied J2JEP ; JHP JEP electricity production facilities and JHP hydrogen
by electrolysis facilities distributed in most regions. production facilities
 The storage system is a key factor to balancing hydrogen JEP 2JWT ; JPV ; JBP JWT wind turbine JPV photovoltaic and JBP bio-
supply and demand in the IRHS system and thus leading to power
better economics than a production-oriented strategy of JHP 2JET ; JDG ; JIG JET electrolysis, JDG bio direct gasification and
selling excess products. JIG bio indirect gasification
 In the IRHS system of Korea, the operation cost is the main K2K ; K K hydrogen storage facilities and KO oxygen
cost driver followed by the capital cost in the small de- storage facilities
mand case, while the capital cost becomes a dominant L2LH ; LO ; LB LH hydrogen transportation modes, LO oxygen
contributor to the total network cost in large demand transportation modes and LB biomass
cases. This is because of the shortage of biomass as a transportation modes
hydrogen resource compared to the hydrogen demand
level. Therefore, expanding the supply of biomass, such as Parameters
industrial and municipal solid wastes and forest residues, DEint demand of energy and mass i in region n during each
is a key solution to realizing a renewable hydrogen system time period t , ton/month
in Korea. 4j size of facilities j, km2
tj parasitic factor of facilities j, %
Future research may focus on the development of more hij efficiency for energy and mass i of facilities j, %
rigorous mathematical models that can deal with realistic wnt solar irradiance in region n during each time period t,
problems (e.g., international trade or long-term investment MJ/month/m2
strategy) and analyze different assessment criteria (e.g., kijnt output power for energy and mass i of production
environmental impact and sustainability). For example, while facilities j in region n during each time period t,
we focused only on the economic design and analysis in this MWh/month
study, we could extend our approach to a multi-objective ni high heating value of energy and mass i, kWh
model of simultaneously optimizing the economic metric pi required energy for drying energy and mass i, kWh/
and “green issues” such as minimizing CO2 emissions. The ton
proposed model may also be used as a baseline to design a ui amount of water should be extracted in energy and
generic RES-utilizing supply chain, logistics, and infrastruc- mass i, ton
ture by considering different energy carriers such as fuels as ai water content in energy and mass i, %
well as electricity. b target level which have to be dried
mh=o produced amount of oxygen when 1 kg of hydrogen
is produced from electrolysis, kg of O2/kg of H2
mo=d required amount of oxygen when 1 kg of biomass is
Acknowledgement combusted in direct gasification, kg of O2/kg of
This research was supported by Basic Science Research Pro- εPij maximum capacity for energy and mass i of
gram through the National Research Foundation of production facilities j, ton/day
Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (NRF- εSik maximum capacity for energy and mass i of storage
2014R1A1A2058904). facilities k, ton/day

Please cite this article in press as: Kim M, Kim J, Optimization model for the design and analysis of an integrated renewable hydrogen
supply (IRHS) system: Application to Korea's hydrogen economy, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2016),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 e1 4 13

εTil maximum capacity for energy and mass i of Qinn'tl flow rate of energy and mass i between regions n and
transportation modes l, ton/day n’ during each time period t by transportation modes
dPij minimum capacity for energy and mass i of l
production facilities j, ton/day TAC total annual cost, $/year
dSik minimum capacity for energy and mass i of storage FCC facility capital cost, $
facilities k, ton/day TCC transportation capital cost, $
2il load/unload time for energy and mass i of LCC land capital cost, $
transportation modes l, h FOC facility operating cost, $
zil average speed for energy and mass i of TOC transportation operating cost, $
transportation modes l, km/h FC fuel cost, $
znn' delivery distance from n to n0 , km LC labor cost, $
jTil availability for energy and mass i of transportation MC maintenance cost, $
modes l, h/day GC general cost, $
cPij capital cost for energy and mass i of production BC biomass purchasing cost, $
facilities j, $ PC byproduct credit, $
cSik capital cost for energy and mass i of storage facilities
k, $ Integer variables
cTil capital cost for energy and mass i of transportation NPijn number of production facilities j for energy and mass
modes l, $ i in region n
cLn land price of region n, $/km2 NSikn number of storage facilities k for energy and mass i in
6int potential of energy and mass i in region n during region n
each time period t, ton/month NTil number of transportation modes l for energy and
ri availability of energy and mass i, % mass i
lPij operating cost for energy and mass i of production
facilities j, $/unit Binary variables
lSik operating cost for energy and mass i of storage Vinntl 1 if energy and mass i is to be transported between
facilities j, $/unit regions n and n0 during each time period t by
lil fuel price for energy and mass i of transportation transportation modes l, 0 otherwise
mode l, $/L Wint 1 if energy and mass i is to be exported from n during
il driver wage for energy and mass i of transportation each time period t, 0 otherwise
mode l, $/h Yint 1 if energy and mass i is to be imported into n during
il maintenance expenses for energy and mass i of each time period t, 0 otherwise
transportation mode l, $/km
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Please cite this article in press as: Kim M, Kim J, Optimization model for the design and analysis of an integrated renewable hydrogen
supply (IRHS) system: Application to Korea's hydrogen economy, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2016),

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