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Writing Effective Sentences

The practices and techniques listed below will help you write effective
sentences. Some offer positive writing habits that you can develop and
incorporate into your writing process; others are quick solutions that you can
use when you’re writing or rewriting.

Build your vocabulary: Nothing makes a sentence sing like words that are
precise and vivid. Expand your arsenal by building your vocabulary. Read a lot
and look up words you don’t know. Peruse the dictionary. Sign up for a word-
of-the-day newsletter. Keep a log of vocabulary words and spend a minute or
two each day adding to it and studying your new words. One of the best ways to
master language and vocabulary is through poetry exercises.

Avoid repetition: Nothing deflates a piece of writing like the same descriptive
word unnecessarily used over and over. She had a pretty smile. She wore a
pretty dress. She lived in a pretty house. This kind of repetition robs a story of
its imagery, making it flat and two-dimensional.

Use a thesaurus: A thesaurus will help you avoid unnecessary repetition. Many
writers avoid thesauri, thinking that reliance on one constitutes some writerly
weakness. But your job is not to be a dictionary or a word bank; it’s knowing
how to find the perfect words and then use them when writing effective

Read drafts aloud to check the rhythm and flow: Reading aloud is great for
catching mistakes and typos, but it can also help you with flow and rhythm.
Take it a step further and record yourself reading an excerpt aloud. Does it flow
naturally? If you keep tripping over your own sentences, there may be a
problem with rhythm. Try alternating sentence lengths, breaking long sentences
into shorter sentences, and joining sentences together to fix the flow.
Pay attention to word choice: Why refer to something as a loud noise when
you can call it a roar, a din, or a commotion? The more specific you are in your
writing, the more easily the reader will be able to visualize whatever you’re
communicating. Choose words that are as precise, accurate, and detailed as

Simplify: Run-on sentences and short sentences strung together with commas
and conjunctions create a lot of dust and noise in a piece of writing. In most
cases, simple, straightforward language helps bring the action of a story to
center stage. Use the simple subject-verb-object sentence structure to keep the
text flowing and prevent readers from getting confused.

Avoid filler words: I’ve gone back to this article several times since I first read
it and have already passed it along to several writers I work with. In short, don’t
tell the reader what the character is thinking, wondering, or feeling unless it’s
essential to the narrative. Let the story’s action take its course and move the
story forward.

Brush up on grammar: Nothing will clean up your writing more than using
good, old-fashioned grammar. Pick up a grammar or style guide (a good starter
is the Elements of Style) and spend some time mastering the rules. Yes, rules
are made to be broken, but make sure you have a good reason when you break
the rules, and make sure doing so doesn’t impede the readability of your work.

What Makes a Good Sentence?

A good sentence expresses a complete thought, and can clearly communicate an
idea. However, there are a variety of other components that contribute to good
sentence construction:
A good sentence is a complete sentence. A complete sentence requires a subject
and a verb and expresses a complete thought—also known as an independent
clause. This element of sentence structure can stand on its own, expressing an
idea without the need for additional information. For example: “Parents worry
about their children.” This sentence is complete, and conveys a clear idea.
A good sentence conjures a particular mood. Especially when trying to appeal
to your reader’s sensibilities, proper use of emotion in your sentences can make
all the difference as to whether your audience feels what you want them to or
not. This is particularly useful in many business writing fields like copywriting
and marketing, where establishing an emotional connection with the reader can
address their wishes—or fears—and compel them to take action or buy into
what you’re selling.
A good sentence paints a picture. Using strong sensory imagery will create a
vivid image for your reader. It doesn’t provide too much information that insults
your audience’s imagination, but it gives enough detail that is necessary for the
message you are trying to send. A single sentence can become much more
potent when there is a powerful visual attached to it.
A good sentence has flow. How you word sentences dictates their pacing, and
the cadence of a good sentence should be unmarred by poor punctuation or
wordiness. A reader should not have to go back and re-read a sentence to
understand the idea behind it, it should be conveyed clearly and not convoluted
by complex diction.

6 Tips for Writing Good Sentences

If you know how to write sentences, you’re on your way to writing good
sentences. There are many writing tips available for those looking to craft better

Keep it simple.
Long sentences or overly complex sentences don’t necessarily make
sophisticated sentence writing. Sometimes a simple sentence can pack a
powerful punch. Know how to eliminate fluff and adjust syntax to fit your
writing style and target audience. An easily digestible message makes for better
Use concrete rhetoric.
If you’re trying to inspire movement or change, you don’t want to describe
something as “sort of” important, especially if you’re trying to get people to
donate to a cause, or protest an event. Use direct language to deliver a strong
image, convey significance, and create an emotional appeal—whatever your
point is, it should be your audience’s biggest priority right now.
Employ parallelism.
Sentences are easier and more pleasant to read if there is an agreement in their
grammatical structure, particularly when it comes to lists. This principle is
known as parallelism, parallel structure or parallel construction. Successful
parallelism: “The finale was illogical, rushed, and disappointing.” (Three
Mind your grammar.
The best sentences don’t suffer from things like passive voice, run-on sentences,
or typos. Sometimes you accidentally write an incomplete sentence, or
inadvertently form fragments while editing and rewriting. Be sure to identify
any incomplete sentences that may be lurking throughout your writing. Proper
grammar helps give writing a more polished feel.

Properly punctuate.
The right punctuation can make or break the rhythm of a single sentence.
Ensure your periods, commas, hyphens, semi-colons, and any other punctuative
tools are implemented correctly. Even if you’re just advice blogging for a small
group of readers online, you want your writing to appear sophisticated and
taken seriously, so pay attention to your punctuation.
Practice writing.
Improvement only happens with practice. Perform writing exercises that focus
on your sentence structure and how you phrase your ideas. The more you
practice writing sentences, the better you’ll become.

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