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The History of the Chakras and Chakra Healing

The renowned physicist Albert Einstein turned the scientific community on its

ear in 1905 with his special theory of relativity and the mass-energy equivalence

formula, more familiar to many as the famous equation E = MC2. The

proposition that all matter is energy was quite shocking to the Western world, at

the time.

However, in other parts of the world Einstein’s discovery was not new knowledge

at all, but simply a scientific formulation of something that was already well

known from ancient times. This simple truth is that you, everything you see

around you right now, and everything (and everyone) you encounter in your daily

life is made up of energy. What we perceive of as a solid material world is really a

fluctuating latticework of energy, endlessly flowing and endlessly connected.

Of course, the knowledge of the flow of energy through our world and through ourselves is no secret to those of us who call

upon these energies daily at work, in our personal practices, for healing of the body and mind, and in our individual quests for

personal growth and development. However, it does surprise many to learn that what we know about the chakras today does

not stem from a single unbroken tradition reaching far back into the mists of time. On the contrary, it was developed in stages

over many, many years.

Our present understanding is the result, not of one moment of divine inspiration, but of many. It is the culmination of

thousands of years of evolution of thought and consciousness, as well as the dedication of many brilliant philosophers and

spiritual leaders.

The chakra system that we currently use (as well as associated concepts, such as kundalini yoga) are rooted in the Tantric

tradition. The Tantric philosophy arose during Hinduism’s “Golden Age”, the Gupta period (ca. 320-647 CE). However,

claiming this period as the “true origin point” of the chakra philosophy would be misleading.

Two factors make it difficult to pin down a date of origin for the chakra system. The first issue is that many of the concepts that

make up the system, including the chakras themselves, existed long before this period in history. Secondly, as Tantrism spread

it influenced Bonism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism and was, in turn, influenced itself. Therefore our modern views on the

chakras and life energy are a product of many schools of thought extending over the majority of written history.

Origins of the Chakras

Just as the evolution of life began with one single-celled organism, so the evolution of the chakra system began with a single

concept: the concept of energy and how it manifests within the human body. Many, if not most, spiritual traditions have a term

for the life force, or “breath of life”, that moves all living things. The Greek Stoics called it pneuma, adherents of Judaism and

practitioners of Kabbalah know it as ruach, and to the modern Christian it is the spirit. Even the ancient Egyptians believed

that man had an energy body as well as a physical body.

Likewise, this energy aspect of all creation has been well-known in Eastern traditions for thousands of years. In traditional

Indian teachings this life force is called prana, the Chinese speak of qi (or chi), and the Tibetan Buddhists refer to it as lung.

However, whereas Western traditions generally stop short at naming and defining the life force, these Eastern traditions

provide us with the keys to tap into this energy, as well as methods to maintain and improve the flow of this vital energy

through the body.

In traditional Indian medicine and spiritual teachings energy, or prana, flows through specific breath channels called nadi.

These channels run through and connect points of particular potency, the chakras. References to this flow of prana (energy)

through the body can be found in early Upanishads dating back as far as 1200-800 BCE.

Ayurvedic texts (which form the basis of traditional Indian medicine) identify 72,000 distinct nadis, or pathways, through

which the life force, prana, flows. Of these many pathways, three in the spine (ida, pingala, and sushumna ) are most important

to students of kundalini and hatha yoga. These three pathways are also particularly relevant when doing chakra work.

As the flow of energy through the body was studied and became better understood the concept of the chakras as centers

of power and growth began to emerge. The earliest mentions of the chakras can be found in later Upanishads dating from

between 200 BCE - 200 CE. Texts from this period such as the Yoga-Shikha, Yoga-Tattva, Cudamini, Shandila, and Shri Jabala

Darshana Upanishads expanded on existing knowledge, further defining prana, suggesting means of increasing and directing

this energy, and the role that chakras play in these processes.

Origins of the Chakras

Existing concepts were developed further in the Gorakshashatakam, the Hevajra Tantra and in caryagiti (a specific type of

mystical song) coming out of the 9th and 10th century CE. These additions to the body of Tantric knowledge helped to define

the chakras and their hierarchy in the human body and established a basic framework for what we currently know about the

chakras. Since that time further works, such as the Yoga-Kundalini Upanishad (1656 CE), have served to expand on and clarify

the knowledge base of this dynamic school of thought.

Awareness of the chakras and the flow of energy through the body first entered Western culture long before Einstein ever

formulated his famous equation. Eastern spiritual knowledge first reached the West in the late 16th and early 17th centuries CE

by means of Christian missionaries who sought to spread Western spirituality abroad. These emissaries of Christ returned with

knowledge of Eastern philosophies and practices; knowledge which they then shared in their writings.

Individuals such as the Jesuit missionaries Thomas Stevens and Robert de Nobili were instrumental in bringing back and

disseminating spiritual teachings from India, China, and many other Eastern countries. While the works of these missionaries

were not widely accepted (or even known) by Westerners at the time, their writings did reach prominent mystics of the era such

as John Dee, Robert Fludd, and Jakob Bohme. These occult philosophers then adopted and incorporated much of these new

teachings into their already existing mystical philosophies and passed them on in their writings and teachings.

The Chakras in Modern Times

Eastern ideas gained new ground in the late 1800s with the resurgence in interest in spirituality and mysticism in the West.

Esoteric knowledge slowly began to move out of the darkness of secrecy and into the light of mainstream awareness. This

process was aided by colorful personalities such as Helena P. Blavatsky and Aleister Crowley who served to popularize and

promote interest in Eastern philosophies.

The seven chakra system that most Westerners are familiar with is the shakta theory. It was introduced to the West primarily

through the English translations of two Indian texts: the Padaka-Pancaka and the Sat-Cakra-Nirupana. These translations

were published in 1927 by the British Orientalist Sir John Woodroffe (under his nom de plume, Arthur Avalon) in a single

volume entitled The Serpent Power.

The chakra system was further expanded upon by Sivananda Saraswati’s treatise on Kundalini Yoga in 1935. This treaty formed

the basis for the school of Kundalini Yoga (Laya Yoga). This school of yoga is still very popular and has done much to advance

the chakra philosophy.

Interest in the spiritual aspects of life reached another peak in the West during the 1970s. This period, more than any, served to

bring Tantric traditions, including chakra work, into the spiritual mainstream of the Western world. Today many Westerners

embrace these Eastern philosophies and utilize chakra work as part of their personal paths to spiritual wellbeing and growth.

An Introduction to the Chakras

The word “chakra” comes from the Sanskrit word cakra which means “circle”,

“wheel”, or “disc”. It stems from the Proto-Indo-European root kwel which

means “turning” or “cycle”. In the framework of yoga, however, the chakras are

more accurately pictured as vortexes energy. These vortexes exist in the spiritual

body, rather than the physical body.

All life is infused with vital energy called prana. This energy, or life force, flows

throughout the spiritual body along specific energy channels or nadis. The

chakras are focal points connecting these channels. Prana collects at the chakras

as it flows through the body, making these points whirlpools of vital energy.

The Subtle Body

To understand the chakras one must first understand the medium in which they exist and function. In Hindu tradition it is

referred to as the “subtle body”. This body is the spiritual aspect of living beings and envelopes the physical body.

The belief in this spiritual component of life is not unique to Indian philosophy. It is recognized by many names in many

traditions. To the Tibetan Buddhist it is the “rainbow body” or the “light body”, the Taoist call it the “diamond body”, to the Sufi

it is the “most sacred body”, and in the Hermetic tradition it is the “soma athanaton” or “immortal body”, just to list a few.

In Hindu teachings the subtle body is often named the Linga Sharira and is the vehicle whereby the soul leaves the current
body upon death and moves on to the next life. It is one of the three bodies of man, the other two being the gross body (Sthula

Sharira) and the casual body (Karana Sharira). The Linga, or astral body, is composed of three sheaths or kosas: mind

(Manomaya), intellect (Vignanamaya), and vital energy (Pranamaya).

The life force, or prana, which flows through the subtle body is what vitalizes the physical body. It holds the mind and body

together. Without it there would be no life. This energy suffuses the body creating an aura that is detectable by some sensitive

and gifted individuals.

From a more scientific standpoint this subtle body can be viewed as an energy field, similar to the electromagnetic field

generated by all living things. This viewpoint allows us to see the subtle body as something that necessarily arises from the

flow of spiritual energy, rather than a body that exists for the purpose of moving energy. Just as the electromagnetic field is

generated by the flow of electrical impulses through the physical body, so is the subtle body generated by the flow of prana

through the nadis.

The Nadis

The nadis are channels through which prana, or life force, flows through the subtle body. In fact, the word nadi means

“channel” or “flow” in Sanskrit. The system of nadis throughout the subtle body are often compared to the neurological

pathways of the physical nervous system. Just as the nerves conduct electrical impulses throughout the physical body the nadis

conduct prana through the astral body.

In traditional Ayurvedic medicine there are believed to be 72,000 nadis. In Tantric yoga, and especially in Kundalini yoga, the

three channels running along the spine are most important. These channels are: ida to the left of the spine, pingala to the right

of the spine, and sushumna running through the center of the spine and connecting the base chakra to the crown chakra.

Ida is a Sanskrit word meaning “comfort”. This nadi is associated with the moon and female energy. It corresponds to the

river Ganges. Ida rules over mental processes. It runs from the left gonad to the left nostril.

Pingala translates as “tawny” (orange or yellowish-brown). This channel is associated with the sun and with male energy.

Pingala corresponds to the Yamuna river. This nadi controls the vital processes and runs from the right gonad to the right


Sushumna runs up the center of the spine from the tailbone to the crown of the head. It connects Muladhara (the base

chakra where all three nadis originate) to Sahasrara (the crown chakra). In Kundalini yoga, this is the path that Kundalini

travels as it rises. Sushumna means “most gracious”. This nadi is associated with the Saraswati river.

The Chakras

The chakra philosophy grew out of a rich tradition of Eastern metaphysical thought. It has always been a dynamic philosophy,

changing over time as new insights were added by various teachers and influence was exerted by various other philosophies.

Therefore there are several chakra systems and models that can be found throughout Tantric literature.

The system most familiar to the majority of Westerners is the shakta theory of seven major chakras. These seven chakras are

aligned in a column that rises from the tip of the tailbone to the crown of the head. These chakras connect and are connected

through the nadi called sushumna which travels through the center of the spine.

Each chakra has a number of associated aspects, such as color or element. In modern practice it is not uncommon to link

individual chakras with distinctly Western associations. Thus the chakras often are given modern associations that are not

found in the traditional texts.

While purist may decry the addition of Western associations to the chakras, it is important to remember that the chakra

philosophy has always been dynamic, not static. It has been evolving since its inception and continues to evolve today, as those

who study and practice it gain new insights. Modern and/or Western associations to the chakras do not weaken the philosophy,

they expand on it.

The chakra are focal points of prana, or life force. As they whirl they draw in and collect prana from the nadis, like whirlpools

of vital energy. Through these loci the physical body draws its vitality. The chakras also effect the wellbeing and function of an

individual’s body, spirit, mind and emotions.

Ideally, the chakras serve to balance the physical, spiritual, mental and emotional health of the individual. However, the

chakras themselves can become blocked or imbalanced. When this occurs the individual may begin to experience physical,

mental or emotional symptoms depending on the chakra(s) affected.

Chakra Overview

As previously stated, the most common school of thought on chakras maintains that there are seven major chakras. The

chakras rise in a column up the sushumna channel. The goal of most chakra meditations is to raise the prana of the individual

to the highest chakra possible.

The seven major chakras have their counterparts in the seven lower chakras that run down the legs. The lower chakras relate

to man’s baser nature, his animal instincts. They are named (in descending order): atala, vitala, sutala, talatala, rasatala,

mahatala, and patala.

The seven major chakras are as follows:

Muladhara: This is the base or root chakra. It is located at the base of the spine between the genitals and anus. The

color of this chakra is red and its symbol is a lotus with four petals. Inside the lotus is a square and inside of that square is

a downward facing triangle. This chakra is where the three primary nadis (ida, pingala, and sushumna) separate and move

upward. This chakra governs over sexuality, sensuality, mental stability, and spiritual security. In Kundalini yoga, Muladhara

houses the sleeping kundalini.

Swadhisthana: This chakra is located at the sacrum. Its color is orange. It is symbolized by a six-petalled lotus with a

crescent moon shaped interior. This chakra governs reproduction, creativity, joy, and motivation.

Manipura: This is the solar plexus chakra. Its color is yellow and its symbol is the ten-petalled lotus containing an

upside-down triangle in the center. This chakra influences digestion. It also governs over one’s sense of personal power,

emotional openness, and spiritual growth.

Anahata: This chakra is located at the center of the chest. Its associated color is green. The symbol for this chakra is

a lotus with twelve petals. Inside of the lotus is a hexagram - a six pointed star like the Jewish symbol of the Star of David.

Anahata governs over the body’s circulation, selflessness and the capacity for love, passion, and devotion.

Vishuddhi: This chakra rest in the region of the throat. Its color is pale blue or turquoise. The symbol for this chakra is a

sixteen-petalled lotus containing a circle inside of a downward facing triangle. Not surprisingly, the throat chakra governs over

speech and communication. It also governs over independence, lucid thought, and spiritual security.

Ajna: This chakra is located at the forehead, in the area between the eyebrows. It is often referred to as the third eye

chakra. The color for this chakra is indigo or dark blue. Its symbol is a lotus with only two petals containing a downward

facing triangle. It is at Ajna that the two nadis ida and pingala reconnect with sushumna. This chakra governs sleep, sight, and


Sahasrara: This is the crown chakra, located at the top of the head or above the head. The color for this chakra is violet.

Its symbol is the thousand-petalled lotus. This chakra governs the connection of the individual with the Divine and universal

consciousness, enlightenment, bliss, and the integration of the conscious, subconscious and superconscious. In Kundalini yoga

the goal is to ultimately raise the kundalini from Muladhara to Sahasrara.

Modern Additions to Chakra Philosophy

As previously noted, chakra philosophy is not a static, dogmatic construct. Rather it is a dynamic, growing system. It

has changed much over the centuries as new generations of practitioners uncover deeper truths. The practices of chakra

meditations and chakra healing were still evolving when they first became a part of Western consciousness and they are still

growing now.

Because of the dynamic nature of the study of the chakras, Western civilization has also left its mark on the philosophy.

Western symbolism has been incorporated into the chakra model. Our understanding of the chakras has also grown to reflect

scientific advancements, particularly advancements in the fields of psychiatry and human physiology, as well as emerging

trends in metaphysics.

For instance, the colors commonly associated with the chakras are not traditional. The dedicated student will find no mention

of color associations in the Upanishads. That is because the colors associated with the chakras are a relatively new Western

addition the chakra philosophy, dating back to the 1970s.

A closer inspection shows that the colors given to each chakra, ascending from the base chakra, Muladhara, follow the classic

“Roy G. Biv” acronym for the sequence of bands of color in refracted light. In other words, as one moves up the chakras the

color associated with each chakra represents an increased wavelength. Obviously, this reflects a modern understanding of light

refraction and the energy states involved in the light spectrum.

Another Western addition from the same period is the association of specific crystals with each chakra. For instance someone

wishing to use chakra healing to treat stomach issues or to increase self-esteem might use citrine (the stone of Manipura) to

help in raising their energy to the solar plexus. Similarly, traditional elements, zodiac signs and other features of Western

mysticism have been incorporated into the structure of chakra theory.

Other modern advancements in chakra theory include the association of chakras with physiological systems and processes. A

number of Western practitioners have argued that associations exist between the chakras in the subtle body and the endocrine

system of the physical body. Some chakras have even been directly associated with endocrine glands, such as Ajna’s association

with the pineal gland.

To the student of chakra philosophy such modern advancements in theory should not come as much of a surprise. After all, the

chakras are defined by how we perceive ourselves and our world just as much as they define how we perceive them.

Therefore, it is natural that our understanding of ourselves and our universe should be incorporated back into the models we

use to describe and understand the chakras. As a result, the understanding we have of the chakras today will not necessarily

be the understanding that we have tomorrow. Chakra theory will continue to expand and grow alongside our development as a


Understanding Chakra Healing

Although the chakras exist within the subtle or astral body, the influences they

exert over the physical body, mind and emotions are very real. When prana, or

life force, flows unimpeded through the body an individual is healthy, energetic

and filled with an unshakable peace and contentment. However, when that

energy becomes blocked or unbalanced a host of physical symptoms and

maladies can begin to manifest.

Blockages and imbalances can be caused by a number of factors. Everything

from environmental stress, to diet can impact the flow of energy through your

body. Even improper breathing can create a problem with energy flow.

Prana Flow and the Chakras

Chakras are focal points of vital energy within the astral body. The chakras are often visualized as whirlpools. However,

another useful way of viewing them is as a series of basins.

If you have ever seen a stepped fountain then you will have no difficulty visualizing the chakras in this way. Energy enters the

base chakra, Muladhara, and as it fills it begins to spill over into the next basin, Swadhisthana. As Swadhisthana overfills it

pours out into Manipura and so on.

In this manner there is a clear progression from Muladhara to the crown chakra, Sahasrara, with each basin (chakra) becoming

filled before prana begins to flow freely into the next. When this flow is unimpeded the practitioner is well in body and mind.

The practitioner is able to raise his energy level to whatever chakra his current aptitude allows without any hindrance.

Blocked Chakras

Problems arise whenever a blockage prevents life energy from flowing freely from one chakra to the next. Each chakra governs

over specific aspects of an individual’s physical, spiritual, mental and emotional self. Whenever a chakra becomes blocked or

unbalanced then the aspects governed by that particular chakra can begin to suffer.

It is usually the aspects governed by the effected chakra that manifest illness most noticeably at first. However, a disrupted

prana flow often causes imbalances in subsequent chakras beyond the initial blockage as well.

In short, the blocked basin is no longer able to fill and spill into the next. Ultimately, the result of a chronically blocked chakra

is catastrophic breakdown throughout the entire energy system.

Chakra blockages usually coincide with specific intellectual and emotional problems. These can be unhealthy attitudes or biases

inherent in an individual’s upbringing (and hence learned), hidden traumas, or any of a number of other psychological issues.

Regardless of the cause, the effect is the same: the individual’s scope of action and awareness is severely restricted.

In a similar way the flow of prana through the chakra corresponding with the unhealthy mental prejudice becomes restricted.

Vital energy can no longer flow freely through the energy channels (nadis). This creates a sort of negative feedback wherein the

individual becomes more restricted physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. As a result, the flow of prana becomes

even more restricted continuing the destructive cycle.

Chakra Healing

Chakra healing is any means whereby chakra blockages are removed and healthy energy flow is restored to the subtle body.

There are a number of methods whereby this can be accomplished.

The chakras are subject to the will. As such, they respond to intention. This means that the effectiveness of any chakra

treatment is directly proportional to the desire of the individual to get better (and his or her belief that the healing will be


There are, of course, professionals who offer a range of chakra opening, balancing, aligning and energizing services. In extreme

cases professional help may indeed be the best option. However, there are a number of healing exercises that even a novice can

do before resorting to seeking professional assistance.

Simple Chakra Aligning Exercise

This is a simple method of healing and realigning the chakras that anyone can do. Before starting it is important to establish

where the blockage is occurring. This requires being completely honest with oneself about what unhealthy attitudes one

indulges in, what symptoms have been experienced, and what external factors may be impacting energy flow.

Once you have established which chakras are in need of treatment you are ready to begin:

• Begin by lying down in a comfortable place where you will not be disturbed

• Take a few minutes to focus on your breathing. Take deep breaths through the nose, filling your lungs from the

diaphragm (belly breathing).

• Acknowledge your intention to heal and realign your chakras (with special note made of any known blockages).

• Place your left hand on (or above) your first chakra and the right hand above your second chakra.

• Keeping your hands in these positions, focus on the flow of energy between the two chakras until you begin to

feel the flow equalize. You may feel a slight pulsing in your hands. Even if you feel nothing, maintain this position

for several minutes while focusing on your intention to heal and realign those chakras.

• Keeping your right hand on your second chakra, move your left hand up to your third chakra.

• Repeat the process of equalization for these two chakras.

• Continue on up through each chakra, paying special attention to those chakras that were noted initially as

problem areas.

• After balancing and realigning the last two chakras move your hands to your side (or any comfortable position)

and rest for a few minutes, feeling the energy flowing unobstructed through your body. Knowing what

unobstructed prana flow feels like is useful for diagnosing future blockages before they become too serious and

also will help you to attain that state of proper flow more easily in the future.

• Enjoy the rest of your day feeling more energized, refreshed and ready to face the world. Be mindful of and try

to avoid unhealthy attitudes and any external factors that may contribute to future blockages and imbalances.

While you should begin to experience improved energy flow right away after doing this exercise, it may take several sessions

before you begin to see the full benefit. Again, the chakras respond to will, so what you get out of the exercise will be a determined

by what you put into it. Be determined to see change and you will create the change.

It is also important to remember that such exercises are only a small part of maintaining healthy energy flow. Just as important

as removing blockages is eliminating the causes behind them. Spending time meditating on the affected chakras is a good way to

help uncover the causes behind the blockages.

Remember, the causes of chakra blockages are just as susceptible to will as the chakras are themselves. When you uncover a root

cause set your will against it. If you cannot remove the cause then it is likely that it is your attitude toward that stimulus that

needs to be adjusted, not the stimulus itself.

By remaining mindful of your own physical, mental and emotional states you can reduce the frequency of blockages as you grow

spiritually. Maintaining your chakras should always be prioritized as a part of your regular physical and mental hygiene.

Working With the Muladhara Chakra

Muladhara, the root chakra, is the first of the seven major chakras. It is the

foundation on which all of the other chakras depend. In fact, that is what its

name means: “mula” = root, source; “adhara” = support, foundation.

Muladhara is located at the very base of the spine, below the sacrum, in the

region of the coccyx (the tailbone). It is associated with the coccygeal plexus of

nerves. Its kshetram, the activation point forward of the spinal column, is on

the perineum (the area between the genitals and anus).

As its name implies, any spiritual growth through the chakras must begin with

Muladhara. It is the root which nourishes the tree of enlightenment and it must

be tended with care. Not only does the root chakra feed prana, the life force, to

the other chakras, it also serves to stabilize them. Ergo, balancing of the chakras must always begin with Muladhara.

About Muladhara

The symbol for Muladhara is a red lotus with four petals, on which are written the four Sanskrit letters from Va to Sa. The

four petals are said to represent the four cardinal directions. They also represent the four fundamental function of the human

psyche: manas (mind), buddhi (intellect), chitta (consciousness), and ahamkara (the ego). These four aspects of the psyche are

rooted in this chakra.

The center of the lotus is composed of a square. This square can be either red, like the petals, or yellow in color to represent

Indra or Ganesha (two Hindu gods that are associated with this chakra). This central square is often represented as having

eight shining arrows emanating from its sides and corners.

Inside of the lotus’ central square is often written the seed mantra syllable for the root chakra, LAM. Alternately, an inverted

triangle may be depicted. This triangle represents creation and awakening. A more detailed description of the four-petaled

lotus of Muladhara can be found in the fourth through eleventh verses of the Sat-Cakra Nirupana Tantra

In Kundalini Yoga, Muladhara is held to be the seat of the shakti (corporeal energy), the kundalini. Kundalini is visualized as

a sleeping serpent that rests within the root chakra, wrapped three times and a half times around a dark lingam. It is the goal

of the yogi to awaken the kundalini by raising it up through the chakras. The ultimate aim is to reunite the kundalini with

Brahaman by raising the spiritual energy all the way to the crown chakra, Sahasrara.

Muladhara Associations

• The elephant is associated with Muladhara, because of this chakra’s connection to Ganesha and to Indra’s

mount, Airavata, the seven-trunked King of Elephants.

• The root chakra is associated with the bones, teeth, kidneys, lower digestive tract, prostate, gonads and the anus.

It governs excretion and sexual activity. Some authorities also relate this chakra to the innermost portion of the

adrenal gland, the adrenal medulla, which releases the hormones adrenaline and noradrenalin as part of the

“fight-or-flight response”.

• Muladhara is associated with the element of earth. The Sat-Cakra Nirupana Tantra states that the central square

in the symbol for this chakra represents Prithvi (Earth).

• Essential oils connected to the root chakra are cedar wood, patchouli, and sandalwood. For aromatherapy curry,

ginger, lotus, magnolia, musk, or pine may be used.

• The flowers linked to this chakra are clematis, corn, and rosemary.

• The primary gemstone for Muladhara is onyx. Other associated stones include: agate, azurite, black obsidian,

black tourmaline, bloodstone, carnelian, flame agate, hematite, lapis lazuli, red coral, red garnet, red jasper,

rubelite, ruby, and smoky quartz.

• The seed mantra for this chakra is LAM.

• The musical tone for Muladhara is C.

• The planets associated with the root chakra is Mars and Saturn.

• Signs associated with Muladhara are Aquarius (day) and Capricorn (night).

• `The root chakra plexus is the Sacral Plexus (or Sacro-Coccygeal Plexus)

• The aspects of Muladhara are self-actualization, self-preservation, the distinction between animal and human

consciousness, unconsciousness, the karmas from past lives, destiny, creativity, and ignorance.

Imbalances in Muladhara

Imbalances in the root chakra are especially worrisome. Anything influencing this first chakra is bound to have some effect on

all of the other chakras. However, knowing what symptoms are specifically related to a blockage or imbalance in Muladhara

can allow one to correctly diagnose and correct the issue before further problems develop.

When the root chakra becomes imbalanced or prana flow is blocked there a number of physical symptoms can manifest. The

individual may experience difficulty sleeping, tiredness, sciatica and lower back pain, bowel irregularity, weakened immune

system, and eating disorders. Potential psychological issues include depression, anxiety, anger management issues, low self-

esteem, possessiveness, and fixations on safety, security, and comfort.

Healing and Maintaining Muladhara

There are many ways to treat imbalances or blockages in Muladhara. Any postures that allow grounding into feet are useful

for maintaining the root chakra. Suggestions include: Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose), Tadasana (Mountain Pose), and Setu

Bandhasana (Bridge Pose).

Dancing is also a good way to shake out blockages in Muladhara and get the energy flowing again. Take off your shoes so that

your feet come into contact with the ground. Spend a few minutes lightly moving to the music, letting energy flow into your

body from the ground through your feet.

After a few minutes pick up the pace and really let yourself go. Follow this with a brief period of simple standing still and

feeling the energy flowing through you - it should be moving much more freely now. End by spending a few minutes laying

down, getting as much contact with the earth as possible.

Another good method of unclogging your root chakra is to meditate outdoors under a favorite tree (or any particular plant that

you might have an affinity towards). While meditating contemplate the roots of the tree (or plant). Visualize yourself as the

tree, with your roots extending deep into the earth, drawing up moisture and sustenance from the ground. As your roots pull

energy from the ground, feel it dissolving the blockage in your root chakra and then flowing through and suffusing your body.

Remember, while doing any chakra work it is always beneficial to surround yourself with as many associations to that chakra

as possible. Use appropriate scents, surround yourself (and dress yourself) in appropriate colors, and meditate on appropriate

images. The chakras respond to intent, so surrounding yourself with things associated with the chakra you are working on will

help to strengthen your will and sharpen your focus, ensuring that you get the best results possible.

Working With the Swadhisthana Chakra

Swadhisthana, the sacral chakra, is the second of the seven major chakras. Its

name quite literally translates as “one’s own abode” or “residence of the soul”

(Sva = self, soul; Adhisthana = seat, residence). However, the root svad has

another meaning, as well: “to delight in” or “to taste with pleasure”.

While the root chakra may be connected to the gonads and to sexual function,

the second chakra is connected to appetite. Not just sexual appetite, either.

The sacral chakra encompasses all of your deepest driving emotions and


Swadhisthana is located approximately three centimeters above the root

chakra, near the juncture between the coccyx (tailbone) and the sacrum (fused

vertebrae at the base of the spine). Its kshetram, the focal point at the front of

the body, is the pubic bone.

Just as Muladhara is the font of instinct and animal consciousness, Swadhisthana represents the first step towards more

highly developed human consciousness. This chakra is the seat of the subconscious mind. It is the storehouse of all sensory

impressions and experiences that an individual has, from womb to tomb. Though karma is stored in Muladhara, it is in

Swadhisthana that it is activated and takes form in the present life.

About Swadhisthana

The sacral chakra, Swadhisthana, is represented by black lotus with six orange-red petals. Each petal carries a letter: bam,

bham, mam, yam, ram, and lam. These petals represent the vrittis, or modes of consciousness, of Swadhisthana: affection,

cruelty, desire for annihilation, delusion, contempt, and suspicion.

In the central circle is a crescent moon, with its convex edge toward the bottom of the circle and its concave edge facing

upwards. The Sat-Cakra-Nirupana states that the crescent represents water (the element most connected to Swadhisthana),

which is presided over by Varuna, god of waters and the celestial ocean. Thus, the crescent is generally white in color, like

Varuna. Above it the seed mantra for the sacral chakra, VAM, is said to ride upon the back of a Makara (a mythological sea


Seated in the “lap” of the bindu (the inflection point above the character VAM) resides the great Lord Vishnu, who wears the

Srivatsa (a mark on Vishnu’s chest housing his consort Lakshmi) and the Kaustubha (a mythical jewel). The blue hued god,

Vishnu, is often represented as seated on either a pink lotus or on his mount, the divine bird Garuda.

The Sat-Cakra-Nirupana goes on to tell that Vishnu is accompanied by his Shakti (divine feminine creative power), Rakini. She

drinks from the ambrosial nectar dripping down from Sahasrara. Thereby she “is exalted by the Diving Energy that infuses

her.” The passage closes by saying,

“Those meditating upon this stainless Lotus, which is named Swadhisthana, are freed immediately from all their

enemies, such as the fault of Ahakaara [egoism] and so forth. They become masters among Yogis, and are like the Sun

illuminating the darkness of Moha [ignorance]. The wealth of their nectar-like words flow in prose and verse, in

well-reasoned discourse.”

Such are the spiritual treasures that await those who master the sacral chakra! Yet they are a merest fraction of the eternal

riches that await those who press onward on the path to enlightenment. It is important to note that the enemies referred to in

the text are internal ones (i.e. lust, greed, pride, etc.). While working on this chakra will not eliminate your external enemies,

should you have any, it just might change your desire for retribution into a desire for reconciliation.

Swadhisthana Associations

• The animal associated with Swadhisthana is the crocodile (one of the chimerical components of the Makara sea beast).

The crocodile represents laziness, insensitivity, and the hidden danger that lurks just beneath the surface. The

makarasana or “crocodile pose” is an excellent pose for helping to realign and/or unblock the sacral chakra.

• The solar plexus chakra is associated with the muscular system, the skin, the large intestine, gall bladder, spleen

stomach, liver, and other organs and glands in the region of the solar plexus.

• Swadhisthana is associated with the element of water. Water changes and flows. It can be extremely destructive or

soothing and refreshing. It gives life and it can take life. Water purifies. Swadhisthana is the chakra of ragas

(attraction) and dvesa (repulsion): our likes and dislikes, our desires and our hatreds. Our emotions, like a

vast ocean, ebb and flow. They are sometimes a raging storm-tossed sea, sometimes a clear and placid lake.

By mastering our sacral chakras we channel and direct that awesome power of water toward productive ends.

• Essential oils for the sacral chakra are jasmine, juniper, musk, rose, rosemary, sandalwood, and ylang-ylang. For

Swadhisthana aromatherapy try bergamot, coriander, honeysuckle, hyacinth, musk, or patchouli.

• Flowers associated with the sacral chakra are hibiscus, Indian paintbrush, and lady’s slipper.

• Gemstones related to Swadhisthana include are amber, aragonite, blue-green fluorite, blue-green turquoise, carnelian,

citrine, coral, fire agate, fire opal, fire spinel, garnet, golden topaz, moonstone, orange agate, orange calcite, orange

chalcedony, orange jasper, orange tourmaline, orange zincite, pietersite, poppy jasper, rose quartz, selenite, smoky

citrine quartz, sun stone, tiger’s eye, topaz, vanadinite, and zircon.

• The seed mantra for this chakra is VAM

• The musical tone for Swadhisthana is D.

• The planets associated with the sacral chakra are Pluto (traditionally Jupiter and Neptune)

• Signs associated with Swadhisthana are Sagittarius (day) and Pisces (night).

• The sacral chakra plexus is the Prostatic Plexus.

• Swadhisthana presides over dreams, emotions, and fantasies. It governs our creativity, perception of pleasure, and

sexual desires.

Imbalances in Swadhisthana

Imbalances and blockages in the sacral chakra are especially troublesome for artists. When prana ceases to flow freely through

Swadhisthana it can result in a complete shutdown of the creative faculties. Writers block, artistic stagnation and loss of

creative vision are all symptoms of a problem in the sacral chakra.

A block in Swadhisthana can also result in a loss of sex drive and other sexual dysfunctions. Other symptoms can include

painful or irregular menstrual cycles, prostate issues, urinary tract infections, incontinence, and liver and kidney problems.

Imbalance in this chakra can also cause lower back, hip or knee pain.

Psychologically and emotionally, individuals with imbalances in the sacral chakra have difficulty in all of their relationships (not

just familial or romantic). They may develop emotional dependence on feelings of guilt that taint all of their interactions with

others. They give out of a sense of obligation, rather than from heart-felt altruism. They fall victim to stagnation and routine.

Ultimately, a person suffering from a blockage in Swadhisthana will suffer from increasing self-esteem issues. He will not like

who he is, but will lack the creative vision to break free from his self-imposed prison. He will vacillate between indecisiveness

and apathy, fueled by his self-doubt and ever-increasing sense of helplessness.

Conversely, when the balance tips the other direction and the sacral chakra becomes too active, the individual succumbs

to narcissistic behaviors. Self-love will eclipse love of others. Masturbation will begin to take the place of healthy sexual


Such an individual’s unhealthy belief in themselves leads them to be stubborn and close-minded. People with this kind of block

may develop eating disorders, as well. They may eat too much as a form of pleasure-seeking or not eating enough (or at all)

because of physical vanity, obsessing over weight and appearance.

Healing and Maintaining Swadhisthana

As with any of the chakras, there are many ways to deal with a blockage or imbalance in Swadhisthana. Utilizing techniques

that you are familiar with, that you have had success with in the past, and that you feel confident in is usually the best bet. The

results that you get when doing chakra healing will largely reflect your state of mind. If you expect great results your are much

more likely to get great results.

This may sound a little bit like the “placebo effect”, and in fact it is somewhat similar. However, that does not in any way

diminish the results. When doing chakra work you get back what you put in. The chakras respond to your will and your

intentions. Therefore, if you expect good results you are much more likely to get them than if you are skeptical or unsure of


When doing any type of chakra healing it is always beneficial to surround oneself with as many associations to the chakra being

worked with as possible. Incorporating things like appropriate scented oils, colors, sounds, images, and chakra stones can help

to focus your will and clarify your intent. This can significantly improve your results when doing chakra healing.

One simple thing you can use to help improve the flow of prana through your sacral chakra is practice your breathing. Sit on

the floor in the lotus position, if possible. If you are not able to do that, sitting cross-legged on the floor or even upright in a

chair with both feet flat on the floor will work. Bring your hands about one hand-width apart from each other in front of your

pelvis. Touch your thumbs, ring fingers, and pinky fingers together, leaving your index and middle fingers pointing straight

away from your body.

Begin taking deep breaths in through your nostrils. Each time you inhale imagine that you are drawing energy through the gap

made by your fingers, into your pelvis. With each exhalation push the energy upward and out through your nose. Remember

to watch your breathing - take deep breaths, filling your lungs from the bottom (the diaphragm), not shallow breaths from the

top of the chest. The focus on your pelvis will direct that energy toward your sacral chakra. This exercise will help balance your

sacral chakra, will calm you, help you feel more grounded, and will aid in digestive problems.

If you are feeling especially overwhelmed or anxious, try this exercise. Lie down on your back in a comfortable (but not so

comfortable you will fall asleep) place, with a pillow under your head and another under your knees. Place your hands just

below your belly, above the pubic bone.

Begin by just taking a few moments to feel the motion of your abdomen, the way your stomach rises and falls with each breath.

Then begin to take steady breaths from the diaphragm, picturing a balloon in your lower abdomen that fills and deflates with

every breath. After a few minutes switch your attention to your hands above your pelvic bone, while continuing to take deep


With each intake of breath, visualize drawing energy in from your surroundings, not just through your breathing but up through

the floor into your entire body. With each exhalation, push down on your pelvis slightly and visualize negative energy and

unhealthy attitudes being expelled from you pelvis out through your lungs. Continue for a few minutes or until you feel you

satisfied with the results.

Don’t get discouraged if it takes several sessions of this exercise to overcome a block and achieve the results you desire. Since

a sacral blockage adversely impacts the very qualities you need to have in order to overcome an chakra imbalance (faith in

yourself and desire to effect change), Swadhisthana blockages can sometime be difficult to correct. Keep at it and maintain your

focused intent to overcome the sacral chakra imbalance and you will ultimately succeed.

Working With the Manipura Chakra

The third primary chakra, the solar plexus chakra, is called Manipura.

Manipura is Sanskrit for “lustrous gem”. This fiery jewel of the solar plexus

is the direct line to your will power, your assertiveness, and, ultimately, your

sense of self-worth.

The third chakra is located in the lumbar region of the spine, just above the

height of the belly button. The superficial activation point, or kshetram, for

Manipura is located between the navel and the solar plexus. For this reason,

Manipura is alternately called the navel chakra and the solar plexus chakra.

One reaches Manipura after conquering the animal instincts of Muladhara and

overcoming the negative aspects of human desire in Swadhisthana. In the navel

chakra, the desires of the sacral chakra meet up with the will to act.

Manipura has the potential to be a radiant jewel whereby you adorn yourself with splendor. However, when out of balance, it

can easily become the prism that distorts your perception of self and the world around you.

About Manipura

Manipura is represented by fiery yellow lotus adorned with 10 petals. These petals are sometimes colored yellow or orange, to

reflect the fiery nature of the chakra and the modern color scheme for the chakras. However, traditionally the petals were often

colored dark-blue or black.

Each of the petals bears a Sanskrit letter: dda, ddha, nna, ta, tha, da, dha, na, pa, and pha. These letters represent the

qualities of life as witnessed through Manipura. These qualities are purpose, radiance, passion, fortitude, energy conservation,

uprightness, acceptance, mindful action, service, and harmony. When the chakras is unbalanced, however, they represent quite

the opposite: spiritual poverty, apathy, weakness, falseness, prejudice, thoughtlessness, selfishness, and discord.

The disc of the lotus is brilliant yellow, shining like the sun. On the interior of the Manipura lotus is a red inverted triangle. In

some renditions T-shaped protrusions are placed on the side of the triangle (these are swastika marks and signify universal

wellbeing). Within the triangle is the bija mantra, or seed, for this chakra which is RAM.

Coincidentally, the sound of the bija mantra for the navel chakra happens to also be the English word for the animal that relates

to this chakra: the ram. This particular ram is the mount of the fire god Vahni, who embodies all types of radiant energy as

concentrated prana and who bestows great knowledge.

Within the bindu (the dot above the character for RAM) dwells Rudra, god of storms and the hunt, who represents destruction.

This fierce three-eyed god is often represented as sitting upon the pelt of a tiger or riding upon a bull. By forming the mudra (a

hand gesture) he can offer blessings and banish fears.

His Shakti (the manifestation of his energy)is the goddess Lakini, who also grants boons and dispels fears. The Sat-Cakra-

Nirupana states that, “By meditating on this Navel Lotus the power to destroy and create [the world] is acquired. Vahni with all

the wealth of knowledge ever abides in the lotus of His face.”

Manipura Associations

• The ram is the animal associated with Manipura, because of its connection with the fiery god Vahni. To a lesser extent,

the bull is also associated with the solar plexus chakra because of its connection to Rudra.

• The solar plexus chakra is associated with the muscular system, the skin, the large intestine, gall bladder, spleen

stomach, liver, and other organs and glands in the region of the solar plexus.

• Manipura is associated with the element of fire. The Sat-Cakra Nirupana Tantra states, “the sign of [fire] is a triangle

with three Svastika marks.”

• Essential oils connected to the solar plexus chakra are bergamot, juniper, lavender, and rosemary. For aromatherapy

bougainvillea, cedar, clove, frangipani, peppermint, and ylang-ylang can also be used.

• The flowers linked to this chakra are aspen, bergamot, grapefruit, and honeysuckle.

• Gemstones associated with Manipura include amber, chalcedony, citrine, citrine topaz, gold calcite, golden topaz,

green-yellow tourmaline, heliodor, laguna agate, peridot, picture jasper, rutilated quartz, tigers eye, yellow calcite,

yellow jasper, yellow topaz, yellow tourmaline.

• The seed mantra for this chakra is RAM.

• The musical tone for Manipura is E.

• The planets associated with the root chakra are Mars and Pluto.

• Signs associated with Manipura are Aries (day) and Scorpio (night).

• The root chakra plexus is the Solar Plexus

• Manipura governs ambition, autonomy, determination, intellect, personal growth, purpose, self-esteem, and will


Imbalances in Manipura

Physical signs of an imbalance in Manipura often manifest as digestive problems. The solar plexus chakra is connected to

the pancreas, which produces insulin and digestive enzymes. A sudden onset of new food allergies and eating disorders can

indicate a blockage in the navel chakra affecting the stomach and intestines directly, or inhibiting the function of the pancreas.

Blocked energy in Manipura can also result in poor posture that can even cause permanent damage to the body. Postural

issues most often result from the psychological aspects of imbalances in Manipura. Blocked energy at this chakra can result in

the individual feeling depressed, insecure, and unable to make decisions.

These individuals become easy prey for those who seek to manipulate and use others to further their own ends. This in

turns, leads to feelings of victimization in the individual with the blockage. As the victim becomes accustomed to defeat and

degradation he or she begins to adopt a slouching posture that further damages the body (and hinders proper prana flow).

Conversely, when too much energy is retained in Manipura and an imbalance occurs will power, determination and self-esteem

run rampant. The afflicted individual may become grossly arrogant, insensitive to the feelings of others, controlling. When

things to do not go according to that individual’s plans, he or she may become physically or verbally abusive.

Healing and Maintaining Manipura

Here is a simple suggestion for treating imbalances and blockages in the navel chakra. There are many exercises and

meditations that can be used to achieve the same effect. The most important element is your will to effect change in yourself.

However, since will power is one of the things most noticeably impacted by a disruption of prana flow in Manipura it may be

difficult to manifest that will at first. Keep trying, though, and eventually you will break down the blockage. Afterwards you

should see a significant increase in results.

A good exercise for freeing up the flow of prana through Manipura is to sit in your accustomed meditative pose (whatever you

are used to and comfortable with). Place your hands together, palms touching. Touch all of your fingers together except for

your index fingers, which you should loop over your middle fingers.

Hold your hands together at the level of your heart, with the fingers point away from you. Practice your normal Hatha

breathing exercises while focusing on drawing energy into your solar plexus chakra (or siphoning it away from that chakra, if

you have an imbalance caused by excessive energy collected there). This exercise will also help to stimulate digestion, boost

metabolism, and help to ground you.

Remember, though, that excessive energy pooling in a particular chakra it could be an indication of a blockage higher up. Be

mindful and treat such blockages as well. This will ensure that prana will not continue to pool in your navel chakra and will

flow normally through the subtle body instead.

Another simple exercise for balancing your solar plexus chakra can be done while standing. Take a deep breath through the

nose, filling the chest from the diaphragm up. Hold the breath for several beats then expel the air from your lungs through your

nose while pulling the diaphragm back against the spine. Continue the exercise for as long as needed.

For added effect, combine the hand positioning from the previous exercise: palms together, index fingers looped, hands over

the forward activation point, the kshetram, located between your navel and solar plexus. As with the previous exercise, focus

on the prana flowing into and out of the navel chakra. Being mindful of the energy flow throughout your body reinforces your

intent and increases the effectiveness of the exercise.

It is also very useful, whenever doing any sort of chakra work, to surround yourself with as many things that are associated

with the chakra you are working on as possible. For Manipura, heat essential oils bergamot, juniper, lavender for scent (or any

of the listed aromatherapy scents) for smell. For sound, chant the bija mantra of “RAM”, or other appropriate mantra, or use

an tuning fork or electronic tuning device to create a sustained note (it should be E for Manipura). Wear appropriate colored

clothing and surround yourself with as much yellow as possible, though you can certainly at some red and orange for good


The more of your senses you can engage while setting your intent, prior to clearing your mind and beginning the exercise, the

more effective the exercise will be. Your chakras are part of your subtle body. As such, they respond to your will. The stronger

your will, the stronger the response. Suffusing your conscious with images, sounds, and smells associated with the chakra you

are working on helps to reinforce you will and solidify your intent, leading to notably improved results.

Working With the Anahata Chakra

The heart is the wellspring of human love and compassion. When a person has

a healthy heart - that is to say when their heart chakra, Anahata, is in balance -

they are able to love others freely, to give of themselves freely, and to accept

the love of others freely in return. However, when a person’s heart has

sustained a significant emotional injury their ability to love and accept love is

damaged as well.

Love is the most powerful of all human emotions, so we rightfully expect

profound things from Anahata. The human heart tends to be wild and

tempestuous even at the best of times. However, the word “Anahata” means

“unstruck” in Sanskrit. This, in itself, is a deep clue as to what the truly

balanced heart chakra should be.

Think of a harp: capable of producing such splendid beauty or creating a cacophony of chaos, depending on how the strings are

struck. However, without the strings being struck that beauty and chaos are only potentialities. The harp contains that beauty

and that chaos within it, but remains still and silent, unmoved.

Anahata also means “undamaged”. This is a nice thought, certainly. After all, nobody wants to have their heart damaged. Is it

a realistic goal, however? Does it mean that only those who have never known heartbreak can hope to achieve Samadhi?

Not at all. No heart makes it very far into life on this plane of existence without experiencing some form of heartbreak. There

would be no point to striving toward betterment if such disqualifications existed. This definition is simply another clue as to

what a truly balanced heart chakra should be.

So, what is the secret of the heart chakra, fourth of the major chakras?

About Anahata

Anahata is located along the spinal column at the same height as the physical heart. Its kshetram, the superficial point of focus

and activation, is between the breasts. It is at the same height as the heart but in the center of the chest instead of off center on
the left.

Traditionally the heart chakra was represented by a twelve-petaled lotus of dark smoky-grey coloration. Of course, in the

modern system of chakra colors the heart is no longer quite so drab. Modern renditions of the design color Anahata a vivid

green color. Green: the true color of healthy, beautiful love. It is also the color of love’s sickly and twisted shadow, jealousy.

The twelve petals of the heart chakra are writ upon with twelve Sanskrit characters: kam, kham, gam, gham, nam,

cam, cham, jam, jham, nam, tam, and tham. In the positive aspect, these symbols represent all that is beautiful, pure and true

about love: trust, appreciation, acceptance, empathy, tenderness, unity, lightheartedness, enjoyment of beauty, exuberance,

awe, peacefulness, and universal love.

Of course, there is always the flip side - the dark and twisted side of sickly love and an imbalanced chakra. To one suffering

from an imbalance in Anahata those petals represent the vrittis of lust, deceit, uncertainty, repentance, expectation, anxiety,

yearning, apathy, arrogance, ineptitude, inequality, and defiance. These are the dark petals of sickly love in bloom.

In the center of the lotus is a is a hexagram made of two intersecting triangles. This is the Shatkona, a symbol representing the

union of male and female - the union of Purusha, the supreme being, with Prakriti, causal matter (and sometimes presented

as the union of Shiva and Shakti). However, those not familiar with Hindu yantra might be more familiar with it as the Jewish

“Star of David” or the Japanese “Kagome Crest” (which have very similar meanings).

Indwelling the Shatkona is the god Vayu, Lord of the Winds who rides a gazelle. The bija or seed mantra for Anahata is YAM.

In the bindu (dot) above the bija dwells the fierce Isha who grants boons and banishes fears. His shakti is Kakini, seated upon

her red lotus.

The Sat-Cakra-Nirupana Tantra says that Anahata is is like the ce lestial wishing-tree, bestowing even more than (the

supplicant’s) desire.” The “wishing-tree” referred to here is the Kalpa-taru, a tree in the garden of Indra (heaven). The Kalpa-

taru grants anything that is wished for, including Moksa (liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth).

Anahata Associations

• The graceful gazelle, mount of Vayu, Lord of the Wind is the animal associated with Anahata.

• The heart chakra is connected to the heart, of course, as well as the rest of the circulatory system, ribs, lungs,

diaphragm, breasts, esophagus, shoulders, arms, and hands. The gland associated with Anahata is the thymus, which

plays an important role in the immune system.

• Anahata is associated with the element of wind.

• Essential oils connected to the heart chakra are amber, attar of rose, cedar wood, and sandalwood. For aromatherapy,

attar of rose or jasmine.

• Flowers associated with Anahata are the California wild rose, holly and poppy.

• Gemstones associated with the heart chakra include: amber, aventurine, blue topaz, emerald, emerald green

tourmaline, green adventurine, green jade, green tourmaline, kunzite, malachite, mother-of-pearl, pink tourmaline,

plume agate, rhodochrosite, rhodonite, rose quartz, rubellite tourmaline, rutillated quartz, and watermelon tourmaline

• The seed mantra for this chakra is YAM.

• The musical tone for Anahata is F or F#.

• The planet associated with the heart chakra is, of course, Venus

• Signs associated with Anahata are Libra (day) and Taurus (night).

• The heart chakra plexus is the Cardiac Plexus

• Anahata governs compassions, healing, emotional balance, emotional empowerment, emotional healing, universal

consciousness, and LOVE.

Imbalances in Anahata

When the heart chakra gets out of balance or energy gets blocked there, a whole host of nasty physical ailments can begin to

manifest. Obviously anything that impacts the heart negatively is something to be wary of and Anahata’s influence on the

physical heart is about as impactful as you can get. Poor energy flow at this level can lead to pain and degeneration in the

thoracic and cervical vertebrae, pain and joint damage in the shoulders.

As horrible as the physical ramifications of a blocked or imbalanced heart chakra are, the emotional and psychological effects

can be just as devastating. Blocked Anahata energy can touch of bouts of loneliness, jealousy, callousness and apathy towards

loved ones. When this kind of blockage goes unchecked, the situation quickly snowballs out of control. Relationships have the

potential to end in divorce, abandonment, or affairs.

The initial pain causes the sufferer to slouch, to fold inward to protect himself. This instinctual action cuts Anahata off from the

other chakras. This results in a temporary apathy that feels better than the initial emotional trauma, so the individual continues

to block this chakra, usually completely unaware of the damage he is doing to himself.

A Vishnu granthi forms: a knot in the chakra that blocks the upward flow of prana. Now, not only is Anahata in trouble, but

three higher chakras have been cut off from the flow of life force, as well. Spiritual energy cannot rise, intuitive energy cannot

go back down to the creative chakras. The whole system begins to collapse, all from that one traumatic incident.

The only way to prevent such emotional catastrophes (and the physical catastrophes they often create later on) is to learn how

to let go of hurt. Rather than nursing the wound until it goes septic and poisons the whole system, give it over to your heart

chakra and let it heal the wound and turn it into something beautiful instead.

On the other side of that scenario is the imbalanced heart chakra who has an overabundance of prana in Anahata. This

individual no longer has control over her emotions, they have control over her. Yet often the emotions she displays are not her

real ones.

She has learned to feed on emotion (especially the negative)and to thrive on it. So she creates scenarios where she can feast,

pitting friend against friend in petty squabbles and getting into foolish situation after foolish situation. She needs drama in her

life. She needs conflict. In order to satisfy that craving she is willing to drive away everyone who has ever tried to give her the

only emotion she really needs: love.

This is the very definition of “too much of a good thing”. The overabundance of prana in her heart chakra not only suggest

a blockage that is slowly starving her higher chakras, but she is so addicted to the misery and drama that she can no longer

conceive of a better way.

Healing and Maintaining Anahata

As with any chakra work, it is important to remember that what you get out of it is proportional to what you put in. Chakras

respond to will and intent. Set your intention before you begin and maintain focus on it, bending your whole will to the task.

The best way to bolster your will and focus your intent is to incorporate as many items that are associated with the chakra you

are working on into your work. Use scented oils, colors, images, chakra stones, and other items that are closely associated to

the chakra you are working with. These will help you to maximize your focus on your intention so that you have the optimum

chance of manifesting your will.

Here is a very simple exercise that can be done almost anywhere to open up the heart chakra and get energy flowing while

promoting feelings of security, self-confidence, and love. This can be done sitting down or standing up, though for maximal

effect it is recommended that you do it sitting in whatever position you generally use for meditation.

Begin by assuming your position and taking a few deep breaths to get the blood (and prana) circulating. Next, place your hands

over your heart chakra with only the fingertips overlapping and intertwined. Now, return to Hatha breathing, taking deep

breaths through the nose and filling your lungs from the diaphragm (bottom) up.

As your breath focus you attention on the point where you fingertips meet and intertwine. Feel the energy flow through

that point as it travels from your root chakra to your crown. With every intake of breath, drawn new energy in. With every

exhalation, slowly release the knot that has caused the blockage in your heart chakra.

If you are suffering from an overabundance of energy in Anahata, search out the blockage higher up that is causing energy to

collect too much in the heart chakra. Continue the same exercise for that chakra as well, to loosen the knot there and allow

prana to flow freely once more.

Working With the Vishudda Chakra

The fifth chakra, Vishudda, is located in the throat. The name of this chakra

come from the Sanskrit words visha = “impurity” and suddhi = “purify”. For

this reason, the throat chakra is sometimes referred to as “the pure place”.

Vishudda’s superficial activation point, or kshetram, is located in the region

of the larynx. Its true location, along the path of the three main nadis (channels

of life force energy) is in the spinal column, just back of the larynx.

The throat chakra governs our sense of truth, as well as our power of choice.

The name of the chakra alone should be a constant reminder to all of us that

what comes out of our throats (our words) can be deadly poison. It is up

to each of us to purify our words, to speak only truth, lest our mouths become

dispensers of poison.

About Vishuddha

Traditionally, the symbol of Vishuddha was a pure white lotus flower with sixteen smoky colored petals. Within the central disk

was an inverted triangle of sky blue containing a white circle, like the full moon, in its interior. This represents the element of

this chakra: Akasha or aether. The modern color scheme for the chakras has now assigned blue as the throat chakra’s primary


There is a Sanskrit character for each of the sixteen petals. Each letter represents one of the ideals (and its converse negative)

of Vishuddha: commitment (fickleness), purification (contamination), discipline (lack of discipline), self-study (stagnation),

discernment (arbitrariness), faith (faithlessness), non-attachment (materialism), simplicity (complication), conscious presence

(daydreaming), equanimity (volitility), grace (hubris), wholeness (brokenness), limitlessness (restrictiveness), inner silence

(escapism), bliss and surrender (grasping).

In the very center of the Vishuddha lotus is the seed mantra or bija: HAM. Residing there and representing the Akashi is the

god Ambara, seated upon his white elephant. The deity Sadashiva resides in the bindu (dot above the bija). Sadashiva is one of

the 64 forms of Shiva. It is the blending of Shiva with his shakti (divine feminine creative power), Shakini.

Vishuddha is said to be a purification center in the body. It is here that amrita, the divine nectar of immortality, is said to drip

down from the Bindu chakra and separate out into its purest form and poison. The throat chakra is connected to the more

abstract aspects of higher-level discernment and creativity.

When the throat chakra is open, it is said to purify our negative experiences, turning them into wisdom and understanding.

When Vishuddha closes those negative experiences slowly poison us.

Vishuddha Associations

• The Gaja (elephant) is associated with Vishuddha.

• The throat chakra is associated with the throat, mouth, teeth, gums, esophagus, trachea, parathyroid, thryoid and neck

vertebrae. The gland associated with it is the hypothalamus.

• Vishuddha is associated with the aether (Akasha).

• The essential oils associated with the throat chakra are clarey sage, lavender, and patchouli. For aromatherapy:

frankincense, lilac and patchouli.

• The flowers linked to this chakra are cosmos, larch and trumpet vine.

• Gemstones associated with Vishuddha are: angelite, aquamarine, azurite, bloodstone, blue calcite, blue kyanite,

blue lace agate, blue opal, blue quartz, blue topaz, blue tourmaline, blue turquoise, carnelian, chrysocolla,

kyanite, lapis lazuli, jasper, hematite, malachite, pearl, turquoise, sapphire, sodalite.

• The seed mantra for this chakra is HAM.

• The musical tone for Vishuddha is G or G#.

• The planets associated with the throat chakra is Mercury.

• Signs associated with Vishuddha are Gemini (day) and Virgo (night).

• The throat chakra plexus is the Pharyngeal Plexus

• The aspects of Vishuddha are confession, communion, faith, truth, communication, self-expression, diving guidance,

surrendering of personal will to the Divine Will.

Imbalances in Vishuddha

A block in the throat chakra can result in a wide range of ears, nose, throat and mouth ailments. It can also cause headaches

and neck pain. Such blockages can also contribute to compulsive behavior, such as overeating, smoking and alcoholism.

The intangible effects of a blocks and imbalances in Vishuddha are most insidious. They can manifest as something relatively

innocuous, such as communication issues, (i.e. difficulty speaking clearly, difficulty hearing) but they can be much more

severe when compulsion influences speech and not just action. Compulsive lying, compulsive verbal aggression, compulsive

harassment - all can stem from blockages in Vishuddha.

When an imbalance occurs from an excess of energy in the throat chakra in can manifest as an inability to listen, rushed or

garbled speech, excessive talking, the tendency to interrupt others, and the tendency to gossip. Almost any incident where

a person seems to no longer have control over his or her mouth and the things that come out of it is an indication that an

imbalance may be occurring in the throat chakra.

Healing and Maintaining Vishuddha

Whenever doing any chakra work, it is always beneficial to incorporate as many associations to the chakra being worked with as

possible. By repeatedly exposing yourself to these associations you strengthen the psychic bond between you and you intention.

In chakra work, intention is crucially important. If you have a clear intention, a stated goal, you will get results much more

readily than otherwise.

There is nothing particularly magical to that concept. The simple fact is your chakras are a part of you. If you being working on

something you want to change about yourself and know exactly what it is you want to change, how you want to change it, and

what you need to do to change it then your chances for success are significantly greater than if you blunder around blindly with

no clear goal. The chakras respond to will and to intent.

There are a number of exercises you can do to help overcome throat chakra blocks and imbalances. Many effective techniques

have little to do with yoga in any form that would be recognizable as such. The voice exercises of actors and singers are such.

Simple neck stretches are another.

For those who want something a little more in-line with chakra studies, though, try this one: get into your favorite/most

comfortable meditative position. Place your hands on your knees palms up. While keeping all other fingers outstretched bring

your ring fingers inward slightly. Touch the tips of your thumbs to your ring fingers just between the first and second knuckle.

Do ten to fifteen minutes of meditation while keeping your hands in that position to help purify and clarify your throat chakras.

The most important thing to be mindful of is avoiding blocks and imbalances in that chakra in the first place. Take good care of

your other chakras so that your prana flows as freely as possible at all times. Most importantly, be mindful of what words come

out of your mouth. The purifying gate of the throat cannot win out against a will that is determined to spew refuse out of its


Working With the Ajna Chakra

Ajna, the infamous third eye chakra, has been much popularized in books, films

and television. In such mediums the third eye lays claims to miraculous powers

- the ability to instantaneously see across vast reaches of space, the power to

manipulate and control the minds of others, the ability to see into the thoughts of

others and many other fanciful, albeit entertaining, talents.

Are such things really just flights of fancy, though? Many people believe that

the human brain is capable of much more than we currently understand. In

fact, many of those “fanciful” claims about the third eye made in movies and on

television simply parrot reports of what spiritual teachers in numerous traditions

have reported the third eye to be capable of.

Let us take a moment to familiarize ourselves with this all-too-familiar, but not

well-known chakra. Ajna is Sanskrit for “command” or “summoning”. That definition, in and of itself, seems to lend some

credence to the theory that there is real power behind the Ajna chakra.

When most people think of the third eye they think of the spot just between their eyebrows on their forehead. This is not an

entirely incorrect belief. That is, indeed, the kshetram (superficial activation site)of the Ajna. The actual Ajna itself, however, is

at the very top of the spinal cord. It is at about the same height as that spot between your eyebrows, just further back inside of

your head.

About Ajna

Before our current color schema for the chakras was established, the Ajna lotus was envisioned as a white lotus with two white

petals, one on each side of the central disc. Inside of that central disc resides the Shakti Hakini represented by the white moon

disc. Above the shakti (which is a divine feminine creative energy) is an inverted triangle containing a moon-white lingam.

Some traditions hold that Ardhanarishvara, one of the many forms of Shiva (in this case, combined with shakti) dwells within

the lingam. The Shiva-Shakti combination in general, and Ardhanarishvara in particular, are said to represent the basic,

essential duality of subject and object - a viewpoint that many devout men have studied and meditated their entire lives to


The two white petals of the Ajna lotus represent the two nadis, Ida and Pingala, that run up and down the side of the spinal

column and the central nadir, Sushumna. It is in Ajna that Ida and Pingala rejoin Sushumna before continuing upward to the

final chakra, Sahasrara.

On the left petal the character “ham” is written. This is said to represent Shiva. On the petal on the right is written “sham”.

This, of course, represents Shakti, then. These petals have also been said to be representations of the manifest and unmanifest

mind. Some also argue that the two petals represent the pineal and pituitary glands, though it stretches the limits of credulity

to presume that the originators of the chakra symbols had advanced medical knowledge of the workings of the human brain.

The bija or seed mantra of Ajna is written within the central triangle of the lotus. The mantra for the third eye chakra is the

holy syllable AUM (or OM). In contemporary thinking, the Ajna lotus’ color is no longer white but violet.

Ajna Associations

• The third eye chakra is associated with the brain, nervous system, eyes, ears, nose, pituitary glands, and pineal gland.

• Ajna is associated with the mind and energy.

• The essential oils associated with the third eye chakra are geranium, lavender, rosemary and spearmint.

Aromatherapy: amber, rose, sandalwood.

• The flowers linked to this chakra are Madia, Queen Anne’s Lace, vanilla and wild oats.

• Gemstones associated with Ajna are: amethyst, azurite, blue sapphire, celestite, cerussite, clear quartz, iolite,

lapidolite, lapis lazuli, opal, tourmalinated quartz, tourmaline, sapphire, sodalite, and sugilite.

• The seed mantra for this chakra is AUM (OM).

• The musical tone for Ajna is A.

• The planets associated with the third eye chakra is the Moon.

• Signs associated with Ajna are the Moon and Sun.

• The third eye chakra plexus is the Cavernous Plexus.

• The aspects of Ajna are spiritual awareness and capabilities of the mind.

Imbalances in Ajna

Impeded prana flow through the Ajna chakra can manifest itself in a number of physical symptoms. An individual with a

blocked third eye chakra might experience intense migraines, dizzy spells, temporary blackouts, disorientation and confusion,

decreased cognition, chronic insomnia, sinusitis, difficulty hearing, and vision problems. However, physical symptoms would

not necessarily be restricted to the head because Ajna governs over the pituitary gland which regulates a wide range of functions

inside of the human body.

An imbalance caused by an excess of energy in the third eye chakra could manifest itself as a disconnection from emotion and

inability to empathize with other humans. It might even result in a complete withdrawal and lack of concern for the material

world altogether.

When Ajna is balanced our overall balance is drastically improved. The negative effects of imbalances in other chakras can be

somewhat negated by maintaining proper balance in Ajna. When the third eye chakra is unblocked and in perfect balance the

mind and intuition work at their optimum, the imagination is vivid and clear, but not overwhelming, you feel a clearly defined

sense of purpose and psychic abilities may manifest.

Healing and Maintaining Ajna

Just as with any other chakra work, when seeing to break through an obstruction in or restore balance to Ajna it is extremely

useful to surround yourself with sights, sounds and smells that are associated with the third eye chakra. By immersing yourself

in a sensory barrage of Ajna related scents, sounds, colors, symbols, etc. you focus in more clearly on your goal, kind of like

tuning a radio to an exact frequency.

The reason it is important to hone your focus as much as possible is because the chakras respond to your will and to your

intention. The more focused and intent you are on achieving a certain goal the more likely you will be to succeed. Therefore,

increasing your focus on the chakra you will be dealing with beforehand by immersing yourself in the symbols of that chakra

makes overcoming imbalances and blockages much easier.

A very simple thing you can to improve your chances of success when seeking to unblock or restore balance to the third eye

chakra (or even just to maximize your Ajna meditation) is to loop your finger and thumb, as if you were making the “OK”

sign, while meditating on Ajna. These simple symbolism helps to increase your concentration and calms the mind of fruitless

circular thinking.

Working on mastering your breathing is also very helpful for stamping out invasive thoughts during meditation. Try to train

yourself to breathe through only one nostril at a time, like master yogis do. Attempting to master your breathing will drive most

other thoughts out of your mind and help you to achieve a quite state of mind more easily. You might even succeed in teaching

yourself how to breath out of only one nostril while you are at it!

Working With the Sahasrara Chakra

Sahasrara is the crown chakra, the abode of Shiva. Depending on tradition, this

chakra is located either at the very top of the head or slightly above it. This chakra

represents the height of consciousness and the ultimate detachment from illusion.

The crown chakra is often spoken of as the most subtle of all the chakras. This

is because it is the only chakra that deals solely with intangibles, with the

abstract. Whereas all other chakras have associations with physical processes

in the body, Sahasrara is pure consciousness. All other chakras emanate from


About Sahasrara

Sahasrara is called the thousand-petaled lotus (Sahasrara means “thousandfold” in Sanskrit). As its name implies, it is usually

represented as a lotus with a thousand petals. The image is a central disc, forming the center of the lotus flower, containing a

golden circle with a luminous triangle inside. The petals of the lotus are arranged around this central disc in twenty rows of 50

petals each.

Traditionally the Sahasrara lotus was visualized as white and luminous or as having multi-colored petals. However, the modern

color association of violet is often applied in contemporary references. Generally depictions of the crown chakra symbol do not

literally include one thousand petals.

The seventh chakra represents the pinnacle of spiritual enlightenment. In Kundalini yoga it is the yogi’s aim to awaken the

sleeping female kundalini shakti energy and raise it along the sushumna channel (which follows the center of the spine) through

all of the chakras until it finally unites with the male Shiva energy in Sahasrara.

When this occurs, the yogi finally attains Samadhi, the ultimate goal of transcendental yoga. In this state the yogi transcends

the realms of the physical, emotional, and intellectual. The yogi is able to enter into a non-dualistic state of consciousness

where there is no longer distinction between the observer and the observed.

Sahasrara Associations

• Sahasrara’s primary association to the corporeal is a loose association to the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland

secretes hormones which direct the activity of the rest of the endocrine system, much in the same way that the seven

chakra gives rise to and directs the other chakras. The pituitary gland also connects to the central nervous system by

way of the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is thought to be a primary physical component of consciousness.

• Unlike lower chakras, the seventh chakra does not have a traditional element (like earth or fire) associated with it.

Instead, Sahasrara is associated with Cosmic energy, the spirit, space, and pure thought. This chakra is connected

solely with the abstract elements of existence.

• Essential oils associated with Sahasrara are frankincense and jasmine. Attar of rose and lavender are also useful for

aromatherapy when doing chakra work directed at the seventh chakra.

• Flowers associated with this chakra are the lotus, Angelica, and Star Tulip.

• The primary gemstones for this chakra are amethyst and clear quartz. However, other stones which are also

associated include amber, Danburite, diamond, iolite, lepidolite, moldavite, Oregon opal, purple fluorite, pyrite,

rutilated quartz, selenite, serpentine, sugalite, and tanzanite.

• Mantras for Sahasrara are all mantras or silence.

• Meditations may be on divinity, on Atman, and the holy syllable AUM.

• The musical tone for Saharara is high B.

• The planet associated with the seventh chakra is the Sun.

• Signs associated with Sahasrara are Cancer and Leo. Some also include Mercury.

• Since this chakra is generally held to be above the head rather than in it, there is no plexus associated with Sahasrara.

• The primary functions of the seventh chakra are inspiration, wisdom, infinite bliss, oneness with all, connection to the

`Divine, and cosmic consciousness.

• Methods of opening or balancing this chakra include energy work, meditation, and guided visualization.

Imbalances in Sahasrara

The most important element in the treatment of any chakra imbalance is the accurate diagnosis of the imbalance itself.

Knowing which chakra is affected allows the practitioner to focus his will on restoring balance to that chakra. Knowing the

causes of the imbalance allows the practitioner to remove obstacles from his life and address unhealthy attitudes that may be

causing chakra blockages.

Because the seventh chakra deals with consciousness and is not rooted in the physical as the other chakras are, the symptoms

of imbalance in this chakra generally manifest as disorders of consciousness and perception. Imbalances in this chakra almost

always cause a reduction in cognition and a skewed perception of the world.

Someone with an imbalance or blockage in this chakra may experience disorientation, difficulty focusing, difficulty thinking,

difficulty completing tasks, and general confusion. They may express a sense of feeling cut off from their spiritual center,

depressed, or hopeless. Conversely, they may manifest a delusional sense of self importance.

Healing and Maintaining sahasrara

As with any chakra imbalance or blockage, there is no single “right” way to treat and correct such restrictions in energy flow.

Those experienced with chakra healing are encouraged to stick with proven methods that work for them.

However, it is not necessary to seek out and pay for professional help to treat a Sahasrara blockage (though that certainly is a

viable option). There are simple methods that even the most inexperienced novice can use to purge blockages and to restore

balance to the chakras.

Chakras respond to will. The strength of your conviction and desire to restore balance will impact how effective any treatment

is. Though you will likely feel some results the very first time you do a chakra healing, it may take more than one session to

realize the full benefit.

Whenever doing chakra work, whether healing or simply cultivating your chakras, it is always beneficial to incorporate as

many associations with the chakra you are working with as possible. Likewise, use appropriate meditations and mantras.

For instance, when working on Sahasrara you would want to use frankincense or jasmine oil, amethyst or clear quartz chakra

stones, etc. while you work.

The more you can inundate yourself with the sights, sounds, smells, and mental attitudes of Sahasrara, the more effective the

session will be. While this may sound like mumbo-jumbo, there is psychological basis for doing so. As stated previously, the

chakras respond to intent and suffusing your space with these associations helps to reinforce your will so that you may manifest

your intentions.

Additionally, you can achieve similar effects by going to places that inspire contemplation of seventh chakra themes. Because

Sahasrara is such a lofty chakra, with associations to space and clarity, visiting high scenic areas, such as mountain observation

areas or even the tops of very tall buildings (as long as you have a long, unobstructed view) can help to get you into the mental

state necessary to do chakra work on Sahasrara.

This kind of immersion is not only good for healing work, it also is very useful for chakra maintenance. Another good method

for maintaining a healthy seventh chakra is to practice daily affirmations that speak to higher consciousness, the divine, and

oneness with all. Come up with your own affirmations or try one of the following:

• I am open to the truth of myself and the Universe.

• I am one with and connected to all that I perceive.

• I am the perceiver and the perceived.

• I am limitless.

• I am one with the Divine.

Another helpful practice for both maintenance and healing of the seventh chakra is to do your meditations outdoors. Find a

tree or other living being and spend time feeling your connection to that other being. Meditate on that oneness until it becomes

a real, tangible connection for you. Then begin to expand the scope of that connection to encompass more and more of the life

around you.

Understand, however, that doing chakra work on Sahasrara does not mean that you will obtain instant enlightenment. While it

certainly would be convenient if you could skip all of the self-discipline and time investment needed to achieve spiritual growth,

it just does not work that way. You cannot short cut straight to Samadhi simply by focusing on the crown chakra while ignoring

the others.

The path to Samadhi requires the gradual raising of energy from the base chakra all the way to the crown chakra. Nor is it an

easy feat. Many people go their whole lives not being able to raise the energies higher than the third or fourth chakra.

Nevertheless, maintaining a healthy prana flow throughout all of the chakras, including Sahasrara is a crucial part of the

process of spiritual development. Again, do not feel discouraged if you do not experience overwhelming results right away

when doing chakra work. Even experienced practitioners do not always feel the full benefit from just one sessions, especially if

the blockage is especially bad.

The keys to successful chakra healing and maintenance lie in repetition and in intent. The more that you do it, the better your

results will be. The more that you want to achieve the results, the better your results will be.


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