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<FARVA RANA F20170650256

ALIZA RIAZ F2017065034>




1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................4
1.1. Project Overview...................................................................................................................4
1.2. Project Deliverables...............................................................................................................4
1.3. Evolution of the SPMP...........................................................................................................5
1.4. Reference Materials...............................................................................................................5
1.5. Definitions and Acronyms......................................................................................................5
2. PROJECT ORGANIZATION.....................................................................................................................5
2.1. Process Model.......................................................................................................................5
2.2. Organizational Structure........................................................................................................6
2.3. Organizational Interfaces.......................................................................................................6
2.4. Project Responsibilities..........................................................................................................6
3. MANAGERIAL PROCESS.......................................................................................................................7
3.1. Management Objectives and Priorities..................................................................................7
3.2. Assumptions, Dependencies, and Constraints.......................................................................7
3.3. Risk Management..................................................................................................................8
3.4. Monitoring and Controlling Mechanisms..............................................................................8
3.5. Staffing Approach..................................................................................................................8
4. Technical Process..........................................................................................................................8
4.1. Methods, Tools, and Techniques...........................................................................................8
4.2. Software Documentation.......................................................................................................8
4.2.1. Software Requirements Specification (SRS)...................................................................8
4.2.2. Software Design Description (SDD)................................................................................8
4.2.3. Software Test Plan.........................................................................................................8
4.3. User Documentation..............................................................................................................8
4.4. Project Support Functions.....................................................................................................8
5. Work Packages, Schedule, and Budget.........................................................................................8
5.1. Work Packages.......................................................................................................................8
5.2. Dependencies........................................................................................................................8
5.3. Resource Requirements.........................................................................................................8
5.4. Budget and Resource Allocation............................................................................................8
5.5. Schedule................................................................................................................................9
6. Additional Components..............................................................................................................10
6.1. Index....................................................................................................................................10
6.2. Appendices..........................................................................................................................10

This is a Crime Reporting and Management System. The goal of the system is to facilitate
collection, storage, retrieval, analysis, transfer and sharing of data and information at the
Police Department and between the Police Department and the state Headquarters and the
central police Organizations. We want to make the police functioning citizen friendly and
more transparent by automating the functioning of police departments and to provide the
investigating officers of the civil Police with tools, technology and information to
facilitate investigation of crime and detection of criminals.

1.1. Project Overview

CRMS will be helpful for the police department as it converts all the file-based
system into computerized system and allow the police officers to manage all the
criminal record in secure environment. CRMS will be used to facilitate collection,
storage, retrieval, analysis, transfer and sharing of data and information at the Police
Department and allow them to share it between other law enforcement agencies. It is
really helpful in order to overcome crime as its easier to manage all the record you
can register FIR online; you can access data any time you want and moreover all of
the data is secured. We want to Make the police functioning user friendly and more
transparent by automating the functioning of police departments and to Provide the
investigating officers of the Police with the tools, technology and information to
facilitate investigation of crime and detection of criminals. This will save a lot of time
and cost.

1.2. Project Deliverables

D-1 In first deliverable we focus to create registration and authentication

functionality for our users.
D-2 In Second deliverable we focus to create report generation functionality.
D-3 In Third deliverable we make sure that system will validate data before
storing it.
D-4 In fourth deliverable we focus to create Access Control functionality.
D-5 In Fifth deliverable we focus to create send reports and view status
D-6 In Sixth deliverable we make sure that Police can manage FIR details.
D-7 In Seventh deliverable we allow Forensic department to manage Post
mortem details.
D-8 In Last deliverable we will allow other departments and Law
enforcement agencies to share information and access of data.

1.3. Evolution of the SPMP

Moving to a centralized web-based platform will enable the police department to

effectively manage its tasks like making FIR reports, managing criminal details and
post-mortem reports. Higher authorities can also manage and see the police officers
monthly work efficiency reports. This technology migration will reduce overhead
time associated with the police officers currently required to manage these tasks. The
police department will also benefit from more timely and accurate report results.
This real time access can reduce over hard work and enable efficiency in work and
can also reduce errors and is readily available to any authorized user.

1.4. Reference Materials

1. Tabassum, K., Shaiba, H., Shamrani, S., & Otaibi, S. (2018, April). E-Cops: An
Online Crime Reporting and Management System for Riyadh City. In 2018 1st
International Conference on Computer Applications & Information Security
(ICCAIS) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
2. Delia, W. M., & Kelley, E. E. (2014). U.S. Patent No. 8,818,829. Washington,
DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
3. Jaiswal, A., Gunjal, N., PoojaLondhe, S. S., & Solanki, R. (2013). Crime
Automation & Reporting System. International Journal of Science and Modern
Engineering (IJISME), 1.
4. Strom, K. J., & Smith, E. L. (2017). The future of crime data: The case for the
National Incident‐Based Reporting System (NIBRS) as a primary data source for
policy evaluation and crime analysis. Criminology & Public Policy, 16(4), 1027-
7. Shih, T. F., Chen, C. L., Syu, B. Y., & Deng, Y. Y. (2019). A cloud-based crime
reporting system with identity protection. Symmetry, 11(2), 255.
8. Pap, A. L. (2020). Neglect, Marginalization, and Abuse: Hate Crime Legislation
and Practice in the Labyrinth of Identity Politics, Minority Protection, and Penal
Populism. Nationalities Papers, 1-19.
9. Buhrman, M. F., Snyder, R. A., Dennis, C. L., Boxberger, R. C., & Ferguson, W.
M. (2013). U.S. Patent No. 8,588,748. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office.
10. Mkhwanazi, K., Owolawi, P. A., Mapayi, T., & Aiyetoro, G. (2020, August). An
automatic crime reporting and immediate response system. In 2020 International
Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Computing and Data
Communication Systems (icABCD) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
1.5. Definitions and Acronyms

The system CRMS will be used for automating the manual process of register
different case in police department. This system will manage the details of all the
crimes that are registered in police department. The system provides an interface to
store the crime details and allows the user to search and view records. Our system will
be secure enough to use for sensitive crime and post mortem records.

As a general the scope of our system is as follows:

 Ensure data’s accuracy and security.

 Authorized user can register crime in the system.
 Minimize manual data entry.
 Greater efficiency and better services.
 Generate crime reports.
 Sharing of data and information between law enforcement agencies.
 FIR management.
 Managing Postmortem details.


2.1. Process Model

In order to effectively migrate existing data from our manual platform to the new
web-based platform, a phased approach has been developed which will result in
minimal/no disruption to day to day operations, administration and reporting
activities. The following is a high-level overview of the phased approach:
Phase I: Hardware/Software will be purchased, and a web-based system will be
created in the web-based environment and tested by the IT development group.
Phase II: IT group will stand up a temporary legacy platform in the technology lab to
be used for day to day operations for crime reporting and administration activities.
This will be used as a backup system.
Phase III: The web-based platform will be populated with all current crime and
administrative data.
Phase IV: All management department police officers will receive training on the
new web-based platform.
Phase V: The web-based platform will go live, and the manual system will be
archived and stood down.
2.2. Organizational Structure

Approved Business Manager Date


Approved Project Manager Date


2.3. Organizational Interfaces

The administrative and managerial interfaces between the project and the primary
entities with which it interacts.
Customer: <name> ALI Phone No:

Subcontractor: AROOJ 0344-890675


Software Quality ZAHIDA Company Address: 27-C,

Assurance Johar Town, Lahore

Software SUBHAN Email:


Management Ecops Company Address:

Satellite Town, 20-B,

2.4. Project Responsibilities

Function Name Role

registration and Farva Khursheed Admin and Developer

report generation Aliza Riaz Developer
Access Control Farva Khursheed Admin and Developer
send reports and Aliza Riaz Developer
view status
manage FIR details Farva Khursheed Admin and Developer
manage Post Aliza Riaz Developer
mortem details
share information Farva Khursheed Admin and Developer
and access of data


3.1. Management Objectives and Priorities

The system is to facilitate collection, storage, retrieval, analysis, transfer and sharing
of data and information at the Police Department and between the Police
Department and the state Headquarters and the central police Organizations. We
want to Make the police functioning citizen friendly and more transparent by
automating the functioning of police departments and to Provide the investigating
officers of the civil Police with tools, technology and information to facilitate
investigation of crime and detection of criminals.

Objective Description
Timely and accurate data Web based tool will allow real-time and accurate storage of
storage all the data
It will provide high level security by using different
Improve security
authentication methods

It will allow the users to remotely access the data through

Data remotely access
web and it also allow authorized users to share data

Cost and time No need of manually entering data, it will save cost and time
of the user by allowing user to store data with just a few
clicks with 100% data security.

3.2. Assumptions, Dependencies, and Constraints


The migration of data and other management and administrative functions from the
legacy system to the web-based platform will result in greater efficiency with regards
to Police station resources and department processes. The web-based project is also
aligned with department objectives since it uses technology to improve the way we
do tasks. The web-based project was selected for proposal because it provides the
best opportunity to realize benefits while also allowing for the greatest improvement
in efficiency and time/cost reduction. Other alternatives assumed greater risk,
provided less benefits, were too difficult to define, or were not suitably aligned with
department objectives.
Initial estimates for the web-based project are:
● 40-50% reduction in overhead costs in the first 12 months.
● 70-80% immediate decrease in time to generate crime reports.
● 70-80% immediate decrease in the amount of time it takes to find criminal
● 60-70% decrease in department issues in the first 6 months.


1) This system will only compatible with windows.

2) This system requires internet connection.
3) This system will use NADRA database to fetch identity card
4) This system will use MySQL Server.
5) This system will only work on those Laptop’s and PC’s that have
minimum 2GB of RAM.


1) This project requires cost and time and funding. These will make
impact on our project.
2) We don’t have enough tools to complete this project.
3) Creeping changes can impact the delivery in time.
4) Difficult to train our target user in order to tell them how to use this
5) Integration of different departments in our system could cause more
complexity and errors.
3.3. Risk Management

No. Risk Monitoring and Controlling

1 Select specific versions of tools and
Inappropriate version of the
components to use and every member
tools and components.
will adhere to the choice through
2 Failure to meet deadlines for Setup milestones in advance of the final
deliverable. due date for each deliverable.
3 Reassign resources to fill the gap,
depending on availability and previous
Unavailability of resources
knowledge of what the currently
unavailable resource was working on.
4 Client will be made aware, in advance,
of the amount of change that can be
Requirements change
accommodated within the term of the
5 Most of the work will be done using
online collaboration tools, including
version control software, and the
Accidental loss of valuable resulting documents stored online to
information minimize the chances of loss of
Copies of work not stored online will be
kept by all team members.

3.4. Monitoring and Controlling Mechanisms

We will use SVN as a version control system to prevent accidental issues from
affecting the prototyping code. We will use the Track bug-tracking system to monitor
developer progress on tasks and to report any bugs.

3.5. Staffing Approach

First of all, the project is basically based on how the crime rate can be reduced by
using our system (Crime Report and Management system) so, the person who are
using our system he/she must have to have the training of how they can catch the
crime. Also, the project team member must have the background knowledge of crime
department such as, in what basis they caught the criminal and what evidence the
crime report department required? Furthermore, By the time the reporter learns of a
robbery, the robbers will probably have fled, the victims will be in hospital,
answering police questions or in a mortuary, while the police themselves will already
have started their investigation.

4. Technical Process
4.1. Methods, Tools, and Techniques

All developers are required to use the Eclipse IDE 3.6 to minimize issues with cross-
compatibility while developing. This allows the use of Eclipse extensions (if
supported by Android). UML diagrams will be generated using the Eclipse plugin:
UML2 Extender SDK. This will also be used to define the process. Rational Rose
will also be used as UML modeling tool that supports iterative development, which
will support the transition from phase 1 to phase 2. Microsoft Visa may also be used
for simpler UML diagrams.

4.2. Software Documentation

The software user’s manual shall be generated along with the functional requirements
and be validated during the acceptance process. All documentation will be available
from the application and the Team website.

4.2.1. Software Requirements Specification (SRS)

Product Perspective:
1. The web pages (XHTML/JSP) are present to provide the user interface
on customer client side. Communication between customer and server
is provided through HTTP/HTTPS protocols.
2. The client software is to provide the user interface on system user
client side and for this TCP/IP protocols are used.
3. On the server-side web server is for database server for storing the

Software Interface:
Client on Internet: Web Browser, Operating System(any)
1. Web server: Apache Tomcat, Operating system(any)
2. Database Server: MySQL, operating System(any)
3. Development End: NetBeans

Hardware Interface:
Client side:
I.E 6.0 or above Processor RAM Disk Space
Core2 Duo at 2GB 160MB

Server Side:
1. Apache Pentium-3 at 4GB 500MB
Tomcat 1GHZ
2. MySQL Pentium-3 at 4GB 500MB


Software Requirement Specification 10-1-2021
Code Champs

Product Function:

Class of Use Actors Involved Use Case Description of Use
User account usage Police Officer Login Login into account
Administrator <includes>
Data Manager Invalid Id or
Viewing data Administrator View Register <extends>
Police officer 1. View case
2. View in-out
3. View duty
Generating Reports Administrator Report generation <extends>
1. Prisoner
wise report
2. Case wise
3. Visitor wise
Confirm Administrator Confirm interview All interview
Interview request request requests by
relatives of
View Release Administrator Viewing release Information of
Diary Police Officer diary release date of
Password Administrator Change Password Change of
Police Officer password

User Characteristics:
 Police Officer: should be given read only access to the information of prisoners
 Data Manager: should be given the responsibility of adding or updating the
existing information.
 Administrator: can be a Jail administrator or government official to handle the
troubleshooting or the managing of the system.
1. Compatibility:
Software should run compatibility (i.e., Under the same operating system,
database and networking capabilities) with the other subsystems software it
works together with
It should allow an administrator to enroll new users and give them access rights
to read the data.

2. Reliability and Availability:

 It should permit 1 hour per day for maintenance and backup activities with
minimal disruption to users.
 Any failure should case no more than 10-minute downtime, with the average
not exceeding 2 minutes.
 Backup should spot-tested to ensure they are reliable.
 24X7 availability
 Better component design for to get better performance at peak time.
 It should allow up to 10 users to login simultaneously and receive an average
response time not exceeding 3 seconds.
Use Case Model Description:
1. Police Officer: He who is provided with read only access to the information
related to the prisoners. After logging in his own account, a police officer will
be ale to view information of criminals. He can then view the roles, case
register, in-out register, duty register, release diary and he have to confirm the
interview request by the relatives of criminals.
2. Administrator: can be a Jail administrator or a government official. Has a right
to view data and also generation of various reports.
3. Data Manger: Deals with the addition or updating of the existing data.
External Interface Requirement:
The external interface is a dynamically generated web page with professional
4.2.2. Software Design Description (SDD)

The SDD describes the major components of the software design

including databases and internal interfaces.


Software Purpose Version

Linux-CentOS Operating System 6.9
Apache Application 2.2+
Server/Web Server
PHP Server-side scripting 5.4
MySQL Relational Database; 5.5
Storage Engine
Bootstrap HTML-CSS 3.0

4.2.3. Software Test Plan

The Methodology for this consultancy consisted of the following:

Desk Analysis:
A Desk Analysis review of documents provided by CariSECURE and relevant
stakeholders was undertaken as a part of this analysis.

Consultation Meetings:
Consultation meetings were held with CariSECURE stakeholders in St. Kitts
and Nevis, Guyana and St. Lucia to obtain feedback on the current information
management needs of the crime agencies in these countries, and
recommendations for strengthening the information management systems in the
pilot countries. These meetings were held at various times during the month of
November 2017.

Technical Analysis:
A Technical Analysis of the current hardware and software needs of crime
agencies in the three target countries was undertaken by the Consultant as part of
this assessment. The Consultant personally visited crime agency offices in the
three target countries in order to assess what was on the ground.
The coding of some important test is provided here like the username and
validation, search module and add entry module.
Username and Password Validation:
Namespace Police Station Project
Public Partial Class Login
Private Sub Init ()
End Sub Public Sub Click On Password Field ()
Report. Log (Report Level. Info, "Mouse", " Mouse Left Click item’ Login
Tab_Page_List. Input Fields. Text_Password’ at 175;9. ",
Repo. Login Form. Tab_Page_List. Input_Fields. Text_Password_Info)
Repo. Login Form. Tab_Page_List. Input_Fields. Text_Password. Click (" 175;9
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
Public Sub Login Form ( a Title As String , a Username As String , a Password
As String )
Repo. Login Form. Title. TextValue = aTitle
Repo. Login Form. Username. TextValue = aUsername
Repo. Login Form. Password. TextValue = aPassword
Repo. Login Form. Repeat Password. TextValue = aPassword
End Sub

Search Module:
Public Sub ValidateTextValue (repository item As Ranorex. Adapter, val As
Keyboard. Press ( repository item, val)
Validate. Are Equal (repository item. [ As ](of Ranorex . Text) (). TextValue ,
val )
Report. Screenshot ( repository item, True )
End Sub
Const NullString As String = "( null )"
Public Sub Validate_Database Field (OLEConnectionString As String,
As String, expectedValue As String, customLogMessage As String )
If OLE Connection String. Trim (). Equals (String. Empty) Or Else OLE
String. Trim (). Equals (NullString) Then
Throw New Ranorex. RanorexException ("Connection String is empty")
End If
If SQLQuery. Trim (). Equals (String. Empty) Then
Throw New Ranorex. RanorexException ("SQLQuery is empty")
End If
As New OleDbConnection (OLE Connection String)
connection. Open ()
Dim command As OleDbCommand = Nothing
Dim SQLReader As OleDbDataReader = Nothing
Try command = New OleDbCommand (SQLQuery, connection)
SQLReader = command. ExecuteReader ()
SQLReader. Read ()
If SQLReader . FieldCount > 0 Then
Dim actualValue = SQLReader. GetString (0)
If customLogMessage . Trim () . Equals ( String. Empty ) Then
International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications
Vol. 10, No. 7 (2016)

108 Copyright ⓒ 2016 SERSC

customLogMessage = " Actual value = ’{0} ’ , expected value = ’{1} ’
( database
query = " & SQLQuery & ") "
End If
Ranorex. Validate. AreEqual (actualValue , expectedValue , customLogMessage
Else Throw New Ranorex . RanorexException (String . Format ("SQL statement
not return any results : {0} ", SQLQuery ))
End If
command. Dispose ()
SQLReader. Dispose ()
End Try
End Using
End Sub

Test Case ID:

Test Case Id: 1 Test Design By: QA Engineer

Test Module Name: FIR Search Test Design Date: 6/6/2020

Test Priority: High Test Executed By: Test Engineer

Test Title/Name: Search with Valid FIR Test Executed Date: 6/6/2020

Description: Check valid FIR

Pre-condition: User have Valid FIR No

Dependencies: Against Each FIR Data must be stored to be displayed

Step Test Step Test Data Expected Actual Status Notes
Result Result (Pass/Fail
1. Navigate the The Data of The Data Pass
main Page. All Each FIR
Each FIR

2. Launch the
FIR Search
FIR’s appear in the
Grid i.e.
data number,
CNIC etc.

All FIR’s data
stored in database
Post-condition: FIR data displayed.
Test Case Id: 2 Test Design By: QA Engineer

Test Module Name: FIR Search Test Design Date: 6/6/2020

Test Priority: Critical Test Executed By: Test Engineer

Test Title/Name: Search with Invalid FIR Test Executed Date: 6/6/2020

Description: Check Invalid FIR

Pre-condition: User have Invalid FIR No

Dependencies: Against Each FIR Data must be stored to be displayed

Step Test Step Test Data Expected Actual Status Notes

Result Result (Pass/Fail
1. Navigate to The Data of The Data Pass
the main
All Each FIR
should not
Each FIR

2. Launch the
FIR Search
FIR’s appear in the
Grid i.e.
data number,
CNIC etc.

All FIR’s data
stored in database
Post-condition: FIR data not displayed.

A message should be displayed which describe that FIR No. or
CNIC you have entered is incorrect.

Test Case Id: 3 Test Design By: QA Engineer

Test Module Name: FIR Search Test Design Date: 6/6/2020

Test Priority: Critical Test Executed By: Test Engineer

Test Title/Name: Search with Invalid CNIC Test Executed Date: 6/6/2020

Description: Check Invalid CNIC No

Pre-condition: User have Invalid CNIC No

Dependencies: Against Each FIR Data must be stored to be displayed

Step Test Step Test Data Expected Actual Status Notes

Result Result (Pass/Fail
1. Navigate to The Data of The Data Pass
the main
All Each FIR
should not
Each FIR

2. Launch the
FIR Search
FIR’s appear in the
in the
Screen Grid
All FIR’s data
stored in database
Post-condition: FIR data displayed.

A message should be displayed which describe that FIR No. or
CNIC you have entered is incorrect.

Test Case Id: 4 Test Design By: QA Engineer

Test Module Name: Crime Register Button Test Design Date: 6/6/2020

Test Priority: High Test Executed By: Test Engineer

Test Title/Name: Buttons Functionality Test Executed Date: 6/6/2020

Description: Check button functionalities

Pre-condition: Buttons should be active

Dependencies: Against each important functionality the buttons should be added.

Step Test Step Test Data Expected Actual Status Notes

Result Result (Pass/Fail
1. Launch the Upon button Upon Failed
Application All click the user
should be

2. Click on the
FIR’s moved to a
desired form
button data
Buttons and their
Post-condition: The desired crime register form should appear on screen.

There should be problem with the codding.

Test Case Id: 5 Test Design By: QA Engineer

Test Module Name: Police Station Button Test Design Date: 6/6/2020

Test Priority: High Test Executed By: Test Engineer

Test Title/Name: Buttons Functionality Test Executed Date: 6/6/2020

Description: Check button functionalities

Pre-condition: Buttons should be active

Dependencies: Against each important functionality the buttons should be added.

Step Test Step Test Data Expected Actual Status Notes

Result Result (Pass/Fail
1. Launch the Upon button Upon Pass
Application All click the user
should be

2. Click on the
FIR’s moved to a
desired form
button data form

Buttons and their
Post-condition: The desired Police Station form should appear on screen.

4.3. User Documentation

User documentation is basically referring to the need of the current era and also for
the need of the crime report department who faced daily struggle in order to caught
the criminal. The current system that are planned and developed by the Gujranwala
Crime report and Management system by the persons: Ali Saqib, Samer Suhail.

Work plan for online is to develop the online website for entering the crime with the
individual specific name and as well as the person who commit the crime with the
personal information. For paper documentation, we will develop the system that the
officer can used for detecting the current location of the criminal. And we get the
online help from the articles of Aamir Khan and Amit Singh because they explained
very well in detailed the current system and how the crime report department can add
the features to make it more efficient.

4.4. Project Support Functions

System had the following support functions that were provided from outside the main

 Information Services department provided Video Conferencing using PictureTel

 Bobby Rahal Motorcars, Inc. of Wexford, PA provided examples of existing
dealer information systems

5. Work Packages, Schedule, and Budget

5.1. Work Packages

MILESTONE-1: In first Milestone we will achieve following deliverables:

D-1 In first deliverable we focus to create registration and authentication

functionality for our users.
D-2 In Second deliverable we focus to create report generation
D-3 In Third deliverable we make sure that system will validate data before
storing it.
MILESTONE-2: In Second Milestone we will achieve following deliverables:

D-4 In fourth deliverable we focus to create Access Control functionality.

D-5 In Fifth deliverable we focus to create send reports and view status
D-6 In Sixth deliverable we make sure that Police can manage FIR details.
MILESTONE-3: In third Milestone we will achieve following deliverables:

D-7 In Seventh deliverable we allow Forensic department to manage Post

mortem details.
D-8 In Last deliverable we will allow other departments and Law
enforcement agencies to share information and access of data.

5.2. Dependencies

1) This system will only compatible with windows.

2) This system requires internet connection.
3) This system will use NADRA database to fetch identity card
4) This system will use MySQL Server.
5) This system will only work on those Laptop’s and PC’s that have
minimum 2GB of RAM.

5.3. Resource Requirements

The estimated time required to complete the project is almost 8 months. And we also
required the time-to-time communication with the crime report department because
on the personal level we have to gain the knowledge of crime report department of
what techniques they apply in order to report the crime and also, sometimes we have
to travel with the officers to see how they do the research and how they train their
team. And what individual must have the characteristics to become part of the crime
report department. We need the current specific system for entering the reports of the
crime. And furthermore, the statistical expert that can show the rate of the crimes in a
specific area.

5.4. Budget and Resource Allocation

The following table captures the cost and savings actions associated with the Crime
Reporting and Management System. At the bottom of the chart is the net savings for
the first year of the project.
Action Description First year
Type costs (-
Action indicates
d savings)
Purchase Web-based Initial investment for Crime Reporting $400,000.0
product and licenses and Management System 0
Cost for IT group to install new
Software installation and
Cost software and for the training group to $20,000.00
train all employees
Saving An immediate reduction in the cost of
Stationary $183,495.0
s annual stationary budget.
When the system will be computerized
Clerks no longer required then there is no need to hire hundred
Saving -
to manage criminal of clerks in the offices to manage all
s $71,744.00
record. the criminal record. This will save a
lot of cost.
The maintenance of the systems will
System maintenance be required in order to keep things
Cost $42,000
required every 7months going in that case cost will be
increased a little.
Reduce employee Saving Savings in cost to out-process exiting -$50,000
turnover by 10% s employee and recruit, hire, and train
new employees is approximately
$50,000 in the first year.
Net First Year Savings

Based on the cost benefit analysis above we see that by authorizing the Crime
reporting and management system, it will save $305,239.00 in the first year alone.
This represents a significant improvement in our operating costs and is a clear
indicator of the benefit this project will have on the company.

5.5. Schedule

The following are the major project milestones identified at this time. As the project
planning moves forward and the schedule is developed, the milestones and their
target completion dates will be modified, adjusted, and finalized as necessary to
establish the baseline schedule:

Milestones/Deliverables Target Date

Project Charter 23/11/2020

Project Plan Review and Completion 26/11/2020

Project Kickoff 28/11/2020

Phase I Complete 3/12/2020

Phase II Complete 07/12/2020

Phase III Complete 14/12/2020

Phase IV Complete 21/12/2020

Phase V Complete 28/12/2020

Closeout/Project Completion 6/01/2021

6. Additional Components

6.1. Index
The recommended web-based platform will methodically migrate the data and
functions of our current legacy system to our new web-based platform in order to
preserve data integrity and allow adequate time to train all management department
police officers on their responsibilities and respective administrative functions. This
web-based platform is compatible with all other current systems and will improve
the accuracy and efficiency of crime reporting. Some of the ways that this
technology will achieve its desired results are:
● Police officers will be able to enter and edit crime reports at any time from any
location instead of entering it manually in police station.
● Crime statistics, reports and criminal details will be immediately accessible for
investigation purpose or for monitoring purpose. This will save time and cost.
● Forensic department will be able to access this platform directly and will be able
to enter or edit post-mortem reports which reduces the burden on police officers.

6.2. Appendices

The process of developing an annual Top Ten Risk list helps bring governance and
management focus to the key risks which may prevent it from achieving its stated
goals and objectives as outlined in the today Strategic Plan. Committees were
engaged to formally include the discussion of risk and annually identify the Top risks
within the scope of their respective mandates. These risks are used to help inform the
identification of the Top 10 list. summarizes the specific risks identified over the past
seven years which have been categorized into risk types or themes. It is important to
note the fact that although a particular risk may drop off the Top 10 list, it does not
mean that it has been fully addressed or that it is no longer a significant risk that must
be managed and monitored.
The key risks can be allocated into two broad categories, those that are either
externally or internally driven. Provincial Government funding and general economic
conditions are clear examples of externally driven risks for which strategies must
continue to be developed to mitigate their impact.
Work break Down Structure:

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