Robert Herry Son - Community Service Proposal

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Title :

Community Outreach for Society and Hospital Through Video and Digital Poster in regards
with Biotechnology Expertise.

Student to conduct the project:

Robert Herry Son, Biotechnology 2018
Roselyn Mulyono, Biotechnology 2018 (Collaboration for the making of hospital digital
Syabella Querida Horito, Biotechnology 2018
Veren Tania, Biotechnology 2018

- Social media users
- Rumah Sakit Cahya Kawaluyan (collaboration with Roselyn Mulyono)

1. Define your objective(s).

The transfer of knowledge from university into the community is our objective in this
community service project. The increased public awareness in regards to kitchen waste that’s
generated everyday is the project main goal. The implementation of eco - enzyme as a way
for households to utilize waste that would otherwise be thrown away. Waste from the kitchen
which are fruits and vegetables can be recycled to eco-enzyme that can be used for a wide
range of applications. Eco-enzyme are used for disinfectant, pool’s water purifier, fertilizer,
and liquid cleaner for household purposes.
Hospital Community service has different objectives than the eco - enzyme project. The
objective is to raise the awareness, acceptance, and understanding of topics related to
biotechnology in the health field. These community services projects are done online through
social media platforms in the form of video and digital posters to the community.

2. Define the indicator that you will use to measure the objective.
Form : questionnaire through google form, and polling features in Instagram
- What had the public learnt after looking at the educational video/ poster that provided.
- Public’s ability to re-create and implement what they had learned (eco-enzyme
- Public’s feedback on the content
- Public’s QnA in the social media (instagram)

3. List the tasks to be performed and Prioritized.

- Recognize the community in social media
- Recognize the tasks that need to be done
- Recognize the tasks that need to be tackled in the community
- Recognize the skills on editing the video and posters

4. Outline the tasks into activities.

Activities :
- Material preparation for video and digital poster creation
- Assist in the creation of video, especially on the script planning
- Aid in the digital poster preparation, specifically the planning of the script

5. Method of Implementation :
➔ Establishing social media presence. (instagram : ​wanzyme​). Wanzyme stands for
Waste Eco-Enzyme.
➔ Each member must perform the eco-enzyme process, and be documented. The
documentation will be used as the materials to create the digital poster and video.
Detailed steps​ on the eco-enzyme production will be attached in appendix 1.
➔ Creation of ​digital poster and ​video ​for both topics (eco-enzyme, and hospital).
Topic for the hospital digital poster had not been determined yet, further discussion
with the hospital is needed.
➔ Posting the eco-enzyme content to social media​*. While the poster for the hospital
has not been determined yet, further discussion with the hospital is needed.
➔ Answering the ​QnA ​from the public through chats, comments, or instagram live.
➔ Share link for ​survey ​and ​questionnaire ​to ensure our aims are successfully

6. Job Description
Activity A: Production of Eco Enzyme
Robert Herry Son:
- Making video script and searching for materials
Syabella Querida Horito:
- Voice overing the video, person in charge of social media, making google
form/survey, and searching the materials
Veren Tania:
- Video editing and searching the materials

Activity B: Hospital Digital Poster

Robert Herry Son:
- Making poster script and searching for materials
Roselyn Mulyono:
- Communication with the person in charge within the hospital, making google
form/survey, and searching for materials
Syabella Querida Horito:
- Making rough poster design
Veren Tania:
- Editing poster

1) Create timeline using GanttChart

8. List the resources needed.

- Internet connection
- Computer device
- Editing application (photoshop, i-movie, canva)
- Online form (Google form)
- Social media (Line, Whatsapp, Instagram)

9. Monitoring and Evaluation activities.

Form : Survey & questionnaire
Aim : to keep track of public participation in the activities to see if it is in line with the goals
of this community service project. It's also used as an input collector forum to find out what
action needs to be taken to enhance the operation in any way.

10. Funding
This project does not need any funding since no external expenses to conduct the community
service activities will be used.

Appendix 1. Eco-enzyme production process.

References : ​Eco  Enzyme  —  Retrieved  6  March  2021,  from 

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