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Right Hand 08

Basics Course


Rest Stroke Here are some key points to understand

before you start. Rest stroke means that
Scott breaks down rest stoke which is you will end up resting your finger on the
also known as apoyando, or top stroke! next adjacent string. After you pluck you
should feel like your finger is relaxed. It is
Scott recounts that rest stroke was the first resting on the next string.  Think of it as
stroke that he learned on guitar. filling up your finger with energy and then
Regardless of whether you learn rest emptying it of all that energy upon the
stroke or free stroke first, it all leads to the release to the next string.
same thing in the end, so don't worry!

Scott says that because he learned rest

stoke first, that informed how he
developed the rest of his playing. That's
also the reason that he has chosen to teach
it before free stroke!
Right Hand 09
Basics Course

We don’t want to pull the string! What When you are first starting to play rest
happens is that we are more likely to catch stroke it can be a good idea to actually
our nail and pluck up. Plucking up tends to hold the finger pressure on the next string
make a thinner sound because the string is (the one that you land on after playing the
caught on your nail. What we really want rest stroke) for a little bit before releasing.
to do is push down on the string at a slight This helps program the feeling of the
angle. so remember, gently pushing, not movement into your nervous system.
pulling makes a good rest stroke.
Ideally you will eventually be able to
release right after you play the stroke, but
this is a good way of helping your muscle
memory differentiate between rest stoke
and free stroke.

Scott demonstrates how eventually your

rest stroke can actually help propel your
finger quickly to the next note. The string
that you “rest” on becomes a sort of spring
board off of which you can easily move to
another string.


Pulling vs pushing down

One thing that can happen if you don’t
PLAYING REST STROKE focus the direction of your rest stroke is
that you end up hitting the strings below it
Here are the basic steps for playing rest during the release.
stroke broken down:
To avoid this, try and focus the motion of
1. Relaxed on the string the release to ensure that it is hitting the
2. Press next string and relaxing. This will help you
3. Release ensure that the rest stroke is efficient and
4. Empty directed.
Right Hand 10
Basics Course


Notice where your large knuckle is. The You’ll probably hear certain teachers and
main motion is coming from the large players talk about "flexing" the tip joint.
joint, which should be positioned a little What does it mean to flex the tip joint?
bit back from the string you are plucking. Flexing the tip joint is when you, in a
controlled way, let the tip joint relax a little
The knuckle is where the main power for bit when you release the string. 
the stroke comes from. The two smaller
joints are “helper joints” but the main What that does is it helps push the string
motion comes from the knuckle. down even a little bit more, without us
having to try that hard. This helps us
You can think about the finger as if it is a achieve a controlled bigger sound, without
leg. The knuckle is the hip, the middle extra effort. Control of the tip joint gives
joint is the knee, and the small tip joint is us better control of our rest stroke sound. 
the ankle.
Before actually playing a note with the
relaxed tip joint, try and plant your finger
on the string and wiggle it around so that
you can feel the flexibility of the joint
before you play the string. Now plant the
finger, flex, and push down.


This is something that is good to

work on with your teacher, or
When you walk the main motion comes
someone who can guide you. It is
from the hip which is the large joint, but
important that the relaxation of the
your knee and your ankle help, because
tip joint is controlled, making sure
you can’t walk with a stiff knee or ankle.
it doesn’t collapse.
Similarly, the large knuckle is doing most
of the work, but the smaller joints are
helping out!

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