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An Eye for An Eye Only Makes the Whole World Blind

“Laid, in corner of bed,

Mad in fears and sad.

Awaken alone at night,

Peace is slain out-side.

Red rain started to shower,

Oh! dead silence, hovers over.

With hands ears he locked,

Buried loneliness got rocked.

Peace is now no more,

Screams knock the door!”

we are living in a society-showing, giving and having zero tolerance, everyone wats to kill, no
one wants to forgive, small disputes, lead to bloody war and small mistakes lead to deadly
battles. everyone is thirsty of blood, everyone wants revenge thus, there is no wrong in saying
that our society has lost temperance when society loses temperance- turmoil and chaos hover
over when turmoil and chaos hover over, it’s time to reform, it’s time to say, two wrongs do not
make a right, an eye for an eye only makes the whole world blind.

Mr. president: Taking revenge is condemned by all sages of ages, because revenge is not the
justice, it is wild justice and doing justice thyself, sentencing people to this wild justice is highly
condemnable. All the sages of the ages have told us that forgiveness is the virtue of the strongest,
the sages of the ages have told us the bough that bears the most, bends the most. The sages of the
ages have told us, fire can only be extinguished through water, darkness can only be finished
through light, ignorance can only be finished through education and violence can only be cured
through non-violence, revenge is cured by forgiveness and wrong is eliminated through right,
two wrongs do not make a right, an eye for an eye, only makes the whole world blind.

Revenge only keeps the wound open longer, it sharpens bitterness and keep the man anxious,
restless and panic, the one who embarks on a journey of revenge, dig not one but two graves,
even then the man burns in the fire of revenge, and in that fire of revenge he forgets that for
every minute he is angry he is losing sixty seconds of happiness, in the fire of revenge he forgets
that forgiving, forgetting and moving forward is the way appreciable, he forgets that The first to
apologize is the bravest, The first to forgive is the strongest, and the first to forget is the
happiest. alas! he forgets that two wrongs do not make a right, an eye for an eye only makes the
whole world blind.

Holy Quran-the book of justice-the guide line and code of life has also stopped humans to seek
justice as God says in holy Quran, chapter 41, verse 34, "Good and evil are not alike. Repel evil
with what is better. Then he, between whom and you there was hatred, will become as though he
was a bosom friend.” for Muslims, two, Amongst the greatest obligations are Amr-bil-Ma’roof
(ordering for acknowledged virtues) and Nahi anil munkar (forbidding from sin). Allah (SWT)
says: in (Ale Imran: 104).“And there should be a group amongst you who invite towards good,
order for acknowledged virtues, forbid from sin and in that are the successful ones” holy Quran
has also asked us to do good with those who harms us, holy Quran has also told us, two wrongs
do not make a right, an eye for an eye only makes the whole world blind.

History bears witness the life of prophet, who is the epitome of temperance, tolerance,
forgiveness and non-violence when Hind had killed Hazrat Hamzah, the dearest of uncles of
prophet, she mutilated his body by cutting his chest and tearing his liver and heart into pieces.
When she quietly came to the Prophet and accepted Islam, he forgives her, She was so impressed
by his benevolence and stature that she said, “O Messenger of God, no tent was more deserted in
my eyes than yours; but today no tent is more lovely in my eyes than yours.” It was prophet's
tolerance and temperance which made the lady who used to threw garbage accepted Islam, it was
his exemplary non-violence which urged his deadly enemies to come under the folds of islam. he
rescued his nation, he rescued us, he rescued the humanity and gave us the hope that a world
without violence is possible, a world where tolerance reigns supreme is possible.

History also bears witness to the great struggle of Nelson Mandela the great leader of south
Africa who lead a massive movement for the cause of people and for this he was sentenced to
imprisonment for 27 years where he bore all the pains and hardships of the world, even then he
forgave his enemies and moved on, and taught us the lesson, "Resist tyranny wherever you find
it by all means resist encroachment upon your liberty, but not by shedding the blood of the
tyrant, rather for the greater earth that we all share, he taught us the lesson, two wrongs do not
make a right, an eye for an eye makes the world blind.

As the Quran, prophet, sages of the ages and History says, I can’t help but say too, two wrongs
do not make a right, an eye for an eye makes the world blind.

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