The Slovak Spectator - 1708

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Vol. 17, No. 8 Monday, February 28, 2011 - Sunday, March 6, 2011 of this issue

Press Code to change
Speaking in
Slovakia's controversial
Fico-era Press Code looks
set to be amended by the
summer, limiting public of-
ficials' opportunity to sue
newspapers and
Spectator staff
Deaflympics arrest
Jaromír Ruda, the man be-
hind Slovakia's cancelled “WEAK knowledge and strong emotions”
Winter Deaflympics, was accompany the law on the use of minority
detained by police on Feb- languages now en route to parliament, ac-
ruary 20. With €10 million cording to its author, Deputy Prime Minis-
unaccounted for, he now ter for Minorities and Human Rights
faces charges of fraud. Rudolf Chmel. But while the law will affect
pg 3 the life of minorities other than Hungari-
ans, Chmel, a nominee of the Most-Híd
party, admits that it is the unresolved rela-
OPINION tionship between Slovakia and Hungary
that might make the law’s way through the
Fame and shame parliament tougher.
The events leading to the Slovakia, with its 13 national minorities
cancellation of the Winter and nine officially approved minority lan-
Deaflympics delivered a Culture Minister Daniel Krajcer (second from left) met religious leaders on February 24 to launch a debate about guages, is a multi-ethnic country, and
sharp blow to Slovakia's im- state financing of religion. Pictured are Stanislav Zvolenský, Catholic archbishop of Bratislava (left), Miloš Klátik, Chmel says that his law aims to create op-
age. The Ice Hockey World head of the Evangelical Church in Slovakia (second from right), and Pavel Traubner, the honorary chairman of the timal conditions for all minorities to “feel
Championship offers a Association of Jewish Religious Communities (right). Photo: SITA at home”.
chance to reverse the dam- The amendment to the law on the use
age – or suffer more. of minority languages has been referred for

pg 5

Government's plan for interdepartmental review until February

28 as a coalition proposal. It has been
slightly altered from the version originally
proposed by Chmel’s office, which would
have lowered the ‘quorum’ of native-
Multiple tax rises
Taxes and other levies in
Slovakia were increased in
2011. But experts say it is too
soon to predict what the
inflation: free pasta speakers – at which point use of a minority
language can be required – from the current
20 percent to 10 percent of the local popula-
tion. The coalition partners did not approve
that version, despite the fact that Chmel
overall impact will be on GLOBAL rises in prices for food, raw posing a system to secure basic food says it is in line with international recom-
the state budget deficit. materials and energy in recent BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ products for low-income families. mendations, and the current version of the
pg 6 months have been making gov- Spectator staff Radičová said that a cut in value amendment states that a minority lan-
ernments edgy and populations added tax on food products is being guage can be required – in addition to Slov-
worried. Now the Slovak adminis- considered, although she admitted ak – in official communication if 15 percent
Tackling tax evasion tration led by Iveta Radičová says it that a similar policy had not worked of citizens in any given municipality be-
The Finance Ministry be- has a plan to temper these price likened it to “ration coupons” for well in neighbouring countries. long to the national minority in question.
lieves Slovakia can collect rises and soften their impacts on the poor. “We have considered this option According to the law, however, any of
more in taxes, saying that the most vulnerable people in soci- The government will shortly but experience from the neighbour- Slovakia’s nine officially approved
evasion and fraud could be ety. The government says that, adopt legislation which should at ing countries confirmed that it does minority languages can be used in offi-
costing the country hun- among other things, it will distrib- least partially reduce food prices, not bring the desired effect, which is a cial oral communication anywhere in
dreds of millions of euros. ute flour and pasta to those on state Agriculture Minister Zsolt Simon drop in food prices,” Radičová said, as Slovakia as long as the respective official
pg 7 assistance and move to trim elec- said after a February 22 meeting quoted by the SITA newswire. “This is and all persons concerned in the official
tricity bills. But its plan provoked with Prime Minister Radičová and why we sought other solutions.” procedure agree.
instant derision from the largest Economy Minister Juraj Miškov.
CULTURE opposition party, Smer, which Simon is also charged with pro- See FREE pg 9 See NATION pg 2

Slovak films hit Berlin hk}ly{pzltlu{

Two new Slovak films got a
warm reception at this
year's Berlin International
January jobless figures spike IgZcYh^ci]ZHadkV`aVWdjgbVg`Zi
Film Festival. With several employment rate to pre-crisis bour offices, 9,943 more than VcY]jbVcgZhdjgXZh
more films in the pipeline, BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ levels. in December 2010. However,
2011 looks set to be a bump- Spectator staff Slovakia’s unemployment the number was 127 fewer
er year for local cinema. rate stood at 12.98 percent in than in January 2010. Accord-
pg 11 January, up 0.52 percentage ing to the labour office, 25,161
SLOVAKIA’S unemployment
statistics for January came
points month-on-month
from December’s 12.46 per-
people left the unemployment
register in January 2011.
as something of a cold
shower after the upbeat
numbers that the country’s
cent. Slovak joblessness
thereby hit one of its highest
levels since the onset of the
However, labour market
analysts were quick to at-
tribute the gloomy numbers
€ benchmark as of February 24 economic growth had posted crisis. A total of 391,637 job- to normal seasonal influ-
HUF 273.40
JPY 112.69
for 2010.
While the labour market is
seekers were registered at job
centres in January, with
ences and to the recent lay-
offs of employees in the pub-
RUSSIA RUB 40.01 POLAND PLN 3.99 no longer on its knees, and the 349,196 immediately avail- lic sector, adding that they
GREAT BRITAIN GBP 0.85 USA USD 1.38 almost complete hiring freeze able to take up jobs, the La- see it unlikely that the coun-
observed during the economic bour, Social Affairs and Fam- try is now facing a new wave
crisis has thawed, market ily Office said. of higher unemployment.
watchers say that it will take In January, 35,589 new ;dgbdgZ^c[dgbVi^dck^h^illl#heZXiVidg#h`$egdYjXih
several years to trim the un- jobseekers registered with la- See JOBS pg 4 dglg^iZidX^gXjaVi^dc5heZXiVidg#h`
2 February 28 – March 6, 2011 NEWS

Press law to be defanged

incomplete or truth-distorting
Police chief sets specific goals claims harm the honour, dig-
BY MICHAELA nity or privacy of a private
REDUCING the number of followed by crimes affecting
Spectator staff The amendment also
road accidents is the main people’s health and lives.
goal of the Slovak police force Spišiak said he wants the drops the provision from the
in 2011, said Police Corps number of road accidents to law according to which a per-
president Jaroslav Spišiak, be 5,000 less than in 2010, SLOVAK journalists might son who asks for a reply is en-
who offered to resign if his when 16,595 were reported. find their work that little bit titled to financial compensa-
officers did not meet this Road safety in Slovakia easier from this summer. The tion of between €1,660 and
year’s goals. improved in the first two country’s Press Code, much €4,890 if a media organisation
Spišiak added that some months of 2011 compared to criticised by local journalists fails to publish the reply in
of the specific indicators do the same months last year. as well as international press line with the law.
not need to be fully achieved “The number of traffic freedom watchdogs after it The new law would allow
but the overall result must be accidents in 2010 […] was a was amended in 2008 by the publishers to print a correc-
met, meaning that other new record low, almost ex- Robert Fico-led government, tion or a reply in a designated
goals would need to be ex- traordinary. Our results [this is soon to shed its most con- space set aside for that pur-
ceeded. He stated the police year] are even better than troversial provisions. pose, rather than in the same
force should primarily pro- this record,” Spišiak stated. The amendment to the place that the original story
tect lives, secondarily He said there were 89 Press Code proposed by the appeared, as is currently re-
health, and only then prop- murders in Slovakia last Culture Ministry under Daniel quired.
erty, the SITA newswire year. “We may patrol the Krajcer has passed interde- Culture Minister Krajcer
wrote. streets as best we can, but partmental review and the met a delegation from the In-
“I have an ambition to there will probably be some government is expected to Culture Minister Daniel Krajcer Photo: Sme - Tomáš Benedikovič ternational Press Institute
gain people’s support by in- murders anyway,” Spišiak submit it to parliament in (IPI) on February 18 in Bratis-
forming them in advance opined. early spring so that it can be- Right to reply remains, stories pertain to the perform- lava and assured them that the
about the goals that I’ve set,” He stated that another come effective from July 1. but is curtailed ance of their public function. proposed legislation would af-
Spišiak said, as quoted by the specific objective for the po- The draft amendment to However, public officials ford the right to reply only
TASR newswire. He said the lice force is to increase by 10 the Press Code aims to trim If the change is passed, will still enjoy a right of reply where a report was inaccurate,
most importance would be percent the number of the scope of public officials to public officials will no longer as private individuals, in line incomplete or distorted the
placed on his traffic goals, murders that are solved. use the right of reply as it is be able to insist on a printed with the constitution. The truth.
currently defined by the law reply to stories published right to reply will be applied
enacted in 2008. about them, providing the only in cases when inaccurate, See LIBEL pg 5
Slovaks flee violence in Libya
SLOVAKS started leaving
Libya after protests and viol-
ence spread across many
wish to leave the country
should contact the Slovak
embassy in Tripoli or the
NATION: KDH still not happy with bill
Libyan cities in mid Febru- Foreign Ministry’s centre for Continued from pg 1 gual. If the quorum were lowered to 10 to his own party, Most-Híd, which he
ary. The first two Slovaks, a assistance to citizens, percent, it is estimated that 30 more vil- said Hungary’s governing politicians
mother and her daughter, Schwarzbacher said. The minority languages used in Slov- lages would become officially Hungari- simply do not accept. He put this down to
left the country on February Hundreds of people died akia are: Hungarian, Czech, Romani, an-speaking. the fact that Most-Híd has Slovak-Hun-
24 onboard a Ukrainian during violent intervention Ruthenian, Ukrainian, German, Polish, “But since we don’t want to be utilit- garian reconciliation as part of its pro-
plane, the Slovak Foreign against anti-government Croatian, Yiddish and Bulgarian. arian and pragmatic, we will pursue [the gramme, and is thus not regarded as
Ministry stated. The two protestors in Libya, much of Another highlight of the law is that it present] solution as it is advantageous ‘ethnically pure’ south of the Danube.
were picked up in Kiev by which was reported to be free introduces fines for those official bodies for smaller minorities,” Chmel said. Chmel added that nationalist popu-
representatives of the Slovak of government control. that fail to observe it, so that it mirrors The 15-percent quorum is expected to lism is present on both sides of the
embassy, the SITA newswire The European Union the conditions which are valid for using introduce bilingualism into more than 70 Danube, which makes it harder for
reported. agreed on February 23 to pre- Slovak in official communication accord- additional municipalities, with Roma minority-friendly laws to be passed.
According to Slovakia’s pare sanctions against Libya ing to the State Language Act. and Ruthenian minorities being the
Foreign Ministry, there were in response to leader most affected. The costs that will accom- The human rights aspect
at least 50 more Slovaks in Muammar Gaddafi's violent Christian Democrats disagree pany the changes are, according to
Libya and 16 of them had crackdown, the Reuters Chmel, negligible from the budgetary Among the questions that have been
asked for assistance in leav- newswire reported. EU ex- Despite Chmel’s proposal, the point of view. raised concerning the use of minority
ing the country. The min- perts will prepare a list of coalition’s Most-Híd and Christian The number of Roma-speaking vil- languages include the practical applica-
istry was attempting to ar- proposed measures, which Democratic Movement (KDH) both hin- lages will grow from 57 to 86, while there tion of languages such as Roma, which is
range passage on the planes could include visa bans, asset ted that the 15-percent quorum might are expected to be 113 Ruthenian-speak- not codified, in places like post offices or
and ferries of other countries freezes, an arms embargo not be the final outcome. ing municipalities instead of the current health-care facilities where staff might
but the ministry’s spokes- and other restrictions, and “We understand the concern that 68. While currently one village in central not speak the minority language. Chmel
person, Ľuboš Schwarzbach- EU governments will then after the forthcoming census the num- Slovakia, Krahule, is German-speaking, admitted that a whole new infrastruc-
er, said there was no clear agree whether to impose bers of minority citizens might fall and under the new rules there should be one ture for using the Roma language needs
plan or schedule for depar- them. the present status quo might change,” more, Kunešov. Two municipalities to be established, which could require
tures because “the situation Slovak Foreign Minister KDH spokesperson Matej Kováč told The within Bratislava, Jarovce and Čunovo, the practical implementation of the law
is non-transparent and there Mikuláš Dzurinda said that Slovak Spectator, adding that the KDH would be designated Croatian-speaking. to be postponed.
is a big probability that Slovakia will support all suggests that instead of lowering the Macov, a village in southern Slov- According to Kálmán Petőcz, the dir-
scheduled flights might be measures to stop the viol- quorum the party proposes another solu- akia, which already is bilingual Slovak- ector of the human rights section of
cancelled at any moment”. ence in Libya, the Sme daily tion: to consider figures from the two Hungarian, is a rather curious example, Chmel’s office, there is however a hu-
Slovaks in Libya who reported. most recent censuses. as the new quorum should make it trilin- man-rights aspect to the use of minority
“For the moment, however, there gual, with Czech becoming an official languages, which is also guaranteed by
hasn’t been agreement within the language too. the Slovak Constitution, regardless of
Cigarette racket busted in Pezinok coalition,” Kováč said. any quorum.
Chmel stressed that proponents of Nationalist card “Spreading and receiving informa-
CUSTOMS officers in Slov- Criminal Office had been the language law are negotiating with tion in one’s mother tongue, and the use
akia discovered the country’s seeking the source of the il- the parliamentary caucuses, including Despite that, the present state of of the mother tongue of a member of a
largest facility for producing legally-produced cigarettes the KDH caucus. Slovak-Hungarian relations, which national minority in official communica-
untaxed cigarettes in recent since last December. “We want to persuade them that it is Chmel characterised as “we don’t attack tion is a constitutional right and an in-
years when they found three The customs service re- only about improving the comfort of na- each other, but mutual mistrust is rather ternational obligation of the Slovak
illegal machines for making ported that it estimated that tional minorities, and in no way is it big”, according to him affects the passing Republic,” Petőcz said, adding that the
cigarettes, a huge amount of nearly 8,754,000 cigarettes, about the Hungarian minority,” Chmel of minority laws in Slovakia, something question is whether there are legal guar-
tobacco and already manu- or 43,770 cartons, had been said. particularly highlighted by the discord antees for such usage. According to
factured cigarettes in a build- produced at the facility be- over the dual citizenship legislation pur- Petőcz, there have not been conditions
ing in the town of Pezinok in fore the bust and that excise More Roma and Ruthenian villages sued by Hungary. for use of minority languages, and the
western Slovakia on Febru- taxes of €1.2 million could “It is expected that Hungarians bey- aim of the proposed law is to create those
ary 20, the SITA newswire have been evaded. Chmel admitted that 15 percent is a ond Hungary’s borders will get the right conditions.
reported. If convicted, those in- compromise and for many Most-Híd to vote [in Hungary], which obstructs the For instance, the task of health-care
The customs police de- volved in the cigarette racket politicians, who are mostly of Hungarian way to agreement in advance,” Chmel facilities is to do their utmost for pa-
tained the Bulgarian owner could face prison sentences ethnicity, the 15-percent quorum solves told a press conference on February 23. tients, regardless of the language they
of the company and land of three to eight years. nothing. The Hungarian minority is ac- Chmel commented that it sometimes speak. As such, health-care workers are
where the machines, tobacco cording to Chmel the least affected, as seems as if Hungary does not welcome obliged to make sure a patient knows
and cigarettes were found. Compiled by Spectator staff only two villages will be added to the Hungarians elsewhere having independ- what they are going to do to him or her,
The customs service’s from press reports over 500 that are already officially bilin- ent political representation. He pointed Petőcz said.
NEWS February 28 – March 6, 2011 3

Results of polygraph are Deaflympics

organiser charged
viewed as vindication FEBRUARY was supposed to
have been Slovakia’s first
chance to host the world’s
biggest event for deaf
Poprad, two towns nearby
the High Tatra mountains.
The companies lent at
least €10 million to Ruda,
sportspeople. But instead of who declared that he would
live broadcasts from the invest the money in recon-
BY MICHAELA Winter Deaflympics, the struction and guaranteed the
TERENZANI Slovak media was full of re- loans with a €500,000 bank
Spectator staff ports about alleged fraud guarantee from the Bank of
and the arrest of Jaromír Columbia. The police say that
Ruda, the head of the Slovak the bank guarantee was false,
organising committee, fol- with no real coverage from
THE RESULTS of polygraph lowing the games’ last- the bank, which is based in
tests indicate that Milan minute cancellation. the United States.
Andrášik and Miloš Kocúr were Ruda is now behind bars According to the police,
not involved in the death of after being detained on Feb- Ruda also extracted at least
Ľudmila Cervanová, a young ruary 19 at the Slovak-Hun- €1 million from representat-
medical student who was garian border crossing in ives of national deaf sports
killed in 1976 – a case that has Rusovce, near Bratislava. federations which he failed
generated controversy for Police from the Anti-Corrup- to use for the purposes de-
more than three decades. The tion Office say he was arres- clared. Ruda reportedly told
two men took the tests in Brat- ted while attempting to flee the representatives of the
islava on February 16, stating the country and have federations that if they sent
that they had nothing to do charged him with fraud. If their payments for accom-
with the crime and that their found guilty, he faces 10 to modation, catering and other
previous admissions had been 15 years in prison. A pre-trial costs to the account of the
coerced during the original po- hearing following his arrest Slovak Deaflympic Commit-
lice investigation in 1981. The resulted in Ruda being re- tee they would pay less than
results of polygraph tests, manded in custody over if they sent the money dir-
however, are not admissible as concerns that he might try ectly to hotels.
evidence in Slovak courts. Milan Andrášik and Miloš Kocúr took polygraph tests on February 16. Each said they had nothing to flee and pursue further il- It seems that none of the
“They passed with a result to do with the death of Ľudmila Cervanová in 1976. Photo by Andrej Bán, courtesy of.týždeň legal activities. money was used for the pur-
according to which if they According to the police, pose that Ruda promised. The
claim they had nothing to do man, František Čerman, Stan- admissible evidence, Kocúr good could come out of it for Ruda fraudulently borrowed police are now investigating
with the case, they were islav Dúbravický, Pavol Beďač, and Andrášik stated that they him, as he was convicted in €10 million from at least where the money went.
telling the truth,” said Andrej Roman Brázda, Miloš Kocúr view the results as a kind of Slovakia, the case was closed four companies to finance Meanwhile, the ICSD
Bán, a reporter for the Týždeň and Milan Andrášik – were de- vindication. The two men and he has served his sen- the 17th Winter confirmed they have filed a
weekly, which helped to ar- tained by the police in 1981. wanted to undertake poly- tence, so he could only harm Deaflympics, which were to criminal complaint against
range the polygraph tests for The prosecution charged graph tests four years ago in himself. But he asked for it be held in Slovakia. He the Slovak Deaflympics Or-
the two men this year and had that they had kidnapped 2007, when four of the other and passed with this result.” neither returned the money ganising Committee and
arranged similar tests for four Cervanová from a Bratislava individuals did so, but they The prosecution of the sev- nor proved how it was used. Ruda, as its president.
other men convicted of the disco, raped her about 10 times were not given permission to en men from Nitra has become The International Com- “The criminal complaint
crime in 2007. and then murdered her. leave prison to be tested. one of the most well-known mittee of Sports for the Deaf demands reimbursement of
On February 16, 2011 Robert All seven suspects were Patrick T. Coffey, another and controversial cases in the (ICSD) confirmed on the the funds that were trans-
E. Lee, a US expert on poly- found guilty by the Bratislava US expert on PDD testing, history of the Czechoslovak evening of February 11 that ferred to the Slovak
graphs (psychophysiological Regional Court in 1982 and sen- learned about the convictions and Slovak judiciary. the 17th Winter Deaflympics Organising
detection of deception – PDD), tenced to between four and 24 of the men in the Cervanová The case was closed in Deaflympics, scheduled to Committee from national
tested Andrášik and Kocúr and years in prison. Originally the case and offered to administer 2006 when Slovakia’s Su- begin on February 18 in deaf sports federations to
then sent the results for review prosecution had requested the tests in 2007 to determine preme Court confirmed the Slovakia’s High Tatras, had cover hotel accommodations
by other examiners in the US death sentences for four of the whether they were involved. verdict that the regional court been officially cancelled. and other Deaflympics-re-
who knew nothing about the accused despite their repeated Coffey reported that the four delivered in 2004. Despite repeated earlier as- lated expenses,” the press
questions that were admin- claims of innocence. men he tested had told the truth Critics charge that the surances that the games statement of the ICSD reads.
istered during the test. These In 1990, after the fall of the when they stated they had Slovak lower court ignored all were on course, the Slovak The criminal complaint also
additional examiners con- communist regime, the Su- nothing to do with the crime. the imperfections in the organisers, led by Ruda, fi- addresses further expenses
firmed Lee’s conclusions. preme Court of Czechoslovakia Bán, the Týždeň reporter, communist-era investigation nally admitted they had incurred as a direct result of
“If there was any participa- overruled the original sen- said the results of the February and prosecution that had been failed to secure the money the failure to hold the Winter
tion in the murder of Ľudmila, tences and returned the case to 16 polygraph tests indicate noted by the Czechoslovak necessary to organise the Deaflympics.
it would have been proved,” the lower court while ordering that Kocúr told the truth when Supreme Court in 1990 and event on time. By that time The ICSD also reported
Lee told a press conference held the release of the men who he said he was not involved in ordered even longer prison dozens of athletes had that the Slovak Deaflympic
on February 18, as quoted by were still in prison. the Cervanová case and that terms for three of the defend- already arrived in Slovakia to Committee and the Slovak
the SITA newswire. Critics who have followed the result of Andrášik’s test ants, forcing two of them to prepare for the games to Association of Deaf Sports-
He said the screening this case for many years say was “inconclusive”. Andrášik return to prison to serve addi- open a week later, and men Unions have been im-
technique he used would have that even after the fall of com- recorded between 1 and 2 on a tional years. dozens more were en route mediately suspended on a
detected the two men’s parti- munism the courts ignored scale on which 3 is classified Andrášik was the last of the to the venue. provisional basis, pending
cipation in the murder and ad- newly-revealed testimonies as as “truth” and -3 is classified sentenced men to be released “Ruda has deceived at the final approval of the ICSD
ded that the results could not well as a new expert medical as “deception”. Lee’s stated from custody when he left least four private companies Congress, preparations for
have been influenced by the report by forensic medicine ex- conclusion was that neither Leopoldov prison on parole on since March 2010, with which are underway.
long period of time which has pert Peter Fiala and again found of the two men was involved October 14, 2009. His release, whom he signed contracts of But observers have noted
passed since Cervanová’s the men guilty on the basis of in the crime for which they however, was not based on any cooperation,” Andrea that the ICSD also bears some
death in 1976. the communist-era admissions were convicted. progress in resolving the ques- Dobiášová, spokesperson for responsibility, arguing that
which the men said they signed tions that had been raised the Police Corps, wrote in a its representatives should
The background under severe psychological Andrášik requested testing about the legitimacy of his ori- press release. The coopera- have monitored preparation
pressure – being given the ginal conviction. tion was meant to include for the games more closely.
Ľudmila Cervanová disap- choice between signing the “The case fell apart Andrášik’s lawyer, Allan reconstruction of ice stadi-
peared from Bratislava’s admissions of guilt or being already when four of them Böhm, told journalists that he ums in Kežmarok and By Michaela Terenzani
Mlynská Dolina, a university sentenced to death by hanging. passed the test,” Bán said in a will present additional facts to
dormitory area, in July 1976 video published by Týždeň. prove the innocence of his cli-
and a body reported to be hers The 2011 polygraph tests “The purpose here was to ful- ent and suggested this will be
was later found in a brook near fil the wish of Mr Andrášik done before the European
Kráľová pri Senci. Seven young Even though Slovak courts who repeatedly requested it Court of Human Rights in
men from Nitra – Juraj Lach- do not recognise PDD results as [polygraph testing]. Nothing Strasbourg.


All you need to know about Slovakia... updated daily Jaromír Ruda Photo: Sme - Ján Krošlák
4 February 28 – March 6, 2011 BUSINESS

State drafts new rules

Overcrowded housing is a problem
ALMOST 40 percent of the in-
habitants of Slovakia live in
A person is considered to
be living in an overcrowded
to boost investment
overcrowded dwellings, ac- dwelling if the household
cording to a Eurostat survey does not have at its disposal a higher added value in the initial phase, which already those with higher added value
of housing conditions across minimum number of rooms BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ country’s industrial sectors as reduces the tax burden. This in less developed regions.
the EU conducted in 2009. equal to: one room for the Spectator staff well as transfer of the latest effectively means there are For example, in districts
The average proportion household; one room per know-how into practice. only three years of tax where the unemployment
of people living in over- couple in the household; one Observers welcomed the holidays.” rate is lower than Slovakia’s
crowded dwellings across room for each single person LONGER tax holidays, more planned changes, but pointed According to Halt, if the tax average unemployment rate
the EU was 18 percent. Over- aged 18 or older; one room per transparent rules, a level play- out that in order to attract in- holidays are now prolonged to for investments falling within
crowding is judged accord- pair of single people of the ing field for foreign and do- vestors to certain regions, the ten years, approximately eight the category of industrial pro-
ing to the relationship same gender between 12 and mestic investors, and a friend- state will have to ensure a fa- years of effective tax holidays duction the state will not
between the number of per- 17 years of age; one room for lier approach to small and vourable business environ- is something investors could provide investment stimuli in
sons in a household and the each single person between 12 medium-sized businesses ment overall. The state will really benefit from. the form of subsidies for pro-
number of rooms in each and 17 years of age and not in- could all soon be employed to never really be able to give The Ministry of Finance curing long-term material or
dwelling. In 2009, the share cluded in the previous cat- lure new investors to less-de- high enough subsidies to has meanwhile confirmed non-material property, or a
of persons living in an over- egory; one room per pair of veloped, high-unemployment stimulate investments in less that it considers tax benefits subsidy per created job, ac-
crowded dwelling ranged children under 12 years of age. regions of Slovakia. Proposed developed regions unless con- the least burdensome form of cording to the ministry.
widely between member According to the survey, changes to the legislation on ditions for doing business investment assistance in Halt said that regional dis-
states, from 1 percent in half of Slovaks live in flats, investment stimuli also aim there are favourable, Markus terms of the effect on the pub- tribution of assistance based
Cyprus and 2 percent in the while 48.5 percent live in de- to make state assistance Halt, spokesman for the Ger- lic finances. However, the on the recorded unemploy-
Netherlands, to 58 percent in tached houses and only 1.4 available to a wider group of man-Slovak Chamber of In- ministry will provide a defin- ment rate is not flexible
Latvia and 55 percent in Ro- percent live in semi-de- investors. dustry and Commerce, told ite stance only after a full re- enough.
mania and Hungary. tached houses. A transparent and under- The Slovak Spectator. view, the Sme daily wrote. “If an investor settles in a
standable system for provid- Nevertheless, Halt finds In terms of the rules for district with average unem-
ing investment assistance the idea of extending tax holi- providing investment assist- ployment but next to a district
Mikloš rejects EU tax harmonisation will contribute to shaping a days a reasonable move. ance, the draft differentiates with high unemployment the
credible investment envir- “The current practice of based on the sector to which investment aid is measured
SLOVAKIA’S finance minis- problem with measures in- onment for domestic and for- granting tax holidays for a the investment is destined according to the lower rate al-
ter says the Competitiveness cluding unified wage index- eign investors, said the Slovak duration of five years is not and the unemployment rate of though the investment also
Pact, which the biggest euro- ing, mutual acknowledge- Economy Ministry in its draft. very attractive to foreign in- the region in which it will provides employment oppor-
zone economies have drafted ment of qualifications, link- The ministry, led by Juraj vestors in comparison with take place, while preserving tunities to the neighbouring
to help deal with the instabil- ing the pension system to Miškov, a nominee of the direct subsidies,” Halt said. the principle of higher assist- district,” Halt said.
ity of the single European demographic development, Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) “Generally, an investment is ance for more sophisticated
currency, is a good idea but creation of national crisis party, also aspires to increase connected with losses in the investment initiatives and See GROWTH pg 9
insists it cannot be accepted mechanisms for banks, or
whole. According to Ivan incorporation of a debt-brake
Mikloš, the major problem
would be harmonisation of
the tax base for corporate
system in the constitutions
of member states.
“Our fundamental prob-
JOBS: Employment lags GDP growth
profits. lem is with the harmonisa- Continued from pg 1
“We basically agree with tion of corporate income
these measures and support tax,” SITA quoted Mikloš as “It is very probable that this is a one-
this activity although we saying. “We fear that it is not time growth in unemployment and not
have some reservations,” realistic to reach an agree- the beginning of a new negative trend,”
Mikloš said, as quoted by the ment on the tax base that said Eduard Hagara, senior research ana-
SITA newswire. would not worsen the Slovak lyst with ING Bank.
Mikloš does not see a tax system.” According to Hagara, the winter sea-
son offers the least seasonal work and, at
the same time, layoffs in the public sec-
Figeľ and Putin discuss rail links tor have also negatively affected the
SLOVAKIA’S Deputy Prime turn and a business plan for UniCredit Bank analyst Dávid Dereník
Minister and Transport Min- the project, which, provid- also pointed to seasonal influences be-
ister Ján Figeľ met Russian ing it were rational, banks hind the rate change from December’s
Prime Minister Vladimir and the private sector would 12.46 percent to 12.98 percent in January.
Putin during a visit to Russia support. However, the method used to calcu-
on February 23. High on the “If the project is irra- late the economically active population
agenda of their talks was tional, there is no point in and thus the basis from which the jobless The unemployment rate hit almost 13 percent in January. Photo: Sme - Pavol Funtál
transport. Figeľ said restora- us pouring money into it,” rate is calculated has also changed. The
tion of flights between Brat- Figeľ said. number of economically active people But Dereník warned that seasonal Slovakia moved to during the crisis,
islava and Moscow was a The minister also con- dropped by 0.7 percent: from 2,667,708 influences will also apply in February, leaving behind high unemployment,
very realistic goal, the SITA firmed Slovakia's interest in people in January, compared to last year’s which could prolong the spike in job- especially in eastern Slovakia.
newswire reported. the modernisation of exist- 2,687,048. This change alone contributed lessness. Nevertheless, increasing em- Dereník noted that during the crisis,
During the discussion ing broad-gauge railway to a 0.1-percentage-point worsening of ployment in industry could absorb some unemployment in Slovakia grew twice
on a proposed plan to build tracks, which link Ukraine to the jobless statistics. of the seasonal rise, he added. as fast as the OECD average.
a broad-gauge railway line eastern Slovakia including “The rest of the increase in the jobless “We believe that the optimistic res- “Without significant investments
across Slovakia, Figeľ Košice, and trans-shipment rate is due to regular seasonal influences ults for industrial production will be re- we would not reach the pre-crisis level
stated that a four-party points in Slovakia. in the construction sector and agriculture, flected in the labour market and that sooner than in five to six years,” Dereník
analysis of its extension is Figeľ and Putin also dis- and after considering the listed effects un- there will be further hiring in the upcom- concluded.
underway, with Ukraine, cussed energy-sector issues. employment stagnated,” Dereník said. ing months,” Dereník said. “On the other Michal Páleník of the Employment
Austria, Russia and Slov- Figeľ reported that Russia “This is indicated by the fact that in Janu- hand the eventual drop in the unem- Institute think tank already sees visible
akia participating. was ready to draw up a new ary approximately the same number of ployment rate will be very slow and we signs of the end of the crisis, though he
“The figures confirmed 10-year contract on crude-oil people were hired as were laid off in the might reach the pre-crisis level of 7.4 per- stresses “these are often very fragile”.
the technical and legal feas- supplies to Slovakia. public and private sectors.” cent only at the turn of 2016 and 2017.” “Even though production grows,
ibility of the project, but it is Russia is also interested Dereník stressed that if layoffs in the According to Dereník, if the eco- employment is not growing in the way
very difficult in terms of its in further investments in the public sector and seasonal influences were nomy grows as it did before the crisis it could,” Páleník told The Slovak Spec-
economic and financial area of nuclear power via discounted, the unemployment rate fell and the market is propelled by new in- tator, adding that it will probably lag
aspects,” he said, as quoted projects that are currently slightly. vestments, the return to pre-crisis un- behind the growth in production by six
by SITA. underway in Slovakia. Russia As for future prospects, Hagara said employment levels could happen as months or even a year. He added that
Figeľ explained the Slov- is ready not only to continue that during the year the positive effects of soon as 2014. the development of employment in
ak government’s reserva- supplying oil, gas and nucle- economic revival should prevail. “The situation is, however, differ- countries where Slovak citizens work
tions about the project by re- ar fuel but also to improve “In the private sector moderate growth ent: competition from cheaper coun- abroad, such as the Czech Republic, Ire-
ferring to a lack of money for supplies, SITA wrote. from the economic revival should contin- tries like Serbia and Romania has land and the United Kingdom, is also
such extensive investments. ue, thanks to which unemployment in the increased,” said Dereník, adding that it questionable.
He said it was necessary Compiled by Spectator staff second half of the year could slip under the was precisely Serbia and Romania Jana Liptáková
to consider the rate of re- from press reports 12-percent level,” Hagara added. where most of the production lines from contributed to this report
OPINION / NEWS February 28 – March 6, 2011 5
“Do we live somewhere in the jungle, where we need humanitarian
vehicles driving around distributing flour and pasta?” Fame and shame
Opposition leader Robert Fico pours scorn on the JAROMÍR Ruda has deeply what the father of this shame There is a chance for Slov-
government’s plan to give free pasta to the poor engraved his name into was thinking – perhaps that akia to redeem itself: the Ice
minds of deaf athletes and somehow it would all work Hockey World Championship.
their families. They are likely out, or that it could be ex- It is an opportunity to over-

Cestoviny to associate Slovakia with

words like fraud, shame and
bitterness for the rest of their
plained in some way, or per-
haps it could be gotten away
with and then be blamed on
come some of the stereotypes
that foreigners nourish about
the country but there is also
ing state coffers, as the pre- lives. Ruda and his story of someone else. But it is even the risk that Slovaks might re-

BY LUKÁŠ FILA SLOVAK WORD vious administration did, shame instantly pumps up
the blood pressure of those
inforce a few of those negative
perceptions. These will at

probably doesn’t help the
Special to the Spectator OF THE WEEK economy either. But for once, working in tourism in least be partially decided in
one is tempted to agree with Slovakia’s High Tatras. The the microcosm of each
IF YOU thought the spaghetti the left that humanitarian man, who allegedly em- visitor’s reception in Slovakia:
western was a dead genre, workers handing out food bezzled money earmarked for the single waiter who cannot
think again – the Slovak supplies isn’t really what the the Winter Deaflympic manage any words in a foreign
government’s idea to hand moment requires. Or, if the games, has put one of the language and who greets vis-
out bread (chlieb) and pasta situation is indeed so dire, worst possible black marks itors with that disdainful look
(cestoviny) to the poor to then why did the Radičová on one of this country’s that can repel even the thirsti-
save them from rising food government take the week premier tourist destinations. est and hungriest Slovak.
prices promises enough ac- off to enjoy spring holidays The 17th Winter Even if there will be no
tion, drama, and comedy to with their kids? Shouldn’t Deaflympics were cancelled mega-fraudsters to defraud
entertain not only the entire they be thinking of ways to at nearly the last minute, the whole event, let’s hope
country, but the entire con- prevent the looming human- quickly followed by despair Slovaks remember that in the
tinent. And the good, the bad itarian crisis instead? among deaf athletes who had microcosms of all these for-
and the ugly are all joining Based on this week’s already travelled to Slovakia eign visitors a single taxi
the performance. events an outsider might or those who were still plan- driver who charges twice the
First, Prime Minister Iv- former prime minister Robert think that Slovakia is on the ning to come to compete in a fair rate only because he hears
eta Radičová called a special Fico. “Handing out flour and brink of famine, is run by a global sporting event and a foreign language might
meeting with the agriculture pasta isn’t a solution, but an completely wacky govern- show that the faith and sup- leave just as bad a taste.
and economy ministers, at insult to human dignity,” the ment, and has a credible port of their families, teams Of course, such unpleas-
the end of which she declared unions chimed in. and rational opposition. and coaches had been well- ant experiences can affect a
that “the significant increase Now, having a 35-five- None of that is true. But for invested. But instead of a BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ visitor anywhere in the world
in [food] prices is caused hour working week, as the the sake of the country let’s great sporting experience, a Spectator staff but our citizens should now be
mainly by developments on unions are seeking in their hope this spaghetti incident very different kind of lesson fully aware that the country’s
the global markets”, but that most recent petition, or loot- ends very soon. about human nature crashed image is at stake when the in-
the government nonetheless down on them. ternational community has
“has certain means to react According to statements harder to believe that all been invited en masse. It
to these developments”. from the police, Ruda, as along the way of organising takes much more than just
What she meant was re- head of the Slovak organising these games there was no one designing a nice logo and un-
vealed by Agriculture Minis- committee, fraudulently bor- who could detect the bur- furling the national flag to be
ter Zsolt Simon, who is or- rowed €10 million from at geoning problems and re- a good host.
ganising a tender to find least four companies to fin- verse the course of events. Slovakia no longer wants
someone to turn 45,000 tons ance the Winter Deaflympics Organising an interna- to be viewed and evaluated
of grain into flour and pasta, in Slovakia. He has neither tional sporting event is in a solely through the lens of be-
which will be distributed free returned the money to the different league to bringing ing a post-communist coun-
to those in need. lenders nor shown how the together a couple of family try. Slovakia wants to be seen
“What are we, a country money was used. Ruda has members and neighbours as part of the premier league,
in central Africa? Instead of denied the accusations of and faking a conference or at least this is what state-
admitting their failure the fraud and said he would take workshop for a target group ments by its leaders suggest.
cabinet is coming up with legal action against his ac- that has the attention of If that is the case then it
nonsense which embarrasses cusers. Nevertheless, Slovak European bodies and then must now be crystal clear that
the entire country,” said Pasta for the masses. Photo: Jana Liptáková media have reported that finagling funds from the past techniques such as “if
Ruda will face additional European pocket. We can something goes wrong we will
charges of having embezzled proclaim that the explain and they will
Slovak for Foreigners examination dates announced as much as €1.7 million that Deaflympics debacle is a de- understand” will simply not
The E-KU Institute of Language and Intercultural Communication in Nitra has announced was earmarked to finance the viation and not really the rule work. There are important
the test dates for the first International Exam, ECL, Slovak for Foreigners: winter competition. in Slovakia. But for the ath- perceptions that are not de-
- 14. 4. 2011: A2 News has a cruel ana- letes and their families as cided by skilled arguments or
- 15. 4. 2011: B1, C1 tomy: scandals always travel well as the wider interna- twisted interpretations but
- 16. 4. 2011: B2 faster than reports about a tional community that will rather by authentic, positive
significant academic or sci- not be an acceptable explana- experiences or by simply en-
Deadline for registration: 17. 3. 2011, more information: entific achievement or a tion and it will take much countering internationally
Contact: E–KU Inštitút JaIK, Piaristická 2, 949 01 Nitra, Tel.: 037 6542 456, Fax: 037 / 6542 452 grand performance by a cul- more to change how many accepted standards and rules
e-mail: tural group. It is hard to say now view Slovakia. of behaviour.

LIBEL: Onus will be on complainants

Continued from pg 2 speaking with and listening and dignity had been harmed The major Slovak dailies J ÁN PAL LO - Publisher
to media representatives, and by a published article, irre- listed their objections to the
He said the law would in making his decision based spective of whether the re- Press Code in a document en- EDITORIAL
B E ATA B AL O G OVÁ - Editor - In - Chief
place the burden of proof on on their input,” said IPI vice port was factually correct. titled “Seven Sins of the J AM E S THO M S O N - Assistant Editor
the party seeking to invoke chairman and Slovak board Complainants currently Press Code” which ran on the D O NAL D S PATZ - Assistant Editor
the right. Public officials member Pavol Múdry, who need only request that their otherwise blank front pages J ANA L IP TÁKOVÁ - Staff Writer
M IC H AE LA TER ENZANI - Staff Writer
could not invoke the right un- was part of the delegation reply be printed within 30 of their publications on ZUZANA V IL IKOVS K Á - Staff Writer
less the report was unrelated that met Krajcer and took days of the publication date; March 27, 2008, prior to the D O M INIK A UH R ÍKOVÁ - Staff Writer
to the performance of their part in discussions that led to publishers of daily newspa- code being passed by parlia-
official duties, he said, and the proposed legislation. pers must then print a reply ment. TATIANA ŠTR AUC HOVÁ - Graphic Designer
the right would only allow for within three days of receiv- The publishers objected, R O M AN K R Á Ľ - IT
a response or a correction, The sins ing the demand, or in the among other things, to the TO M Á Š PAL L O - Online Publishing
rather than both, as allowed of the Code next issue in the case of other Press Code granting a right SALES - FINANCES
under the current law. periodicals. of reply even in cases where B EATA F OJ TÍKOVÁ - Sales Executive
The IPI’s Press Freedom Press freedom became an As well as providing a the information printed is M AR TINA Š M ATL ÁKOVÁ - PR and Marketing Manager
M AR TA F UK AS OVÁ - Advertising Assistant
Adviser Steven Ellis wrote on issue in Slovakia after the right of reply and correction correct, and the right to a D ÁŠA R EH ÁKOVÁ - Circulation Manager
February 21 that the group is present Press Code was even when the published in- correction even if the pub-
The Slovak Spectator is an independent newspaper published every Monday by The Rock, s.r.o.
encouraged by the Slovak au- passed in 2008 under then- formation is entirely correct, lished information has not Subscriptions: Inquiries should be made to The Slovak Spectator’s business office at (+421-2) 59 233 300.
thorities’ progress in honour- culture minister Marek the Press Code also provides maligned anyone. Printing: Petit Press a.s. Distribution: Interpress Slovakia s.r.o., Mediaprint-kapa s.r.o., Slovenská po‰ta a.s.
Mail Distribution: ABOPRESS. EV 544/08. © 2010 The Rock, s.r.o. All rights reserved. Any reproduction
ing its commitment to revise Maďarič. the same rights even if the They also argued that the in whole or in part without permission is prohibited by law. The authors of articles published in this issue,
represented by the publisher, reserve the right to give their approval for reproducing and public transmission
the country’s controversial It was criticised for the published information is not draft allowed for double of articles marked ©The Slovak Spectator, as well as for the public circulation of reproductions of these articles,
press law. right of correction and right libellous. Fines for non-com- sanctions, namely being ob- in compliance with the 33rd article and 1st paragraph of the Copyright Law. Media monitoring is provided
by Newton, IT, SMA and Slovakia Online with the approval of the publisher. Advertising material contained herein
“We welcome the attitude of reply that it granted to pliance can be as high as liged to print both a correc- is the responsibility of the advertiser and is not a written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such
commercial enterprises or ventures by The Slovak Spectator or The Rock s.r.o. ISSN 1335-9843.
of the minister of culture in anyone who felt their honour €4,980. tion and a reply. Address: The Rock, s.r.o., Lazaretská 12, 811 08 Bratislava. IâO: 313 86 237.
6 February 28 – March 6, 2011


Tackling tax evasion BUSINESS FOCUS Next issue:
2010 tax revenues reported
Attack on tax chief 'solved’ ONLINE SERVICES

Many taxes go up in 2011 Institutions in the tax and audit

field in Slovakia

Finance Ministry
Analysts say it is “Imports are growing and Minister of Finance: Ivan Mikloš
thus also the tax refunds
too early to which business entities are
assess impact on requesting are growing too,” Tax Directorate of the Slovak Republic,
Jaroš stated, as cited by TASR, Slovak Chamber of Auditors,
state budget adding that the one percent Office for Oversight of the Performance of Audit,
increase in VAT to 20 percent
that became effective on Slovak Chamber of Tax Advisors,
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ January 1 will be seen in tax
Spectator staff revenues only in February.
The Finance Ministry
stated that the drop in reven- Paying income taxes
LAST year the government of ue from excise taxes was at-
Iveta Radičová pushed an aus- tributable to previous stock- ALL private individuals whose taxable income for 2010
terity package through par- ing of inventories and that exceeded €2,012.85 are obliged to submit a tax return and
liament designed to save the this was a one-off effect. pay any income taxes due by March 31. The non-taxable
state €1.7 billion through a “All these are effects income of private individuals is €4,025.70 providing their
combination of tax increases which were already taken into tax base is equal or below €15,387.12. Private as well as
and expenditure cuts. While consideration and develop- legal entities can postpone submitting their tax return,
preliminary state budget fig- ment so far is completely all as well as paying any income tax due, by up to three
ures have now been released Value added tax (DPH in Slovak) is now 20 percent. Photo: SITA right,” said Jaroš. months. They need only announce such a postponement
for January, analysts say it is Analysts said that it is too to their respective tax office. The income tax for both
too early to determine wheth- be pragmatically explained on isation proceeds that had early to assess whether the private individuals and corporate entities is 19 percent.
er the adopted measures are the side of revenues as well as been put aside.” government’s austerity pack-
achieving the desired results. expenditures.” On the revenue side, col- age and the changes in taxes
In January 2011 the state’s lection of value added taxes are having the desired effects.
Budget deficit in January revenue grew by 3.75 percent (VAT) and excise taxes was “Apart from the fact that it Value added tax
in comparison to January lower in January than the is still too brief a period for as-
Slovakia’s state budget 2010, to €830.4 million, while previous year. Revenue from sessment of firm trends, the
closed January 2011 with a de- expenditures were more than VAT shrank by 6.3 percent to cash-basis balance need not AS OF January 1, 2011, the basic rate of value added tax
ficit of €17.74 million. The 9 percent higher than the pre- €477.6 million and excise always reflect all the specifics was increased from 19 percent to 20 percent.
Finance Ministry said this vious year and amounted to taxes were lower by 7.1 per- of this year’s budget, such as A reduced VAT rate of 10 percent on books and medicines
was in line with its expecta- €848.1 million, the SITA cent, at €168.9 million. the higher level of funds that was preserved.
tions even though the state newswire reported. Jaroš ascribed the decline is being used to compensate A reduced rate of 6 percent on certain foodstuffs sold
had a budget surplus of €22.81 “The expenditures were in VAT revenue to a higher shortfalls in the social secur- from farms via so-called 'courtyard sales' was eliminated.
million in January 2010. higher because the old-age level of refunds to businesses ity system,” Vladimír Vaňo,
“This is no shock,” said pension reform is now fully caused by a revival in chief analyst with Volksbank,
Finance Ministry spokesper- subsidised from the state Slovakia’s economy and a told The Slovak Spectator.
son Martin Jaroš, as quoted by budget,” Jaroš said. “Last year winding down of the eco- Problems with e-tax may re-occur
the TASR newswire. “This can it was financed from privat- nomic crisis. See TAX pg 8

LAST year Slovakia’s online system for submitting

Auditing profession faces changes income tax returns collapsed after a large number of
taxpayers opted to use the system instead of going to a
tax office to file their return in person. The Tax
gislation by November to curb what he [market] share of the Big Four is a little Directorate admits that problems including system
EC’s Green Paper has called increased concentration in an bit smaller here than in other EU coun- slowdowns or complete failure may be repeated this year.
generated extensive audit market that is dominated by a tries. This is because of the smaller size It has prepared an alternative offline solution, the SITA
small handful of major firms, the so- of Slovakia’s economy and because newswire wrote in mid February.
discussion called Big Four. smaller entities here are also subject to The tax administration has carried out several measures
The Slovak Spectator spoke with On- statutory audit. In Slovakia an audit is to avoid problems with the operation of its internet
drej Baláž, the president of the Slovak also obligatory for municipalities, portal. But Martin Lejtrich, the deputy director of the Tax
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ Chamber of Auditors, about the Green foundations and similar smaller entities Directorate, said he does not completely rule out a
Spectator staff Paper, his opinions about concentration which are not important because of re-occurrence of ‘blackouts’ as the measures employed
in the auditing business, Barnier’s ideas their size but for their importance to so- are only temporary.
for legislative solutions and how the ciety. Most of these entities are not in- Miroslav Mikulčík, head of the Tax Directorate, admitted
THE FINANCIAL crisis has raised a mul- financial crisis had impacted the audit- teresting for the Big Four companies or that the Slovak tax administration is lagging behind in
titude of questions about the roles and ing profession. they are not globally interconnected and its digitalisation processes and in its pro-client approach
responsibilities of professional auditors. it is not necessary to have an audit of a to taxpayers. Lejtrich believes that the current condition
In autumn last year the European The Slovak Spectator (TSS): How do consolidated financial statement. If we of the system is a consequence of a halt in strategic
Commission published a Green Paper on you perceive the statement of Michel consider only public-interest entities on development of the portal between 2006 and 2010. The
Audit which has initiated extensive dis- Barnier that the auditing business is the basis of European criteria, i.e. banks, current management of the Tax Directorate is preparing
cussion about the responsibilities of too concentrated and largely domin- insurance companies, large companies a conceptual solution for electronic communication by
auditors, their governance structures ated by the Big Four (KPMG, PwC, and so forth, the concentration of audits the tax administration within the UNITAS project of
and potential changes that may be war- Ernst & Young and Deloitte)? What is done by the Big Four companies would harmonisation of collection of taxes, customs duties and
ranted in this important profession. The the situation in the Slovak market? be almost 100 percent. insurance contributions (to be effective as of the
EC received about 700 responses with Ondrej Baláž (OB): Concerns about beginning of 2014).
about 10,000 pages of suggestions in re- growing concentration in the audit TSS: How do you view the plan to curb Last year the tax administration registered an almost
action to its document. market is only one partial problem increased concentration via new le- 30-percent increase in the number of online users of the
The Green Paper was also a main raised in the Green Paper. The percep- gislation? system and the daily visit rate to the portal exceeded
topic at the Financial Reporting and tion that the major part of the market OB: The high concentration is an in- 11,000. This upward trend is also continuing this year.
Auditing conference organised by the for statutory auditing of public-interest disputable fact. But this situation has In 2010, less than 1 percent of all income tax returns were
EC in Brussels on February 9 and 10. In entities is controlled by four worldwide not grown from artificial intervention. successfully submitted electronically. Legal entities
his opening speech the EU’s Internal networks is not so unambiguous. The It is a consequence of a certain devel- submitted only 730 out of a total of 163,208 submitted tax
Market Commissioner, Michel Barnier, majority of voices perceive this problem opment and globalisation and is not a returns electronically, accounting for less than 0.45
told the conference participants that as a systemic risk. But not all people phenomenon occurring only in audit- percent. In the category of non-business private
changes must be made in how auditors think so, as at the conference there were ing. The question is what can be done individuals, only one taxpayer successfully submitted an
do their work so that there is more also some voices, coming from in- about this or whether it is necessary to income tax return electronically, the TASR newswire
competition in the auditing business vestors, who do not see this as a risk. do something about it. wrote.
and auditors are more independent. He The situation in the Slovak market is Compiled by Spectator staff
also presented a plan to prepare new le- similar to that abroad even though the See AUDIT pg 8 from press reports
BUSINESS FOCUS February 28 – March 6, 2011 7

Tackling tax evasion w•’‰ˆ––Œ’‘„–

Finance Ministry
proposes Œ‘ê—„›ê„‘‡ê„˜‡Œ—
new measures

Spectator staff

TAXES are the main source of h{êw„•—‘ˆ•–±êŽ­–­ —ˆ®êФ¢¡ê¢ê¥¢©¦ê¦©¥¥

revenue for the state as well w„5•ŒŽ’™„ê¡£ ‰„›®êФ¢¡ê¢ê¥¢©¦ê¦©¥¦
as for Slovakia’s municipalit- ¨¡¡êª¤êi•„—Œ–„™„ ˆ¾„Œ®ê’‰‰Œ†ˆÍ„—“„•—‘ˆ•–­–Žê
ies. Personal and corporate ššš­„—“„•—‘ˆ•–­–Ž
income taxes and other forms
of taxation totalled €7.96 bil-
lion in revenue in 2010. Of Tax●Accounting●Payroll
this sum, value added tax SP90505/1
(VAT) accounted for €4.43 bil-
lion. The government be-
lieves it can collect more in
taxes that are legally due,
saying that tax evasion and h‡‡•ˆ––®êu5ˆ“Ž’™„ꤧ
fraud could amount to hun- êêêêêêêêêêêêꪥ£ê¡¡êzŒW„‘œ
dreds of millions of euros. Finance Minister Ivan Mikloš Photo: SITA ššš­ˆŽ’‘„˜‡Œ—­–Ž
The four-year programme „˜‡Œ—ê●ꗄ›ê„‡™Œ–’•œ
statement adopted by the gov- tax evasion and tax fraud by weak points in the current made in commercial relation- “„œ•’ê●ꄆ†’˜‘—Œ‘Š
ernment of Prime Minister Iv- using more effective analyt- system that must be ad- ships to €3,000 to prevent
eta Radičová promised to in- ical methods, innovative dressed: currently the tax taxable entities from —ˆ­®ê Ф¢¡ê¥£ê¤¡§ê¤¤ê¡¢
tensify efforts to target indi- software tools and more ef- administration does not have ‘producing’ fictitious in- ‰„›®ê Ф¢¡ê¥£ê¤¡§ê¤¤ê¢¢
viduals and firms that are fective search activities. It a database of business entities voices, a process which is ˆŽ’‘„˜‡Œ—͈Ž’‘„˜‡Œ—­–Žê
evading taxes and to make col- has also been negotiating that have committed a tax of- characteristic of so-called ca-
lection of taxes more effective. with suppliers to introduce a fence; tax offices select busi- rousel frauds. Under carousel
The Finance Ministry has pre- new information manage- ness entities for audit based schemes a network of inter-
pared several concept docu- ment system. only on their hunches rather connected companies is cre-
ments to combat tax evasion than hard data; there is a lack ated which ‘trade’ with each
and fraud for each of the main Finance Ministry proposals of quality software to analyse other, mostly with fictitious *+&% 
types of tax. The ministry tax evasion risks; and there goods, until the deals become *+(+! $&% 
stated that its proposed meas- The goal of the Finance has been a failure in develop- opaque to the tax administra- *+!& % 
ing a concept for cooperation tion. *+)#! Ladislav POMPURA
ures will eliminate or at least Ministry is to gradually con-
*+&%! $ managing partner
curb tax evasion and fraudu- strict the possible space for with the police. Moreover, The Entrepreneurs Asso-
lent behaviour, saying that evasion of excise taxes and the ministry stated that tax ciation of Slovakia has already ,+
these often happen on an or- value added tax as well as in- audits and analyses indicate voiced its disagreement with
++ $-+)$%#
ganised basis. The ministry has come taxes and compulsory that Slovakia’s tax adminis- this proposed level, seeing it ! ++  ++ 
already submitted drafts of social insurance contribu- tration has been able to un- as much too low. % ++ +
+ +
three concept papers for inter- tions (payroll taxes). The min- cover only a small portion of “Situations still often oc- ( ++ +
+ +
 +"!"&#! #($
departmental review that istry has thus far prepared tax evasion, much of which, cur when there is no real al- '''! #($
present ways to deal with three draft concept docu- it said, stems from organised ternative to a cash payment,”
fraudulent activities regarding ments that are undergoing tax fraud schemes. the association said, as SP90511/1

VAT, excise taxes and payroll inter-departmental review The Finance Ministry has quoted by the SITA newswire.
and income taxes. and it hopes to have its pro- suggested legislative as well “A limit of €30,000 seems to
posed measures adopted by as non-legislative measures. us to be reasonable and zholzhꖭ•­’­
Tax audits raised an extra the end of this year. “In this context a change acceptable.”
€556 million in 2010 The Finance Ministry in- [is needed] in the way of The Finance Ministry has w•ˆO’™–Ž5ꦡ
troduced its first concept pa- thinking based on a change of stated that the goal of its pro-
Through tax audits per with measures to combat established processes and in posed measures is on one
Slovakia’s tax administration VAT evasion and frauds in the general attitude of in- hand to effectively eliminate
levied additional tax liabilities early January. volved state bodies,” the min- possibilities for fraudulent ê
on taxpayers amounting to “The development in VAT istry wrote. activities and hamper their
€556 million in 2010, an in- budgetary revenue is condi- The Finance Ministry has further escalation and on the ìêh˜‡Œ—Œ‘Š {ˆ®êÐꤢ¡ê¢ê¤¤¦ê¤¤ê¡¨¨
crease of 28 percent compared tioned especially by the tax proposed that information other hand to do so in a form ìêh††’˜‘—Œ‘Šê–ˆ•™Œ†ˆ–ê„‘‡êŠ˜Œ‡„‘†ˆ m„›®êÐꤢ¡ê¢ê¤¤¦ê¤¤ê¡¨©
ìêl†’‘’Œ†ê„‘‡ê‰Œ‘„‘†Œ„ê†’‘–˜—Œ‘Š l¾„Œ®ê–„‹ˆ–„Í–„‹ˆ–„­–Ž
with 2009 and 46 percent more discipline of payers of this required on an entity’s ap- that will not represent an
ìêj’‘–˜—Œ‘ŠêŒ‘ꈆ’‘’Œ†ê†’“ˆ—Œ—Œ’‘ ššš­–„‹ˆ–„­–Žê
than in 2008, Gabriela Dianová, tax,” the Finance Ministry plication for VAT registration administrative burden on the
the spokesperson of the Tax wrote in its concept paper, should be broadened to in- development of legal business SP90516/1

Directorate told The Slovak which after completing in- clude data that the ministry activities. The ministry also
Spectator. Last year 18,400 tax terdepartmental review, will said might indicate the risk of identified failure to effect-
audits were conducted and move forward to legislative applicants: for instance, age, ively collect VAT as another
9,869 of them ended with
action. “Free movement of
goods, services, persons and
ethnic affiliation, informa-
tion on the number of em-
significant problem, stating
that the Tax Directorate is
“Last year tax inspections capital within the internal EU ployees, or the intention to due €1.54 billion in VAT that sˆ™’:–Ž5ê¡
uncovered the biggest tax market results in EU member carry out intra-EU transac- had not been collected up to ¨¥¡êª¡êi•„—Œ–„™„
evasion in value added tax,” states facing an increasing tions. 2009.
Dianová said. “Of the whole volume of tax evasion. The The ministry also sugges- “VAT frauds which have
amount of uncovered tax biggest frauds are being car- ted that a registry of persons the character of organised {ˆ®êªª¤¢¡ê¢ê¥ª¡ªê©ª¡ª
evasion, VAT accounted for ried out within VAT because should be prepared who have crime cause the biggest losses ªª¤¢¡ê¢ê¥ª¡ªê©ª¡¡
€424 million or 76 percent of of the [collection] mechanism been informed by the Tax to the state budget,” the min- m„›®êªª¤¢¡ê¢ê¥ª¡ªê©ª¡¢
the total.” of this tax as well as cancella- Administration that they istry declared in its docu- ˆ¾„Œ®ê—’“Í—’“„˜‡Œ—­–Žê
Currently, Slovakia’s Tax tion of border checks within have been identified as indi- ment. “Thus, it is unthinkable ~ˆêš„—†‹êœ’˜•ê‘˜…ˆ•–ê ššš­—’“„˜‡Œ—­–Ž
Administration employs ap- the EU.” viduals participating in sus- that uncovering, document-
proximately 1,600 tax auditors. Tax evasion and tax fraud, picious commercial activities. ing, claiming and punishing
“We consider this number in addition to reducing state Moreover, a VAT security de- should be undertaken in an
to be insufficient,” Dianová revenue, also harm fair and posit might be introduced for unorganised way. The meas- t’•ˆê†’‘—„†—–ꉒ•ê
said, adding that tax evasion healthy competition and of- entities from which it may be ures to combat tax frauds
has been becoming more soph- ten the profit from these il- more difficult to collect due proposed in this document —„›ê„‘‡ê„˜‡Œ—ê
isticated and often goes beyond legal activities is further in- VAT payments or entities stand on solid legislative rules
Slovak borders and that tax vested into other forms of from which recovery may be and their success assumes †’“„‘Œˆ–ꆄ‘ꅈꉒ˜‘‡ê
audits are now more time-con-
criminal activities, the min-
istry wrote.
less successful.
The ministry has also
centralised access to settling
these matters and efforts for
Dianová said Slovakia’s The Finance Ministry proposed capping the amount coordinated pursuit by com-
tax administration is battling stated that there are several of a cash payment that can be petent units of the state.”
8 February 28 – March 6, 2011 BUSINESS FOCUS

AUDIT: 'No real solution proposed' FOCUS shorts

Continued from pg 6 tions for performance of an whether this will lead to auditing could be simply
audit have become stricter, higher quality in auditing. audited by auditors with the
As a consequence of the the International Standards I am even more sceptical ‘European passport’ from out- 2010 tax revenues reported
infamous Enron case the on Auditing (ISA) have become with regards to the ‘European side Slovakia.
then-biggest auditing net- national standards in Slov- passport’. For its introduc- PRELIMINARY figures show Slovakia’s value added
work, Arthur Andersen, dis- akia, and the Office for Over- tion to make sense and bring TSS: How did the economic that tax revenue flowing to tax traditionally brings in
appeared. This has led to even sight of the Performance of tangible effects, rules for crisis change the auditing the state in 2010 amounted to the largest portion of gov-
more concentration in the Audit has been launched, and auditing for the entire EU market and the role of audit €7.962 billion, according to a ernment revenue and stood
audit market. so on. These changes have should first be harmonised. firms? Did the Slovak exper- document published by the at €4.432 billion for 2010,
I personally perceive as the gradually borne fruit. This raises a question of how ience differ from other Finance Ministry’s Financial €20.9 million better than the
problem the fact that nobody But it is too early to assess the differences in legislation countries? Policy Institute in mid Janu- revised budget plan. On the
has so far proposed a real solu- all their effects. The Slovak of individual countries would OB: The situation in Slov- ary. That revenue lagged €37 other hand, corporate in-
tion. Moreover, in my opinion, Chamber of Auditors believes be resolved. Moreover, there akia has been similar to that of million behind the budget come taxes brought only
some hoped for changes flow- that even the Green Paper has is a question of language. other countries, especially that was revised by the gov- €1.258 billion in revenue,
ing from the EC Green Paper not been based on an assess- Will a foreign auditor under- within the new EU member ernment during 2010 and less than the €1.320 billion
initiative will have the oppos- ment of the impacts of these stand documents in Slovak, countries. The crisis brought was much less than the ori- projected in the revised
ite effect. These will lead to changes in European legisla- for example? higher demands on auditors ginal budget which projected budget and more than €500
even higher concentration. tion. Thus, introduction of ad- With regards to this issue, and on the quality of auditing. revenue of €8.62 billion. million less than the €1.786
ditional administrative meas- especially for small econom- On the other hand, fees for The incoming govern- billion contained in the ori-
TSS: At the conference ures, without any in-depth as- ies, I see one more problem audits are decreasing. A situ- ment of Iveta Radičová re- ginal 2010 budget. The Fin-
Commissioner Barnier in- sessment, can bring an effect here. The specific feature of ation in which more work is vised the original 2010 ancial Policy Institute stated
troduced several ways that opposite to that which is ori- the Slovak market is that it is required for less money does budget to correspond with that this gap is attributable
the auditing market could be ginally expected. small. Because of this, the cri- not contribute to an increase the economic developments to reduced profitability in
made more open, for ex- Some proposed measures, teria under which companies in the quality of auditing. And that were actually taking the corporate sector due to
ample by limiting market for example joint audit, may and entities are obliged to un- the situation when an auditor place in Slovakia in 2010. the economic downturn.
shares for larger companies, bring more opportunities for dergo an audit have been set is pressed by circumstances to
through the concept of audit smaller audit companies. lower than in larger countries. accept orders for a price that
partners, or by creation of Maybe this is a way to reduce A large company in Slovakia is does not enable allocation of 2009 attack on tax chief 'solved’
the ‘European passport’. the concentration in the only a small company when enough funds for their proper
Which of these measures do audit market. But it is ques- assessed according to performance endangers the THE POLICE say they have ated in this offence – four ci-
you see as feasible and bene- tionable whether users of European conditions but that independence of the auditor. solved a brutal attack on vilians and one professional
ficial to the Slovak market? audits will be willing to ac- company is important for senior tax official Ján soldier,” said Peter
OB: I would not like to cre- cept the consequences that Slovak society. The Slovak Spectator also Dobrovič, which took place Šufliarsky of the Office of
ate the impression that the this would bring. Other pro- Moreover, municipalities, spoke with Alica Pavúková, a almost a year and a half ago. the General Prosecutor.
auditing profession in Slov- posed changes seem too ad- foundations and others are partner of PwC in Slovakia; Peter At the time he was deputy Two masked men armed
akia rejects changes. It is clear ministrative to me. We can also obliged to undergo audit- Potoček, manager of the audit de- director of the Tax Director- with iron rods attacked
to us that changes are inevit- limit the market share of ing in Slovakia. After setting partment of Ernst & Young in ate. The police say it was a Dobrovič on November 7,
able. And they are also truly large auditing companies by a the conditions for compulsory Slovakia, and Mickaël Com- ‘commissioned’ attack and 2009, near his house in
happening. As of 2008 there is law. But who will fill in the auditing according to the EC pagnon, managing partner of that the culprits were paid Veľký Šariš, near Prešov.
a new law on auditors which gap that will occur in the directive’s threshold, the pro- Mazars in Slovakia, about the €2,000 in total, the Plus The motive is believed to
has implemented require- market? The market will fession of auditor would be EU’s Green Paper and related top- Jeden Deň daily wrote. have been linked to
ments of the Eighth EC Direct- likely be able to handle this. endangered in Slovakia. Then ics. To read their responses, please “At least five persons are Dobrovič’s post.
ive on Statutory Audit. Condi- But there remains a question those companies subject to visit believed to have particip- Compiled by Spectator staff


TAX: New revenue plus cuts

Continued from pg 6 public finance deficit falls be- Ďurana also told The Slov-

low 3 percent of GDP. It has ak Spectator that the in-
“Therefore, the brief over- been estimated that the high- creased VAT rate should be re-
view that has been presented er VAT rate will bring an addi- assessed after only one year
with an international auditor & needs to be taken with a grain tional €185.5 million in rev- rather than when the deficit
of salt and is most useful as a enues to the state in 2011. falls below 3 percent of GDP.

INSIGHT warning tool for potential

risks that might be gradually
breeding within the budget.”
Additionally, purchases of
coal and natural gas by cent-
ral heating companies, which
During a recent presenta-
tion to the Conservative In-
stitute, Vaňo compared the
advisor at your side Radovan Ďurana of the are used to generate heat for government’s 2011 budget to
INESS economic think tank households, are no longer ex- a cup of cappuccino, with
also viewed one month as too empt from excise taxes and both bitter tax hikes coupled
short a time to assess the im- the preferential tax treatment with more palatable steamed
pact of tax changes, stating that applied to natural gas milk for voters in the form of
that three months is the min- (CNG) used as a motor fuel expenditure cuts.
imum period needed to collect was eliminated in 2011. “I labelled the saucer be-
“Dare to invest in a knowledge partner, enough data to discern trends. The excise tax on tobacco low this cup of cappuccino as
The Iveta Radičová products is being increased in “competitiveness”,
so that you can enjoy your passion for business” government’s austerity pack- two phases, the first effective something that fiscal consol-
Bart Waterloos, partner VGD age adopted last year projects on February 1, 2011, and the idation needs to keep in mind
overall savings of €1.7 billion next on March 1, 2013. both on the side of raising
in the state budget, with cit- A number of changes were revenue as well as cutting
Since 15 years VGD has a strong presence in Central izens and businesses contrib- made in the calculation of expenditures,” Vaňo said.
Europe. Originating from a Belgian accountant, our uting €770 million through personal income taxes. “The reason is that it is not
Slovak practice has grown into a team of 25 experts. higher taxes and other fees. Ďurana told The Slovak the bitter part of tax revenue
Going through such an international expansion ourselves,
The government said it will Spectator that INESS in gen- increases that is the major
we can act as a sounding board for entrepreneurs small
or large who are active in the region as well. By investing
save an additional €985 mil- eral does not accept the high risk for this year’s budget:
in professional services you increase the chances of lion through cuts in ex- deficit as an adequate reason the major risk stems from
success for your business. Make time for a meeting face penditure, the Pravda daily to increase citizens’ and busi- potential hesitation and
to face and experience how we can provide you with more wrote last December when nesses’ tax burden, adding delays in implementing the
insight in your Slovak business. parliament adopted the last that his think tank believes planned expenditure cuts.
legislative initiative in the that the cancellation of tax The 2010 expenditure consol-
package of austerity propos- exceptions and the estab- idation is just the beginning
als. The specific tax changes lishment of tax calculation of the inevitable multi-year
adopted by parliament in- bases on a flat level should consolidation plan.”
clude modifications to value have been accompanied with Vaňo reiterated that the
added tax, excise taxes and a reduction in tax rates. He major source of revenue for
tax > audit > accountancy > payroll > tax > audit > accountancy > payroll > tax > audit income taxes. also said INESS believes that the Slovak state budget
Slovakia > Czech republic > Belgium > Germany > Poland > Luxemburg > Hungary > Bulgaria The most significant tax the VAT rate need not have comes from indirect taxes,
change was the increase in been increased in 2011 if the VAT and excise taxes, and
the VAT rate from 19 percent reduced VAT rates or exemp- that collection of these
to 20 percent on January 1, tions for medicines and books taxes depends to a large ex-
which the government says had been cancelled and other tent on the trajectory of
will stay in effect until the measures had been adopted. domestic demand.
NEWS / BUSINESS February 28 – March 6, 2011 9

FREE: Pasta and flour GROWTH: Chamber

welcomes rule changes
for welfare claimants Continued from pg 4

“The law on investment

support should take this
factor more into
Halt said. “Put simply: cash
now is better than lower
taxes in the future.”
As for state aid, Halt also
pointed out that the current
consideration,” he added. draft of the law on invest-
Continued from pg 1
The Economy Ministry ment support gives applic-
also plans to extend stimuli ants more information
According to the prime
for small and medium-sized about the terms for obtain-
minister, if the regulatory
businesses in particular, by ing support and thus im-
policies of the state are adjus-
halving the minimum in- proves the transparency of
ted properly a drop in food
vestment required to attract the whole process.
prices could be achieved.
state stimuli. “This was one of the
Prices in Slovakia in
“This initiative is to be main disadvantages of the
January were 3 percent high-
appreciated as the current old scheme,” Halt said.
er than January last year, and
system disadvantages small Nevertheless, Halt also
up by 1.9 percentage points
and medium-sized said that the poor state of in-
compared to December 2010.
companies,” Halt said. “In frastructure in eastern Slov-
In an analysis, the Ministry
particular, medium-sized akia has consistently un-
of Finance said it believes a
producers can be respons- dermined the region’s in-
6.1-percent year-on-year rise
ible for thousands of em- vestment potential.
in food prices recorded in
ployees by giving business “Its development
January was caused by devel-
to suppliers but may be too should be a top priority,”
opments in global markets
small themselves to qualify Halt said.
related to last year’s very poor
for investment aid. If the Furthermore, investors
harvest for certain grains and
scheme of investment sup- need skilled labour to carry
port also aids these entre- out their plans, which is of-
Smer leader Robert Fico
preneurs it may effectively ten hard to find, said Halt.
immediately attacked the
enlarge their willingness to The Slovak educational
government’s proposal to
Exactly how people will receive their free pasta is still being determined. Photo: Jana Liptáková invest further.” system is not noted for meet-
distribute flour, allocated
The ministry also sug- ing investors’ needs and
from state reserves, and
gests that direct subsidies filling the gap, he added.
pasta to the needy. policies by central banks, in- away flour and pasta is an in- has the highest energy prices
are likely to be paid in the “A lack of enforcement
“Are we somewhere in creasing demand in China sult to human dignity rather among the V4 countries,”
case of investments of stra- of the law and corruption
the jungle where it is neces- and India, as well as the pro- than a solution. Miškov said, adding that his
tegic importance. are other known barriers to
sary to help the people in duction of bio-fuels as being ministry would not consent to
As for the type of invest- investment,” Halt told The
such a way that cars drive behind the price rises, ac- Energy bills regulatory policy that facilit-
ment that investors appreci- Slovak Spectator. “Good
around and people throw cording to the Sme daily. ated such high energy prices.
ate the most, Halt says that economic policy can prove
flour and pasta, and this will A public tender has now Miškov, the economy min- However, the head of
they prefer direct subsidies. an effective tool for attract-
be the solution to the unpro- been announced to process ister, said that there is room ÚRSO, Jozef Holjenčík, said it
“An investment gener- ing investors.”
fessional conduct and inabil- 45,000 tonnes of grain into for a reduction in energy is not true that Slovakia has
ates high costs at the begin- If passed by parliament
ity of the Slovak government flour and pasta for distribu- prices. higher energy prices. He said
ning but tax holidays come on schedule, the proposed
to react to problems?” Fico tion to people eligible for “We believe that there is that in the supply of electricity
into effect only when it has law will come into force as
asked, as quoted by public state assistance, of whom space for cuts in energy and gas to households Slovakia
already begun to be viable,” of June 1.
broadcaster Slovak Radio. there are around 180,000. The prices,” Miškov said, as quoted has lower prices than the
Fico said that “humanit- deadline for submitting bids by SITA. “We will appeal to the European average.
arian workers” get on the is March 15. Regulatory Office for Network “Distribution fees are also
stage when there is a huge Sme reported on Industries (ÚRSO) to set regu- below the European Union
catastrophe in the country. Thursday February 24 that latory policy so as to prevent average,” Holjenčík said, as
He insisted that the situation food tycoon Andrej Babiš is monopolies from making in- quoted by SITA. “The prices
is not caused by the weather interested in participating in appropriate profits.” are higher only for the trans-
or global markets but by what the tender. It quoted Jaroslav Miškov also reiterated mission of electricity and this
he called the seven-month Kurčík, a director of Agrofert, comments by the prime min- is only as a consequence of in-
rule of a “mash-up” right- confirming that the firm, ister who said that the gov- tegrating the 110kV system
wing government. which is owned by Babiš, is ernment would put great em- during the privatisation pro-
Most market watchers, considering a bid. phasis on good regulatory cess into the distribution
however, did point to the Meanwhile, the Trade policy by the state. networks and not the trans-
weather, geopolitical influ- Unions Confederation (KOZ) “I am not disclosing any mission networks, as
ences, looser monetary said that the idea of giving secret when I say that Slovakia happened in other states.” More investments could help cut unemployment. Photo: Sme



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10 February 28 – March 6, 2011 CULTURE

The rebirth of Smolenice Western SLOVAKIA

Castle in the Carpathians

l FLAMENCO: Bajani Fla-
menca – Flamenco Guitar - An
evening full of flamenco and
Spanish flair, with Morenito
de Triana, aka Stanislav
Kohútek, finalist of an inter-
national flamenco guitar
Starts: March 2, 19:00; Di-
vadlo na lodi, Tyršovo em-
bankment. Admission: €6.
Tel: 0917/505-055; www.
l MUSICAL: Báthoryčka – The
famous life story of the
noblewoman who became a
torturer – or the victim of
scheming noblemen, depend-
SMOLENICE Castle had the and rebels from among the Kreuzenstein castle near Vi- ing on who you believe – has SEVEN Films of Akira Kurosawa – This film festival, marking the
been turned into an original 100th anniversary of the birth of the great Japanese director,
role – like other Small Great Hungarian nobles. The enna. The rebuilding was a big Slovak musical; by Henrich
Carpathian castles – of guard- rebels, led by Count Károlyi event and many local people brings a range of his films to the Mladosť cinema in Hviezdosla-
Leško, with libretto by Jana vovo Square in Bratislava. Between February 28 and March 2
ing the wider region. In had jobs working there for Kákošová.
medieval Hungary, the many years, as did a movies such as Stray Dog (Nora inu), Heaven and Hell (Tengoku
Starts: March 5, 19:00; No-
Small Carpathians were
a border range as the re-
HISTORY TALKS whole colony of special
craftsmen from Italy,
vá scéna theatre, Živno-
stenská 1. Admission: €11-€16.
to jigoku) and Kurosawa’s masterpiece Rashomon will be
screened. Admission is free; for more info (in Slovak) please visit
gion west of the moun- some permanently set- Tel: 02/2048-8500; www.nova-, or call 02/5443-5003 (Kino Mladosť) or
tains was sparsely in- tling in the area. During 02/5980-0101 (Japanese Embassy). Photo: Courtesy of Toho Co
habited flatland with only a and Count Berscényi, quite World War II the castle tower
Bratislava sal vessel: a ‘Gofer’, or Girl for low Chateau, Múzejná 2. Ad-
few military garrisons pre- easily defeated the Habsburgs’ was demolished after German l BEAUTY CONTEST:Miss Everything. Each came up mission: €0.50-€1. Tel: 031/
pared to defend the kingdom. imperial general Rotschan. soldiers made a machine-gun Universe SR Finals 2011 – The with a different response: P. 5522-402;
Smolenice Castle is con- At the beginning of the nest in it. contest to find the most beau- Ďuriš, K. Korbeličová, D. Popol-
nected with one interesting 20th century the castle was a In this postcard from 1925 tiful woman in Slovakia cli- itova (Estonia), J. Gabriš, L. Central SLOVAKIA
event. On May 28, 1704, a ruin. Its owner, Count Pálffy we can see the castle in its re- maxes on March 5: from 13 fi- Regasková, M. Borkowska (Po-
battle took place nearby set his mind on rebuilding it built, most romantic form. nalists, Miss Universe Slov- land), F. Plačko, and Š. Strapko Lučenec
between the Habsburg army and was inspired by the By Branislav Chovan akia will be chosen. made all kinds of items, from a l LIVE MUSIC: Desmod - Mega
Starts: March 5, 20:00; Si- girl’s body to a classical urine Show – With Rocksanna sup-
ADVERTISEMENT bamac Aréna, NTC, Príkopova vessel. porting, the popular Slovak
6. Admission: €9. Tel: 02/ Open: Tue-Sun 13:00- group Desmod stop in Lučenec
5293-3321;, www. 18:00; Galéria Nova, Baštová 2. to perform their famous hits. Admission: free. Tel: 02/5443 Starts: March 5, 18:00;
-3039; Sports Hall Fair-ground, Jirás-
Bratislava kova 12. Admission: €12-€15.
l EXHIBITION: Denamit Nitra Tel: 02/5293-3321; www.ticket-
Design Days – The founding l LIVE MUSIC: Dan Bárta –
members of the Denamit civic Together with the Robert
association – L. Bartková, M. Balzar Trio, this respected Banská Bystrica
Bednárová, S. Janišová, L. singer and songwriter offers a l DJ PARTY: Paul van Dyk –
Sršňová, L. Viková and their select choice of his own work, The world-famous DJ and mu-
guests K. Czikorová, M. as well as re-mastered pieces sic producer gives his first
Slováková and J. Gulyás – by various performers. Slovak club concert, with Mi-

Anna Erwin
present their ambitious Starts: March 2, 19:00; The chael Burian and residents DJ
designs and the stories of their Old Theatre of Karol Spišák. Dave and DJ Pico supporting.
creation. Admission: €12. Tel: 02/5293 Starts: March 5, 21:00; Mi-

Netrebko Schrott
Open: Tue-Sun 10:00-17:00 -3321; nistry of Fun. Admission: €47
until March 6; Galéria - €97. Tel: 02/5293 -3321; www.
Médium, VŠVU, Hviezdosla- Dunajská Streda
vovo Square 18. Admission: l EXHIBITION/MUSEUM: Ry-
free. Tel: 02/5942-8570; www.v bolov starého Žitného ostrova Eastern SLOVAKIA / Fishing on Old Žitný Island –

This exhibition presents the Košice

Bratislava traditions of this region on the l GUIDED TOURS: Tajomstvá
l EXHIBITION: Dievča pre Danubian Plain. bočných uličiek / Secrets of
všetko / The Girl for Everything Open: Tue-Fri 10:00-17:00, the Alleyways – Roaming
– A group of art students were Sat 9:00-16:00 until March 12; through the streets of Košice,
tasked with making a univer- Žitnoostrovné múzeum, Yel- you will be shown things you
G r a n di o s e h ig h lig ht would never expect, like
freemasons’ halls, cubism,
of the ball season subterranean cellars, etc.
in S lovakia! 2011, 7pm Starts: March 5, 17:00 (in
March 5th, English); in front of the Sci-
lding of SND
The new bui entific Library, Hlavná 10.
Admission: €1.50 (at the MiC
in OD Dargov), or €1.99 on the
day. Tel: 055/161-86; www.
P r e s t i g i o u s c u l t u r a l e v e n t w i t h t h e w o r l d s t a r s o f o p e r a! l BOTANICAL GARDEN:
Most popular and glamorous diva, operatic soprano Záhadný svet mušlí / The Mys-
A n n a N e t r e b ko terious World of Shells – This
Tickets available at: Great operatic bass-baritone
exhibition presents more
SND Box offices and
THE CARNIVAL / Shrove Procession and workshops – called than 1,000 sea and land snails,
HOTLINE: +421 2 204 72 297 Erwin Schrott Organizers: Slovak National Theatre corals, starfish, etc.
in cooperation with the organizer Hainal – in Svätý Anton offer many events, from a balloon flight,
A prominent operatic tenor of Crystal Wing Open: 9:00-17:00 until
General partner: Main partners:
José Cura tasting of pig-sticking products, fried cakes, Art Kruh and Mauro March 6; Mánesova 23. Admis-
Wing Arabia performances, various workshops and a folk ballroom- sion: €1-€2. Tel: 055/2341-676;
dance with regional music. They take place between March 3
Partners: Media partners:
and 5, from 10:00 at various sites. Some events are free, work- nicka-zahrada.
shops cost €10-€15. For more information, please call 0903/441
-114; or visit Photo: Sme-Ján Krošlák By Zuzana Vilikovská
SP 90250/6

N A M E D A Y F E B R U A R Y - M A R C H 2 0 1 1
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Weather updates and forecasts from across Slovakia Zlatica Albín AneÏka Bohumil Kazimír Fridrich Radoslav
Bohumila Kevin Radoslava
can now be found at
February 28 March 1 March 2 March 3 March 4 March 5 March 6

A Slovak’s name day (meniny) is as important as his or her birthday. It is traditional to present friends or co-workers with a small gift,
In cooperation with the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute such as chocolates or flowers, and to wish them Všetko najlepšie k meninám (Happy name day)
CULTURE February 28 – March 6, 2011 11
Mossad agent donates to Danubiana
A FORMER agent of the Is- mander of the operation that
raeli secret service Mossad, captured Nazi leader Adolf
Rafi Eitan, has donated one Eichmann in Argentina, one
of his own creations to the of the greatest triumphs of
Danubiana Museum of Mod- the Israeli secret service.
ern Art near Bratislava. Eit- Kizáková told SITA that
an, a politician and a past Eitan had always admired
cabinet minister, decided to the art of sculpting but that
donate his bronze sculpture in the environment of the
of a hand called “Holding on kibbutz where he grew up
to Life” to Danubiana be- and in the secret service
cause he grew to like the mu- where he worked, he never
seum during his visits to had a chance to get closer to
Slovakia, Zuzana Kizáková of the art form. In the 1960s
the Israeli Embassy told the when he was deployed as a
SITA newswire. secret agent in Paris he got to
The Dutch patron and co- know modern art better and
founder of Danubiana, Ger- learned to love it.
ard H. Meulensteen, and the “When I was in Paris, I
gallery’s owner, Vincent started to create sculptures
Polakovič, were given the and statues myself. En-
A billboard advertising Slovak films at this year's Berlinale. Photos: Courtesy of Fog'n'Desire Films sculpture by Alexander Ben- chanted by Picasso, Arp and
Zvi, the Israeli Ambassador Giacometti, I followed
to Slovakia. The sculpture them,” he said about his

Slovak cinema once will become part of the in-

ternational collection at the
Eitan, who is 84, rose to
fame as a Mossad agent and
works which include dozens
of bronze and iron works de-
picting long, slim figures,
sitting cats and Venuses, and
industrial statuettes made of

again holds promise in 1960 he was the com- screws or chains.

people around her. “Through

BY DOMINIKA my film I attempted to show
UHRÍKOVÁ the difficulty of understand-
Spectator staff ing each other and asking for
what we actually want, be it a
mere hug,” she remarked.
“The two half-finished houses,
AFTER A slight downtick last unwished-for yet sincerely
year, the future of Slovakia’s offered, symbolise my charac-
cinema production again ters’ inability to open them-
looks promising. The first ma- selves before one another.”
jor film event of 2011, the re- Michal Kollár, The House’s
cent Berlinale, brought into Slovak co-producer, said that
the spotlight several young the film, which was shot over
talents who might become the a period of two years, was very
leaders of what the Berliner A scene from The House. dear to him in many respects.
Zeitung called “a small Czech- “The House is unusually genu-
Slovak New Wave”. ary was very different from “I had only finished the ine and simple,” he said. “It Holding on to Life, by Rafi Eitan. Photo: SITA
“It is not commonplace for its final version. movie two weeks before so I evokes the deepest emotions
us to have as many as two new “Originally, the movie was was very tired and did not and forces us to reconsider our
movies with Slovak participa- called “Weddings According have any distance from my values. Within 90 minutes, Nitra – a hotbed of regional theatre
tion at the Berlinale,” said Al- to the Mayor” and it was sup- work,” Liová told The Slovak Zuzana achieves what a soap
exandra Strelková from the posed to be a film about a Spectator. “But when I saw opera does not achieve within THEATRE professionals and competitive presentations is
Slovak Film Institute, refer- mayor who has the recipe for the reaction of the audience, a hundred episodes.” amateurs – actors, directors, for people to get to know
ring to Slovak director Zuzana the present-day phenomenon very positive and emotional, And it seems the Berlinale critics, and students – from each other and to examine
Liová’s feature The House of singles,” he stated. “But as energy came back to me all at is only the first swallow in the throughout the countries of common features and specif-
(Dom) and Czech director usually happens with docu- once. The journey from the possible upturn of Slovak the Visegrad Group (V4) have ic differences within their
Erika Hníková’s documentary mentaries, reality is the best script to a finished film had cinema: at least 15 feature and been regularly meeting in national cultures.
Matchmaking Mayor (Nesvat- screenwriter and our “Wed- been a tough one, but seeing documentary movies pro- Nitra as two festivals suppor- This autumn’s Divadelná
bov), both co-produced by ding Village” became “No some people with tears in duced and co-produced in ted by the Visegrad Fund are Nitra festival will be celeb-
Slovakia and the Czech Repub- Wedding Village” [in Czech] their eyes after the screening Slovakia are expected to be re- held each year in this central rating its 20th anniversary.
lic. “Our Central European despite all the mayor’s made me feel it was worth it.” leased in 2011. These include, Slovak town. At the spring Darina Kárová, the head of
Cinema stand at the European efforts.” As Hníková explained The House tells the story for example, Apricot Island by festival, actors from Slov- the autumn festival, said
Film Market, which we tradi- in a press release, what makes of a teenage girl who wants to Peter Bebjak, Cherry Boy akia, the Czech Republic, that Divadelná Nitra cooper-
tionally share with our col- the film unique is exactly this escape her remote, sleepy (Čerešňový chlapec) by Stan- Hungary and Poland meet in ates with many festivals and
leagues from the Czech Re- mayor who governs the east- hometown to work as a islav Párnický, and Gypsy by the Old Karol Spišiak Theatre institutions in all four
public and Slovenia, was this ern Slovak village of babysitter in London. Martin Šulík. However, com- and present theatre reflect- Visegrad countries and that
year really swarming with Zemplínske Hámre. She added However, her father has other pared to the neighbouring ing the culture of the central the festival’s Council for For-
film professionals who in- that people who have not star- plans and is building her a countries, the situation is not European region. Autumn is eign Theatre systematically
quired both about the two ted a family by the age of 35 house next door. He is all the yet satisfactory, filmmakers dedicated to the Divadelná and intensively follows cur-
movies screened and about can, of course, be found else- more obstinate as he had pre- agree. Kollár said that for Nitra Festival which ranks rent offerings in the Czech
the current state of Slovak where in Europe, but Match- viously started constructing, Slovak movies to become among the top theatre fest- Republic, Poland and Hun-
cinema,” she told The Slovak making Mayor is also about but failed to complete, anoth- more numerous the distribu- ivals held within the V4 gary, making the festival
Spectator. However, the buzz different kinds of solitude, er house for his elder daughter tion system of state film sub- countries. well-known for presenting
and excitement soon spread about the village milieu where who had managed to flee the sidies should be improved, The first year of the both renowned directors and
outside the market, too. traditional values no longer family nest. which in turn cannot be theatre festival was held in young talents hailing from
Matchmaking Mayor, a apply, and about the mayor’s Variety called the movie achieved without more public 1999 at Nitra’s Old Theatre, at all V4 countries.
story about a mayor’s idea to Sisyphean struggle. “perfectly proportioned”, re- support. “Nobody questions the initiative of the long- Last year, the Divadelná
hold a matchmaking dance The House was equally garding Liová as the equal of the amount of money re- time head of the theatre, the Nitra association prepared
for his village’s singles, was successful at attracting the her regional contemporaries, ceived by tennis or ice hockey late Karol Spišiak. Since 2003, several special offerings dur-
praised by Variety for its attention of the visitors to the while The Hollywood Report- players for their individual the festival has provided the ing the fall festival such as
“forthright, amusing ap- Berlinale. According to the er recommended The House training, yet these sums of- opportunity to develop in- Stretnime sa! (Let Us Meet!)
proach to topical subject Sme daily, the premiere of the “for lovers of Ken Loach-style ten exceed the yearly budget ternational connections and Spoločnosť a zmysel
matter” and it even received movie was followed by en- realistic dramas built on nat- allocated to the overall do- between regional theatres as umenia (Society and the
Der Tagesspiegel Readers’ thusiastic applause and uralistic performances, sans mestic film production,” he well as to inspire profession- Meaning of Art), an informal
Jury Award. Marek Urban, cheers as well as by a long the politics”. told The Slovak Spectator. “I al theatres and art schools. meeting that commemor-
the Slovak co-producer of discussion with director Zuz- Liová, who has received believe the public should be Veronika Gabčíková, the Ni- ated Slovakia assuming the
the movie, explained that ana Liová and actors Miroslav many international awards for informed about the neces- tra theatre’s dramatic ad- presidency of the V4.
the early idea behind Krobot, Táňa Medřická and her previous works said she sity of increasing this kind viser, told the TASR news-
Hníková’s third document- Judit Bartos. chiefly draws inspiration from of support.” wire that the goal of the non- Compiled by Spectator staff
12 February 28 – March 6, 2011 FEATURE

AROUND SLOVAKIA compiled by Zuzana Vilikovská from press reports

is getting

Bratislava is

Pustý hrad in getting older

according to
a report on

Zvolen tops poll the Health Status of Resid-

ents of the Capital. The re-
port, based on data from
THE TOP at- mint in Kremnica and the 2009, was provided to the

traction in a articular wooden Protestant city council on January 27
poll that de- church in Hronsek. by Mayor Milan Ftáčnik.
cided upon Maňka invited repres- One man's Carnival costume is another man's uniform. Photo: Sme-Ján Krošlák The average age of Brat-
the Seven entatives from all the win- islavans in 2000 was 38.4
Wonders of ning sites to his office to re- years but it increased to
Banská Bystrica Region is
Pustý hrad (the Deserted
Castle) in Zvolen. Vladimír
ceive his congratulations
and their official certific-
ates. He also drew three
Carnival traditions in Slovakia 40.82 by 2009. The report
predicted that the average
age of residents in the cap-
Maňka, president of the re- names from among the 2,700 THE PERIOD of Carnival be- looked like animals and they rived there was less work so ital city will continue to
gion, announced the win- people who had voted in the gins one day after Epiphany were meant to be threatening apart from evening “spin- increase.
ners on January 24 based on a competition. on January 7 and ends on Ash as their role was to chase away ning parties” during the Car- Nevertheless, the may-
popularity poll that lasted for “These three winners Wednesday (Caput jejunii) on ghosts, evil spirits and nival time many weddings or told the council that res-
eight months. will be invited by the presid- March 9 and this period was demons. Those usually in- were arranged which tended idents of Bratislava have
The other wonders of the ent of the region and by our known in the central cluded in a procession in- to be longer than today, in- better health than other
region are the Kláštor (Mon- MEP [member of the European region, especially in cluded Turoň, a huge beast- volving many more people, Slovaks, adding that the
astery) in Hronský Beňadik, European Parliament] to vis- Slovakia, even in the pre- like creature with horns, as often the couple’s entire vil- city should focus mainly
the entire town of Banská it Brussels or Strasbourg in Christian era when there were well as bears and wolves. lage. The fašiang procession on preventive health care
Štiavnica, the Čierny Hron September,” the region’s community processions going Today, Carnival masks which through a village stopped at for children so that they
forest railway, Špania Do- spokesman, Peter Hajnala, from house to house to wel- swap the gender of their every house with a ritual avoid serious health prob-
lina mining village, the told the TASR newswire. come spring and bid farewell wearer are popular and many meaning – to bring blessings, lems as adults, the SITA
to winter. Eastern Slavonians of them tend to mock the ap- fortune and good luck to each newswire wrote.
knew this period, too, and pearance, character or bad household and good health to Anna Dyttertová, a
they celebrated it as habits of the opposite gender. the residents. member of the city council,
“maslenice”, a period rich in The Slovak word “fašiang” Each municipality had its suggested that the city
butter and fat as they wanted comes from the German own version of rhymed should reactivate the city’s
to get satiated before the time “vast-schane” meaning wishes and some have pre- Health Office that used to
for fasting during Lent. Tradi- something similar to “the last served them to this day. organise lectures for Bratis-
tional meals included various drink”. It symbolised the last Those wearing masks re- lavans on how to have
types of doughnuts, fried occasion to revel before the 40 ceived some gifts, usually healthy lifestyles.
cakes, strudels and slaughter- days of Lent, the Christian food, and were offered alco-
house delicacies. fasting period that ends with hol. Carnival culminated on
After Christianity was Easter. This is why during the the Tuesday before Ash Wed-
widely accepted the atmo- last fašiang days, called nesday with a community-
sphere and tone of Carnival “ostatky” – the “last remain- wide dance with a local band
changed fundamentally, the ing items” – were dedicated to providing lots of music and
TASR newswire wrote. What wild fun and mad excesses. lots of food to end the carouse.
remained from older times From the Great Moravian At midnight, the contrabass –
was the processions of masked times, the expression which was believed to have
people that involved rituals “mjasopust” (meaning meat- given rhythm to the band and
Part of the ruins of Pustý hrad in Zvolen. Photo: Sme-Ján Krošlák with deep meaning – unlike lending day) has remained. the music – was ritually
modern times, when these The prevailing occupa- “drowned” to avoid the
parades are just fun. The car- tion of people in Slovakia was temptation of any further

Young skier saved nival masks of the past usually farming and before spring ar- dancing and merrymaking. A senior in action. Photo: Sme

from drowning Slovakia’s €2 coin wins award in Berlin

AN ACCI- showed no signs of hypo- SLOVAKIA’S €2 coin, depict- renowned publisher of nu-

DENT nearly thermia or other injury. ing a double cross standing on mismatic literature based in
ended in After drying his clothes three hills, designed by the US.
tragedy at the for about two hours the boy sculptor Ivan Řehák, has be- The category “best circu-
Ždiar-Stred- departed for home with his come one of the most sought lating coin” assesses the ap-
nica ski resort parents, Jaroslav Švorc, the after coins in global circula- pearance of a coin as well as
on January 27 when a young head of the Tatra Mountain tion and recently won a com- its handling characteristics
boy participating in an or- Rescue Service, told the SITA petition held in Berlin for the and its use in the general
ganised trip from Poland newswire, adding that al- “best circulating coin”. payment system.
skied outside the designated though the boy was totally “At the beginning of 2011, Other categories in the
boundaries and fell into a submerged for a while, he the prettiest coins minted in competition included the
1.5-metre-deep pond used to had been pulled from the 2009 were announced, as most important historical
make artificial snow. The water quite quickly and no chosen by a jury of 60 experts coin, the best gold or silver
boy, aged 11, was pulled from long-term negative con- on numismatics,” Petra coin and the most inspiring
the freezing water by other sequences are expected. Pauerová, spokesperson for coin.
skiers and ski-lift operators. “In my 30 years of ser- the National Bank of Slovak, Last year the €2 coin from
A patrol from the Tatra vice, we have had burn injur- the country's central bank, Cyprus won for its motif of a
Mountain Rescue Service ies and a skier run down by a told the media. statue in the form of a cross.
brought him to their rescue car; but having a skier al- The competition this year Slovakia's other euro coin
station but because he was in most drown is something was held in Berlin and was designs depict Kriváň, a dis-
the cold water for only a unheard of,” Švorc told the organised as in the past by tinctive mountain and Bratis- Slovakia's €2 coin has won plaudits from numismatists for its
short period of time he TASR newswire. Krause Publications, a lava Castle. design and ease of handling. Photo: Sme-Pavol Funtál

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