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What is Sepulveda Basin?

The Sepulveda Basin Wildlife Reserve lies in

the mid-San Fernando Valley. Developed in
Draw any birds you see around the
basin. Let your creativity flow!
1979 by the Corp of Engineers the reserve
was created with a pond, riparian SEPULVEDA BASIN
woodlands, and coastal sage. In 1988, the
60-acre habitat north of Burbank Boulevard
was installed with pathways, the lake, and
plantings of native annuals, shrubs, and

What is Multiplying Good?

Multiplying Good is a national nonprofit

focused on elevating public service as a
mean to empower individuals. Students
in Action is a unique youth service,
leadership, and recognition program that
immersive training, opportunities for
engagement, and a prestigious awards
platform that honors achievement.

What is Valley Changemakers? BIRDS OF THE

Valley Changemakers Students in Action
chapter is a youth program within
Multiplying Good. As a response to the
increased wildfires, we are educating
others about wildfires and are focusing
on restoring parts of the Sepulveda
Basin by planting California native plants IF YOU TRULY LOVE NATURE, YOU
and cleaning up trash.


Valley Changemakers Students in Action

Instagram @valleychangemakers
LENGTH: 4’6”

The Great Blue Heron is a large wading bird and forages mostly Pied-billed grebes are part bird, part submarine.
The mallard is a dabbling duck. Mallards occur by standing still or walking slowly in shallow water, waiting for These small stocky short-necked brown birds have
throughout North America in ponds and parks as well fish to swim near and then striking with a rapid thrust of its bill. thick bills that turn silver and black in summer.
as wilder wetlands and estuaries. The male’s The heron may also forage from shore, from floating objects, and Grebes are expert divers diving up to 20 feet for 30
gleaming green head, gray flanks, and black tail-curl in grassland. Eats mostly fish, but also frogs, salamanders, seconds. They live in sluggish rivers, freshwater
possibly makes it the most easily identified duck. The turtles, snakes, insects, rodents,and birds. The Great Blue Heron marshes, lakes, and estuaries. They use their
majority of its diet is plant material, insects, is a large bird with a slate-gray body, chestnut and black accents, chunky bills to kill fish, amphibians,, snalis, and
crustaceans, mollusks, tadpoles, frogs, earthworms, very long legs and a “s”-shaped neck. tadpoles. They are rarely seen in flight and often
and small fish. hide in vegetation.

The prehistoric-looking, matte-
LENGTH: 15 ½ “ LENGTH: 18 - 25” black fishing bird with yellow-
orange facial skin is the Double-
crested Cormorant. These birds
Coots are tough, adaptable water birds. A coot The Red-tailed Hawk is one of the most recognizable birds in
are almost always near water
paddles at the surface of the water, upending in North America. This hawk is a rich brown color on top with a light
fishing or resting. When resting,
shallows, dives, grazes on land, and steals food from underside. There is a dark bar on the wing between shoulder and
a cormorant can be found on a
various ducks. The coot is a medium-sized diving bird wrist. The tail is pale below and a cinnamon red above. This bird
bare branch or rock with wings out, drying their
with a white bill, yellow legs, and lobed toes. Their of prey does most of its hunting by watching from a high perch
feathers after fishing. Their diet consists of fish, some
feet look oversized. The body is dark gray to black and then swooping down to catch its prey.
insects,, and amphibians. The tip of their upper bill is
with a blackish head and neck. Some of the undertail Their food of choice are mice, rabbits, voles, and squirrels. This
shaped like a hook, helpful in catching food.
feathers are white and visible. hawk can dive at up to 120 miles per hour. They also mate for

A Great Place to Birdwatch RED-WINGED BLACKBIRD

LENGTH: 6.7-9.1”
The Turkey Vulture is a scavenger and finds carrion
Birdwatching is an excellent way to connect with and
The Red-winged Blackbird, a medium-sized
(decaying flesh of dead animals) by soaring over open appreciate nature. This is a year-round activity that
songbird, is one of the most abundant birds in
or partly wooded country, watching the ground and can be done wherever you are. North America. Males are glossy-black with
the actions of other scavengers. Unlike most birds, it
scarlet-and-yellow shoulder patches. Females
has a well-developed sense of smell. The vulture is
The Sepulveda Basin Wildlife Reserve bird list has over are a muted, streaky brown resembling a dark
black with brownish tones, especially on the feather
sparrow. Being omnivorous they feed on
edges Their legs are dark to pinkish in color, and they 200 species. In the winter, the lake sees almost every millipedes,, insects, snails, seeds, berries, and
have an unfeathered head. The red skin color of the
species of waterfowl that visits Los Angeles County. In fruit. The Red-winged Blackbird lives in open
head contrasts with the ivory bill and dark feather
the summer, Pied-billed Grebes, American Coots, grassy areas preferring wetlands and they nextin
ruff on the neck.
cattails., ,
Anna’s Hummingbirds, Cliff Swallows, Double-crested
Cormorants and Blue Grosbeaks breed.

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