Basic Tech Question JSS1

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22, Okota Road, Gideon Bus stop, Isolo

Basic Technology JSS1

1. Technology can be defined as…………

a. a technologist. b. using scientific process to solve physical problems

c. using electronic gadgets d. using fishing net when fishing.

2. There are two types of Technology that we have learnt. They are:

a. western/modern technology. b. derived/African technology

c. developed/under-developed technology. d. none of the above

3. The use of one of the following is related to a high-developed technology.

a. knife and hoes. b. hooks and nets

c. horse drawn carts. d. air-crafts and cars.

4. Safety in the workshop does not involve the following EXCEPT….

a. lean on running machine. b. obeying all workshop rules and regulations

c. using loose chisel. d. stopping a running machine with bare hand.

5. A metal which contains iron is known as (a) ferrous (b) aluminium (c) bronze (d) copper

6. ……………. Process are methods of doing things by hand and common to the under developed
countries (a) artificial (b) physical (c) manual (d) potential

7. Ductility is the ability of a metal to ____ (A) conduct electricity (B) conduct heat (C) resist elasticity (D)
be drawn to thin wire

8. Which of these cannot be made from ceramics

(A) floor tiles (B) tea cups (C) wall of building (D) bicycle tyre

9. Which of the following is ferrous metal (A) Copper (B) Brass (C) Gold (D) Steel

10. One of the following is NOT an example of ceramics (A) clay (B) bricks (C) plastics (D) tiles

11. Which of the following is a good conductor of heat? (A) Wood (B) Plastic (C) Copper (D) Paper

12. Malleability is a property of _ (A) wood (B) ceramic (C) rubber (D) metal
13. Ability of a metal pick small pieces of iron or pin is called __ (A) ductility (B) conductivity (C)
malleability (D) magnetic

14. Which of the following is true of ceramics (A) they are brittle (B) they have low melting point (C)
they are made from organic resins (D) they are elastic m

15. Glass products can be classified as (A) plastics (B) ceramics (C) rubber (D) wood

16. Which of the following safety habits concerns all technical workers?

a. wearing overall occasionally. b. wearing eye goggle and necktie

c. keeping long hair. d. lifting heavy loads manually

17 Natural rubber is made From milk liquid called? a. Latex. b. Rubble c. Sap. d. Solution

18. The type of plastic that can not be remoulded after heating is ________

a. Thermoset. b. Thermoplastic. c. Natural. d. Rubber

19. A room where technology is practiced or studied is called _________

a. Workshop. b. Workroom. c. Site. d. Construction site.

20. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of technology to our society?

A. Modern facilities found in homes. B. Treated and drinkable water in public places.

C. Long, tedious journey across the continent. D. Recreational parks and gardens


1a. Define Technology

b. Mention 3 Economic activities in underdeveloped and developed technology in tabular gorm

2a. Mention 5 causes of Accidents

b. Mention 5 ways to prevent Accidents in a workshop.

3a. Distinguish between softwood and hardwood and give 2examples each

b. State five properties of wood

4a. Mention the two classes of metals and give 2examples each

b. Explain three properties of Metals

22, Okota Road, Gideon Bus stop, Isolo
Instruction: take g as 10m/s where necessary

1. Which of the following statements about a spring balance and/or a chemical balance is not correct? A.
The chemical balance operates on the principle of moments. B. The spring balance operates on Hooke's
law. C. Either may be used to measure the weight of a substance. D. The reading of a spring changes
over the surface of the earth, while that of the chemical balance remains constant.

2. Electrical energy is measured in A. ampere B. coulomb. C. kilowatt - hour. D. kilowatt

3. Which of the following instruments is the best for measuring the diameter of a thin constantan wire?
A. Callipers. B. Metre rule C. Micrometer screw gauge D. Vernier callipers

4. A chemical balance is used for measuring. A. volume. B. mass. C. thickness. D. density

5. Which of the physical quantities is correctly paired with its corresponding S.I. unit?

A. Density [kg m3]. B. Power [J s-1]. C. Specific latent heat [J kg-1 k-1] D. Pressure [N m-1]

6. Which of the following sets of quantities is fundamental? A. Length, mass and time. B. Speed, length
and time. C. Speed, mass and distance. D. Distance, speed and time

7. The S.I unit of heat is A. joule. B. Kelvin. C. watt. D. ampere

8. Which of the following pairs of physical quantities is made up of vectors?

A. Speed and Displacement. B. Mass and force. C. Displacement and acceleration. D. Momentum and

9. Which of the following quantities is a vector? A. Volume. B. Momentum. C. Energy. D. Speed

10. Which of the following phenomena is the practical evidence for the existence of the continual
motion of molecules?A. Translational motion. B. Rotational motion. C. Brownian motion. D. Oscillatory

11. An object is said to undergo oscillatory motion when it movesA. in an erratic manner. B. to and fro
about a fixed point. C. in a circular path. D. along a continuous path from the starting point

12. Physical quantities are also known as A. Derived Quantities B. Base quantities C. Professional
quantities D. Energetic quantities

13. Range of a micrometer screw gauge is A. more than 1 cm B. 2 cm C. less than meter D. less than cm

14. SI unit for current is A. Volts B. Watts C. Ohms D. Ampere

15. Vernier Calipers have an accuracy of A. 0.1 cm B. 0.1 mm. C. 0.1 um D. None of the above

16. Total distance covered in total time taken is termed as A. instantaneous speed B. average speed C.
uniform speed D. variable speed

17. Unchanged or constant speed is termed asA. instantaneous speed B. average speed C. uniform
speed D. variable speed

18. Mass is a measure of. A. weight B. inertia C. friction D. matter

19. A mobile phone has a mass of 100 g. Find its weight if g is 10 N kg-1 A. 1N. B. 90N C. 1000N D. 10N

20. A car covers a distance of 5 km in 5 mins, its average speed is equal to. A. 1 km ⁄ h B. 25 km ⁄ h C. 60
km ⁄ h D. None of the above


1a. Mention four basic properties of Unit

b. Distinguish between fundamental quantities and derived quantities and give 5examples each

2a. Give 2 differences between Vernier calipers and Micrometer Screw gauge

b. Take the readings of the following :

3a.James walks 2 km away from home in 30 minutes. He then turns around and walks back home along
the same path, also in 30 minutes. Calculate James’ average speed and average velocity.

b. Differentiate between Speed and Velocity

4a. A car travels a distance of 350 miles in 5.0 hours. Find its average speed in m/s.

b. What is the difference between Weight and Mass

c. Describe how you would measure unknown mass of an object using beam balance.
SS 2

1. A car starting from rest accelerates uniformly and attains a speed of 80m/s in 30s.
It maintains this steady speed for another 30s. it then slows down uniformly until
it comes to rest in the next 40s.
a. Sketch the velocity – time graph for the motion of this car.
b. obtain from the graph the uniform acceleration during the first stage of the
c. For how long did the car travel altogether?

2a. Distinguish between Scalar and Vector quantities and give 3examples each

b. Four forces act on an object as shown below, find the Resultant force

3a. What do you understand by the word RESOLUTION OF FORCES

b. A body starts from rest accelerate to a velocity of 20 m/s in a time of 10 s. Determine the
acceleration of the boy.

4a. A body of which is uniformly retarded comes to rest in 10s after traveling a distance of 20m.
Calculate its initial Velocity

b. Discus the methods of resolution of forces

5. An object is thrown vertically upwards to a height of 10 m. Calculate its

(a) velocity with which it was thrown upward.

(b) time taken by the object to reach the highest point.

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