Module 7A

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Altered States of Consciousness

Altered States of Consciousness

• Altered States of Consciousness are mental
experiences that transcend ordinary
experiences such as a trance.
• In its simplest sense, an altered state of
consciousness is any mental state that
differs from the normal state.
Daydreaming, feelings you get when you are
sleepy but cannot sleep or are drowsy, or if
you drink too much alcohol.
ASC Interpretation
Although everyone
experiences asc, in both
religious and non-
religious contexts, in
many cultures these
states are encouraged
and are interpreted by
the culture as important
religious experiences.
Achieving Altered States
• ASC can be brought about by a
number of physiological,
psychological, and pharmaceutical
• Experiences while in this state vary
according to the factor that is
responsible for the state as well as the
physical condition and cultural/
religious expectations of the individual.
Achieving Altered States (2)
ASC can be achieved through active
meditation- chant, repeated sequence of
words, monotonous beat of a drum, or
sounds of nature, extreme strenuous
motor activity or dancing until
exhaustion or sensory overload, or
enforced isolation where there is
Physical/Biological State
Changes in body chemistry can lead to
changes in mental state.
Changes can be because of fasting,
dehydration, sleep deprivation.
Sacred Pain
Sacred pain. Pain may be punishment or
purifying may be seen as a transformative
force. Self mutilation- self inflicted pain.
Pain for the individual and community –
vicariously. Pain can induce a euphoric
state through the bodies production of
natural opiates. Pain is used in exorcism.
Features of Altered States
Features of ASC - weakness, numbness,
blurred vision, hallucinations and visions,
feeling of timelessness, speeding up or
slowing of time, expression of extreme
emotions, detachment or lack of emotions,
loss of control, increased acuteness of senses.
Religious Use of Drugs
Why do we use drugs?
To achieve ASC...but
what is the reason?
Healing- Medicine
Drugs for Kicks
Six Categories
• Euphoria
• Phantastica
• Inebrianta
• Hypnotica
• Excitania
• Tranquilizers
• Sedatives, reduce
mental activity and
induce mental and
physical comfort.
• Morphine, Cocaine,
Opium, inhalants, etc.
• Hallucinogens bring on
visions and illusions
which vary greatly in
chemical composition,
but may be followed by
unconsciousness or
altered brain states.
• Mescal buttons, Hash,
Marijuana, Peyote
• Drugs which produce an
initial phase of cerebral
excitation followed by a
state of depression which
sometimes leads to
• Cholorform, Alcohol,
Ether, etc.
• Sedatives or sleep
products which depress
the central nervous
system, resulting in
calmness, relaxation,
reduction of anxiety,
sleepiness, slowed
• Chloral and Sulphonol,
• Mental stimulants
referred to as
• Coffee, Tea, Betel and
• A group of drugs that
are used to treat
medical conditions
such as severe anxiety,
stress disorders and
muscle tension.
• Valium, Librium,
Ativan, and Serax
Cross Cultural Comparisons
Drugs are perceived
differently and they
may have different
effects on users from
one society to the next.
Drug Reactions
Physiological and
reactions to drugs
vary among
individuals in the
same society.
Full Effects of Drugs
When using drugs for
purposes, users may
not know or
understand the full
effects of the drug or
how addictive it may
Addiction & Death
Taking drugs without
ritual or regulation to
limit use can lead to
addiction and death.
Drugs for Divination
The explanation of the
different effects of drugs
on individuals within the
same culture and society
is often explained as
supernatural intervention.
Shamans & Hallucinogens
• Shamans use hallucinogenic
drugs for divination
• Taking drugs for a specified
purpose- ie: divination or
with healing in mind, within
ritualistic context, can
prevent addiction.
Divination and Drugs
Shamans are less likely to
become addicted to drugs
because the ritual involved
prevents them from using
the drug for recreational
purposes. Ritual regulates
the use of drugs.
5 Supernatural Reasons for Illness
Five supernatural reasons
for illness include:
• Sorcery
• Breach of Taboo
• Intrusion of a diseased
• Intrusion of a disease
causing spirit (possession)
• Loss of soul
Illness & Healing
All human societies have
belief systems and
practices that people turn
to in order to identify
disease and effect a cure.
Diagnosis is made at the
empirical, psychological
and social levels by the
shaman who prescribes
and effects cures.
Drug Use & the Spirit World
The focus of drug use in
non-western cultures is on
the shaman whose duty is
to control the spirit world
for the benefit of the
members of his/her society.
Who controls the spirit
world and therefore drug
use in western culture?
Shamans & Healing
• Do Shamans heal
people with their
supernatural abilities?
• Is the medication the
• Does the medication
allow our bodies to
heal on their own?

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