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Title: Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet computer application program. Excel can create and format
workbooks, a collection of spreadsheet to analyze data. Excel can perform calculations; make
graphs, tables, and macro programming. It displays multiple cells that together make up a
grid consisting of rows and columns. A grid of cells arranged in numbered rows and letter-
named columns organize data manipulations like arithmetic operations. It has a capable
supply of functions to answer statistical, engineering, and financial needs. It can also display
data as line graphs, histograms, and charts with a graphical display.

Discussion of the topic:

The following are the common uses of Excel.

 Accounting
The powerful calculation features of Excel can be used in many financial accounting
statements – a cash flow statement, income statement, or profit and loss statement
 Budgeting
Whether your needs are personal or business related, you can create any type of
budget in Excel – a marketing budget plan, an event budget, or a retirement budget.
 Billing and Sales
It is useful for managing billing and sales data. You can easily create the forms that
you need – sales invoices, packing slips, or purchase orders.
 Reporting
Various types of reports in Excel can be created that would reflect your data analysis
or summarize your data – reports that measure project performance, show variance
between projected and actual results, or reports that you can use to forecast data.
 Planning
It is great tool for creating professional plans or useful planners – a weekly class plan,
a marketing research plan, a year- end tax plan, or planners that help you organize
weekly meals, parties, or vacations.
 Tracking
It can keep track of data in a time sheet or list – a time sheet tracking work, or an
inventory list that keeps track of equipment.
 Calendars
Because of its grid- like workspace, Excel lends itself well to creating any type of
calendar – an academic calendar to keep track of activities during the school year, or a
fiscal year calendar to track business events and milestones.


Start the Excel program in different ways. To open Microsoft Excel 2010:
Hands - on

 Click the Windows button, All Programs, Microsoft Office and then click Microsoft
Excel 2010.

 Click the Windows button, and then click Microsoft Excel 2010.

 Click the Microsoft Office Excel 2010 icon on your desktop.


Look at the Excel screen and be familiar with its parts.

Program Icon and Quick Access Toolbar

Program Icon- Click to display Access Toolbar –

The command Restore, Move, Size, Click to access to the
Minimize, Maximize, and Close commands you frequently
Use like Save, Undo, and
Redo. Click the arrow key
down to customize.

Title Bar with Minimize, Maximize, and Close Buttons

Book1 – Microsoft Excel

Title Bar- it indicates the name of the Minimize, Maximize, and Close
program the name of the workbook - click to diminish, full view, or
Book1 you currently using from Excel.

Ribbon and Tabs

Ribbon is a list of commands that perform the different tabs. It consists of File, Home, Insert,
Page Layout, Formulas, Data, Review, and Team. Point and click the command from the
Ribbon to display the related list of icon commands you want to use.

 File Tab includes all the basic needs in your files like saving, opening, printing
creating new, and closing a program.
File Tab Group of Commands: Save, SaveAs, Open, Close, Info, Recent, Print,
Save and Send, Help, Options, and Exit.
 Home Tab includes all the basic tools for entering, editing, and formatting data.
Home Tab Group of Commands: Clipboard, Fonts, Alignment, Number, Styles,
Cells, and Editing.

 Insert Tab can add complex desktop publishing elements to your workbook.
Insert Tab Group of Command: Tables, Illustrations, Charts, Filter, Links, and

 Page Layout Tab provides command to format the overall look of your workbook.
Page Layout Tab Group of Commands: themes, Page Setup, Scale to fit, Sheet
Options, and Arrange.
 Formulas Tab lets you turn automatic calculation updating on and off and manually
update if necessary and quickly access the functions command.
Formula Tab Group of Commands: Function Library, Defined Names, Formula
Auditing ,and Calculation

 Data Tab lets you analyze data.

Data Tab Group of Command: Get External Data, Connections, Sort & Filter, Data
Tools, and Outline.

 Review Tab provides commands to review your workbook.

Review Tab Group of Command: Proofing, Comments, and Changes

 View Tab allows you to view your workbook in different ways or before you print.
View Tab Group of Commands: Workbook Views, Show/Hide, Zoom, Window
and Macros.


Click the arrow key down for every group to view additional features in each group

Name Box and Formula Bar

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Name Box- it displays Formula Bar - It displays the contents of an active cell.
The cell reference or cell.
address of an active cell.


Column Headers – It is the entire column of the Excel worksheet. It represents

letters from A to XFD columns.

Row Headers- it is the entire row of the Active cell- it displays what
Excel worksheet. It represents numbers you are doing in your cell and
up to 1,048, 568 rows. it is surrounded by a dark border.

Sheet tabs- It is a list sheets in a workbook. Scroll bars – Click on the arrows to
You can create up to 256 sheets in one workbook scroll through the entire rows and
depending on the availability of your computer memory. columns.

Status bar - Displays the current command. View Tabs- It has different ways to
View your worksheet. You can view
through Normal, Page Layout, Page
Break Preview, and from 10% Zoo
In -400% zoom out view.

I. Identify what is referred to in each statement.

________________ 1. It displays the command like Restore, Move, Size, Minimize, Maximize, and
________________ 2. It accesses your frequently used commands like Save, Undo, and Redo. Click
the arrow key down to customize.
________________ 3. It can be used for your needs whether personal or business related.

________________ 4. It is a list of commands to perform the different tabs. It consists of tabs like
File, Home or Insert.
________________ 5. It includes all the basic needs of your files, like saving, opening, printing,
creating new, and closing a program.
________________ 6. It includes all the basic tools for entering, editing, and formatting data.

________________ 7. It provides the command to format the overall look of your workbook.

________________ 8. Lets you turn automatic calculation updating on and off and manually update if
Necessary and quickly access the function command.

________________ 9. It lets you analyze data.

________________ 10. It provides command to review your workbook.

________________ 11. It allows you to view your workbook in different ways or before you print.

________________ 12. It displays the cell reference or cell address of an active cell.

________________ 13. It displays the contents of an active cell.

________________ 14. It displays what you are doing in your cell. It is surrounded by dark border.

________________ 15. It is entire row of the Excel worksheet. It represents numbers up to 1,048,576

II. Answer the following questions.

1. What is Microsoft Excel?

2. What does Excel do?

3. What functions can Excel supply?

4. What are the common uses of Excel?

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