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Platte Valley High School

Lesson Reflection 10/9 (Start of Rugby Unit)

-Affective: ESWBAT communicate and work together with their teammate to solve problems
during the small-sided rugby activities and games.
I do think that students achieved this objective. Some groups talked to their partner
before starting to run so they would be on the same page, some talked while they were running to
encourage the other to pass or not, and some talked after the play was over about how they could
do better the next time. The main problems I posed were how to get to the other side the fastest,
which was sometimes running yourself and sometimes passing to your teammates, which almost
all students demonstrated.

-Cognitive: ESWBAT apply what they have learned about softball history, field lines, positions,
referee calls, scoring, and strategies during the softball post test.
Many of the students were able to demonstrate this objective. I did not get a chance to
look at all of the softball post-tests, but many of them that I did see had more information and
correct information than their pre-test. There were still many students struggling to draw and
label the field lines, which we went over almost every day, so not all students learned at least that
specific topic.

-Psychomotor: ESWBAT demonstrate running and evasive techniques in order to get down the
field and around the defense during large and small-sided rugby activities and games.
Almost all of the students achieved this objective. During the gameplay situations,
students were running around, doing spin moves, jukes, changing their direction, and changing
their speed to get around the defenders during Sharks and Minnows and the 2v1 game. I
reinforced these cues a lot and students were able to say them back to me during the middle of
the lesson and again in the closure.

-Get to at least 75% of the class to give them positive feedback throughout the class.
I think I achieved this objective, but I am not entirely sure. I had thought that Sheli would
fill out the “get to all students” form on me, but since a lot of the class was taken up by testing,
she decided to do this form on me next week. I was able to talk to almost every student, I made
an effort to get around to all of the groups and say at least one thing, typically positively
reinforcing the topics we were working on. I also checked in with groups when we were walking
back inside to see how they were enjoying rugby so far, which was an overwhelmingly positive
response, including from some of the students that I have not seen very engaged in class so far. I
got feedback from both Sheli and Mrs. Wagner that I forgot to give modifications to a student
that was in a boot when we went to the 2v1 activities. I recognized at the beginning of class that
he was in a boot and would need modifications, but I forgot to implement these. He was engaged
in some of the first activities if they did not require as much movement, but when we split off
into groups I overlooked him and left him to kind of do his own thing accidentally. Next time, I
will make sure to find a way to include him in the activities so he can also work on the concepts
we are learning, even if he cannot be as mobile.

-Manage time effectively so that students are engaged in the activity the whole time without
getting bored, but still learning the takeaways and goals.
I almost entirely achieved this objective. The first activity of Possession Tag was a little
slow to get started since I did not explain it too well before getting them started, since I wanted
them to start being active as soon as possible. However, after that the students were engaged and
having fun in every activity. Whenever that enthusiasm started to lull, I was able to recognize it,
make sure they had learned the takeaways that I had wanted from that activity, and move on to
the next activity. Mrs. Wagner commented that she loved my progression of activities, moving
from a large space to smaller and smaller and refining the movements with using the same cues
the whole time. I saw some students engaged that I had not seen engaged in the class yet, which
was really exciting for me, and they genuinely seemed to be having fun and learning.

-Have fun when teaching and don’t be hard on self if things do not turn out the way I thought
they would

I do think I achieved this objective. I had been very nervous about starting this unit, since I do
care so much about rugby and know a lot about it. It went very well, almost better than I could
have ever expected. I had so much fun seeing the light bulbs go on in some of the student’s heads
when I asked them why they did what they did, of run straight or pass, and then I reinforced why
that was or was not a good decision, if there was defense in front they should pass but if not they
should run. Going over those cues throughout the whole lesson and on an individual basis really
drove it home for some people and helped them have that “aha” moment. Some students were
not as engaged in the fitness activity as I would have hoped, but I did not let that get me down
and instead pressed on with my lesson and hoped to engage them later in the lesson, which
largely did happen

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