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NAME: ___________________________ DATE: ___________________GROUP: _____


• Complete the text with the simple present form of the verbs in parentheses.

My brother Tom (1) _____________ (do) his homework before dinner every night. He’s
really kind and intelligent, so after dinner he teaches me math. I mean, he really “teaches.”
He’s better than my real teacher in school. She talks too fast and (2) _____________ (not
explain) things clearly. I’m really bad at math, but with Tom’s help I do OK. I feel like I can
(3) __________ (always / ask) Tom for help. (4) _____________ he _____________
(often / say) “no”? No, he doesn’t. Well, hardly ever – only when he has a really good
reason. Besides, he (5)_____________ (say) he wants to be a teacher, so it’s good

• Write the, a, an, or – (for no article) in each blank.

(1) _____________ Apps are great. I love them. (2) _____________ best app in my phone’s
app store is Perky Penguin. It’s a lot of fun. The game is about (3)
_____________ happy penguin named Perky who lives in the Antarctic. Perky’s dream is
to go on vacation in Hawaii. In the game, you play as Perky on his exciting trip to the
Hawaiian Islands. But there’s a problem – it’s not (4) _____________ free game. Well, it’s
not free in (5) _____________ USA, but, for some reason, it is free in Latin America. That’s
not fair … I don’t have the money to buy it. Luckily, my best friend lets me play Perky
Penguin on his phone.

• Choose the correct options to complete the text.

Right now, I (1) take / ’m taking a math test. I’m always very nervous during tests. I (2) ’m
wanting / want to do well, but math is hard. What (3) we are studying / are we studying
right now? Algebra, and I (4) hate / ’m hating algebra! Now the teacher’s looking at me.
“Why aren’t you writing?” she asks. “I (5) don’t understand / ’m not understanding the
question,” I answer. If I just keep smiling, everything will be OK, right?
• Choose the correct options to complete the text.

I Friday is the last day of school of the year. Then, my family (1) ’s going / go to go on
vacation. We’re going to Cancun. We (2) ’re going / go there every year. A taxi (3)
comes / is coming to our house for us at 3 p.m. Am I getting out of school early? Of
course! Dad (4) picks / is picking me up at lunchtime. My teacher doesn’t mind
because it’s the last day of school, and I’m a good student. Besides, I (5) ’m needing /
need time to pack my suitcase and get ready before we go. I’m so excited.


• Choose the correct options to complete the text.

My new printer’s great. I don’t need to connect it to the computer’s USB (1) monitor / port
because it uses Bluetooth instead. And the images it prints are really good. A lot of my other
devices use Bluetooth too. My (2) keyboard / microphone isn’t connected to my computer,
but I can still use it to type. My (3) mouse / webcam isn’t connected either, but I can still
move it around, and click on things. My (4) speakers / ports use Bluetooth too, and the
sound from them is really clear. My (5) headphone / webcam doesn’t use Bluetooth, so
when I video chat with someone, I need to connect it to my computer.

Match the word with the correct meaning

1. Bed a. the process of collecting and changing old

2. Dishwasher paper, glass, plastic, etc. so that it can be
3. Ironing b. a large, rectangular piece of furniture often
4. Recycling with four legs, used for sleeping on.
c. something that is of low quality
5. Trash
d. a machine that washes dirty plates, cups,
forks, etc.
e. the activity of making clothes flat and smooth,
using an iron
• Choose the correct options to complete the text.

It’s Friday night and school’s over for another week. I’m not doing anything special, though.
I’m just watching (1) movie theaters / online videos. Tomorrow, I’m going shopping for
some new shoes. I’m (2) playing / hanging out with my friend Alice at the shopping mall.
After I buy some shoes, we’re going to the sports center to go (3) ice skating / soccer.
Then, we’re going back to her house to listen to some music. Alice and I like the same music.
Our favorite band is Sigur Ros. They’re from Iceland. The lead singer, Jónsi, (4) plays / does
the same instrument as me. He (5) is going / is leaving the band soon to record a solo


Read the text. Then answer the questions.

Are you always stressed or anxious? Well, be careful. Stress is a leading cause of serious
health problems, both physical (like heart attacks) and mental (like depression). You need
to relax!

It’s very hard to stop yourself from getting stressed. The “stress response” is a natural
reaction to difficult situations. Your heart rate usually quickens, and maybe you also feel a
little sick or breathless. It’s scary …

So, OK … yes, it’s hard to prevent stress, it happens, but the good news is that it is
possible to make yourself relax. Here are some tips on how to “de-stress”:

-Find a “green space” (like a park), and take a walk – 10 minutes is enough. This helps to
clear your head. Breathe slowly and deeply. This tells your body to calm down. Shallow
breathing, on the other hand, can actually cause stress.
-Visualize: close your eyes and try to picture a peaceful, relaxing scene, like a beautiful
place for a vacation.
-Eat a snack, like some fruit or nuts, but not quickly. Do it slowly, thinking about how the
food tastes and feels.
Enjoy the experience.
-Put a plant in your room. Plants help relieve stress and make people more relaxed.
-Take frequent breaks from your computer. Don’t use it late at night – that causes sleep
problems and depression.
-Put on some music. Classical music is known to help people relax, but any music you love
will have a positive effect on your mood.
-Laugh: Laughing is the best medicine. Find a funny friend to talk to or watch a funny video
on the internet. -Eat a banana. Bananas contain potassium, which helps keep your heart
healthy. Scientists think potassium can also protect you from the negative effects of stress.

Match the words in the text

(1−5) to the definitions (A−G). There are two definitions you do not need.
1 anxious A make something less of a
______ problem
2 prevent B worried about something
3 C the result of something
relieve stop something from
4 D
______ happening
effect make a picture in your
5 E
______ mind
F cause something bad
draw or paint something
G nice

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