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Fair today and tomorrow light

to fresh westerly winds becom- ¬

ing variable
Tfnfn P ttHilllliiliiillM 11 itWi





Chinese Grant British Demand Regard ¬

NEW YORK CITY AT NOONDAY OF HIS BBfmBBfflT ing Shankaiwan Railway
PEKIN Aug 3 Prince Ching head
of the board of foreign rrfalrs has in ¬
formed the minlters that the clause in
Lights Burned in the the agreement for the restoration of the Chesapeake ELach Junc- ¬
Freight Fall3 Into Trap Set for Pas ¬ Punishment Shankalwnn Railway providing for the
Streets and by Craft Leading New York Firm Is Said to Be rppointTfient of a director In addition to
Great Britains Proposal Regarding tion Saloon Scene
Involved senger Train French Congo Cases
tho English director has been elimi- ¬ Strife of
in the Harbor NEW YORK Aug 3 Sensational dis- ¬ NEW ORLEANS Aug 3 A through
freight on the Illinois Central Railroad NO PARIS Aug 3 The Temps
closures are promised In the investiga ¬ The railway will probably be restored that Great Britain has proposed to
tion now being conducted by the custom ¬ was derailed near the Ioulsiani-llsplB-slp- under the present arrangement though
State line last night and the en France to arbitrate all their disputes in
house officers of the alleged scheme to ¬
c French who arc not satisfied with regard to tbe alleged starving out of INMATES OFFER FIERCE BATILE
MEKDAY defraud the Government by a New York gineer and a brakeman were killed and Tiied tc Do His Best and Obey Military iho agreement claim the right of Inter- ¬
British firms on the French Cci so
firm known throughout the country as the fireman badly Injured The engine Regulations His Sentence Severer ference hercafur
and thirteen cars were badly vrecked France has not replied to the proposi- ¬
leaders in the importation of fine china Than Expected Coming at Once to They suspect that there Is a fecret tion but she can scarcely refuse Maryland and District Offi- ¬
Phenomenon lasted Nearly The firm Is said to have almost a mo-
nopoly of the trade In this country la
An Investigation showed that the ac ¬
cident had been caused by a train Washington to Report secondary agreement intended to pre The difTerenco arose from France
vent the construction of the Tlentsln-Paotlng-- fu

Half an Hour During costly wares wrecker who had removed the lnln nf
granting concessions which amounted cers Unite to Wipe
Mr hunt of the board of appraisers
the switch and dug out a tie wlh the practically to monopolies for all their
Which Rain Fell said jesterday that the departure of the
Intention it Is thought of wrecking a
passenger train and securing n nrli SAN TRANCISCO Cal Aug 3 Gen holders The British took the view that Out Sore Spot
chief of the board J F Fischer for Eu- ¬
booty Jacob II Smith whose order to make SAY THAT DI8P0TE such concessions were contrary to the
rope was in connection with the scandal Samar a howling wilderness caused treaty of Berlin which provides that
He said Mr Fischer will make inquiry his retirement from the army by Presi- ¬ trade shall be free and open In all the SURPRISE FOR PROPRIETOR
HARBOR SIGNALS WERE LIT about a certain transaction while In Eu ¬
rope which may bring to light a long dent Roosevelt talked of his punish ¬ regions In question France desired the
series of undervaluations Involving vast ment for the first time last night He Interested parties to fight the matter
sums of money MAY YOHE IN PARIS said out themselves In the law courts but Authorities Determined to Break Up
Almost Unprecedented Scene in the It was an unwelcome surprise to me thli Great Britain would not allow as
Captain Johannes Relieved Alleged Gambling Joints Swoop
Waters Surrounding the Metropolis KING SENDS WREATH I naturally supposed that I would re- ¬ the question is one of International im ¬
Storm Visits Other Places With TO JOCKEYS FUNERAL ceive a reprimand as a result of the of His Command portance Down Without Warning Several Ar- ¬
Much Fury
Was Near Her Hotel But verdict of tho court martial but noth- ¬ Hence the proposal to arbitrate rests Kade Many Escape
ing more I hnve always tried to do my
John Watts the Grand Old Man of Did Not Call duty in a conscientious manner and to Alleged Reason for the Return cf the ACCIDENT GAVE RISE
NEW YORK Aug 3 Noonday was the English Turf Remembered conduct m j self as a soldier Baldwin Zieger Party Mys- ¬ Accompanied by the discharge of fire ¬
I am still In the Government service TO ASSASSINATION STORY
turned practical- - Into night all over by Edward VII tery in the Affair arms the throwing of bricks and stones
New York city today and whenever
Actress Refuses to See Any Visitors and consequently not at liberty to dis- ¬ John Hayes saloon and gambling hall
Except a Dcctor Able However cuss the recent personal occurrences Shot Fired at a Wild Duck Passed Near at Chesapeake Junction was raided by
there was business to be done lights LONDON Aug 3 The funeral of J I could be as readily court martialed
were turned on exactly as at nlghU Watts the one time famous and suc- ¬ to Go Out President Loubet the Maryland authorities last night
now as If I were not on the retired list LONDON Aug 4 A dispatch to the
The heavy storm clouds that came out cessful Jockey was held at Newmarket from Copenhagen says cf France about 11 oclock About forty men both
I shall leave for Washington as soon Uallr Mall
of the west and southwest on a slow jesterdav afternoon In the presence of white and colored were placed under
as possible and report to the adjutant that although tho official reason given arrest including three bartenders and
wind were too dense even for the meri- ¬ a remarkable gathering PARIS Aug 3 May Yohe arrived genernl of for the return of tho Baldwln Zlegler PARIS Aug 3 It Is explained that
The Kins sent Lord Marcus Eeresford the army In obedience to the the operators of the various games They
dian rays of tho sun to penetrate here from London In a state of lassitude orders I have received After that I folar expedition Is the continuous work the report that an attempt had been
Across open squares or parks only tho special to represent him and wreaths and fatigue She Is staying at Mcu In the Ice and the running out of tlii made to shoot President Loubet arose arc held subject to trial this morning on
shall undoubtedly go to my home In charges of alleged violation of the Sun ¬
outlincr of buildings were perceptible were sent by the King Lord Rosebery rlces Portsmouth Ohio and settle down for coal supply the real reason Is supposed from an Incident thnt occurred while he
at half a blocks distance as at latest Sir EJgar Vincent and others Many She refused to sec visitors except a to have been differences among the of- wss walking with General Faure Gen
¬ day liquor law and permitting gambling
the rest of my days Several people rere injured by the flying
dusk The surface cars ran up and notable persons and almost the entire doctor who attended her for the Injury ficers aboard eral IMquet governor of Paris and Ma- ¬
Did His Best missiles including one of the deputy of- ¬
down the avenues with headlights and town of Newmarket marched In the she sustained by falling when entering Captain Johannes was relieved of his jor Lamy of the presidents household
Inner lights all going as In the evening funeral procession her cab In London yesterday She had I rpent most of the time I was In ficers but the bullets found resting
John Watts was known as the Grand command and Mate Menander took hlr staff after a shooting party at Ram
Lights en the River Old Man of the English turf although recovered sufficiently this evening how- ¬ the Islands in Luzon and Samar I al- ¬ rosltlon Tho matter is shrouded in boulllet places only in the walls and celling ot
he was only forty one years old at the ever to go out ways tried to do what seemed best for mystery As the party were walking along Ma- ¬ the saloon
More unusual still If indeed such n time of his death He rode the Derby Both tho Maryland and the District
Putnam Dradlec Strong of whom Miss the rervlce in both districts The na CHRISTIANA Aug 3 Tho Morgcn- - jor Lamy saw a wild duck and fired at
thing has ever happened here before at winner four times la ten years In ISM Yohe Is supposed to be In pursuit fail- authorities have been anxious to sup ¬
midday harbor navigation went on by he rode 114 winners When ho became tives of Luzon seem considerably more bladctzs Tromsoe correspondent says It Some of the shot passed near the
ed to call at tho hotel during the day clvillzctl than thoso of the southern that Captain Johannsen has asked to president who skipped aside Peasants press tbe alleged violations of law at
light signals as In the night Fcrry too Ftout to tide he became a trainer although he was seen In the neighbor- Islands Chesapeake Junction
served in that capacity for the be examined by a maritime court con- ¬ who saw the Incident were responsible and several
loats and tugs lit their sidelights the and

King hood Somo of those In Samar are nothing cerning the incidents of the Americus for the story of attempted shooting months ago the matter was brought to
lights on the ends of the racks at the
but savages and of course cannot bo voyage The correspondent adds that It is said that some of the shot bruis ¬ tho attention ot Congress Nothing was
ferry slips wera burned and at the Bat- ¬ treated like civilized people They all
tery the red danger light which marks sensational charges have been made ed the presidents ankle done about the matter at the last ses ¬
would resort to tbe most barbarous
the position of the swimming bath was
ARCHBISHOP IRELAND methods of warfaro at times
Instances of torture and laughter
sion and it was left to the State of
Maryland to deal with it The Stata
The intense darkness lasted between
twenty and thirty minutes and coinci ¬ DEFENDS GOVERNMENT
of American soldiers arc very numer- ¬
ous Anyone of my command
that I was not unduly severs with tho
knows DARK HORSE MAY LAND officials have been corresponding with
the District Commissioners with a view
to blotting out the place Several at- ¬
dent with It was a heavy downpour of natives
rain and an electric bombardment that
alarmed the timid interested the curi- ¬ PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT
Obeyed Regulations THE COMMISSIONERSHIP tempts have been made at breaking tho
places up but It was not until last night
ous and aroused the dormant Warns Catholic Societies I have always tried to conduct my that any success was met with
Those living within sight of corners TO VISIT NEWPORT campaigns according to military regula- ¬ Yesterday afternoon the authorities
saw the Inside lights of saloons go up Against Dabbling in tions There is no use asking me to POLITICIANS IN A FIGHT President Likely to Se noticed that there was an unusually
boldly iamanyJipart8oithe town It talk about other thfnxst It would not large crowirststJjieTarlous houses in
- Politics While at Rhcde Island Resort Chief Ex- be military It would be of no use I
was the middle of the morning service -
ecutive Will Be the Guest of am a soldier and take what is coming
South Carolina Candidate Bound Over lect Man Not Yet the vicinity but that the greatest num ¬
in the churches and their painted win- ¬ for Carrying Concealed Weapon ber seemed to be patronizing Hayes
to me It Is not for me to say whether
dows striped tho gloom without with Senator Wetmore I deserve it or not I have done what I CHARLESTON S C Aug 3 Capt Alentioned place This saloon is several hundred
color FATAL TO RELIGIOUS INTERESTS thought was right and am ready to set- ¬ George Douslas Rouse candidate for ad- ¬ jards back of the Junction proper and
Like Famous Dark Day NEWPORT R I Aug 3 Newport is tle down in quiet is patronized principally by the colored
jutant and Inspector general of South clement and professional gamblers
It Is fortunate for the historians and to have a visit from President Roosevelt
Carolina has been placed under bond RIVALRY OF THE CANDIDATES
the wis that tho rain and the electric Danger of Criticisms of the Adminis- ¬ this month the announcement being for his appearance at next term of the Assisted by Local Officers
demonstration came with the darkness made today by Senator Wetmore whose WEEK MAY SETTLE
erlmlnal court charged with attempting Constables William Radtke and Wil- ¬
Jsc there might have been another tration Branding Members of the guest the President will be during his to shoot a member of his ward club liam II Vermillion determined last
Friends of Various Aspirants Working
jysterious daylight blackness to baffle
a world like the Dark Day of May 12
At that time the darkntss over
Church as a Body cf Malcontents
America a Just Nation
brief stay President Roosevelt Is to
hold a public reception here
He will leave Oyster Bay on Friday
C0W0FSME Under the new law- - citizens are not al- ¬
lowed to carry a pistol less than twenty-t- Hard for Their Favorites Mr Roose
night that the time was ripe to make
a raid They deputized a dozen citizens
3S70 of Prince George county who wera
wo inches long and when Rouso velt Acquainted With Needs of the
spread all New England as well as New August 22 going to Hartford where drew- - a thirty two caliber he was also equally anxious to see the suppression
York and New Jersey beginning at 30 he will spend the night On August 23 District Mr Shoemakers Statement
i clock In the morning People were blbhop MINNEAPOLIS Minn Aug 3 Arch he will go to providence leaving there Trouble Feared at Several weapons with carrying concealed
charged of the gambling and asked the assist ¬
unable to read rrlnt In the open air Ireland In a sermon at the ca- ¬ at 5 p m There is bitter feeling In tho club of ance of the local ponee Lieutenant
As h3 New Engianders could not ex- thedral today denounced those persons On Monday August 23 he will bo In Danger Points which Rouse Is a member Just after the Daly who was at the Junction readily
plain It they started a revival The who attempt to use the name of Cathol- ¬ Newport his visit being primarily for meeting the opposition faction arrived The probabilities that a dark horse consented to help the Maryland officers
presence of volcanic matter In the at icism in arraignment of the administra- ¬
the purpose of btandlng up as the god- on tlc scene A heated controversy led will capture the race for Comniissloner
mosphere has been rtiercsted as an ex- ¬
and ordered three of his men to assist
tions colonial policy father of the Infant child of Mr and to wild talk and somebody called Rouse shlp are said to be very strong A score In the raid
planation Mrs W A Chandler On that day the THE FUND CAUSES TROUBLE a liar It is claimed that this started or more of candidates have been men ¬
The Interests of the Catholic Church There were about five hundred negroei
tennis finals will be In order and it the row tioned for the position and in the case and white men In the saloon and it is
CLOUD OF FECULIAR SHAPE It is said are made to suffer at the is proposed to take the Iresldent to are According to the candidate his ene said the gambling devices were In full
hands of the Government the arch the championship game Later in the of ten or a dozen of these an active
mies were crowding him when he drew operation The officers surrounded the
day he will be taken for a drive and Distribution of Relief Moneys It Is the gun In a scuffle or Its possession canvass has been la progress ever since
Heavy Damage by Tornado at St Cath- ¬ bishop stated and the call to arms Is
shown the places of interest the death of Commissioner Rcss The
building which is a large frame house
sounded from the rostrums of Catholic Thought Will Prove the Rock on the weapon wa3 discharged The ball and an attack was made upon the place
erines Ontario societies and through the columns of Before leaving town which he will did not strike anybody irlends of the rival aspirants for the The officers had to force their way into
do on that day he will make an open air Which the Miners Will Split Priests Knives nnd sticks were drawn and honor have been most diligent and the building by breaking the lock on tha
NIAGARA FALLS N Y Aug 3 At Catholic papers to the perturbation of address weather permitting
noon today a tornado touched the city the whole Catholic body and Indeed of Assail Socialists the politicians were In a general fight there Is scarce a man of Influence who door
when the police arrived Captain Rouse Is willing to pledge himself to support As soon 03 the occupants of the placa
of St Catherines Ontario with no lit the whole country was cut on the hand and face and was realized what was going on they mada
tie violence A cloud of peculiar shape Bishop Dlank of Porto Rico openly PROPOSED COMBINATION smashed over the head Five of his a candidate who is not now- - on record asan endeavor to escape The officers
settled upon the city from the north rejoices that the American flag rather WILKE3BARRE Pa Aug 3 This fellow club members were bound over to favoring some cne of the possibilities were not ns anxious to capture the pa- ¬
tell whether the court So strong Is the rivalry that there trons as they were the proprietors of
west and Its path indicates that It had than the Spanish guards his diocese and TO HANDLE EffllBBAHTS present week probably awill the game A fight followed the entranca
an motion the hierarchy In Cuba are thanking God the strike is to have speedv dissolu- ¬
ore good grounds for believing that the
that church Interests there was settled officers into the building and sev- ¬
President will take the matter entirely of thepersons
In the spots where It struck the by the Government at Washington tion or whether It Is to drag on for sev RUSSIA TO ACT ALONE who carried firearms dis ¬
chimneys uprooted
be- ¬
eral weeks more pcsslblv until Septem ¬ In his own hards and after consulting eralcharged them Fortunately as far as
earth It demolished fore a Cuban parliament was allowed
trees razed small buildings and tore to sit In Havana Italian Company After Rus- ¬ ber 1 With many of the operators there tome responsible citizens will appoint could be learned no one was hit by a
one end out of the brlcl barn of the Is doubt as to whether It is advantageous AGAINST THE TRUSTS a man whose name has not yet been bullet but several wero seriously in ¬
Danger In Politics to start up collerlcs here and there as mentoned In connection with the office jured by being struck with sticks and
Niagara St Catherines end Toronto sia Volunteer Fleet Albert Radtke a brother of
Railroad Nothing Is to be more avoided in It now seem3 to be the policy In some The President is quite well acquainted stones
one of the constables was hit on the
Many narrow escapes from death are America than hatred and warring anion quarters to do With the need3 of the District and with head with a brick and sustained a sa
reported but the authorities state that citizens in the name of religion and it
Regular Service Between Odessa and The operators who take which this view-- be- ¬ Negative Replies Expected Its representative citizens will be able rlous scalp wound Several patrons of
no lives were lost A negro boy named behooves all classes of the population lieve that the violence Is very to select some one who will adminis- ¬ the game were also injured but wera
DeverauT was cauftht In the grasp of Kaples With Line to From the Powers ter the office to the enllro satisfaction nsslstcd out of the building andnames over
the storra and carried through the air to do their utmost to nurture and main likely to ensue from such n lourse is
into the District before their
several yards He was severely shaker tain peace and harmony it behooves New York calcuiJted rather to stiffen up than of the public
could be learned
up His mothers home was the first Catholics even more than others to be weaken the ranks of the strikers An Aggressive Campaign
thing wrecked models of prudence and good will in Bounties on Sugar Will Be Considered Several Arrests Made
Telegraph telephone anl light wires this regard Fund Causes Trouble Meanwhile however the supporters cf
are in a tangle many poles being down LONDON Aug i A dispatch to the Violations of Present Com- ¬ The officers succeeded in arresting tha
The simplest approach among them The factor that Is disintegrating the the various vvould bo Commissioners are and several of the al ¬
This Is the second tornado experienced to form a political party on the basis Times from Odessa says it Is reported strike most rapidly Is due to the failure mercial Treaties keeping up an aggressive campaign and three bartenders
in St Catherines of religious Interests would be fatal to that an Italian tompanj lb negotiating of the relief fund Tho dissatisfaction leged promoters of the various games
every effort is beli made to inflate the
thoe interests and fatal to peace I with the committee of the Russian vol- Not being able to get them to Marl ¬
say It advisedly and I am prepared to over the small amount thus fur supplied
several booms wh i have been rising borough last night the waiting room at
SIDE WINDOWS FALL stand by what here
I say there Is al-¬
unteer fleet with the view to opening nnd particularly over the method of its ST PETERSBURG Aug 3 It is ili1 during tie pa wees
the Chesajeake Beach Railway station
ways redress front grievances so far as a regular line between Black Sea ports distribution Is causing Mr Mitchell semi olllclally stated that the ministry Strong support and strong opposition
may allow If It Is sought and North America by way of Italy more trouble by far than Is the opening ot finance expects a negative reply from was used as a temporary prison All ot
FROM VENICE CHURCH through quiet and reasonable methods characterize the campaign for Mr Wil- ¬
with vessels of that volunteer licet of the collieries and vvasherles He the powers to its note concerning the the prisoners were put in the room and
from the high representatives of the liam V Cox Ho has the indorsement o the windows and doors wero guarded
The Italian company proposes that the knowi as all others who have watched holding of the so called anti trust con ¬ a large number of leading business men
Government Let Justice be done to by officers
America In no other country Is there a vessels maintain i regular passenger tho situation elosely know that unless ference bat on the other hand the stralghtout
and cargo service between Odessa and there Is something done to check the ris- There was considerable excitement
Peculiar Disaster at St John Government so fair minded so willing to ¬
It Is convlneed that the powers will Demo rats declare thit he Is not a Dem ¬ among the thousand or more persona
treat all classes cf citizens with ab Naples and make n bid for the emigrant ing tide of discontent his strike Is te guided by their own interests and ocrat and never has been one and agala
and St Pauls solute justice as that with which we are trade between Italian ports and New drifting swiftly toward the rock on fot by right After refusals to partake who were on the outside and the fight
blond In America it is a sscrtcd that he Is too closcly which was being carried on on the la
h York which it will split In the conference have been received nllied with Interests which seek to side of the saloon spread to those oa
And lit Catholics ho careful lest by There are Just two ways of arresting
Emigrant Traffic Heavy will reiterate that any increase The fight lasted about
imprudent agitation and repeated mis- ¬
this danger one by furnishing adequate Russia sugar will
run the District nnd already have too the eut3ide
an liour before the officers succeeded la
VENICE Aug 3 Yesterday following trust of tho Government of America The emigrant traffic from Naples to supplies and distributing them In a nay ip customs duties on ltut slan strong an Influence and too great a pow ¬
quieting the crowd
n heavy peal of thunder one of the they Instil Into the minds of inmv of New York is heavy to sueeor ever body and the other by be an inrlngement of featics after er in local affairs Ills opponents point
large side windows In the Chuieh of SS their fellow citizens the notion that as
Thy volunteer licet of steamers s Well tho arising of something to divert the which she herfelf will disregard the Hearing Likely This Morning
Catholics they are disposed to form cut a small coterie of men who are said
of the Ltrlkirs from their trealies vhen sho thinks fit The min- ¬
Jchn and Paul the next most Important themselves into u peoplo apart ever fitted to cope with emigrant transport attention
grievances against the union Nobody to get more thn their share of tbe ben ¬ Tbe prisoners will In all probability
church In Venice after St Marks fell dissatisfied with America and Its Insti- on a large scale It is proposed as an believes it possible to furnish the aid istry of finance will effect these views efits of the District government at the be tried this morning about D oclock No
by ndoiitlng measures to meet the spe- -

bodily outwarJ with a large pleee nf tutions ever ready to eomplaln ever experiment to put on the new Hue two that Is demanded or so to distribute ilal circumstances In e ach case expense of other citizens and thev de- ¬ one will be allow e d to get out on col
cornlee and part of the lateral columns anxious to find a plea upon which to vessels of the volunteer fleet tint rre what he does raise In a way to avert It is known that It Is proposed before clare that Mr Oox would be the repre lateral States Attorney Levin ot
The accident caused excited crowd to rest their murmurlngs ow-- on rcfervj the St Pcrsburg snd dangerous discontent The alternative everything to raise the duties on wines Mar land was telegraphed for and will
ap smtative on the board of these men
naiher anJ there were loud cries of Lesson of the Pope Orel two of Ihe older fast vessels of of diverting the miners attention Is ¬
and several classes of goods Imported Friends of some of the other candidates come down to the trial to prosecute the
parently all that remains The surest into Riis da by trusts ehlelly ry way of
dismay Several engineers and archi
tects made a hurried examination of the
To be one with the iounlry is the
lesson which Pope Leo is ceaselessly
the llt Fleet Company Willing
way of so diverting their attention Is by the J nd frontier from the west
action that will get their lighting blood
are very outspoken against Mr Cox
Mr Fultcns Candidacy
offenders The preliminary hearing
will It is believed be held at Chesa
whole church teaching Catholics in every country It up Socialists Denounced The candidacv ot Mr Creed M Fulton peake Junction Justice John Maurice
They decided that the nave was In Tho fleet companj- - is stated to be anx ¬
It is thought will sit at the hearing
Is the lesson which I am confident he More Violence Feared
ious to fall In wltr the Italian com HAZLETON Pa Aug 3 Tbe Rev Is said to be making very material pro ¬ There were se veral cases of disorder
danger and that measures must bo would wish Catholics In America to take
lnys offer particularly agrIn view of the For thisthere reasoii there are those who Father Hussie pastor of St Gabriel s gress Mr Fulton has some strong po- ¬ en tl o street cars on the vvav back to
taken Immediately to fcave It from col- ¬ to heart and to practice even were there may be outbreaks of vio- ¬ ut mass this morning denounced the so litical backing as well as a long list of Washington after the raid had quieted
lapsing The church is the burial place in so doing some sacrifices to bo made
ct list a shcrt while the opinion fear that ¬

local supporters nnd his friends declare Gown

of all the Doges As to matters In the Philippine Isl vis expresied by the authorities thn lence at points distant from the camp of cialistic party which Is fast ninlng in Bessie Johnson colored twenty two
It was founded In 1310 and finished In ands we cannot discuss them They the almlnlstralon of hc fleet should National Guardsmen nt Shenandoah Mr membership In this vicinity since tho he may now- - be considered the leading years of age was arrested for being
14C0 It Is In the pure Gothic style are for the time being put bejond our lh zoji as possible seriously consider Mitchell has from the first strenuously strike began nnd threatened to excom- ¬
man In the race nnd they feel quits con- ¬ ejsorderly on one of tho cars-- She was
of architecture reach since they arc the subject of ne he advlsabilltf of widening the field of denounced violence and It is but Justice municate all members of his congre ¬ fident of his ability to land the coveted taken from the cars by Special Officer
The Giornale dltalla says it con- ¬ gotiations between the Government of the llcits operation by running tonnag gation who became affiliated with the William T Digncy and sent to the Ninth
tains all the history of Venice America and the Sovereign Pontiff on fonlgn aes Continued on Second Page organization tContlnued on Second fitfe irecinct police station

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