UEL ITE Lesson Plan 2020 - 2021: 7 - 4 Online

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UEL ITE Lesson Plan 2020 – 2021

School of Education and Communities

Subject/Topic/Theme Exam Board references (Cross reference plan to the relevant
ESOL- Safety documents)

Date: Time/Duration of lesson: Group/Level No. of students

2 hours Entry 3 7 – 4 online
Learning Objective(s): Assessment Criteria:
(What are the students learning?) (What will students have achieved by the end of the lesson? What will
• Understand instructions by reading a text on feelings and achievement look like? Assessment criteria may be differentiated as
opinions appropriate)
• Recognise adjectives by writing about feelings, both positive Self assessment
and negative Peer check
• Identifying simple feelings and listening to different opinions Group feedback
• Expressing clearly statements of fact by speaking of short Monitoring
accounts and descriptions Question & answer

Students’ starting points: Your target(s) to be addressed in this lesson:

(How has assessment information been used to plan for progression? Students engaged
You may also annotate your plan in light of assessment information) All students participating in speaking activities
Stimulate creative writing from students

Resources/Health & Safety: Role of support staff in the classroom:

(What resources are required, how many, how will they be organised? (Who are they? What will they do? How have you communicated this?)
Risk assessment)
Computer N/A
Functional skills (what opportunities are there to address/embed Homework (as appropriate):
English and maths?) Write about a job they have done in the past they did not like, and 3 reasons
Maths: Students will be researching data/statistic on a job role. why?
Or, a job they would not like to do, and 3 reasons why?

Remember to share this plan with your mentor in advance as this will be checked in your progress meetings and during your university
tutor visit.

Timeline Teaching & Learning Differentiation/ Personalisation Key Teaching Strategies Assessment
(Divide the Activities/Experiences for (Who are your focus students? What Criteria / Strategies
(How will you model? What will you do?)
lesson into students strategies/resources you will use to (How will you assess
smaller time respond to their needs? Ensure you take learning and progress?
(Including organisation)
chunks) account of strengths and areas for What will you assess? Who
development) will you assess? What will
you do with the

2 minutes
Teacher introduces the topic
Teacher nominates students to Allowing re-cap of prior
Discussing last week’s lesson with the answer to allow quieter students knowledge
students as a whole class opportunity to speak

1 minute
T introduces the aims and objectives of T nominates students to explain any Questioning and
the lesson. words that are not understood, to answering to affirm
clarify to all students. students understanding
of certain words.
5 mins All students are involved, and T models the rules and explains the T monitoring students,
Warmer activity- Last man standing participating. Students who struggle game to the class. listening for any errors.
T asks students to stand and think of are given few more seconds to think
many words as possible relating to of a word.
‘transport’ topic from last lesson. The
student who is still standing with the
most words has won.

10 minutes T pronounces each word, and gives T monitors around the

Spelling test: All students must complete these time for students to complete and class checking all
T presents students with words from words in their spelling books. Chance check before finishing. students are attempting
the previous lesson and test their for all students to recap their or trying to attempt the
knowledge on 10 words and 3 extra knowledge and practice words. words.
related to today’s topic.

2 mins T presents spelling words on the All students have the opportunity to T pronounces words. Allows students T asks students any
board. Students correct their errors practice again for spellings in next to self-assess and shows students questions that need
and asked to practice theses at home. week’s lesson. correct answers to note. clarifying.

Activity 1: Students are nominated to read to T shows students underlines words T monitors students, and
10 mins T asks students to read article on allow quieter students opportunity to are to be clarified, to allow pre –teach asks individually if
catching a thief. Students familiar with read out loud to the class. words to be understood by all further clarification is
few words in the text as these were students, self-assessing. needed.
used in the spellings beforehand.
Students able to use apps that help
T asks students to check words translate from their mother tongues,
underlines, and any words not clear to to allow further understanding of the
use their dictionaries. words.
T monitors students and
T models an example of own listens for vocabulary
T asks students in small groups to Students who were quieter are put experience. and targeted language
5 minutes discuss how they felt when they had with a pair that is a confident being spoken.
lost something important to them. speaker, to allow more opportunity T checks understanding by asking
for speaking. students: Do I want you write about
Are you doing this on your own?

2 minutes
T nominates those students who may T asks students to clarify
T asks for whole class feedback not have spoken to share their or expand of any words
experiences. or sentences which may
not be clear.

15 minutes
T asks students to write the adjectives Students who are stronger writers T models the first question and T clarifies instructions by
used in the text, to describe how the are given extension tasks to write answer. asking questions:
individuals had felt. about what they could do if
something was taken from them. Are you reading in
3 mins T asks teachers to check their answers detail?
in their pairs. Students who may struggle have
words highlighted in bold of the Are you only looking for
T has whole class feedback with adjectives they can use. adjectives?
2 mins answers on the WB.

T monitors students and

15 mins T hands students worksheets with Learners who finish early are given a T models first answer of the question checks for any students
gaps about the text to fill in. extension task to research on the law struggling.
of the UK regarding safety, and make
Learners who are struggling are
given gaps with the first letter added
to aid them to answer.
T asks students to pair check
3 mins Students check and discuss answers T monitors students
with eachother

20 minutes T asks students to listen to a traffic
warden discussing her job role.

T elicits any words from the audio, T uses CCQ’s to clarify meaning of T models pronounciation, and asks
clarifying meaning, drilling and the words. students to chorally and individually
pronouncing the words with the pronounce.

Students listen to the audio 3 times

Mixed ability learners are paired
T asks students in pairs to write about together for support. T models examples using words that T monitors students,
her feelings towards her job, and what could be used in the writing, such as checking for error
she said about the opinions of others. adjectives, linking words and correction.
2 mins sequences.
Whole class feedback- answers on WB

20 minutes
T asks students to join into two groups: T Allocates roles to students so they
Debate have active roles to take part in
during the debate. T monitors students
(5 mins) checking for error
Research 3 statistics each about traffic correction.
wardens in the UK. (data/percentages)

One group argues advantages of this


Second group argue disadvantages.

The two groups have a debate using

language describing feelings and
expressing facts.

5 minutes T gives students feedback on debate

T hands homework for next lesson

2 minutes T asks all students, one word they
have learnt this lesson.
T able to reflect what students
learnt/achieved during the lesson.

Self-evaluation & Implications for Future Practice

Reflect on your lesson by relating the following questions to Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle

 Who made progress?

 How do you know? (What evidence do you have?)
 What did you do that made the difference? (reflect specifically on your targets)
 What worked well? Why?
 What will you do differently next time?

Concrete experience: This is the experience of teaching and can be developed by more and more classroom experiences only. This will
highlight the weaker areas and put them forward in my forthcoming lessons as a challenge to address. Whilst using powerpoint, and various
screens to show students their tasks, the screen was busy for students to visualise all documents in front of them. The practitioner looking
back can use a alternative softwares such as, Active inspire Near pod to create everything all on one page.
Reflect on experience: Evaluation of the teaching experience to discover in what areas you were effective or ineffective. The practitioner
found feedbacks, and environment of the class was very welcoming and student’s felts overwhelmed in the class but there is work to be
improved on time management in the next lessons; because it is extremely important aspect of the lesson. When vocabulary needed to be
elicited, it would take longer to vocalise, and therefore the practitioner decided that more help is needed to help those students by eliciting
the first few letters or sounds to aid them and not waste time longer than needed.
Wherever the practitioner need to teach, there will be a limited time to teach some content, and it’s worth preparing more content for the
lesson but it should be covered in the time too. For every task, clear instructions need to be given about homework, and next lesson
Abstract conceptualization: The practitioner will work on areas of content to be covered in the lesson, suggestions to cover limited topic in a
good pace and make sure that only topic is covered with clear objectives in my mind which has been achieved. The practitioner should
rather not introduce the contents of next coming topics. It couldn’t work on last summative activity of ‘thought triangle’ which was
extremely helpful for inclusive teaching in further lesson planning but due to long contents..
Plan active experimentation: The practitioner will try to use differentiation a bit more, even though the focus on inclusive teaching was
present, but activities could have been designed to stretch some students and also motivate some students for whom it was a very new
subject. Even though, there was limited time and limited activities during micro teach and the practitioner made visual assessments on their
learning but more useful to plan a plenary, in which a more structural assessment in a form of a very quick worksheet or quick on some
interactive software like quizziz or socrative to recall and review the lesson and conducting a more formal assessment would prove

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