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1. What happened?

(Background, brief description of events, specific leadership

What were the results? (Real or potential. Try to include both positive and negative
possibilities. Even if the event seemed clearly good or bad, consider unintended

I was working on a project and the team leader became ill and temporarily disabled
until further notice. The results we were getting were wonderful but with the
absence of the leader, the team went into a bit of panic. The results began to be
affected and the performance began to decline in all the members of the team.

2. Why did this happen? (Consider all possible factors, including the people and the

This happened because we probably relaxed, we lost our way and there was not
the teamwork that we were having before our leader was missing. As the days went
by, I decided to take initiative and commanded the group to resume the optimal
rhythm and achieve the delivery of the proposed results, aligning personal goals
with those of the team and the company.

3. What class concepts are relevant to this situation? (Mention at least one concept
from class and how they can be used to interpret the situation.)

The concepts was basically leadership at its best, because with that lack of
leadership in the team, I had to take the role and exercise that leadership in order
to continue with a great performance.

4. What did you learn from this? (Broader lessons that might apply to other situations
or problems.)

I learned that the leader and the role of the leader is vital in any job and / or project
and when the leader is not there, is absent or is not exercising leadership correctly,
the work group is affected because they do not exploit the potential and someone
must re-exercise that leadership to help the entire team and create this optimal
environment for obtaining results

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