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foweE@ SYSTEH CLELANING FOREWORD This solution manual is offered primarily for use by university instructors to assist them in emphasizing the concepts developed in the book. Since the problems are often assigned as homework problems at universities, we would like to offer this manual to restricted group of people. Purchase requests will be honored if the request is sent on official university stationary by an instructor. It is recognized that the solutions may be useful to practicing relay engineers, who may be studying the book on their own. We will also honor requests for the solution manuals from practicing engineers, if they write to us on their Company letterheads. In either case, we would like to request that the owner of the solutions manual not allow it to be disuibuted to students enrolled in university courses on relaying. The solutions specifically refer to the problems in the Second Edition. However, almost all of the problems in the First Edition are repeated in the Second Edition ‘Whenever there are changes between the problems of the two editions, the changes are described in the solutions to avoid mis-applying the solutions. ‘We have made every attempt to make the solutions manual error free. “These are our answers to the problems. The field of relaying permits many alternative solutions. ‘You may prefer different answers in some casei. If you find a better solution to a given problem, or an error in our solution, or just want to let us know of your views, please feel free to waite to us. SH. Horowitz AG. Phadke co CHAPTER 1 ap Assume that the fault is near bus 5, 6-7 2.8960 0.9648 1.9666, 1.9666 (1.2) For b-c faults, al the currents in problem 1.1 are multiplied by ¥3/2. (1.4) Assume the fault to be near bus 5. 1.73 [4.9027 0.7137_| 4.902 10.3569 a5) All elements are assumed to be closed. In sequence, perform the following operations to remove By from service: OpenB1. Open Si: and Sz. Close B, (for safety to breaker) To return to service, Open By. Close Su: and Sp. CloseB;, For Fig 1.5(a). Follow the same procedure as above. For Fig 1.5(), any lines on the transfer bus (1) are transferred to the main bus (2). This is accomplished by first opening the line breaker, opening the switch to bus 1. losing the switch to bus 2, and closing the breaker. At this point all the lines are on the main bus (2). To maintain a breaker, that breaker is opened, its switch to bus 2 is opened, and the breaker is closed for safety. The bypass switch to the transfer bus is closed, the bypass breaker switches and the breaker are closed. Ar this stage the breaker to be maintained co For Fig 1.5(@), follow the same procedure as for 1.5(a) and 1.5(c). A subsequent fault may splitthe bus, ” For Fig 1.5(¢), follow the same procedure as above. Any subsquent faults should not split the bus. (1.6) ‘The load at the remote terminal is lost or not as follows: Fault on a Oo ©. a) ©. Line Tost Tost lost| ost Tost Breaker ost 0, 0 no. 0 ‘Switch (ine side) | lost lost ost [ose Tost ‘Switch (bus side) | lost RO 20 0 9 Bus Tost 20. 0 70 0 * Note: In the main and transfer bus scheme, the remote end power will be lost in all cases, except for the cases indicated by ‘no’, where it is restored after the bus reconfiguration with the the transfer bus is completed. The conclusion is that the single bus arrangement is the least préferable, and that the double bus or the breaker-and-half arrangement is the most preferred, an (@) Response is correct and appropriate. (b) _B2 has apparently failed. Responses of Ry, B,, Rz, Rs, Bs, Re, and By are correct and appropriate. (©) Ri, B., Ro, Ba, operated correctly and appropriately. Rs and Re apprently operated incorrectly and tripped breaker Bs. This is also an inapproptiate response. (@) Ra has failed to operate, this is incorrect, a loss dependability. Rs and Ry Operated in remote backup mode, and took out their associated circuit breakers. ‘This response is appropriate from the point of the power system. (1.8) In both figures, 1.19(2) and 1.19(6), connect the CT on the right to the bus protection, and the CT on the left to the line protection. To To bus To bus: To Line Line 9) ‘The breaker and relay operations are tobe scheduled as shown below, so that for the slowest combination of relay and breaker operating times, appropriate margins are maintained. Time in cycles (1.10) (2) Faults on the line connecting By and By. (b) Fault is in the overlap between the zones of the bus in the middle, and the line connecting breakers B3 and By. (© Transformer fault. (@® Fault on the bus in the middle. CHAPTER 2 an This is to be considered a single phase system. (The student may solve it as three phase system, in which case positive sequence data must be given, and phase and The smallest voltage under load would be approximately 1.0 pu. (The small voltage drop in the series impedances during load flow is negligible’) ‘The largest Voltage atthe relay location during fault is 1.2x 0.3/0,45 = 0.8 pa. ‘Thus, a setting for the undervoltage relay between these two extremes, say around 0.9 pu would be adequate, As in case of the current relay, this is not sufficiently secure. (22) The delta side of the transformer is bus 1. Bus 2 is the wye side of the fransformer. We will assume another branch between the wye side of the trancformer and the transmission line, which connects buses 3 and 4. The branch between buses 2 and 3 is needed, so that we may put a reverse fault at bus 2. A reverse fault at the line terminal ‘The symmetrical component representation for a b-c fault in the forward direction a bus 4s shown above, The symmetrical components of voltages and currents have been calculated, and are shown in the above diagram. The phase voltages and currents at the relay location are E,=0.666+0,333 = 1.0 E, = 070.666-+a20.333 = -0.5.j0.2884 E, = 00.666+070.333 = -0.5+}0.2884 I, = 41.6674)1.667=0 2, =a7(51.667)+0(§1.667) =-2.8867 L=a(ji Te 5.7734 The phasor diagram which follows shows their relationship. Consider now the following symmetrical component representation of 2 reverse ‘b-c fault at bus 2. . @ ~89 @ 187 @ © Ly _] L +f] yv5667 4 0.867 The symmetrical components of voltages and currents, and the b-c voltages and currents ae Ex = 070.666+20.333 = -0.5-j0.2884 E.= 00.666+070.333 = -0,5+40.2884 J, = 0°G1.667)+0(-j1.667) = 2.8867 L=aG1.667}+-07(-j1.667) = -2.8867 Ex. = 5.768 Tee = 5.7734 The phasor diagrams for the forward and reverse faults are shown below. It follows that the be voltages and currents provide appropriate inputs for a directional determination, and hence Ey. and Ike should be used for directional determination. Eb lb tbe ey E, ‘ee E | be . Forward faut © Reverse fault ‘The symmetrical component circuit for a-g fault at bus 4 (forward) is shown below. ‘Note that the zero sequence circuit has an open circuit on the delta side. The phase voltages and currents at the relay iocation are L= [lth = 3(0.6667) = 2.0 h=0 L=0 Oo O2°O@ Ox © ESET ee E, = Ey + Erta"E, = -0.7667440.8667 Its clear ffom the b-c fault calculations, that the reverse fault will produce the same voltages, and the same currents as these, except that the direction of the currents at the relay locations will be reversed. These relationships are shown in the following phasor diagram. I can be seen from the phasor diagrams that the phase a voltage and the phase 2 ‘current provide a secure direction determination for the phase to ground fault. It is also clear that the current in the transformer neutral: I, = 31g =-j2.0, whether the fault is in the forward or reverse direction as seen by the relay. Thus, it too is a secure polarizing signal for determining the direction of the fault. Of course, when the neutral current is used, the forward fault is indicated with an angle of 0° between the phase a current and the neutral current, and the reverse fault is indicated when the angle is 180°. As will be seea in chapter 5, the operating current for ground distance relays is not 1, but a compensated phase current: I.’ = I, + lol(Zo-ZiVZi] , where Zp and Z, are the zero and positive sequence impedances of the transmission line. ‘The phase angle of I,’ is the . Same as that of I,, and hence the directional determination is not affected wherher the Compensated or uncompensated phase current is used. 23) p= bo ye 4(x+gd/4a)” 2 2y2 wee. dp tan 2° aGc+gd/ 4ay ay? Therefore, K = = LESSEN (4) A computer program written to solve the differential equation ax 0s, 0.005 — = -0.00j—— pp at? fe from t=0 to some time T, such that with x= 1.0, the final x iS less than 0.7 produced the following results for different values ofl: ‘Using interpolation, the time at which x=0.7 is calculated at each value of the current L ‘The results are as follows: ‘The result can be plotted on a log-log scale as shown, aa} 161 woe aS 100 my 5) From equations (2.3) and (2.4), Id/lp = (x +gi/4aV(xrtgd/4a). Let the coil inductances be Ly and L; when the plunger position corresponds to x and x; pet 9 men by equation (2.1), Lilli = (xotad/4a/(xi+gd/4a) = L/h, Hence L/l, 26) 1=K Laika (cosat sin(at+8) - cos(at+8) sinat} Using trigonometric identities, 7=K Lake {cosat sinat cos8 - cos’ot sin8 - cosat sinat cos? + sin’ot sinO} =K Iavleg sind The torque is zero if either Tay or Ina is zero, or ifthe angle @ is 0. an Let the polar coordinates Z/8 be converted to rectangular coordinates R and R=Zcos® andX=Z sind ‘The equation Z sin(@ +4) = 0 becomes Zsin8 cosh+Z cos@ sinp =0 or, Xcosh+Rsinp=0 or X=Rtand which is an equation of 2 streight ‘ine passing through the origin and making an angle of ~ with the R-axis, If the spring torque is not negligible, equation for this case becomes KV sin + 4) = nor, VA= {K3V¥z } sin(@ +6) If welet { KsV¥/z,}=Z,, a constant which depends upon the voltage, we get Z=Z, sin( 6+ 4) This is the equation of a circle in polar coordinates passing through the origin, with a diameter of Z, and making an angle of -} vertical axis. in more familiar rectangular coordinates, muitiply the two sides by cos® and sind respectively: Zcos® =R=Z,cos0 sin( 6+ 4) Zin =X=Z, sin, sin( 6+ 6) or, R-(Z singy2=Z{cos6 sin( +4) - sind/2} X- Z,coss)/2 =Z,{sin® sin( +p) - coss/2} ‘squaring and adding the two expressions, and using trigonometric identities, R-@ singy2} + (K- C, cospya}= (Z/2}* which is an equation of a circle with its center at {(Z; sing)/2,(Z, cosd)/2) and 2 radius of Z/2. This is the same circle as that expressed above in polar coordinates. eee 10 (2.8) Let Ke-have a projection along the R axis of Ro, and a projection along the X axis of Xo, The, polar coordinate Z has the projections of R and X. The equation |Z + Kil = V{KuKa} is thus equivalent {(R+Re)+(X+Xo)"} = Ki/Ra which is the equation ofa circle. Sa 2.9) [Z| = (Ks/Ka) sin(® +9) = Z, sin(o+9) ‘The rest of the derivation is as in Problem (2.7) above. 2.10) Fault at C produces a fault current of (1.0)(0.1+0.2+0.2)=2.0 pu, The pickup setting for the relay is 2.0/3 = 0.666 pu. The dropout currect is 1/10 of this value, or 0.0666 pu. This is the maximum load current that the relay at A will tolerate before it tips (falsely) due to a fault at C. @1) ELIZ, sin(® +9) =0 Set Z,=E,. The equation then becomes E=E,sin( 0+9) The demonstration that this is a circle follows the arguments in problems (2.7) and (2.9). The diameter of the circle is [E,, and the diameter makes an angle of 7/2-6 with the horizontal axis. 1 CHAPTER 3 The effective turns ratio of the CT is n= Where Isis the current in the burden, and [y’ is the current in primary winding, ‘The actual ‘ums ration is used to obtain the primary current as reflected in the secondary GD =Ih. R=Ivkz ;and ©=(h-E), =1-UR Hence, R= 1i{1-2). Ran be less than 1.0, only if Ia is in phase opposition to I, This in turn can happen oxly ifthe burden is completely capacitive. This is not very likely. Thus, a! = h’hYGils) = n Wie, Therefore, by definition R, the ratio correction factor is R Thus, 6.2) Since R=(I, +1n)/Ia, and since LZi+Z/)1aZm, where Z, is the burden impedance and Z; is the secondary leakage impedance, it follows that Ra1+ [RAR HIKER) A Program was written to calculate R for given values of 2, Z; and Zm Suibstivuting the values from example 3.1, Le. R=0.01, X-0.1, Ra“4, Xar15, and Zj93.0 where © varies between -90° and 90° in steps of 10° produced these results: : 12 The same program was run with 8 fixed at 0, andthe Z, magnitude varied between 0 and Zin steps of 0.2. The results are as shown below G3) ‘The current in the burden is varied in steps of 10 amps. The resulting R is obtained as follows: IRI=[Iy/12). a Ti ojo 0 o o 1.000 10 [20 [086 2-60" 10.04 1.004 20 [40 1362-60" 1126 "| 20.065__| 1.003 30 [60 | 26Z-60° [3 30.100 | 1.003 40 [80 | 462-60" 2-50. 40.20 1.005, 50__ [100 [2.062-60" 51.03 1.021 For a constant Z,,, Ris given by R=1+Iy/k=1+2/300260°) since at 60 volts, the magnetizing impedance is 300 460°. Hence, the magnitude of R is 1.033 for all burden currents. As can be seen from the above table, this is 2 good approximation for most of the range of currents. G4) [Notes In the first edition, the problem statement should be corrected to show a burden of 10 ohm (instead of 2.0 ohm), and the lead impedance of the second CT to be 0.2 ohm Gastead of 0.5 ohm). These corrections have been made in the second edition] This nonlinear problem must be solved iteratively. ITERATION () Assume 0 magnetizing currents. Then ea = 100 and eq = 110. For these values of the voltages, the magnetizing current magnitudes are ig =2 and ing = 10.0. The corresponding magnetizing impedances are Za, = 50.260° and Zea = 11.60°. The ‘magnetizing impedance Zm: is paralleled with the burden to produce z.,= 0.9898+j0.017. ‘The Kirchhof?’s voltage equation for the inner impedance loop is I(0.2) + (+50)(zq)+(i- 50)Ze2 = 0. This leads to i=50(ZarzM(0.2+2+Zea) = 44.51497.57. Solving for the voltages across the magnetizing branches, ent = 93.86 and ea ~ 102.87, As these are different from the voltage values with which we began the iteration, we will continue with the next iteration. ITERATION (i). Re-solving the same equations as before, #547.28245.02, er = 96.46 and a2 = 105.96. TTERATION (ii) =47.32+j4.6855, ea: = 96.48 and ecg = 105.99. These values are close enough to the starting values of the two voltages, and we may consider the iterations to have converged. The current in the secondary of the first CT is CT1= i = 47.32+44.685, the current in the secondary of the second CT is CT2 = 50 - ing = 48.93 +j 1.8684, and the total current in the burden is the sum of these two currents: 96.26 + j6.554. G.5) . Consider a burden voltage of 200 V. The 10C200 CT has error of 10% or less at this voltage. The 10C400 CT has a somewhat less error, 5% or less. As the behaviour of the error in this region is highly nonlinear, a slight increase above 200 volts at the secondary will cause a disproportionate increase in the CT error. It is therefore safe to rate the combination at 10C200 which is that of the poorer quality CT. G6) . In the case of (a), the two secondary currents of 50 amps and 25 amps add in the burden, creating a voltage of 75x 1=75 volts. In case (b), the two currents subtract, and the voltage at the burden js 25x1=25 volts. B72) In (2), the secondary currents are 1y=-8.33320° and I=-8.3332180° in the directions indicated in the Figure. Since there is no current in the primary of phase 3, the current Ts is 0. Consequently, l= hh +1+1-0. Jn (b), the currents inside the delta in the three Phases are 16.6662180°, -8.333 20°, and -8.333 20° respectively, The currents outside the deltas in the direction shown are therefore: I1= -16,6662180°-8.333.20° = 25.20"; = +~8.333.20°-(-8.333.20°) = 0; and I= ~8.333 20°-{-16.666.2180") = 25.2180°. G.8) Substinuting from equation (3.9) into equation (3.12), we get RtR, [1 ios tT) 1 “RRL. cod -Gaalets aa} a Hf ‘Working on the three terms on the right-hand side, aL t 1 us ot ito0%?|s+1/t #407 sea) ‘Which, after taking the inverse transform and using trigonometric identities, with ot =tand rf 5 s+l/t}ls? +0: [ aft |. fii 7 | at seit] test) [sti/t 1est{z—-T oj stile jl Test, == cos’ beY* +1 cosh cos(at—§) aT -ts__1T ewe tt wt T-t 1 o |__of s Ut ad Sto }=7Sopelt ot FS} substituting for ot, and rearranging, the inverse transform becomes - 1 Ye ji, x , Si(ot=6) off esol] oii ano fe ane i Combining the three results, and rearranging the result, we get a Ret, cos? eM +2 cosh cos(at—§ — eur wut =a RRL od = stent tone fe eo o sing Rich, upon firther use of or = tan, and trigonometric identities, leads to equation 6.15). Equation (3.16) is obtained by differemtiating equation 3.15 with respect to and dividing the result by Ry. ‘When the load is purely inductive, Re is 0. For this case, from equations (3.10) and (3.11), it follows that ; R j =Li 4 TRAE R TE te AT Hence =la-—— | Lg x “TRL sdely no Rh cow beli Gn tly As the form of the expression for 2 is the same as that forthe previous case, the form of fhe result for 4. and ia is also identical. The only difference isthe difference in the value cf +, and the multiplier RAR/(Ry#R,) is now replaced by Re G9) This is clearly a more advanced problem. Et may be set as an undergraduate project Problem Any simulation program can be used to develop the desired output Tae CT Rodel in the EMTP has been developed as a part of the PhD. dissertation of AS, Chaudhary at Virginia Tech, and a paper based on the work was presented at the Surmree Power Mecting of the IEEE Power Enginesting Society in Vancouver, BC in July 1993 16 @.10) FE the burden is Z(cosp + jsing), and the leakage impedance is (146) ohms, the burden voltage is given by Ex= Ex{Z(cosd+jsind)/[(1+Zcos$)+i(6+Zsind)] Where E, is the primary voltage referred to the secondary. The ratio error is R =Ey/E;, Which has magnitude and angle, which has been calculated by a computer program for three values of Z: 50,100,200 ohms, and at variable angles ranging between 0 and 340 degrees in steps of 20 degrees. The results are shown in the following table, 00 00 angR |magR [angR | megR [angR | 0 9737, 6.71 9884 3.40 | 0.9946 71.71 20 9389 5.71. 9697 -2.94 | 0.9849 1.49 {40 [9130 4.14 [9551 _|-2.16 |.9772 -1.10 60, 2 -2.19 [94597 | 1.16 | 9723 0.59 p 8915 0.06 9427 ~0.03 {9705 ~0.02 100 +8965 12.08.9456 | 1.10 {9721 0.56 120 9119 4.04 9545 2.1 S769 1.08 140 9372 5.64 96838 291 9845 1.48 160 9716 6.67 {9873 [3.38 __| 9940 170 | {80 1.0128 6.98 1.0083_| 3.47 1.0046 1.73 200 1.0570__}6.43 {1.0293 [3.12 {1.0148 | 1.54 1.0977 4.98 1.0476 [2.37 1.0235 116 220 240 1.1273 2.76 1.0601 | 1.30 1.0293 60 [0.07 | 1.0648 [0.03 | 1.osi4 -2.62 "1.0606 _[-123 _} 1.0295 4.87 | 1.0484 1.0238 1.0304 1.0153 1.0094 1.0051 It should be noted that the error goes down as the burden impedance increases. This is of course opposite to the effect of load impeance in a CT secondary. This is because in the VT the burden is a parallel load, while in a CT it is a series load. Also note that these errors are unrealistically high, as the leakage impedance, in proportion to the burden 7 impedance is quite high. In a well designed secondary circuit, the exrors would of course be much smaller. de G11) ‘Substituting from equation (3.21) into equation (3.23), we get cos s* - so tand Egg 5) xe ee & ¢ Vv @40°Xs +5/1 40%) Using a table of Laplace transforms (for eample:‘Laplace Transform andElectrical Transients’ by Stanford Goldman, Dover Publications, p 422) the time domain solution becomes 1 i eet sin(ot+ wi) , cos 1 of +a*tan’@ 0) Baa df, 1 av [1/ 40? ~tan?9 / 40? +0 tan6/20'f + tan? 9 /407[-otand-2/20'f? 2 +e 2 2 2q2 2 tang [1/ 40" + tan? / 407-07 P4407 / 4e™ xe!" Sn(ot+_) 20/22! = ten! tant 20/200 ‘where wa = tant{tan8} - tan 1/40 +tan'§/4e*—@? tan/2r{-otan6~2/2r'] -_-201/2'Xtang /22’) = tag 1208/2 fotan6= 2/20] g_ -201/ 2e'Xtang/22) and Va = TT 7 ean / 4c? to tne/2e 1/407 tan? 9] 427 —@? When 20’ is set equal to sec, and trigonometric identities are used, y= O-n/2 and y = V2 tan'"iE-sin O(costHand)}. Similarly, the denominators in the two expressions on the right hand side become 1/ 42 —tan?/ 40? +@tanO/2t' = sec? /4r4 The numerator of the first term: 1 dot +04 tan” 6} sin(ot + y,) = [seed secd /2o]eos(ot+8) and the mumerator of the second term 1 aloe ~ tan? 9/407 +01mn0/20'f +n" / 40-0 tand—2/ 207}? 1 = Fr leotd tang + coseog and? +[2+secotané}'}? Divding by the denominator: sec” / 40” the second term becomes [cosec*p+2tandcospcasec’} + cosec™}tan"6]? which, upon firther simplification becomes [(cotprcosecdtang?} and, finally putting all the pieces together, 1 e()= fener +8)—cost{]+ (cot + cosecptan6)* Fre" sin(atsing + o} ‘which, with the value of y given above, is equation (3.24) G.12) EQ is the capacitance between the tap point and the ground, then by the voltage divider equation: C43 . =; 0.005 F, C= 05 GG Le where C, is Hence C; = 0.094593 pF Cr+C2 = 0.099593 pF, hence the tuning inductance must be Lb 10 (377)? «0.09953 = 70.646 Henrys. Ef the burden is 300 ohms resistive on the secondary side, as seen on the primary side of the transformer, where the voltage is 4 kV when the secondary voltage is 69 V, the burden appears to be Bo00 7 00: HL 10° 300% = 1.0082x The ratio correction factor is R = E,/E, where E; is the voltage across the burden, and E, is the voltage of the source. Re 1.0082 x 10° =———__——_ 008210" 1.0082 x 10° + j{2nf x70.646~ 10° /[2nf x0.099593]) 1 ~ J j0.02641(F 760-6078) The following values for the magnimde and angle of R are obtained as the frequency is changed between 58 Hz and 62 Hz. 20 CHAPTER 4 @2) soos un. '50=Instant. O/C Rei en SteTDOC Raley nn S1G=TDOC Ground ratay a qsenzKv = TOMVA { 15/2) x 59,6 = 44.68 amperes (®) 1-2 outof-service L=L,=70(.5+8) =53.85 amperes y=0 (©)3-+4 out-of-service T=, =70/(1.5+.8)-30.43 amperes Leo ‘These are three phase fault curents. Minimum fault currents would be phase-phase or 0.866% I, Assume fault is at end of line. Relay Settings Breaker 5 Instantaneous Relay ‘Maximum current is S/N- 1, =1.35 (59.6)= 80.46 amperes Time delav overcurrent relay Minimum current is with 3-4 out-of-service. Set for phase-to-phase fault. Pick up= (30.43 x.866)/3 = 8.78 amperes. No coordination remuted~SetTine dal aL Breaker Instantaneous Relay Must not overreach Breaker 5 Set 135% I, = 135 x (70/1.5) = 63 amperes. Time delay overcurrent relay Teas = 30.43 amperes Tnus=14.89 amperes Set (14.89 x 866)/3 = 4.3 amperes.- use 4.0 ampere tap determine relay time at breaker 5 for Trina: 30.43/8.0=3.8 x pu Time e412 Tine dal = 92s: Bom Appendix Va at breaker 1 30.43/4.0= 7.6 pees sec #2Time dial. Setting is 4.0 ampere tap#2 TD. Breaker 3 us Relay Tnaca = 53.85 amperes. Tainspi= 44,68 amperes ‘Mast not overreach breaker 5. Set 1.35 x (70/0.5)= 189 amperes. Time delay 0 Tain =44.68 x. 866 =38.69 amperes 38.69/3=12.9— Set at 12 ampere pickup Toes of breaker 5 is S/N =59.6 amperes. For this maximum current condition the current through breaker 3 is 44.68 amperes. relay time at breaker 5 is 59.6/8 = 7.45 x pu= 0.18 sec. add coord.time =0.3 0.48 sec, at breaker 3 relay T.D is 44,68/4 =11.17 x pu @ 0.48 sec. = #1.5 from Appendix IVa Setting is 8.0 ampere tap-#1.5 TD. 28 co moe ss (4.10) eis necessary to consider only the system to the left of F1 4, Ant Kn Ke 15 xX, Anthea he =+0.05 4,-4nt Heke wo25 es = j2 4.05 515.0413 £-15}.0413, j.25 i i 15 joss a 4.232 ¥/ 0408 For line-to-ground fault at F; 0.341 +0.341+0.2736 = 0.956 _ 10x95.6x(220)* 10000 7, = 220000 to Wix462 TAS AMPERES 774.9 AMPERES Pan = 462 ohms = 274.9 ty miscart 10 ~ ih 28 (zasezan10)K8 ‘amperes =459 ampares Pos & Neg Zero Sequence Sequence For h=0, h=Ty 29 T.=Iux k{ 220/110) K=05 ie the curents through thetwo legs of the zero sequence equivaléat are equal and so the reactances of each leg ae equal, Xr+0.1-0.05=0.25 Xr=0.2 = 20% @ 110 kV = 24.2 ohms For faults on the low voltage side of the transformer the cirrent in the neutral wil always be up from the ground. ‘The zero sequence equivalent for a low side fault is: Ir ie. itis always greater than Ty, Jy =3 (la-k,)~always up the neural, CHAPTER 5 6.) Tag={120%10°xV3)/(3x138x10") = 502 amps Select a CT ratio of $00:5 or 100:1. Thé CVT ratio is 138x10°/120= 1150-1 Hence the ratio (Secondary Impedance:Primary Impedance) = 11/1150 = 0.08696, The secondary values for the three elements are: Line AB (3+j40) : (0.26+3.478) Line BC (24350) : (0.174+j4,348) Transformer BD (0+}9) : (0+0.783) ‘Hence the zone-] setting for line AB is 0.9x(0.26+j3.478) =° Zone-2 is 1.2x(0.26+j3.478) = 4.185285.7° ‘Taking the element with the larger impedance beyond bus B (which is the line BC), Zone-3 setting is (0.26+)3.478)}+1.5x(0.1744}4.348) = 10.01287°, Selecting from the available impedance settings, the chosen zone settings are: Zone-1 = 3.19 Select 2 maximum torque angle of 80°. 6.2) Trans = (10% 10V3)/(3x13.8%10°) = 418.37 amps, Select a CT ratio of 500:5, or 100:1. CVT ratio is 13800/120 = 115, The impedance ratio is 100/115 = 0.8696. The line impedance is 0.8696x(4+}40) = 3.4784}34.78, This would require a zone-1 setting of 0.9x(5.478=j34.78) = 3.13+j31.3 ohms secondary. And zone-2 setting would be 1.2x(3.478+j34.78) = 4.174441.7 ohms secondary. If the available relay can be set for zone-1 at e maximum value of 10 ohms, the above settings could not be achieved. Therefore select a CT ratio of 2000:5. This will produce an impedance ratio of 0.2174, and the zone settings of Zone-] = 0.78447.82 = 7.85284" Zone-2 = 1.04+}10.42 = 10.47284° Set the maximum torque angle at 80°, and using the actual obm settings available in the relay, the zone settings become Zone-1 =7.8Q Zone-2= 102 6.3) ‘The primary load impedance corresponding to 120 MVA is 138/120 = 158.7 0. The load impedance as viewed from the secondary side is 158.7x0.08696 = 13.8.0. A lagging power factor of 0.8 plots in the first quadrant of the R-X diagram at an angle of 86.7°. This is beyond the setting of zone-3 of the line in problem 5.1. ‘The relay is not in any danger of tripping at this load. The R-X diagram of the three zones and the load is 31 shown in the figure below. Both directions of the load flow are shown. If the load is considered 10 be too close to the zone-3 boundary (for example, if significant load growth in fimure is anticipated), one could use a mho characteristic as shown, * Directional Impedance 120 MVA into line 120 MVA into bus (5.4) ach fault: : ‘Using the results obtained in example 5.4, for the a-b fault the condition is I, = I, and .=0. Also lb =0. Hence ol; +0°,=0. Thus Ty = ah = 88.18.2-84.92°, Hence I, = 88.18.2-24.92°, Thus [= Iytlz = 88.182-84.92° + 88.18.2-24.92° = 87.78-j124.98 and I, =-I,. Therefore Ty, = I,-I, = 175.56-j249.96 = 305.452-54.9°, At the relay location, E; = 7967.4 ~ j0.5(88.18.2-84.92°) = 7528,332-0.3°, and Ey = -j5.0(88.182-24.92°) = 440.92245.08°. Thus E, = E,+Ez = 7342.45-j439,.27 and E, =07E, + 0B, = ~3359.08-j6460.88. Ey = 10701.37+46021.61 = 12279.21.£29.37° ‘The impedance seen by the a-b relay is Zy= (Eula) = 12279.21.229.37°/305.452-54.9° = (4+j40). . beg fauit: For this case, the boundary conditions are =I, ~=0. This leads to I= 071, = ak. Thus I, = 41.75.2-84.59°, bh = ah = 41.75235.41°, and Ip = 41.752155.41°. =I + Pyro, = 41.75. 2155.41? + 41.752155.41° +. 41.75.2155.41°, = 125.252155.41°. Also mil = 1.253 2-1.13°x41.75.2155.41°. Hence,’ =I, + mly = 177.552155.08°. ‘The voltages at the relay location are E, = 7759.58-j19.68 = 7759.602-0.14°, Ey = -]5x41.75.235.41° = 208.75.2-54.92°, and Ey = l0x41.752155.41° = 417.5265.41°. Tae b phase voltage is E, = Ey + aE, + OB = 417,5.265.41° + 7759.60.2239.36° + 32° = -3634.52-j6141.56 = 7136.422-120.62°. The impedance seen by the phase b relay is Z, = (Ey/Iy’) = 7136.42.2-120.62°/177.552155.08° = (44540), 6.5) The symmetrical component circuit for a b-c-g fault is shown below. ‘The negative and zero sequence circuits are in parallel : ye The equivalent impedance of the two -parallel branches is z In= eC) aoKs [4#}45)(10+j100)1/(44445+104}100) = 2.863 + 31.04, This is in series with the positive sequence impedance. Hence the a= net impedance in the fault circuit is (4 + ja5 +2.863 +] 31.04 = 6.863 + j 76.04 = 444s°_ The symmetrical component currents in the fault are 1, =7967.4/76.35284.84° Toit = 04,35.2-84.84°, =-T, (10+100)/(144j145) = -71.992-85.03°, and Ip = -(, + 1) = Jo°. The phase currents are L=0 L=L toh + ob = 160.672167,46° T=Ib+ah + orl= 159.84222,76°, The relay currents for the b-c, b-g, and c-g relays are: T.= Ih L, = 305.43.2-174.92° Hy= I, + mila =160.67.2167.46° + 1,253.2-1.13°x3236295.58° =176,78.2154.82° Ti =I, + my = 159,84.222.76 + 1.253 2-1.13°x32.36.295.58° = 176.81.235,33° ‘The symmetrical components of relaying voltages are Ey = 7967.4 ~ j5x104.35 £-84.84° = 7447.92 4-0.36° Eq = 5x(-71.992-85.03°) = 359,9524.97° Eq = J10x(32.36£95.58°) = 323.625.58° ‘The corresponding phase voltages at the relay locations are E,=Eo+ Ey + Ey = 8128.44 +j 15.72 Ey =Eq+ oF, + oF: =7108,042-120.88° E, = Eg+ Ey + of Ep =7107.832119.62° And Ey. =E,-E.=12279.552-90.63° ‘The apparent impedance seen by the three distance relays can now be calculated: Zay= Ewin = 12279.552-90.63°/305.43£-174.92° = 4+ j 40 Zz = ofl! = 7108.042-120.88°/176,782154,82° = 4+ j 40 Z.=EA’ = 7107.83.2119.62°/176,81.235.33° =4+j 40 1. =0, hence Ie = Ib- =I, = 152.722125.1°. E,= 73359,08-46460.88. E, = GE, +27E, = 7528.33.2119.7° + 440.90.2125.08° = -3983.36 + j6900.15. ‘Therefore E,. = E, - E. = (-3359.08 - j6460.88+3983.36 - j6900.1: 13375.62-87.32°, Lae = Er/Tag = 13375.6.L-87.32°/152.72.2125. 87.58.2-124,84° goa relay: La =L-Q=-h = 152.722125.08°. EL =E. - E, = -3983.36 + j 6900.15 - 7342.45 +] 439.2 (3495 .96.2147.05°, Zo = Ecw/les = 13495.96.£147.05°/152,72.2125,08° = 88.37221.97° acgrelay: Since la = 0, L’ =I, = 87.78 - j124.98. Also E, = 7342.45 - j439.27, Hence Z,= Ey Li = (7342.45 - j439.27)/(87.78 - j124.98) = 48.16251.5°. beg relav: 2, = Ely’ = Eyly = (-3359.08 - j6460.88)/(-87.78 + j124.98) = 47.7.2117.45°, Jn general, the other relays see larger impedances than thet seen by the appropriate (a-b) relay. The ground relays see quite a small impedance, although the angles are quite different from the angle of the impedance seen by the a-b relay. 672) Zone-3: All inefeeds are removed. The three line segments to be protected are AC: (4430), AD: 34435, AB: 9+j85. Select smallest of these to avoid overreach. Hence zone. 1 setting is 0.9x(4+j30) = 3.6427 ohms primary. Zone-2: This should be for the longest segment, with all in-feeds in place. Segment AB With in-feeds will appear to be (1410) + (2+j15)x(1+200/600) + (64j60)x[1+(200+300/600] = 14.667 + j140 ohms primary. Zone.2 setting of 1.2x(14,667 + j140) = 17.6 + j168 ohms is a possibility. ‘However, this setting may not coordinate with whatever is beyond C and D, which should be checked. ‘More importantly, this zone-2 setting may conflict with zone-1 settings of BG and BH. Consider the possibility of all the in-feeds being out of service. In that case, the Proposed zone-2 setting of 17.6 + j168 ohms will reach beyond bus B by (17.6 + j168) - (9 + j85) = 8.6 + j23 obms This excursion beyond B will certainly go beyond the zone setting of BH, which is shorter of the two lines originating at bus B. Zone-1 for BH would be set at 0.9x(4+/40) = 3.6 + 336 ohms. Thus, 2 safe zone-2 setting for AB should be smaller than (9485) + (3.61436) = 12.6 +j121 ohms. A good choice would be a setting of (1044110) ohms primary. Note that this zone-2 setting will not overreach all the remote terminals when all in-feeds are in service. However, this is the best available zone-2 setting under the given circumstances, Zone-3: With all in-feeds in service, zone-3 should reach beyond the Longest of the two lines originating at bus B, ie. ine BG. Thus a desirable zone-3 setting is (14.6674j140) + 1.5x(6+{60)x[3+{200+300+400/600] = 37.174]365 ohms Primary. This zone-3 setting must be checked for coordination with whatever protection G68) Re Zone-1: Shorter-line is DG with no infeed: (3+30). Hence zone-1 setting should be 0.9x(3+j30) = 2.74327 ohms primary. Zone-2: This should be set with infeed. 1.2x[24+}20) + (14j10)x(1+0.5)] = 9.64496 ohms primary. : Zone-3: This should be set at 24720 + (1+0,5)x(44j40) + 1.5x(3-+430)x(140.5) = 14,7544147.5 ohms primary. Zone-1 of line BA is Set at 0.9x(3+j30) or 2.74427 ohms, Without in-feed, the zone-2 setting chosen above will reach beyond this, ie. (24720) + (4440) + 2.7427 = 8.74387 which is smaller than 9.64j96. ‘The zone-2 setting chosen above is not a good setting. A better setting would be 8+}80 ohms primary, which may not be adequate for high in-feed, but is probably a good setting. R: Zone-1 is set on the shorter line without in-feed, Le, 0.9x(1+j10+24}20) = 2.74327 ohms primary. Zone-2: This is set at 1 2x[14j10 + (4+}40)x(1+1/0.5)] = 15.64]156 ohms primary. This clearly is going to be too large, and will interfere with the zone-2 of line BA. Hence either zone-2 of R, should be shortened, or it must be made slower that zone-2 of BA. Zone-3: This is set at 14]10 + (1+1/0.5)x(4+440) + 1.5x(34j30)x(1+1/0.5) = 26.54}265 ohms primary. This is probably too large, and may not be a good setting. In that case, zone-3 may be left out. () Ewe neglect Jn, the zero-sequence current in the parallel line, I,’ is in error, given dy KL! = T+ milo = 99,252-85.23° + 1.25x33.0852-85.23° = 140,60.2-85.23°. The apparent impedance seen by the phase a distance relay is 2, = El! = 6649.5£-0.95°/140,602-85.23° = 47.29 £84,28° =4.714}47.05. This is in error above the correct value of 4+}40 by about 18% The zone setting for ground faults should not be changed to accommodate this error. Should it be changed, then when the parailel circuit is out of service, the relay would over-reach. The setting should be chosen as in example 5.7, in which case the ground distance relays will not reach as far as the phase distance relays, whenever the parallel line is in service. 35 (6.10) Assume 2 maximum torque angle of 80°. The two types of relays are dustated below. Directional Impedance Relav: By geometry, (8 +x 00580)? + (& sin0)?= 107, Or, x=4.77 ohms = 4.772000/(100x69,3) = 13.77 ohms primary, By geometry, (Bx cos80)? + (x sin80)? = 5? X= 3.5lohms s =3.51x2000/(100%65.3) = 10.13 obras primary, This problem involves considerable work It could be solved on EMTP, and this has been done to confirm the results given here. Bus 1 is the generator terminal, buses 4 and 5 are the terminals of the two lines. Buses 2 and 3 are midpoints of the two fines, where faults will be placed. Ab-g fault implies Eyta"E,+0F; = 0, and =a" = ch, A &-g fault implies EotoE +075, = 0, and Ip= all, = a7). ‘These faults are represented in the SYmmietrcal component cirot by phase shifing transformers in the positive and negative Gireuit has mumual coupling between the two lines, This is represented by creating imermediate buses (s1 and s2) so that the common leg of the wye-equivalea is the muon impedance, and the other two legs of the wye-equivalent are the diference between the Ze Sequence mutual and the self impedances. These ideas are used in developing the symmetrical component circuit for this case. Positive and negative circuits are identical, 36

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