Crim2 Second Exam

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Title Three – Crimes Against Public Order

Crimes Elements Remarks

Art. 134. Rebellion 1. That there be (a) public uprising, Rebellion vs. Insurrection
and (b) taking arms against the  Rebellion is used where the
government. object of the movement is
2. That the purpose of the uprising completely to overthrow and
or movement is either – supersede the existing
a. To remove from the government, whereas,
allegiance to said Insurrection is commonly
government or its laws: (1) employed in reference to a
the territory of the movement which seeks merely
Philippines or any part to effect some change of minor
thereof; or (2) anybody of importance, or to prevent, or
land, naval or other armed to prevent the exercise of
forces; or governmental authority with
3. Deprive the Chief Executive or respect to particular matters
Congress, wholly or partially of or subjects.
any of their powers or
prerogatives. In the crime of rebellion THERE MUST
UP OF ARMS. (Cariño vs. People),
however, it is not necessary that there
must be an actual clash with the forces
of the government to convict the
accused. (People vs Cube).

The purpose of the uprising must be

shown, without evidence to indicate
the motive of purpose of the accused
does not constitute rebellion. (US vs.
Constantino), further, the purpose of
rebellion is not necessary to be
accomplished, the very moment a
group of rebels rise publicly and take
arms against the government for the
purpose of overthrowing the same by
force constitute rebellion.


 The levying of war against the

government would constitute
treason when performed to
aid the enemy, while the
levying of war against the
government during peace time
for any other purposed
mentioned in Art. 134 is
 Rebellion always involve
taking up arms against the
Government, while treason
may be committed by mere
adherence to the enemy giving
him aid or comfort.

Rebellion is considered terrorism
when, a person who commits an act
punishable as rebellion or insurrection,
thereby sowing and creating a
condition of widespread and
extraordinary fear and panic among
the populace, in order to coerce the
government to give in to an unlawful
demand shall be guilty of the crime of
terrorism. (R.A. No. 9372 – Human
Security Act of 2007).

Although the general rule is that

conspiracy and proposal to commit a
felony is not punishable (Art. 8, RPC),
conspiracy to commit rebellion is

Acts committed in furtherance of

rebellion are absorbed in rebellion
(Enrile vs. Amin) EXCEPT if the purpose
are private and profit and not
politically motivated then it will be
charged separately (People vs.

If killing is politically motivated,

Rebellion is to be charged and not
Art. 134-A. Coup d’etat 1. That the offender is a person or Coup d’etat vs. Rebellion
persons belonging to the
military or police or holding any Coup d’etat Rebellion
public office or employment Essence is a Essence of the
2. That it is committed by means of swift attack crime is public
swift attack accompanied by against the uprising and
violence, intimidation, threat, government, its taking up arms
strategy or stealth; military camp or against the
3. That the attack is directed installations, government.
against duly constituted communications
authorities of the RP, or any network and
military camp or installation, public facilities
communication networks, public and utilities
utilities or other facilities needed essential to the
for the exercise and continued continued excise
possession of power. of governmental
4. That the purpose of the attack is powers.
to seize or diminish state power. May be carried Requires public
out singly or uprising, or
simultaneously. multitude of
Principal Offenders need
offenders must to be
be members of committed
the military, PNP uniformed
or public officer, personnel of

with or without the military or
civilian support. the police.
The purpose is The purpose is
merely to to overthrow
paralyze the the existing
existing government.
Art. 135. Penalty for rebellion, Penalties:
insurrection or coup d’etat.
Leaders – reclusion perpetua
Participants – reclusion temporal

Leaders are those:

a. Any person who promotes,
maintains, or heads a rebellion
or insurrection.
b. Any person who leads, directs,
or commands others to
undertake coup d’etat.

Participants are those:

a. Any person who participates
or executes the commands of
others in rebellion,
b. Any person in the government
service who participates, or
executes directions or
commands 0f others in
undertaking a coup d’etat.
c. Any person not in government
service who participates,
supports, finances, abets, or
aids in undertaking a coup
Art. 136 – Conspiracy and proposal No conspiracy when there is no
to commit Coup d’etat, rebellion or agreement and no decision to commit
insurrection. rebellion
Art. 137. Disloyalty of Public Offender must be a public officer or The crime of disloyalty of public
Officers or employees employee. officers presupposes the existence of
rebellion by other persons – there must
Acts of disloyalty which are be rebellion to be resisted or, at least,
punished: the place is under the control of the
1. By failing to resist a rebels. (US vs. Ravidas).
rebellion by all the means in
their power The offender should not be in
2. By continuing to discharge conspiracy with the rebels, otherwise
the duties of their offices he shall be charge with rebellion.
under the control of rebels
3. By accepting appointment
to office under them.
Art. 138. Inciting to rebellion or Elements: Compare and Contrast Inciting to
insurrection. 1. That the offender does not Rebellion and Proposal to commit
take arms or is not in open Rebellion.
hostility against the

2. That he incites others to the
execution of any of the acts Inciting to Proposal to
of rebellion(the offender Rebellion Commit
incite others to rise publicly Rebellion
and take arms against the Offender Offender
Government); induces another induces another
3. That the inciting is done by to commit to commit
means of speeches, rebellion rebellion
proclamations, writings, Not required The person who
emblems, banners or other that the proposes has
representations tending to offender has decided to
the same end. decided to commit
commit rebellion
Penalty – prision mayor in its rebellion
minimum period The act of The execution of
inciting is done the crime uses
publicly secret means
Rebellion has Rebellion has
not been not been
committed yet committed yet

If they commit rebellion because of

the proposal or the inciting, the
proponent or the one inciting becomes
a principal by inducement in the crime
of rebellion, provided that the
requisites of par. 2 of Article 17 of the
RPC are present.
Art. 139. Sedition Elements. Nature of crime – Sedition in its
1. That the offenders rise (1) general sense is the raising of
publicly, and (2) commotions or disturbances in the
tumultuously; state.
2. That they employ force,
intimidation, or other The object or purpose of uprising
means outside of legal should be determined in order to
methods. ascertain the crime of rebellion from
3. That the offenders employs sedition.
any of those means to
attain any of the following In sedition the purpose of the
objects: offenders may be political or social; in
a. To prevent the rebellion it is always political.
promulgation or
execution of any law or Rebellion there must be taking up of
the holding of any arms against the government, in
popular election; sedition, it is sufficient that the public
b. To prevent the National uprising is tumultuous (involving
Government, or any violence, confusion, disorder)
provincial or municipal
government, or any
public officer thereof
from freely exercising
its of his functions, or
prevent the execution
of any administrative
c. To inflict any act of

hate or revenge upon
the person or property
of any public officer or
d. To commit for any
political or social end,
any person,
municipality or
province, or the
National Government
of all its property or
any part thereof.
e. To despoil, for any
political or social end,
any person,
municipality or
province, or the
National Government
of all its property or
any part thereof.
Art. 140. Penalty for Sedition Penalties:
1. Leader – prision mayor in its
minimum period and a fine
not exceeding 10,000 pesos
2. Other persons participating in
the sedition – prision
correcional in its maximum
period and a fine not
exceeding 5,000 pesos.
Art. 141. Conspiracy to commit Elements: There is no proposal to commit
sedition. 1. There must be an sedition.
agreement and a decision
to rise publicly and
2. To attain the objects of
Art. 142. Inciting to Sedition Different acts of inciting to sedition: Two rules relative to seditious words:
1. Inciting others to the
accomplishment of any of 1. The clear and present danger
the acts which constitute rule – the words must be of
sedition by means of such a nature that by uttering
speeches, proclamations, them there is a danger of
writings, emblems, etc. public uprising and that such
2. Uttering seditious words or danger should be both clear
speeches which tend to and imminent.
disturb the public peace. 2. The dangerous tendency rule –
3. Writing, publishing or if the words used tend to
circulating, scurrilous libels create a danger of public
against the Government or uprising.
any of the duly constituted
authorities thereof, which In the Philippines, it is the dangerous
tend to disturb the public tendency rule that is commonly
peace. applied, it is enough that the words
used may tend to create danger of
Elements: public uprising.
1. That the offender does not

take direct part in the crime
of sedition.
2. That he incites others to the
accomplishment of any of
the acts which constitute
3. That the inciting is done by
means of speeches,
proclamations, writings,
emblems, cartoons,
banners, or other
representations tending to
the same end.
Art. 146. Illegal Assemblies What are illegal assemblies: The persons present at the meeting
1. Any meeting attended by armed must be armed in the first form of
persons for the purpose of illegal assembly but not all the persons
committing any of the crimes present at the meeting of the first
punishable under the code: form of illegal assembly must be
armed, however, those present in the
Requisites: meeting even unarmed are liable
a. That there is a meeting, a under Art. 146.
gathering or group of
persons, whether in a fixed Persons liable for illegal assembly:
place or moving; a.) The organizers or leaders of
b. That the meeting is attended the meeting.
by armed persons; b.) Persons merely present at the
c. That the purpose of the meeting.
meeting is to commit any of
the crimes punishable under As illegal assembly is a felony, the
the code. persons merely present at the meeting
must have a common intent to commit
2. Any meeting in which the the felony of illegal assembly. The
audience, whether armed or absence of such intent may exempt
not, is incited to the commission the person present from criminal
of the crime of treason, liability.
rebellion or insurrection,
sedition, or assault upon a
person in authority or his

a. That there is a meeting, a
gathering or group of
persons, whether in a fixed
place or moving.
b. That the audience, whether
armed or not, is incited to
the commission of the
crime of treason, rebellion
or insurrection, sedition or
direct assault.
Art. 147. Illegal Associations Illegal Associations are: Persons liable for illegal association:
1.) Associations totally or 1.) Founders, directors and
partially organized for the president of the association.
purpose of committing any 2.) Mere members of the
of the crimes punishable association.

under the code.
2.) Associations totally or Illegal Assembly vs. Illegal Association
partially organized for some
purpose contrary to public Illegal Illegal Assembly
morals. Association
There is an It is not
actual meeting necessary that
or assembly of there be an
armed persons actual meeting.
The act of It is the meeting
forming or and attendance
organizing and at such meeting
membership in that are
the association punished.
that are
Liable persons Liable persons
are (1) the are (1) the
founders, organizers or
directors and leaders of the
president and meeting, and (2)
(2) the the persons
members. present at

Art. 148. Direct Assaults Two ways of committing direct The force employed must be of a
assault: serious character as to indicate
determination to defy the law and its
1. Without public uprising, by representative at all hazards. – For
employing force or agent.
intimidation for the
attainment of any of the Aggression should not be considered
purpose enumerated in as an assault but merely as resistance
defining the crimes of to an agent of a person in authority.
rebellion and sedition.
2. Without public uprising, by The force employed need not be
attacking, by employing serious when the offended party is a
force, or by seriously person in authority.
intimidating or seriously
resisting any person in Who is a person in authority?
authority or any of his
agents, while engaged in Any person directly vested with
the performance of official jurisdiction, whether as an individual or
duties or on the occasion of as a member of some court or
such performance. governmental corporation, board, or
commission, shall be deemed a person
Elements of the first form: in authority.

1.) That the offender employs “directly vested with authority” –

force of intimidation means the power to govern and
2.) That the aim of the execute the laws.
offender is to attain any of
the purposes of the crime The offender must have knowledge
of rebellion or any of the that the victim is of person with
objects in the crime of authority, because the offender must
sedition. have the intention to offend, injure, or

3.) That there is no public assault the offended party as a person
uprising. in authority or agent of authority.

Elements of the second form: When direct assault is qualified?

1.) That the offender (a) makes
an attack (b) employs force, a.) When the assault is
(c) makes a serious committed with a weapon
intimidation, or (d) makes a b.) When the offender is a public
serious resistance. officer or employee
2.) That the person assaulted is c.) When the offender lays hands
a person in authority or his upon a person in authority.
3.) That at the time of the
assault the person in
authority or his agent (a) is
engaged in the actual
performance of official
duties, or that he is
assaulted, (b) by reason 0f
the past performance of
official duties.
4.) That the offender knows
that the one he is assaulting
is a person in authority or
his agent in the exercise of
his duties.
5.) That there is no public


Qualified Direct Assault – prision

correccional in its medium and
maximum periods and a fine not
exceeding 1,000 pesos

Simple Direct Assault – prision

correccional in its minimum period
and fine not exceeding 500 pesos.
Art. 149. Indirect Assaults Elements: ***INDIRECT ASSAULT CAN BE
1.) That a person in authority ASSAULT IS ALSO COMMITTED.
or his agent is the victim of
any of the forms of direct A private person who comes to the
assault defined in Art. 148 rescue of an authority or his agent
2.) That a person comes to the enjoys the privileges of the latter, and
aid of such authority or his any person who uses force or
agent. intimidation upon such person under
3.) That the offender makes the circumstances is guilty of assault.
use of force or intimidation
upon such person coming
to the aid of the authority
or his agent.


Prision correccional in its minimum
to medium period and a fine not
exceeding 500 pesos.
Art. 150. Disobedience to summons Acts punished under Art. 150 Art. 150 may not apply when the
issued by the National Assembly, 1. By refusing, without legal papers or documents may be used in
its committees or subcommittees, excuse evidence against the owner thereof,
by the Constitutional Commissions, 2. By refusing to be sworn or because it would be equivalent to
its committees, subcommittees or placed under affirmation compelling him to be witness against
divisions. while being before such himself.
legislative or constitutional
body or official. The power of the National assembly to
3. By refusing to answer any punish for contempt as means of
legal inquiry or to produce compulsion to obtain what is needed.
any books, papers,
documents, or records in
his possession, when
required by them to do so
in the exercise of their
4. By restraining another from
attending as a witness
5. By inducing disobedience to
a summons
Art. 151. Resistance and Elements (par 1): This offense consists of failure to
disobedience to a person in comply with orders directly issued by
authority or the agents of such 1.) That a person in authority the authorities in the exercise of their
person. or his agent is engaged in official duties.
the performance of official
duty or gives a lawful order
to the defender
2.) That the offender resists or
seriously disobeys such
person in authority or his
3.) That the act of the offender
is not included in the
provisions of Arts. 148,149
and 150.

Elements (par 2):

1.) That a person in authority

or his agent is engaged in
the performance of official
duty or gives a lawful order
to the defender.
2.) That the offender disobeys
such agent of a person in
3.) That such disobedience is
not of serious nature.
Art. 152. Persons in authority and Persons in authority are those directly
agents of persons in authority – vested with jurisdiction and agents are
who shall be deemed as such. those in charged with (1) the
maintenance of public order (2) the
protection and security of life and

Art. 153. Tumults and other What are tumults and other If the act of disturbing a meeting or
disturbances of public order – disturbances of public order? religious ceremony is not committed
Tumultuous disturbance or a.) Causing serious disturbance by a public officer, or if committed by a
interruption liable to cause in a public place. public officers they are participant
disturbance. b.) Interrupting or disturbing therein, Article 153 should be applied.
performances, functions or
gatherings or peaceful Meaning of Tumultuous – if the
meetings disturbance or interruption is caused
c.) Making an outcry tending by more than three persons who are
to incite rebellion or armed or provided with means of
sedition violence.
d.) Displaying placards or
emblems which provoke a
e.) Burying with pomp the
body of a person who has
been legally executed.
Art. 154. Unlawful use of means of What are punishable acts: It is not necessary that the publication
publication and unlawful of the false news actually caused
utterances. a.) Publishing or causing to be public disorder or caused damage to
published, by means of the interest or credit of the state. The
printing, lithography or any mere possibility of causing damage is
other means of publication, sufficient.
as news any false news
which may endanger the
public order , or cause
damage to the interest or
credit of the state.
b.) By encouraging
disobedience to the law or
to the constituted
authorities or by passing,
justifying or extolling any
act punished by law, by the
same means or by words,
utterances or speeches.
c.) Maliciously publishing or
causing to be published any
official resolution or
document without proper
authority, or before they
have been published
d.) Printing publishing or
distributing books ,
pamphlets, periodicals, or
leaflets which do not bear
the real printers name, or
which are classified
Art. 155. Alarms and Scandals Acts punished: In the discharge of firearm, the
discharge should not be aimed at a
a.) Discharging any firearm, person; otherwise, the offense would
rocket, firecracker, or other fall under article 254.
explosive within any town
or public place, calculated Charivari – includes a medley of

to cause alarm or danger. discordant voices, a mock serenade of
b.) Instigating or taking an discordant noises on kettles, tins,
active part in any charivari horns, etc., designed to annoy and
or other disorderly meeting insult.
offensive to another or
prejudicial to public
c.) Disturbing the public peace
while wandering about at
night or while engaged in
any other nocturnal
d.) Causing any disturbance or
scandal in public places
while intoxicated or
otherwise, provided in Art.
153 is not applicable.
Art. 156 Delivering prisoners from Elements: Applies to a prisoner under detention
jail. or those convicted by final judgment.
a.) That there is a person
confined in a jail or penal
b.) That the offender removes
therefrom such person, or
helps the escape of such
Art. 157. Evasion of service of Three kinds of evasion: The crime of evasion of service of
sentence. 1.) Evasion of service of sentence can be committed only by a
sentence by escaping convict by final judgment.
during the term of his
sentence. If the accused escaped while the
2.) Evasion of service of sentence of conviction was under
sentence on the occasion of appeal, he is not liable under Art. 157,
disorders. the judgment not having become final
3.) Other cases of evasion of and this is true even if his appeal was
service of sentence, by later dismissed because he had
violating the conditions of escaped.
conditional pardon.
Applicable also in penalties of
Elements: destierro.
a.) That the offender is a
convict by final judgment. Qualified by means of:
b.) That he is serving his
sentence which consists in a.) Unlawful entry
deprivation of liberty. b.) Breaking doors, windows,
c.) That he evades the service gates, walls, roofs or floors.
of his sentence by escaping c.) Using picklock, false keys.
during the term of his Disguise, deceit, violence or
service. intimidation
d.) Connivance with other
convicts or employees of the
penal institution.
Art. 158. Evasion of service of Elements: What is punished is not the leaving of
sentence on the occasion of the penal institution, but the failure of
disorders, conflagrations, 1) Offender is a convict by the convict to give himself up to the
earthquakes, or other calamities. final judgment, who is authorities within 48 hours after the

confined in a penal proclamation announcing the passing
institution away of the calamity.
2) There is disorder, resulting
from: Note: The penalty of commission of
a. Conflagration this felony is an increase by 1/5 of the
b. Earthquake time remaining to be served under the
c. Explosion original sentence, in no case to exceed
d. Similar catastrophe 6 months.
e. Mutiny in which he has
not participated The special allowance for loyalty (E.g.
3) Offender evades the service deduction of sentence) authorized by
of his sentence by leaving Art. 98 and 158 (2nd par.) refers to
the penal institution where those convicts, who having evaded the
he is confined on the service of their sentences by leaving
occasion of such disorder or the penal institution; give themselves
during the mutiny up within 48 hours. They will be
4) Offender fails to give entitled to a deduction of 1/5 of their
himself up to the respective sentences.
authorities within 48 hours
following the issuance of
proclamation by Chief
Executive announcing the
passing away of such
Art. 159. Other cases of evasion of Elements: Nature of conditional pardon – it is a
service of sentence. contract, thus a conditional pardon is a
1.) That the offender was a contract between the chief Executive,
convict who grants the pardon, and the
2.) That he was granted a convict, who accepts it. Since it is a
conditional pardon by the contract, the pardoned convict is
Chief Executive bound to fulfill its conditions and
3.) That he violated any of the accept all its consequences, not as he
conditions of such pardon. chooses, but according to its strict
terms. (People vs. Pontillas, 65 Phil

**If the penalty remitted does not

exceed 6 years, the penalty of prision
correccional in its minimum period
shall be imposed.

**if the penalty remitted is higher than

6 years, the unexpired portion of his
original sentence shall be imposed.

The offender should be found guilty of

the subsequent offense before he can
be prosecuted under Art. 159.
Section 5. Sale of prohibited drugs The prosecution must prove the The dangerous drug itself constitutes
following elements: the very corpus delicti of the offense
and the fact of its existence beyond
1.) The identity of the buyer reasonable doubt plus the fact of
and the seller; delivery and/or sale are both vital and
2.) The object of the sale and essential to a judgment of conviction

its consideration; (People vs. Havana)
3.) The delivery of the thing
sold and payment
Section 21. Chain of custody First: the seizure and marking, if Chain of Custody – means the duly
practicable, of the illegal drug recorded authorized movements and
recovered from the accused by the custody of seized drugs or controlled
apprehending officer. chemicals or plant sources of
dangerous drugs or laboratory
Second: the turnover of the illegal equipment of each stage, from the
drug seized by the apprehending time of seizure/confiscation to receipt
officer to the investigating officer in the forensic laboratory to
safekeeping to presentation in court
Third: the turnover by the for destruction
investigating officer of the illegal
drug to the forensic chemist for First Link requirements:
laboratory examination.
a.) The apprehending officer or
Fourth: the turnover and submission the poseur buyer must place
of the marked illegal drugs seized his or her initials and signature
from the forensic chemist to the on the seized item.
court b.) The marking of the drug must
be done in the presence of the
accused and at the earliest
opportunity. (The earliest
opportunity to mark the
evidence is immediately at the
place where it was seized, if
c.) The physical inventory and
photograph of the seized item
must be done in the presence
of (a) the accused, the
accused representative, the
accused counsel; (b) any
elected public official; (c)
representative from the DOJ;
(d) media representative.
Art. 246. Parricide Elements: ***RELATIONSHIP of the offender
1.) That a person is killed with the victim is the essential element
2.) That the deceased is killed of this crime.
by the accused.
3.) That the deceased is the Only relatives by blood and in direct
father, mother, or child, line, except spouse, are considered in
whether legitimate or parricide, therefore and adopted
illegitimate, or a legitimate father or an adopted son, or father-in-
other ascendant or other law or son-in-law is not included in this
descendant, or legitimate provision for parricide.
spouse of the accused.
The spouse must be legitimate and the
best proof of the relationship between
the accused and the deceased is the
marriage certificate. If, however, the
oral evidence presented to prove the
fact of marriage is not objected to, the

said evidence may be considered by the
court. (People vs Cruz, 109 Phil 288)

Relationship must be alleged.

A stranger, who cooperates and takes

part in the commission of the crime of
parricide, is not guilty of parricide but
only homicide or murder, as the case

Cases wherein parricide is not

punished by reclusion perpetua:

a.) When parricide is committed

through negligence. (Art. 365)
b.) When parricide is committed
by mistake. (Art. 249)
c.) When it is committed under
exceptional circumstances
(Art. 247)
Art. 247. Death or physical injuries Requisites: The accused must be legally married
inflicted under exceptional 1.) A legally married person or person and the daughter must be less
circumstances. a parent surprises his than 18 years of age and single.
spouse or daughter, the
latter less than 18 years of It does not necessary mean that the
age and living with him, in parent must be legitimate as long as
the act of committing (a) that the daughter is less than 18
sexual intercourse. years of age and (b) that she is living
2.) He or she kills any or both with her parents.
of them or inflicts upon any
or both of them any serious Surprising the spouse or young
physical injury in the act or daughter in the act of sexual
immediately thereafter. intercourse is an indispensable
3.) He has not promoted or requisite. If he has not surprised them
facilitated the prostitution in the act, Art. 247 will not apply if he
of his wife or daughter, or kills or inflicts serious physical injuries
that he or she has not on one or both of them.
consented to the infidelity
of the other spouse. Art. 247 is not applicable when the
accused did not see his spouse in the
act of sexual intercourse with another

Immediately thereafter means the

discovery, the escape, the pursuit and
the killing must all form part of one
continuous act.
Art. 248. Murder Elements: Murder is the unlawful killing of any
1.) That a person was killed person which is not parricide or
2.) That the accused killed him infanticide, provided that any of the
3.) That the killing was following circumstances is present:
attended by any of the 1. With treachery, taking
qualifying circumstances advantage of superior
mentioned in Art. 248 strength, with the aid of
4.) That the killing is not armed men, or employing

parricide or infanticide means to weaken the
defense, or of means or
persons to insure or afford
2. In consideration of a price,
reward or promise

Note: For reward and promise

to be considered, the same
must the primary
consideration in the
commission of a crime or
If this aggravating
circumstance is present in the
commission of the crime, it
affects not only the person
who received the money or
reward but also the person
who gave it.
3. By means of inundation, fire,
poison, explosion, shipwreck,
stranding on a vessel,
derailment or assault upon a
railroad, fall of an airship, by
motor vehicles, or with the use
of any other means involving
great waste and ruin
4. On occasion of any of the
calamities enumerated in the
preceding paragraph, or of an
earthquake, eruption of
volcano, destructive cyclone,
epidemic, or other public
5. With evident premeditation

Note: The offender must have

taken advantage of the same
and the resultant condition.
6. With cruelty, by deliberately
and inhumanly augmenting
the suffering of the victim, or
outraging or scoffing at his
person or corpse.

Note: Cruelty includes the

situation where the victim is
already dead and yet, acts
were committed which would
decry or scoff the corpse of
the victim. The crime becomes
7. There is no cruelty if the act is
the result of an impulse of
passion or extreme

obfuscation as such will be
inconsistent with the concept
of deliberateness in
augmenting the suffering of
the victim.

In murder, the victim must be killed to

consummate the crime. If the victim is
not killed, it is either attempted or
frustrated murder.

The offender must have intent to kill to

be liable for murder; HOWEVER, killing
a person with treachery is murder even
if there is no intent to kill.

***when more than of said

circumstances are present, the others
must be considered as generic

***that any of the qualifying

circumstances enumerated in Art. 248
must be alleged in the information.

Treachery and evident premeditation

are inherent in murder by poison if the
accused has the intent to kill the victim
and he uses poison as means to kill
Art. 249. Homicide Elements: Homicide – is the unlawful killing of any
person, which is neither parricide,
1.) That a person is killed murder, nor infanticide.
2.) That the accused killed him
without any justifying Intent to kill is conclusively presumed
circumstance when death resulted, thus even if
3.) The accused had intention there is no intent to kill, the crime is
to kill which is presumed homicide, not merely physical injuries.
4.) The killing was not
attended by any of the Evidence of intent to kill is important
qualifying circumstances of only in attempted or frustrated
murder, or by that of homicide.
parricide or infanticide.
Art. 250. Penalty for frustrated
parricide, murder or homicide.
Art. 251. Death caused in Elements: Tumultuous means that the
tumultuous affray. 1.) There be several persons disturbance is caused by more than
2.) They did not compose three persons who are armed or are
groups organized for the provided with means of violence.
common purpose of
assaulting and attacking There is no crime of death in
each other reciprocally and tumultuous affray if the quarrel is
assaulted one another in a between two well-known groups.
confused and tumultuous
manner When there was confusion in the fight
3.) Someone was killed in the and the person who inflicted the

course of the affray wounds could not be identifies, the
4.) It cannot be ascertained crime is death caused in a tumultuous
who actually killed the affray, but, if the one who inflicted the
deceased fatal wound is know, the crime is not
5.) The person or persons who death in tumultuous affray. It is a case
inflicted serious physical of homicide under Art. 249 against the
injuries or who used one who inflicted the fatal wound.
violence can be identified
Who are liable?
1.) The person or persons who
inflicted the serious physical
injuries are liable.
2.) If it is not known who inflicted
the serious physical injuries on
the deceased, all the persons
who used violence upon the
person of the victim are liable,
but with lesser liability.

If the participant in the affray who

inflicted the serious physical injuries is
known, he alone is liable for death
caused in tumultuous affray. Those
who used violence only, without
inflicting serious physical injuries, may
be held liable for the act or acts
actually performed by them.
Art. 252. Physical Injuries inflicted Elements:
in a tumultuous affray. 1. There is a tumultuous affray as
referred to in the preceding
2. A participant or some
participants thereof suffers
physical injuries of a less serious
nature only
3. Person responsible thereof
cannot be identified
4. All those who appear to have
used violence upon the person
of the offended party are
Art. 253. Giving assistance to What are the punishable acts: A person who attempts to commit
suicide. 1. Assisting another to commit suicide is not criminally liable.
suicide, whether the suicide is
consummated or not
2. Lending assistance to another
to commit suicide to the extent
of doing the killing himself.
Art. 254.Discharge of Firearms Elements: That act constituting the offense is
1.) That the offender shooting at another with any firearm,
discharges a firearm against without intent to kill him. If the firearm
or at another person. is not discharged at a person, there is
2.) That the offender has no no crime of discharge of firearm.
intention to kill that perso.
***There must be no intention to kill,
the purpose of the offender is only to

intimidate or frighten the offended

The crime of discharge of firearm, even

if the gun was not pointed at the
offended party when it fired, as long as
it was initially aimed by the accused at
or against the offended party.
Art. 255. Infanticide Elements: Infanticide – as the killing of any child
1) That a child was killed. less than three days of age, whether
2) That the deceased child the killer is the parent or grandparent,
was less than three days (72 any other relative of the child, or a
hours) of age. stranger.
3) That the accused killed the
said child. The purpose of concealing the
dishonor is not an element of
infanticide; it merely mitigates the
liability of the mother or maternal
grandparents who committed the
crime, but only the mother and
maternal grandparents of the child are
Art. 256. Intentional Abortion Elements: Abortion – willful killing of the fetus in
the uterus, or the violent expulsion of
1. There is a pregnant woman the fetus from the maternal womb
2. Violence is exerted, or drugs or which results in the death of the fetus.
beverages administered, or that
the accused otherwise acts Ways of committing intentional
upon such pregnant woman abortion:
3. As a result of the use of violence 1. Using any violence upon the
or drugs or beverages upon her, person of the pregnant woman
or any other act of the accused, 2. By administering drugs or
the fetus dies, either in the beverages upon such pregnant
womb or after having been woman without her consent
expelled therefrom. 3. By administering drugs or
4. Abortion is intended beverages with the consent of the
pregnant woman

If the fetus can sustain an independent

life outside of the maternal womb,
infanticide is committed not
intentional abortion.
Art. 257. Unintentional Abortion Elements: Unintentional abortion is committed
1. There is a pregnant woman. only by means of violence and the
2. Violence is used upon such violence must be intentionally exerted.
pregnant woman without
intending an abortion. The crime of abortion even
3. Violence is intentionally exerted unintentional, the accused must know
4. As a result of the violence that the victim is pregnant (People vs.
exerted, the fetus dies either in Carnaso)
the womb or after having been
expelled therefrom. No intention to cause abortion, no
violence – Art. 256 & 257 does not
apply – no abortion of any kind.
Art. 258 Abortion practiced by the Elements: Only the woman and her parents is
woman herself or by her parents. liable if the purpose is to conceal her

1. There is a pregnant woman who dishonor.
has suffered abortion
2. Abortion is intended
3. Abortion is caused by:
a) The pregnant woman
b) b. Any other person, with
her consent
c) c. Any of her parents, with
her consent for the
purpose of concealing her

Art. 259. Abortion practiced by a Elements:

physician or midwife and
dispensing of abortive. 1. There is a pregnant woman who
has suffered abortion
2. Abortion is intended
3. The offender must be a
physician or midwife who
causes or assisted in causing the
4. Said physician or midwife takes
advantage of his or her
scientific knowledge or skill.

As to Pharmacists, the elements are:

1) That the offender is a

2) That there is no proper
prescription from a
3) That the offender dispenses
any abortive.
Art. 260. Responsibility of Acts punishable:
participants in a duel.
1. Killing one’s adversary in a duel
2. Inflicting upon such adversary
physical injuries
3. Making a combat although no
physical injuries have been

Art. 261. Challenging to a duel Acts punished:

1. Challenging another to a duel
2. Inciting another to give or
accept a challenge to a duel
3. Scoffing at or decrying another
publicly for having refused to
accept a challenge to fight a
Art. 262. Mutilation Two kinds of mutilation: Mutilation – means the looping or the
1. Intentionally mutilating clipping off of some part of the body
another by depriving him,
either totally or partially, Mutilation of the first kind is castration

of some essential organ for which must be made purposely.
If a mutilation is not caused purposely
Elements: and deliberately so as to deprive the
a. There must be a offended party of a particular part of
castration, that is, his body, the case will be considered as
mutilation of organs physical injuries.
necessary for
generation, such as the
penis or ovarium
Note: In the first kind of
mutilation, the
castration must be
made purposely.
Otherwise, it will be
considered as
mutilation of the
second kind.
b. The mutilation is caused
purposely and
deliberately, that is, to
deprive the offended
party of some essential
organ for reproduction

2. Intentionally making other

mutilation, that is, by
lopping or clipping off of
any part of the body of the
offended party, other than
the essential organ for
reproduction, to deprive
him of that part of his
Art. 263. Serious Physical Injuries How is SPI is committed: Maybe committed by reckless
By: imprudence or simple imprudence
1. Wounding when due to lack of precaution he
2. Beating wounded another.
3. Assaulting
4. Administering injurious ***There must be no intent to kill,
substance otherwise it can be a case of frustrated
or attempted murder, homicide,
What are SPI’s? parricide, as the case may be

1. When the injured person SPI vs Attempted or Frustrated

becomes insane, imbecile, Homicide
impotent, or blind in
consequence of the physical Serious Physical Attempted or
injuries inflicted. Injuries Frustrated
Note: Impotence includes inability to The offender In frustrated the
copulate and sterility. inflicts physical offender inflicts
Blindness requires loss of vision of injuries physical injuries
both eyes. Mere weakness in vision but in
is not contemplated. attempted there
can be no
2. When the injured person:

a) Loses the use of speech infliction of
or the power to hear or physical injuries
to smell, or looses an The offender The offender
eye, a hand, a foot, an has no intent to has intention to
arm or a leg; or kill kill
b) Loses the use of any
such member, or Intent to kill is manifested by overt
c) Becomes incapacitated acts, not by oral threats.
for the work in which
he was therefore
habitually engaged in
consequence of the
physical injuries

Note: Loss of hearing must involve

both ears. Otherwise, it will be
considered as serious physical
injuries under par. 3. Loss of the
power to hear in the right ear is
merely considered as merely loss of
use of some other part of the body.

3. When the injured :

a) Becomes deformed
b) Loses any other
member of his body or
c) Loses the use thereof;
d) Becomes ill or
incapacitated for the
performance of the
work in which he was
habitually engaged for
more than 90 days, in
consequence of the
physical injuries

Note: Loss of the index and middle

fingers is either a deformity or loss
of a member, not a principal one, of
his body or use of the same. If the
injury would require medical
attendance for more than 30 days,
the illness of the offended party
maybe considered as lasting more
than 30 days. The fact that there
was medical attendance for that
period of time shows that the
injuries were not cured for that
length of time.

4. When the injured person

becomes ill or incapacitated for
labor for more than 30 days (but
must not be more than 90 days), as

a result of the physical injuries
Art. 264. Administering substance Elements: If the offender had any intention to kill,
or beverage 1. The offender inflicted serious the crime would be frustrated murder,
physical injuries upon another. the injurious substance to be
2. It was done by knowingly considered as poison.
administering to him any
injurious substances or
beverages or by taking
advantage of his weakness of
mind or credulity.
3. He had no intent to kill.
Art. 265. Less Serious Physical Elements:
Injuries 1. Offended party is incapacitated
for labor for 10 days or more
(but not more than 30 days), or
shall require medical
attendance for the same period
of time.
2. Physical injuries must not be
those described in the
preceding articles.
Art. 266. Slight Physical Injuries Kinds of Slight Physical Injuries: Slapping the offended party is a form
and maltreatment. 1. Physical injuries which of ill‐treatment which is a form of
incapacitated the offended slight physical injuries.
party for labor from 1 to 9
days, or required medical When there is no evidence of actual
attendance during the injury, it only slight physical injury.
same period
2. Physical injuries which did
not prevent the offended
party from engaging in his
habitual work or which did
not require medical
3. Ill‐treatment of another by
deed without causing any

Art. 266-A. Rape Elements under paragraph 1: Under RA 8353. The crime of rape can
1. Offender is a man now be committed by a male or
2. Offender had carnal female.
knowledge of the woman
3. Such act is accomplished The contact of the male penis with
under any of the following woman’s vagina is referred to as rape
circumstances: by sexual intercourse.
a. Through force, threat Penetration, even partial is necessary.
or intimidation The slightest penetration is enough.
b. When the offended Proof of emission is not necessary.
party is deprived of
reason or is otherwise
c. By means of fraudulent
machination or grave
abuse of authority
d. When the offended

party is under 12 years
of age or is demented,
even though none of
the above
mentioned above be

Elements of Rape by Sexual Assault:

1) Offender commits an act of
sexual assault
2) The act of sexual assault is
committed by any of the
following means:
a) By inserting his penis
into another person’s
mouth or anal orifice,
b) By inserting any
instrument or object
into the genital or anal
orifice of another
3) The act of sexual assault is
accomplished under any of
the following
a) By using force or
intimidation, or
b) When the woman is
deprived of reason or
otherwise unconscious,
c) By means of fraudulent
machination or grave
abused of authority, or
d) When the woman is
under 12 years of age or
Art. 266-b. Penalties
Art. 266-C. Effects of Pardon Marriage extinguishes not only the
penal action, but likewise the penalty
that may be imposed.

In crimes against chastity, such effect

benefits not only the principals but
also the accomplices and accessories,
however since rape is now a crime
against persons, it now appears that
marriage extinguishes that penal
action and the penalty only as to the
principal and not as to the accomplices
and accessories. It does not apply to
multiple rape.
Art. 333. Adultery Elements: The woman must be married – the

1) That the woman is married legitimacy of the relation between the
2) That she has sexual offended husband and the defendant
intercourse with a man not wife is one of the circumstances which
her husband must necessarily attend the crime of
3) That as regards the man adultery.
with whom she has sexual
intercourse, he must know The offended party must be legally
her to be married. married AT THE TIME THE complaint
for adultery was instituted.

There is adultery even if the marriage

of the guilty woman with the offended
husband is subsequently declared void.

Direct proof of carnal knowledge is not

necessary to sustain a conviction for

The crime of adultery is an

instantaneous crime which is
consummated and completed at the
moment of the carnal union. Each
sexual intercourse constitutes a crime
of adultery. Even if the husband
pardons his wife and her paramour,
such pardon does not effect to the
subsequent acts, because it only refers
to previous act and not the
subsequent one (People vs. Zapata
and Bondoc)

The gist of the crime of adultery is the

danger of introducing spurious heirs in
to the family, where the rights of the
real heirs may be impaired and a man
may be charged with the maintenance
of family not his own.

The man may be single or married,

provided that he has knowledge of the
married status of the woman – in order
for the man to be guilty of adultery.

Effect of death of the paramour – it

will not bar prosecution against the
unfaithful wife, because the
requirement that both offenders
should be included in the complaint is
absolute only when the two offenders
are alive. (People vs Topiño)

In pardoning, Art. 334 requires that –

a) The pardon must come before
the institution of the criminal
prosecution; and
b) Both the offenders must be

pardoned by the offended
Art. 334. Concubinage. Ways of committing the crime of The offender must be a married man.
concubinage: The woman becomes liable only when
1. Keeping a mistress in the she knew him to be married prior to
conjugal dwelling. the commission of the crime.
2. Having sexual intercourse,
under scandalous A married man is not liable for
circumstances, with a woman concubinage for mere sexual relations
who is not his wife. with a woman not his wife – a married
3. Cohabiting with her in any other man is liable for concubinage ONLY
place. when he does any of the three acts
specified in Art. 334. If his sexual
Elements: relations with a woman not his wife is
1. Man must be married. not any one of them, he is not
2. He committed any of the criminally liable. (People vs. Santos)
following acts:
a) Keeping a mistress in Scandalous circumstances may be:
the conjugal dwelling; a) He and his mistress love in the
or same room of a house,
b) Having sexual b) They appear together in public
intercourse, under c) Perform acts in sight of the
scandalous community which give rise to
circumstances, with a criticism and general protest
woman who is not his among the neighbors.
wife; or
c) Cohabiting with her in
any other place.
3. As regards the woman, she
must know him to be
Art. 336. Acts of Lasciviousness Elements: Motive of the lascivious act is not
1) Offender commits any act important because the essence of
of lasciviousness or lewdness in the very act itself.
2) Act of lasciviousness is
committed against a person
of either sex.
3) It is done under any of the
following circumstances:
a) By using force or
b) When the offended
party is deprived of
reason or otherwise
c) By means of fraudulent
machination or grave
abuse of authority;
d) When the offended
party is under 12 years
of age or is demented.
Art. 337. Qualified Seduction 1) Seduction of a virgin over 12 Seduction is committed by enticing a
years and under 18 years of age woman to unlawful sexual intercourse
by certain persons, such as, a by promise of marriage or other means
person in authority, priest, of persuasion without use of force.

teacher, etc.; and
“Virgin” is not physical virginity but a
Elements: woman with goof reputation.
a) Offended party is a virgin
which is presumed if she is There must be sexual intercourse in
unmarried and of good qualified seduction.
b) She is over 12 and under 18 If the sexual intercourse was through
years of age force, intimidation the crime would be
c) Offender has sexual rape. If none are present, then it is
intercourse with her qualified seduction.
d) There is abuse of authority,
confidence or relationship The seduction of a sister or
on the part of the offender descendant is known as incest.
Virginity of the sister or descendant is
2) Seduction of a sister by her not required and she may be over 18
brother, or descendant by her years of age. Relationship must be by
ascendant, regardless of her age consanguinity. The relationship need
or reputation. not be legitimate. (If the sister or
descendant is under 12 years of age, the
crime would be rape. If she is married
and over 12 years of age, it would be
Art. 338. Simple Seduction Elements: Deceit – the usual form of which being
1. Offended party is over 12 an unfulfilled promise of marriage, is
and under 18 years of age. an important element of the offense
2. She must be of good (People vs. Iman)
reputation, single or
widow. The offended girl must be over 12 and
3. Offender has sexual under 18 years of age – is she is under
intercourse with her. 12, the crime is rape and if she is over
4. It is committed by means of 18, and there is no force or intimidation
deceit. or she is not unconscious or otherwise
deprived of reason, there is no crime.

In simple seduction, “virginity” is not

required provided that the girl is of
good reputation.

Promise to marry by a married man is

not deceit

Art. 339. Acts of Lasciviousness Elements:

1. Offender commits acts of

lasciviousness or lewdness.

2. Acts are committed upon a

woman who is virgin or
single or widow of good
reputation, under 18 years
of age but over 12 years, or
a sister or descendant
regardless of her reputation
or age.

3. Offender accomplishes the
acts by abuse of authority,
confidence, relationship, or

4. Male cannot be the

offended party in this crime.

Art. 342. Forcible Abduction Elements: Abduction is the taking away of a

1. Person abducted is any woman, woman from her house or the place
regardless of her age, civil where she may be for the purpose of
status, or reputation carrying her to another place with
2. Abduction is against her will intent to marry or to corrupt her.
3. Abduction is with lewd
designs If the female abducted is under 12
years of age, the crime is forcible
abduction, even if she voluntarily goes
with her abductor.

Where lewd design was not proved or

shown, and the victim was deprived of
her liberty, the crime is kidnapping
with serious illegal detention under
Art. 267.

Sexual intercourse is not necessary in

forcible abduction, the intent to
seduce a girl is sufficient.

There is no complex crime of forcible

abduction with attempted rape
because the attempt to rape is
absorbed by the abduction.

When the taking is motivated by lewd

designs then its Forcible abduction
with rape, however, if it is not
motivated by lewd design then it is
Art. 343. Consented Abduction Elements: If the offended party is under 12 years
1) Offended party must be a of age, crime committed is forcible
virgin. abduction, even if the girl agrees to
2) She must be over 12 and the elopement.
under 18 years of age.
3) Taking away of the In consented abduction, it is not
offended party must be necessary that the young victim (a
with her consent, after virgin over twelve and under 18) be
solicitation or cajolery from personally taken from her parent’s
the offender. home by the accused; it is sufficient
4) Taking away of the that he was instrumental in leaving the
offended party must be house. He must however use
with lewd designs. solicitation, cajolery or deceit, or
honeyed promises of marriage to
induce the girl to escape from her

Ratio: Actually, the purpose of the law
is not to punish the wrong done to her,
because she consented thereto but to
prescribe punishment for the disgrace
of her family and the alarm caused to
the parents by the disgrace of a
beloved one who by her age and sex, is
susceptible of deceit, cajolery and even
perdition. (U.S. v. Reyes, 20 Phil. 510)
Art. 344. Prosecution of the crimes 1) Adultery and concubinage must be prosecuted upon complaint
of adultery, concubinage, signed by the offended spouse.
seduction, abduction, rape and 2) Seduction, abduction, rape or acts of lasciviousness must be
acts of lasciviousness. prosecuted upon complaint signed by –
a) Offended party
b) Her parents
c) Grandparents
d) Guardians on the order which they are named above.
3) In adultery and concubinage, criminal prosecution cannot be
instituted without including both the guilty parties.


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