Coronavirus (Covid-19) and Entrepreneurship: Changing Life and Work Landscape

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Coronavirus (covid-19) and

entrepreneurship: changing life and work

The purpose of this commentary article is to focus on how the covid-19 crisis has
affected cultural, lifestyle, and social entrepreneurship. In doing so, I address the
current lack of integration between crisis management, entrepreneurship, and
covid-19 literature. This commentary article systematically synthesizes the
current literature by linking key concepts within crisis management and
entrepreneurship. Covid-19 has had an enormous effect on global society, so this
article is amongst the first from an academic standpoint to examine it from a
cultural, social, and lifestyle entrepreneurship perspective. This enables micro,
macro, and meso environmental effects originating from the covid-19 crisis to be
better understood in terms of the entrepreneurship literature. Currently, the
effects of covid-19 on entrepreneurship remain unexplored so this article
provides a more inclusive and integrative framework.

To cite this article:

Vanessa Ratten (2020) Coronavirus (covid-19) and entrepreneurship: changing life and work
landscape, Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 32:5, 503-
516, DOI: 10.1080/08276331.2020.1790167
J Bus Res. 2020 Sep; 117: 284–289.
Published online 2020 Jun 9. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.06.008

Effects of COVID-19 on business and research

Author: Naveen Donthu , Anders Gustafsson
 1  2

The COVID-19 outbreak is a sharp reminder that pandemics, like other rarely occurring
catastrophes, have happened in the past and will continue to happen in the future. Even if we
cannot prevent dangerous viruses from emerging, we should prepare to dampen their effects on
society. The current outbreak has had severe economic consequences across the globe, and it
does not look like any country will be unaffected. This not only has consequences for the
economy; all of society is affected, which has led to dramatic changes in how businesses act and
consumers behave. This special issue is a global effort to address some of the pandemic-related
issues affecting society. In total, there are 13 papers that cover different industry sectors (e.g.,
tourism, retail, higher education), changes in consumer behavior and businesses, ethical issues,
and aspects related to employees and leadership.
Asian Business & Management (2020) 19:277–297
The challenges and opportunities of a global health crisis:
the management and business implications of COVID-19
from an Asian perspective
Yipeng Liu1,2 · Jong Min Lee1 · Celia Lee3
Published online: 12 May 2020
© Springer Nature Limited 2020

On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak a
pandemic. As the evolution and implications of the
COVID-19 crisis are still unfolding, we posit that exploring the experiences and
strategic responses of Asian countries may shed light on ways to combat COVID-19
for the rest of the world. In this paper, we first articulate the importance of resilience,
strategic agility, and entrepreneurship in the context of the fight against COVID-19.
Then, with the focus on China, South Korea, and Singapore, we discuss the impact
COVID-19 is having on economies and businesses, governmental support for businesses and societies, and
implications for global supply chain disruptions. We hope
that the global health system will recover quickly, and that the world economy will
be revitalized with the contributions and collaboration of science (including social
science), industry, and governments
Journal of Business Research
Volume 116, August 2020, Pages 183-187

Employee adjustment and well-being in the era of COVID-19:

Implications for human resource management

Joel B. Carnevale and Isabella Hatak

Today’s organizations have to remain alert and adaptive to unforeseen events,
such as external crises, which create increased uncertainty among their
workforce and pose immediate threats to the organizations’ performance and
viability. However, with the recent COVID-19 pandemic, organizations
suddenly have to navigate the unprecedented and thereby find new solutions
to challenges arising across many areas of their operations. In this article, we
discusses some of these challenges, focusing on the implications COVID-19
has for human resource management (HRM) as organizations help their
workforce cope with and adjust to their newly altered work environment. In
addition, we propose several avenues for future research and advocate for an
integrated research agenda for tackling the challenges discussed.
Journal of Business Venturing Insights
Volume 13, June 2020, e00169

Andreas Kuckertz LeifBrändle AnjaGaudig Sebastian Hinderer Carlos ArturoMorales

ReyesAlicia ProchottaKathrin M. SteinbrinkElisabeth S.C.Berger

The discovery of the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and the spread of COVID-19
have led many governments to take drastic measures. The lockdown of large
parts of society and economic life has come as an exogenous shock to many
economic actors, not least innovative startups. This rapid response research
combines a qualitative research design informed by entrepreneurial ecosystem
actors with an analysis of policy measures called for, announced, and
reportedly implemented in the international press. Interviews from an
entrepreneurial ecosystem offer a first-hand account of the adversity startups
face during a crisis and how by utilizing bricolage responses they cope, and the
analysis of policy measures can serve as an inspiration to design support
initiatives to protect startups from the consequences of the current lockdown
and to alleviate the effects of future crises.
The Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Nigeria's Economy and
Possible Coping Strategies

 July 2020

 Abstract
The world has been shocked by
the outbreak of the Covid-19
pandemic and no country is
of the effects of the pandemic.
However, the effects and
strategies to cope with the
effects of the
pandemic might vary from
one country to another. The
purpose of this article,
therefore, is to
identify and discuss the effects
of the Covid-19 pandemic on
the Nigeria’s economy and
coping strategies. In addition to
the viewpoint of the author, this
paper undertook a review of the
related literature regarding the
Covid-19 pandemic and how
Nigerians and the Nigerian
government can cope with the
effects of the pandemic. The
review reveals that the effects
of the
Covid-19 pandemic in Nigeria
include jobs losses, a sharp drop
in income of the informal
and the poor, food insecurity,
business and school closures,
a steep decline in oil revenues
economic uncertainties. This
paper has recommended some
measures to be adopted by
and the Nigerian government
in order to cope with the
devastating effects of the
pandemic and similar
pandemics in future. The
measures include monetary
and fiscal policy
measures, diversification of the
economy through agriculture,
revamping of the
sector, acquisition of relevant
ICT skills, adoption of e-
learning model by schools,
adoption of e-
business model by business
organizations and the need to
have multiple sources of income
The world has been shocked by the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic and no country is spared of
the effects of the pandemic. However, the effects and strategies to cope with the effects of the
pandemic might vary from one country to another. The purpose of this article, therefore, is to identify
and discuss the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the Nigeria's economy and possible coping
strategies. In addition to the viewpoint of the author, this paper undertook a review of the related
literature regarding the Covid-19 pandemic and how Nigerians and the Nigerian government can
cope with the effects of the pandemic. The review reveals that the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic
in Nigeria include jobs losses, a sharp drop in income of the informal workers and the poor, food
insecurity, business and school closures, a steep decline in oil revenues and economic
uncertainties. This paper has recommended some measures to be adopted by Nigerians and the
Nigerian government in order to cope with the devastating effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and
similar pandemics in future. The measures include monetary and fiscal policy measures,
diversification of the economy through agriculture, revamping of the manufacturing sector,
acquisition of relevant ICT skills, adoption of e-learning model by schools, adoption of e-business
model by business organizations and the need to have multiple sources of income.

Citation | Innocent Otache (2020). The

Effects of the Covid-19
Pandemic on the Nigeria’s Economy and
Possible Coping Strategies.
Asian Journal of Social Sciences and
Management Studies, 7(3): 173-
Citation | Innocent Otache (2020). The
Effects of the Covid-19
Pandemic on the Nigeria’s Economy and
Possible Coping Strategies.
Asian Journal of Social Sciences and
Management Studies, 7(3): 173-
Citation | Innocent Otache (2020). The
Effects of the Covid-19
Pandemic on the Nigeria’s Economy and
Possible Coping Strategies.
Asian Journal of Social Sciences and
Management Studies, 7(3): 173-

Innocent Otache (2020) The Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the

Nigeria's Economy and Possible Coping Strategies. Asian journal of social
science and management studies7(3): 173-179.

Managing business relationships during a pandemic: Conducting a

relationship audit and developing a path forward

MichaelObal1Tao (Tony)Gao1

Received 1 May 2020, Revised 20 May 2020, Accepted 22 May 2020, Available online 31 May

During stable times, firms will generally aim to create reliable B2B
relationships that provide increased efficiency and profitability. However,
tumultuous times, such as the time during a major pandemic, cause many
significant disruptions in both internal and external environmental domains.
Thus, we argue that it is critical during this time to reevaluate the company's
business relationships as a whole. While long-term partnerships are great for
handling incremental changes during stable times, disruptive environmental
changes may require managers to consider disruptive changes to their
businesses. A pandemic may also present opportunities for establishing new
relationships as there may be other partners/suppliers who are better
equipped to help the company address urgent short-term needs and to
capitalize on significant long-term opportunities. In this paper, we design a
new relationship audit template to help B2B firms weather the immediate
crisis at hand and position themselves more strategically for the future. We
explore this idea in relation to the coronavirus outbreak, introduce the idea of
a B2B crisis relationship audit, and offer potential steps forward for firms.

The role of powerful business strategy on value innovation capabilities to improve

marketing performance during the COVID-19 pandemic

Vivy Kristinaea,b*, I Made Wardanaa, I Gusti Ayu Ketut Giantaria and Agoes Ganesha
Article history:
Received May 5, 2020
Received in revised format June
8, 2020
Accepted August 12 2020
Available online
August 29 2020

Abstract: The study on marketing in terms of the creative economy as a result of

COVID-19 is a dynamic problem between business sustainability and the business
environment. Business strategy is the key to improve marketing performance,
antecedent’s entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation business strategies to
drive the value of dynamic innovation and marketing capabilities. Business strategy
needs to be established based on Resources based theory (RBV) to manage business
resources effectively and efficiently in the craft business. This paper performs a survey
on 187 entrepreneurs of Nyatu tree sap products, in the province of Central Kalimantan,
Indonesia. The study is a quantitative analysis with a questionnaire processed with the
application of SEM-AMOS 24 statistics. The results of the research estimate and
goodness of fit index and evaluation of business strategies are applied to reach an
environmentally friendly and quality manner for customer support. The research
implication is that businesses can continue to implement dynamic business strategies
with the business environment in their business practices during the COVID-19
pandemic. The research can also be a reference for empirical research studies on
business strategies for handicraft business resources.

How to cite this paper

Kristinae, V., Wardana, I., Giantari, I & Rahyuda, A. (2020). The role
of powerful business strategy on value innovation capabilities to
improve marketing performance during the COVID-19 pandemic.Uncertain
Supply Chain Management, 8(4), 675-684

Managing uncertainty during a global pandemic: An international

business perspective

PiyushSharmaaT.Y.LeungbRussel P.J.KingshottcNebojsa S.DavcikdSilvioCardinalie

Received 13 May 2020, Accepted 14 May 2020, Available online 25 May 2020.

Despite the perennial need to understand and manage uncertainty in
international business, there is no comprehensive framework that
incorporates different types of uncertainty, their antecedents and outcomes,
and the different coping strategies used by managers and their outcomes. This
makes it difficult for international business managers to understand the types
of uncertainty in their businesses and develop appropriate strategies to deal
with it effectively, especially during times such as the ongoing Covid-19
pandemic. This paper uses an extensive review of the international business
literature to address the above research gap by identifying the different types
of uncertainty, their antecedents and outcomes, the coping strategies used to
mitigate their impact, and the consequences of these actions. The authors also
use examples from the current Covid-19 crisis to assess the firms’ responses
and their consequences. The paper concludes with some implications for
international business managers and directions for future research.

Strategies for small business: Surviving and

thriving in the era of COVID-19

Eric W. Liguori & Pittz, Thomas G

Pages 106-110 | Published online: 16 Jul 2020

The upheaval caused by the spread of COVID-19 is having a devastating effect

on small businesses. A review of the data on COVID-19’s impact on micro-,
small, and medium-sized enterprises suggests the economic fallout from this
pandemic will get worse for small businesses and their employees before it gets
better. To help combat the negative effects, this article offers practical and
tactical strategies for navigating the uncertainty and risk especially prevalent in
today’s pandemic-filled business environment.

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