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Wayne State University Winter 2017-BE 2100

College of Engineering Exam 3

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You have two hours to finish this exam. Show your work for full marks.

1. After the final exam of a class with 105 students, it is required that the results be submitted in 24 hours.
Therefore, the exam is equally shared to 5 graders for quick grading. However, some of the students
complained that they are unfairly graded relative to others. The professor decided to perform ANOVA
test to determine if the average performance of any group differs. He obtained the following partial
ANOVA table.
A. Fill in the missing values. (1 point)

Source DF SS MS F

Graders 4 38646 9661.5 2.419

Error 100 399432 3994.32

Total 104 438078

B. Does this data suggest that the average score of at least one grader differs at α =0.05? (2 points)

Since F0.05,4,100  2.46  F0  2.419

H 0 : 1  2  3  4  5  
H a : At least one i  
We conclude that there is no enough evidence that there is a difference in average score of the students
There is no evidence that students are unfairly graded. We accept Null.
2. A research team wants to determine the performance of batteries on wireless mouse. 3 types of batteries
and 4 types of mouse are selected for the study. The life (in days) of 2 observations of every battery-
mouse pair is contained in the table below.

Mouse (Factor B)
The life time
1 2 3 4
525 519 555 571
509 532 573 595
521 478 476 395
Battery (Factor A) Y
499 492 489 412
387 338 312 386
395 346 329 371

A. Fill in the missing values of the following two-way ANOVA table. (1 point)
Source DF SS MS F
Battery (A) 2 145096.6 72548.29 560.7597
Mouse (B) 3 1678.5 559.49 4.32
Battery * Mouse 6 23364.4 3894.07 30.1
Error 12 1552.5 129.38
Total 23

B. Is there any interaction between the factors at 5% level of significance? (1 point)

Since F0.05,6,12  3  F0  30.1,
H 0 : All  ij  0
H a : At least one  (i )( j )  0
We reject Null.
Therefore, there is interaction between the two factors.
In order words, one factor has influence on the second factor.
C. Does any of the two factors have a significant effect at 5% level of significance? (1 point)

 For Battery F0.05,2,12  3.89  F0  560.7597, For Mouse F0.05,3,12  3.49  F0  4.32, 
 
 H 0 : All  i  0 H 0 : All  j  0 
 H a : At least  i  0 H a : At least  j  0 
 
Reject Null in both case
Both Battery and Mouse appear to have a highly statistically significant effect on lifet time.
3. A department of health wants to estimate the proportion of patients with a particular disease that die
within 6 months of infection. Out of a sample of 500 people from those that are diagnosed for this
disease, 120 died within 6 months, calculate an lower bound at 95% confidence level for the true
proportion of the patients that died within 6 months of infection of this disease. (2 points)

120 pˆ (1  pˆ )
pˆ   0.24 pˆ  z
500 z  z0.05  1.65 n
0.24(1  0.24)
0.24  1.65 p
500 0.208584  p

4. A group of researchers is conducting a study to determine the average time to fix a rivet at a particular
location on an assembly line. They want to be 95% confident that the error in estimating the mean time
is less than 5 seconds. From previous studies, the standard deviation is known to be 7 seconds. What
sample size should be used in this study? (2 points)

2 2
 z    1.96*7 
z / 2  z0.025  1.96 n    /2      7.52 8
 E   5 

5. The grades of ten randomly selected students in BE 2100 exam are shown below. (2 points)

Student 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Average S.Dev

Grade 94 88 79 85 72 81 89 86 77 65 81.6 8.67

A. Determine the 95% two-sided confidence interval of the student average grade.
s s
x  t / 2, n1   x  t / 2, n1
n n t0.025, 9  2.262
8.67 8.67
81.6  2.262    81.6  2.262
10 10 75.398    87.802

B. Determine a 95% two-sided confidence interval for the true variance of the student grades.

s 2 (n  1) s 2 (n  1)
  2

2 / 2, n1 1 / 2, n1  0.025,

9  19.02  0.975,9
 2.70
8.67 2 *9 8.67 2 *9
 

19.02 2.70 35.557   2  250.482

6. A teacher randomly selects ten students to participate in a week of training designed to improve their
typing speed. The teacher counted the number of words typed before and after the course, to see if the
course increase their typing speed or not. State the appropriate null and alternative hypothesis and
conduct test of hypothesis at =.05 (2 points)

Mea SDev
Student 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Speed (Before) 50 42 70 63 58 35 46 52 60 49 52.5 10.438

Speed (After) 55 46 78 61 52 45 47 57 71 58 57 10.791

After-Before 5 4 8 -2 -6 10 1 5 11 9 4.5 5.482

d  4.5 sd  5.482 t0.05,9  1.833

H 0 : d  0 H a : d  0
d  d 4.5  0
t   2.5958  1.833
sd / n 5.482 / 10
Reject null and conclude that tying speed of students is increased

7. In a random sample of 85 automobile engine crankshaft bearings, 10 have a surface finish roughness
that exceeds the specifications. Does this data present strong evidence that the proportion of crankshaft
bearings exhibiting excess surface roughness exceeds 0.10. State and test the appropriate hypotheses
using at   0.05 ? (2 points)

H 0 : P  0.10 H 0 : P  0.10 10
pˆ   0.117647
H a : P  0.10 or
H a : P  0.10 and 85

pˆ  p0 0.117647  0.10
Z0    0.5423
p0 (1  p0 ) 0.10(1  0.10)
n 85

Z  Z 0,05  1.65  Z 0  0.5423

Fail to reject null , and conclude that there is no enough evidence to say
that proportion is greater than 0.10 at   0.05
8. The burning rates of two different solid-fuel propellants used in aircrew escape systems are being
studied. It is known that both propellants have standard deviation of burning rate as follow  1  3.1 and
 2  3.2 centimeters per second. Two random samples of n1  20 and n2  15 specimens are tested; the

sample mean burning rates are x1  22 centimeters per second and x2  24 centimeters per second.
Test the hypothesis that both propellants have the same mean burning rate or not at   0.10 . (2 points)

( x1  x2 )  ( 1  2 ) (22  24)  (0)

Z0    1.8544
H 0 : 1  2  0  2
 2
3.12 3.2 2

1 2

H a : 1  2  0 n1 n2 20 15
Z 0  -1.8544  Z / 2  Z 0,05  1.65
Reject null , and conclude that the mean burning rates differ significantly at   0.10

9. The number of pounds of steam used per month by a chemical plant is thought to be related to the
average ambient temperature for that month. The past year’s usage and temperature are shown in the
following table:
Temperature 21 24 32 47 50 59 68 74 62 50 41 30
Usage 185.79 214.47 288.03 424.84 454.58 539.03 621.55 675.06 562.03 452.93 369.95 273.98
Partial Minitab output is given below,
Analysis of Variance
Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value
Regression =1 280583 280583 74334.36 0.000
Error 11-1=10 38 4
Total 12-1=11 280621

Term Coef SE Coef T-Value P-Value
Constant -6.34 1.67 -3.80 0.003
Temperature 9.2084 0.0338 272.64 0.000
A. Complete ANOVA and Coefficients tables. (0.4 points)
B. Obtain the equation of the least squares
 Usage   0  1 Temperature  (0.4 points)
Usage  - 6.34  9.2084 * Temperature
C. Predict the expected usage when the temperature is 40. (0.4 points)
Usage  - 6.34  9.2084 * 40  361.996
D. What is the r value for this regression? (0.4 points)
SSE SSR 280583
r2  1 
   0.9999  %99.99
SST SST 280621
H : 1  0
E. Test the 0
H a : 1  0 and conclude whether the temperature is significant in
predicting the steam usage at   0.05 . (0.4 points)

Since p-value for 1 0.000<0.05, Reject null, and conclude that the temperature is significant in predicting the
steam usage at   0.05 .

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