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Inopacan, Leyte
Teachers’ League

Constitution and By-Laws


We, the pedagogues of Inopacan National High School, for the purpose of supporting one
another in practicing the best instructions, upgrading professional growth, being globally
competitive, being agents of moral resurgence, being the institution of truth, justice and
knowledge do hereby enact and promulgate this by-laws and constitution, with the aid of our
Almighty God, for all the educators of this academe.

Article I


The name of the organization shall be Inopacan National High School Teachers’ League
(INHSTL), hereinafter referred to as the club, with the name being written in proper sequence
with no deviations.

Article II


Club. The word “club” in this document shall refer only to the Inopacan NHS Teachers’ League
(INHSTL) and none else.

Teachers. Comprise teaching and non-teaching personnel, to hereby specified - principal,

officer-in-charge, school head, regular permanent teacher assigned to the any grade level,
substitute teacher, floating teacher and other personnel hired to adopt, practice or execute an
act of teaching to the learners.

Duties. Duties refer to every responsibility or duty of the club member as defined under Article
IV and VI.

Officers. Refers to the club officers of the Inopacan NHS Teachers’ League Organization.

Members. Refers to whomever teacher in Inopacan NHS who is not an officer of the club shall
automatically be a member of the club.

School. “School” in this document refers only to Inopacan National High School.

Absence. Means that the INHSTL officer or member is physically not present at a gathering,
occasion, meeting, conference, convention or any event the club is currently undertaking.
Article III


The club hereto exists due to the following purposes:

1. To provide leadership among the teachers in the school towards the successful realization
of a goal, a mission or an activity duly convened and approved by the club;

2. To clarify any issue in question with respect to the club, its members, officers and activities;

3. To define the duties and responsibilities of a club member;

4. To define the sanctions and penalties to be bared by the erring club member or officer
against the rules and regulations duly constituted by the club;

5. To serve as a welfare station that improves, upgrades, uplifts or develops professional

growth among its members and officers for the betterment of the educational quality of the

6. To aid financially for medication and hospitalization of the club member and his or her
immediate family; and

7. To hone the moral and spiritual well-being of every officer or member.

Article IV


Section 1.Duties and Responsibilities of each Officer

The club has to be constituted of eight (8) offices and eight officers -- the president, the
vice president, the secretary, the treasurer, the auditor, the business manager, and the Press
Release Officer. All officers shall work harmoniously to carry the purposes by which the club is
founded upon.

Section 1.1 President. The president shall oversee the overall condition and wellbeing of
the club. He shall also put into assurance that every club member is executing their duties and
responsibilities according to the club’s rules and regulations.

Section 1.2. Vice President. The vice president shall assume full responsibility of club
leadership in the absence of the president. However the body has to inform the president about
the actions and decision undertaken by the body.

Section 1.3. Secretary. All documents concerning the club shall be of the proper care
and obligation of the secretary. He or she shall bare records on the club’s meetings, activities,
memorandums, etc. Aside from the president, the secretary has the sole right on keeping and
drawing any record or document belonging to the club.

Section 1.4. Treasurer. The treasurer shall be in-charge of all financial records of the club.
She is also task to take good care of the fund of the club bare secure records of all financial
activities of the club. The treasurer shall disclose all financial matters to the club president and
auditor as required. However, no club officer can withdraw any amount from the club fund
without proper and accurate inventory.

Section 1.5. Auditor. The auditor shall audit the financial records of the treasurer in
relevance to the cost of project or activity the club has undergone expenditure to. Any
irrelevance and discrepancy shall immediately be reported to the office of the president for
proper address provided for that proper explanation and evidence be made to support the
argument the office of the auditor has to make.

Section 1.6. Business Managers. The club shall constitute of at least one (1) business
manager but should only have a maximum of three (3). Their duty is to coordinate every
decision, activity and projects of the club to any concerned party inside or outside of the school

Section 1.7. Press Release Officers. The press release officers shall be in-charged of
carrying out all the club’s announcements and publications for public information. However,
they’re authorization must only be limited according to the instructions and authorizations
issued by the office of the president.

Section 2. Rights of Every Club Officer and Member

Section 2.1 Every club officer or member has the right to express his or her ideas
provided for that the manner of expressing is done appropriately.

Section 2.2 The club officers or members shall have equal rights of availing financial,
professional, moral, spiritual assistance;

Section 2.3. Each club member or officer shall have his or her right to remain silent.

Section 2.4. Each club officer shall have his or right to resign from the position he or she
has been elected upon;

Section 2.5. Each club officer or member has the right to be informed of every action
and decision undertaken by the club;

Section 2.6. Every club officer or member has the right to defend himself or herself
against unjust accusations made against his name;

Section 2.7. Every club officer or member has the right to utilize every equipment or
material owned by the club for the purpose of instructional enhancement or development only.

Article V


Section 1. Qualification. Every teacher in Inopacan National High School shall

automatically be qualified and instituted as a member of the club without even signing a
membership form regardless of his or her length of service. A membership fee of Php 300.00
shall be paid annually for the club’s fund. The membership fee shall be paid on or before the
next pay day.

Section 2. Election. Election of the officers of the club shall be done annually through a
ballot box. A plebiscite is not an option. Shall a member transfers to other school, a snap
election shall be executed a week before the member transfers out of the school to give way for
the turnover of records to the next officer of the same office.

Section 3. Removal from Office. No officer shall be removed from office by any other
means but through resignation only.
Section 4. Term of Office. Each office of the club has to serve for two consecutive school
years. Each club officer shall exercise their rights, duties, responsibilities, and privileges of his
office right after the election has been made. Each officer shall serve for two school years only
with the next election marking the end of his or her term.

Article VI


The following rules and regulations shall be deemed affirmative, observed and followed
by the any member and officer:

1. Every member of the club, regardless of his or her position, shall serve humbly enough and
act cordially enough to reflect the purposes by which the organization is standing upon;

2. Each club officer and member shall be aware of his position’s scope and delimitation to
exercise its rights, responsibilities and accountability accordingly;

3. Every member of the club shall uphold the highest quality of education as possible which
therefore compels him or her to submit oneself to continuous upgrade of teaching skills and
resources informally, non-formally or formally, whichever is possible;

4. Every member of the club shall support and respect whatever decision the club has made
regarding the matter at hand even if the decision is against his or her personal perspectives;

5. Every member of the club shall put God in his or her priorities in every aspect of his or her
life regardless of his or her own religious affiliation. In this regard, he or she shall exercise
religious freedom without question provided for that he or she also respects the same freedom
of others as defined in Article III, Sec. 8 of the Code of Ethics for Public School Teachers;

6. Every member of the club has the right to present his or her ideas on improvement and
innovation before the club to be dealt with accordingly provided for that the said idea is
originally of his own;

7. No member of the club shall proclaim ownership of any work or physical entity that is not of
his or her own.

8. Every concern brought before the club shall be dealt and be resolved by the club members
through a plebiscite. The final decision shall be ratified by the majority of the votes and thus be
respected by the rest of the body without further question;

9. Every club member shall be of highest concern and interest on matters involving the welfare
of the school and take appropriate action accordingly;

10. No document belonging to the club shall be drawn from the club without the knowledge
and approval of the concerned authority;

11. Every club member shall have equal rights in availing every assistance the club can offer as

12. No loans shall be made against the funds of the club that exceeds the registration amount.
The money shall be returned in the club within 2 months after borrowed.

13. Every member of the club can draw amount from the club fund for the hospitalization of the
member and his or her immediate family provided for that the said amount be returned
immediately but not longer than a month after the amount has been borrowed.
Article VII


To carry out the goals of the club, it has to come up with funding. Apart from the
membership fee as the primary source of funding, the club shall also adopt funding strategies as
agreed upon by its members.

Section 1. Purpose of Funds. The funds of the club shall only be used for the activities
and projects of the club, not for personal expenditures of any officer or member of the club
except from medication. It can be used to procure teaching material to enhance the teaching
quality of teachers and to purchase equipment that contributes to the enhancement of the
school’s overall condition.

Section 2. Projects. The projects that shall be funded by the club shall only be for the
school. No projects shall be passed to nurture an individual member in a bias manner. There
club has to come up with a project every term;

Section 3. Cooperatives. The club’s shall have a cooperative as an income generating


Section 4. Treasury. The club’s funds shall be disposed of by the club treasurer for safe-
keeping or banking. No other club officer or member has the right to withdraw any amount
from the club fund without the approval of the following: President, Treasurer and Auditor.

Section 5. Excess Funds. In case the club has excess funds, the excess shall be added to
the fund of the club the following term.

Section 6. Benefits. A part of the club’s fund shall be allotted for the medication of the
club member and his or her immediate family member. The amount to be allotted for the
medication purposes shall be decided first by the club.

Section VIII


Section 1. Schedule. The club has to hold a regular meeting every last Friday of every
month. In case that a class suspension is imposed on a Friday, the meeting shall be rescheduled
a day before the affected Friday.

Section 2. Emergency Meetings. Emergency meetings can be held anytime as deemed


Section 3. Decision-making. A quorum in decision-making shall be observed by the club

in deciding over issues needing final ruling.

Section 4. Procedures. Each meeting, the club officers and members should observe the

a.) Presiding and formal opening of the meeting by the club president;

b.) Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting by the secretary;

c.) Presentation of issues concerned before the club;

d.) Deciding on matters at hand by a quorum;

e.) Reading of decisions made by the club by the secretary;

f.) Formally closing of the meeting by the president.



Section 1. Source. Membership fee, fund-raising activities, IGP, solicitation, donation.

Section 2. Purpose of Funds. Club projects, activities, financial aid for medication and
hospitalization of the member and his or her immediate family member.

Section 2.1. Projects. The club shall come up with a project every term. However, the
fund for project shall only be taken from donations, solicitations and IGP’s. The revolving fund
(membership fee) shall not be spent for projects.

Section 2.2. Revolving Fund. The revolving fund is the accumulated membership of the
club. Part of the fund shall only be spent for emergency purposes.

Section 2.3. Excess Fund. The excess fund of every term shall be added to the fund of
the following term.

Section 3: Treasury. The club’s fund shall be held by the club treasurer for safe keeping.
No club member shall withdraw any amount without the approval of the president, vice
president, treasurer, and auditor.



Section 1. Medication. Every club member has the benefit of claiming financial
assistance from the club for the medication of herself/himself and his immediate family.

Section 2. Teaching Materials and Aids. Every club member has the benefit of drawing
financial assistance from part of the club’s revolving fund for the purpose of procuring teaching
aid and material.



Section 1. Shall any article or section of this constitution comes obsolete with the
precedence of time, amendments shall formally be granted provided for that every member of
the club of the presiding term shall approve and sign the said motion for amendment.

Section 2. The club has to come up with a Motion for Amendment shall amendments
are necessary to the constitution and by-laws. The said motion shall be submitted to the office
of the president for proper action.



Section 1. These by-laws shall be deemed effective after each member of the club and
other signatories affixed their signatures on this document
Prepared by:


Vice President




Noted by:

School Principal II

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