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• What is new I learnt in this session?

In session 4 the revolution of Education has changed a lot with the development of
the society.Because of the development of information transport, teachers need to
update their teaching ability and knowledge level to adapt the new technologies in
teaching and learning process. Digital age has coming now so the teachers need to
follow the new way to learn how to apply these kind of new technologies in their
teaching life to help students learn and study in a new context which may stimulate
their learning efficiency and learning motivation. And self-regulated learning can
help students:1)Identify where your current learners are in terms of self-
directedness .2)Match your educational activities to that level and then 3)Facilitate
their progression to the next higher level. In this process, good teaching is It matches
the student’s stage of self-direction; and It empowers the student to progress
toward greater self-direction and encourage student autonomy is a worthy endeavor
because it will enable students to think critically and take ownership of their work in
all areas of life.The most important things that teacher need to consider is that the in
the learning process students is the center of learning and teacher just guide them
and help them to explore the knowledge and to make them think they are someone
and they are great or they are the winner which means teacher should not only
consider about what students have learned but also need to help students to have
self-confidence to believe they are excellent in learning knowledge. For example
Micro-bit is a good technology for students to do some experiment or some simple
code to instruct a robots or machine to complete what they want to do. In this
learning they have both hands-on and minds-on activities to develop their

• What other research I have conducted and new ides I found?

Coding education and robotic applications should integrate in STEM education in K-
12 education may be in the initial stage it can include in information technology
course to give the experiment in related technology knowledge to see whether this
kind of learning can improve students learning ability or can this knowledge can be
applied in other subjects or not(Wong et al , 2015).Therefore, there is a need for
students to acquire skills for producing solutions for problems, develop new ideas in
an area of profession, human sciences and social sciences by using computer
sciences and applications beginning from early childhood education. basic skills in
which 21stcentury individuals must have could be acquired by teaching coding and
computational thinking skills 21st-century skills are shown in Figure1( Kanbul &

• Can I introduce any additional tool that might be useful?

Using Arduino to enhance computer programming course in science and

• Can I demonstrate that I am able to apply these concepts?

The laboratory session modules aim to link the Arduino demonstrations to the
laboratory activities. Laboratory modules are based on the lecture demonstrations,
that way we can take advantage of students’ curiosity. The laboratory modules
provide enough material for two to three laboratory sessions.Laboratory activities
try to enhance learning using several senses at once. One activity asks the student to
create a light pattern similar to those seen in science fiction television shows.
Another involves the use of a temperature sensor, converting the temperature
measurement from decimal to binary and finally showing it using LEDs.
• What these concepts mean for the school practices and STEM

educational research?
In recent years, computer programming course
have spread to Science, Technology, Engineering
and Mathematics (STEM) degrees. The reason is
simple: as computers have become a fundamental
tool scientists and engineers often need to write or
understand computer programs. Lecturers in
charge of these subjects face a complex challenge
(Robins,Rountree & Rountree, 2003). STEM
students usually struggle to learn the main
programming concepts. They often consider the
subject to be unrelated to their core interests and
feel uncomfortable when learning to program for the first time (Qin,2009). New
teaching methodologies might help the student to overcome their initial
difficulties(Merrick,2010). Several studies have proposed the use of the physical
computing paradigm. This paradigm takes the computational concepts “out of the
screen” and into the real world so that the student can interact with them(Robio et
al, 2013).

Robins, A., Rountree, J., & Rountree, N. (2003). Learning and teaching
programming: A review and discussion. Computer science
education, 13(2), 137-172.

Qin, H. (2009, March). Teaching computational thinking through bioinformatics to

biology students. In Proceedings of the 40th ACM technical symposium on Computer
science education (pp. 188-191).
Merrick, K. E. (2010). An empirical evaluation of puzzle-based learning
as an interest approach for teaching introductory computer
science. IEEE Transactions on Education, 53(4), 677-680.

Rubio, M. A., Hierro, C. M., & Pablo, A. P. D. M. (2013, July). Using

arduino to enhance computer programming courses in science and
engineering. In Proceedings of EDULEARN13 conference (pp. 1-3).
IATED Barcelona, Spain.

Kanbul, S., & Uzunboylu, H. (2017). Importance of Coding Education

and Robotic Applications for Achieving 21st-Century Skills in North
Cyprus. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in
Learning, 12(1).

Wong, G. K., Cheung, H. Y., Ching, E. C., & Huen, J. M. (2015,

December). School perceptions of coding education in K-12: A large
scale quantitative study to inform innovative practices. In 2015 IEEE
International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for
Engineering (TALE) (pp. 5-10). IEEE.

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