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vere albu. oe RELEASED JUN 1 6 2020 Republic of the Philippines pevarianent ot ebacatiot & 48 05181 Office of the Regional Director REGIONAL MEMORANDUM No.28G, s. 2020 ONLINE VALIDATION OF ACTIVITY SHEETS To: Schools Division Superintendents 1. To facilitate the development and quality assurance of teacher-made Alternative Instructional Resources to be utilized in improving the learners’ performance, the Curriculum and Learning Management Division requests the Curriculum Implementation Division to conduct Online Validation of Activity Sheets to teachers. 2. Results of the validation will be forwarded to the development team to serve as bases in the finalization of Activity Sheets. E-copy of the Instrument for Activity Sheets to be used by the Validation Team will be forwarded to the Learning Resource Division Education Program Supervisors. 3. For information and compliance. TOLENTINO G. AQl Director IIT Officer-In-Charge Office of the Regional Digector Encl.: None Reference: None To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: ACTIVITY TEACHERS VALIDATION ua aan/gng RCL Depéd Region 1: Built on character; empowered by competence. Address: Flores St, Catbangen, City of San Fernando, La Union Telephone Number: (072) 607-8137 / 682-2324 Email Address: region | Website: Page 1 of 1 @ CLMo200391 we Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Regional Office | Curriculum and Learning Management Division - Learning Resource Management Section Validation Instrument for ACTIVITY SHEETS Learning Area: Name of Teacher: —_—— Region: Grade and Subject: Division: Name of School: __ District: Instruction: Please tick the appropriate column of your honest assessment for each criterion. _Number A. Content 1. The activity sheets are free from the following: a._conceptual errors b._factual errors c._ typographical errors d._plagiarized content pa 2. The activities are consistent | with the objectives. |S. The activities and instructions are clear and focused. 4. The activities are age- appropriate, culturally relevant and gender sensitive 5. The most essential learning competency (MELC) is met. B. Organization, Presentation and Language | 1. The activities are arranged from simple to challengin; 2. The statements/phrases are coherent and within the context I of the MELC. I | 3. The length of sentences is | suitable for the learners. 4 The vocabulary or choice of) words/ expressions is} | appropriate for the target | L___teamers. |) DepEd Region 1: Built on character; empowered by competence. Address: Flores St., Catbangen, City of San Femando, La Union ‘Telephone Number: (072) 607-8137 / 682-2324; Email Address: region @deped gov. ph Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Regional Office 1 5. Words are correctly spelled. G. Panctuations are properly used and are in the right places. 7. Rules on capitalization and hyphenation are observed. 8. Thoughts or ideas are logically | sequenced. ‘9. Headings or titles are appropriate to the content. | Cc. Ilustrations/Images 1. Miasirations or images are | appropriate to the age, context, setting, and experience of the target leamers. [Br illustrations or images are not _pixelated. D. Design and Layout 1. The activity sheets are properly laid out, | 2 Questions and tasks are clearly labeled with numbers or letters. 3. Fonts are easy to read and are __of the standard size. | [4 There is space for the learners” | name, grade level, date and 5. Standard icons are used. G, ‘The activily ahacts can be created and stored in a computer and are easy to edit l andipra Document Code: ROT-LOF-CLMD-LRIS-024 Revision: 00 Eecthty Oate: 05-30-2020 DepEd Region 1: Built on character; empowered by competence. ‘Address: Flores St, Catbangen, City of San Fernando, La Union Telephone Number: (072) 607-8137 / 682-2324; Email Address; region }

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