Expected Output

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Output 1

INFO: List of Validated Plugins:


… rest of the endpoints


INFO: List of Failed Plugins is empty

INFO: ==========================Summary============================
Jan 30, 2021 2:18:44 AM com.abcxyz.pic.console.canary.tests.ConsoleNavTest testConsoleNav
INFO: Completed tests with Thrad Id: 0
Jan 30, 2021 2:18:44 AM com.abcxyz.pic.console.canary.tests.ConsoleNavTest testConsoleNav
INFO: No broken links! 
Exit Code is: 0
Success: All Tests Passed

Output 2

INFO: List of Validated Plugins:


…. rest of the end points


INFO: List of Failed Plugins:


INFO: REASON_FOR_FAILURE org.openqa.selenium.TimeoutException: Expected condition failed: waiting for visibility of

element located by By.xpath: //div[@id='test-failed-id-1234'] (tried for 60 second(s) with 500 milliseconds interval)

INFO: ==========================Summary============================
Jan 30, 2021 2:04:26 AM com.abcxyz.pic.console.canary.tests.ConsoleNavTest testConsoleNav
INFO: Completed tests with Thrad Id: 0
Jan 30, 2021 2:04:26 AM com.abcxyz.pic.console.canary.tests.ConsoleNavTest testConsoleNav
INFO: ERROR_MESSAGE In catch block. Failed with exception : java.lang.Exception: Broken Links
Jan 30, 2021 2:04:26 AM com.abcxyz.pic.console.canary.tests.ConsoleNavTest testConsoleNav
INFO: ERROR_MESSAGE Console Nav canary failed with retry count :1
Jan 30, 2021 2:04:31 AM com.abcxyz.pic.console.canary.tests.ConsoleNavTest testConsoleNav
INFO: ERROR_MESSAGE Navigating to console home page is failing even after 1 retries with exception java.lang.Exception:
Broken Links
Jan 30, 2021 2:04:31 AM com.abcxyz.pic.console.canary.tests.TestBase captureScreenshot
INFO: Capture screenshot
Jan 30, 2021 2:04:31 AM com.abcxyz.pic.console.canary.tests.TestBase storeConsoleLogs
INFO: Store console logs
Jan 30, 2021 2:04:32 AM com.abcxyz.pic.console.canary.tests.TestBase generateHarFile
INFO: Generate har file
Jan 30, 2021 2:04:32 AM com.abcxyz.pic.console.canary.tests.TestBase backupLogs
INFO: done with back up of logs and screenshot
Jan 30, 2021 2:04:34 AM com.abcxyz.pic.console.canary.Canary consoleStartUpTests
SEVERE: Exception occurred for: 
java.lang.Exception: java.lang.Exception: Broken Links
at com.abcxyz.pic.console.canary.Canary.consoleStartUpTests(Canary.java:179)
at com.abcxyz.pic.console.canary.Canary.main(Canary.java:98)

Exit Code is: 1

Failure: There are test failures. Please check the zip file which has network har file, console logs and screenshot
make: *** [run.canary] Error 1

Output 3

INFO: ERROR_MESSAGE In catch block. Failed with exception : org.openqa.selenium.TimeoutException: Expected condition
failed: waiting for visibility of element located by By.xpath: //div[contains(@class, 'collapsible') or contains(@class,
'section__body')] (tried for 60 second(s) with 500 milliseconds interval)
Jan 30, 2021 2:47:52 AM com.abcxyz.pic.console.canary.tests.ConsoleNavTest testConsoleNav
INFO: ERROR_MESSAGE Console Nav canary failed with retry count :1
Jan 30, 2021 2:47:57 AM com.abcxyz.pic.console.canary.tests.ConsoleNavTest testConsoleNav
INFO: ERROR_MESSAGE Navigating to console home page is failing even after 1 retries with exception
org.openqa.selenium.TimeoutException: Expected condition failed: waiting for visibility of element located by By.xpath:
//div[contains(@class, 'collapsible') or contains(@class, 'section__body')] (tried for 60 second(s) with 500 milliseconds interval)
SEVERE: Exception occurred for: 
java.lang.Exception: org.openqa.selenium.TimeoutException: Expected condition failed: waiting for visibility of element located
by By.xpath: //div[contains(@class, 'collapsible') or contains(@class, 'section__body')] (tried for 60 second(s) with 500
milliseconds interval)
at com.abcxyz.pic.console.canary.Canary.consoleStartUpTests(Canary.java:179)
at com.abcxyz.pic.console.canary.Canary.main(Canary.java:98)

Exit Code is: 1

Failure: There are test failures. Please check the zip file which has network har file, console logs and screenshot
make: *** [run.canary] Error 1

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