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Midterm Exam 1 50 minutes March 11th, 2018

Student Name: Student ID#:

• This is a closed-book, 50-minute exam

• Make sure to write your name and student ID #.

• State your assumptions where applicable.

• Answer on the same exam sheets.

Good Luck

Problem Mark
Problem One [50 points]
Problem Two [50 points]
Total: [100 points]

PROBLEM ONE [50 points]

A binary liquid mixture of 5-mol% ethyl ethanoat(1) in n-heptane(2) at 343.15 K is to be

pumped using a centrifugal pump. To avoid cavitation, which results from having vapor at the
pump inlet, the mixture at the inlet of the pump must always be in the liquid state. For this
system at 343.15 K you are given:
ln 1 = 0.95 x 22 ln  2 = 0.95 x12
P1sat = 79.80 kPa P2sat = 40.50 kPa
Assuming validity of the modified Raoult’s law, i.e., y i P = x i λ i Pisat

a) What is the minimum pressure that must be kept on the mixture at the inlet of the pump to
prevent cavitation? Clarify your answer using a suitable phase diagram. [15 points]
b) Show that this binary forms an azeotrope at 343.15 [05 points]
c) Solve for the azeotropic composition and pressure ( y1az , x 1az , and P az ) at this temperature,
and accordingly sketch a P-x1-y1 phase diagram at 343.15 K. [20 points]
d) Your friend claims that azeotropes in VLE systems arise in systems deviating from Raoult’s
law. Analyze this claim by finding the P .vs. x1 when Raoult’s law applies and noting that
at an azeotrope the P .vs. x1 must pass through a minimum or a maximum] [10 points]

BUBBL P =  x i λ i Pisat DEW P =
 λ Pisat
i i

yi P = x i λ i Pisat 12 =
λ 2 P2sat

PROBLEM TWO [50 points]

One mole/s of a gas expands isentropically at steady-state in a turbine from 50 bar and 530 K
to 3 bar. The gas has an ideal gas heat capacity CigP = 100 Jmol-1K -1 and obeys Virial EOS:
BP 1.36
Z=1+ with B (m3 /mol) = 3.91×10-5 - 1.6 T in K and P in Pa≡Nm-2
On the outlet conditions, the gas behaves as an ideal gas.
a) Show that G R = BP [05 points]
b) Given that SR = - ( G R / T ) and H R = G R + TSR , find expressions for SR and HR as a

function of T and P [10 points]

c) Determine S and H for the gas at the inlet and outlet conditions. Explain when needed
[10 points]
d) Find the amount of heat interaction (Q), ΔS, and the turbine mechanical efficiency η.
Explain when needed. [10 points]
e) Find the power delivered by the turbine [15 points]

GR Z-1
= dP
RT 0 P
M = M ig + M 2R - M1R (when there is no phase change)
 dU 
  +Δ ( nH )fs = Q + W
 dt CV

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