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July:o, :,618


Dirxtor iV
Office of tJ're Rqicnat Director
DepEd Regi*n lV-A

Dear Dr. SanAntcnio:

Graetings c{ Feace:

The Ressurce for Educatsrs and Academic Professionals {R[,AF] is the leading autharity in
the training of tearhers and schosl leaders In centernporary educaticn techniques i*n*vations and
soiutions fer the purpos€ of developing the'whole Filipina child!: weli+oundeeJ, a\d'are of himself :s
a human being, values-ceiliered and capable of ar:swerir-rg tc anci meeting the dernands and
challenges cf a rapldly chan$ng globai cornmunrty- ln its recent q$est t$ imprave the landscape of
teacher education, RfiAP will be explcring and offering tea{hifig techniques, pedagogy and related
activities about STIM {Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathernatics}"

It is in this ijght that vne wauld like to request for advisory to invite schocls in Regian l!'-A ta
participate in our 5TEM 3-day workshops entitled d{Natr'onal Training-Warkshcp on Science
fducaticn* wittr the theme of sssience Education for the Grawth of the Filipinc H$hsle Chlld". tt will
be held at muhiple iocatians in Luzan during the msnths of Augr:st and September, We've attached the
schedule, Out!i*e, T*pic and Correspcnding CFD Units to this invltati*rr letter" Thes* training Frsgrams
are designed ts assist teachers in the developrnent of both basic and integruted science proces; skiiis
ama*g the learners. The skilis developeri in these trainings shell serv* as t*ol i* producing scientificaily
anrJ technoiogically literate iearners fused with J.2st century skills.

For mare inforrnatisn about registreti*n and other detailsr yeu inay eanta{t RIAP at ior} :43-
8:-++ cr $917-56?-99j6. They may alsa ernail frt chino.arautl*@grnaii-c*a"r sr
mae.sandh ez@gnrail.corn.

Tlrank ysu very much I

Para sa Bata,
Susiness Development Manager
Resource for Educat*rs and Acadernic Prcrfessionals

Rcs*i:sea f*r Hducaters arid Acsd*rtric Frslflss$t$nels 1

#2 At*k Sreei C.sraer Ba:rsrve Strcq Sia h{ex Heigbt>. Que:on {'iii'
:4:i -8s-.14r0+1 78dit s6{i:
Eucrv *s-rr***if r ase:ilts

Training Fr*grams cp* *bleetives ilat* & V*n**

The participants shall be abte to:
lntegrate science process skills
Training:l#*rkshop ii development in the teaching ,4ugust ?3-35. 2S3"S
*n Scie;:c* Fr*cess lJ*its Angefle*,r* {**kge. ***s** eity
Create learning plan that
Sxiil5 3gt*iaPment integrates science process skills SSe€r* &4*ni*a
Design assessment activities
Theme: leading to science process skills
Developing A Whole development
Child Thrcugh Science Analyze ways to practice inquiry $*pt*m,h*r S"S' ?*1S
Literacy in the teaching process
Fu*rt* D* San JLia,r* Res*rT
5c* Jc"rar:" L* **i*c:

*eE*ber4-S" ?*1S
,{.ngei i*ur':* t*iieg,q. *uee+n fitv
fuit*tr* fo4anii*,
The participants shall be able to:

$elence Te.aching !tr \ r Design learning activities leading 3& Srpteryrb*r 3.- ?.*1S
F*dag*gy Trai*,i*g to the developr*ent af both
*nirs rlniversitg *f f*rlsv* il*c*r*s
science process and 21.'t century
f*r Te*cksrs skills Nage eity, C*m,*r"lns 5*r
r Create questions leading to
Theme: inquiry
Science 0n Teachers' r Create a learning plan that that
Mind utili:es science inquiry approach
r fxpress ideas sn ways of Sept*mh*r 13-L5, :*1S
processing a learning activlty
U * lr*rsitv *f Sate,ngcs

through inquiry
*at*ng** ilrty, Setangas

Rcsei*reg for Educirir:rs alrd . cad,*rn ic Fr-*f,*s :tr:li;i Ls inc.

i*2 Atok Stret* {lrrmer Rsnar+e Stl*et. Sta lv{*sa Heights, Q*ezor City
24.r -8 5-44,'O9 I 786806C2
' ?c"*ini*S-W*rxsh*s *ft Sci*-'?c* F;'***ss- Sk*fis **.u.*i*r*i*ni L:iE r"t' p!1{* :J ll:er i.s* ntS.

Developing A Whole Chlld Thrcugh Science Literacy

This training program is designed to assisi teachers in the develspment cf both basic and integrated
sclence process skills among the learners. The participants shall learn the basic of science inquiry
teaching and planning through hands-on actlvities. The skills developed in this training shail serve as ioci
in producing scientifically and technclogically literate iearners fused with 12st century skills.

Training Matrix

lirne Aetivities
8-9:45 am Dav 1 Dav 2 Day 3
Arrival sf the Participants Plenary 3 / Workshop 5:
Registration Prccessing Science Classrcom Presentation cf
Groupings Activities Prograrn Cuic*mes
{nstru.tion for the workshops {lnstrueiional Plani
0penins Prosram
9:45-10 am AM Break
l-0 am-l-2 nn P{enary 1: Workshop 3: Wcrkshop 5: Planning
The Science Curriculum Processing Science Aciivities and preparation for
Framework of the philippine Demcnstration
Basic Educatisn: Trends and Teaching cn integrating
Updates science prccess skiils
3.2nn-1 nm Lunch Break
1-? pm Pienary2/Workshopsl": Workshop 3: Continuation:
Workshep 6:
Science inquiry & Science Actual Dernanstration
Frocess Skills Det'elapment Tearhing and Critiquing of
2-3 pm Output
3-3:LS nm PM Break
3:15-4:15 pm Workshop 2 : Wcrkshop 4: Open Forum
Integration of Technology in Planning for Science i
Clearing House
4:15-5pm Science I nstruction lnstruction i

Brainstorming Activity on the i Check eul

4-5 Stiltio*s Science Activities entry pojnts of science
Process skills in the K12
l l

'i i


[xpected r Acccmplishedlnstructian: ,f Pir" f*t*Srutf"g S;l*ce nt;# .illc
Outcsmes r ldentificatian af enlry poir rts in the curriculum
r Present a leaching demo i rtegraling science process skills

Rr:s,*itir" i;^ i q: r' S d** ai;: rs. nnd A c;l*.i*.":r i* Fri:ics si *ntr l s 3 nc.
#2 Atok Strr:*t Ccmer B*narve Str*et, Sta X{rx* Heighrs. Qtiez*r: Ciry
2.1 -i, 85-44.*9 I ?85{1060:
Ie*fi' *r:{*-* :}ier i*ii itts.
Sci* *ce Teac* i r:g F*ei***gy Tr*i *i*g {* r' T**r**rs

Science on Teachers' Mind

This training is focused on muvirrg the traditional science teaching to an active waY to learn science
using an inquiry appraach. The teacher shall be trained on dlfferent ways to process activities which may
lead to furiher inquiry. The training will help the teachers develop skills ln questianing for inquiry,
prneessing of information for creating new knowledge and formulation of ideas leading to science

Training Matrix

Time Activities
8-9:45 am Dav 1 Day 2 Dav 3
Arrival of the Participants Plenary 3 / Workshop 5:
Registration Processing Activities using Presentation of
Grcupings inquii"y method Frogram Outcomes
lnstruction for the workshops {lnstructionai Plan)
0penins Program
9:45-10 am AM Break
10 am-12 nn Plenaqr 1": Workshop 3: Workshop 5: Planning
The Advancements in the STEM Classifying things using inquiry. and preparaticn far
Curricuium {Taxonomic Classification of Demcnstrati*n
animals and creating their own Teachlng on integraii n g
classificatian using differenf kinds
Videa Analysis: Neii de Grasse of nuts)
science inquiry
Tvson c:r STEM Education
12 nn-1 pm Lurch Break
1"-2 pm Flenary2lWorkshopsl: Workshop 3: Continuation and
presentalion of the activity: Wcrkshop 6:
Understa nding Science lilq!.jiry Actual Demsnstration
leaching and Ci'itiquing of
Science lnquiry Activity: Output
D€manstrtsting the center of gravity
2-3 pm using parly materials such cups,
straw, etc.

3-3r15 pm PM Break
3:15-4:15 pm lVorkshop 2 : Workshop 4: Open F*rurn
Creating questions leadirg to Planning foi Science lnsiruciion Clearing Hcuse
4:15-5pm Brainstorming Activity cn the
entry points of Science rnquiry in
the K12 Curricuium Check out

Fxpected a Acccmplished lnstructional Plan lntegrating Science Process Skills

Outcomes s ldenlification af enlry paints in the curriculu:n
a Fresent a teaching demo integrating science proce:s skills

R*s*u:c" t*r lduc*{irrs a:i* Ai:*'J*:ni* F;t:i':lsi.:*ii*s f,i?{.

!2 Ak:k S{r'eet Ccmer llan**'e Slreet. Sra tr{esl }{*ights. Quez*n CiLy
2.11-85-44,109 I ;86{i060:

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