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Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I (CHE 214) Spring 2020

75-minutes First Exam-Open book April 16/2020

Name: ID.:

1) "I promise in my honor to uphold AUS Academic Integrity code​."​ Please promise and


2) Write your full name and number ​NOW​.

3) Numbers with no units are ​NOT ACCEPTABLE​, except for dimensionless quantities.

Problem Mark

One [4.5 points]

Two [4 points]

Three [3 points]

Four [3.5 points]

Total: [15]

PROBLEM ONE ​(1.5 points each)

A) At a certain location, geothermal energy in underground water is available and used as an

energy source for a power plant. Consider a supply of saturated liquid water at 150◦C.
What is the maximum possible thermal efficiency of a cyclic heat engine using this
source as energy with the ambient surroundings at 20◦C? Would it be better to locate a
source of saturated vapor at 150◦C than to use the saturated liquid?

B) Determine (write the equation) for the entropy change ∆s of the an ideal gas when a unit
mass of it at temperature T undergoes a reversible isothermal process from pressure P1 to
pressure P2 while losing heat to the surroundings at temperature T in the amount of q.

C) A rigid tank contains 6 kg of an ideal gas at 3 atm and 40°C. Now a valve is opened, and
half of mass of the gas is allowed to escape. If the final pressure in the tank is 2.2 atm,
what is the final temperature in the tank.

PROBLEM TWO ​(1 points each)

A) If the pressure of a substance is increased during a boiling process, will the

temperature also increase or will it remain constant? Why? ​State a practical example​.

B) Is it true that it takes more energy to vaporize 1 kg of saturated liquid water at 100°C
than it would at 120°C​? Explain why

C) Examine the two diagrams below and write the signs of W,Q and U in each process
diagram moving from point 1 to 2.

D) A piston-cylinder device contains 5 kg of saturated water vapor at 3 MPa. Now heat
is rejected from the cylinder at constant pressure until the water vapor completely
condenses so that the cylinder contains saturated liquid at 3 MPa at the end of the
process. Calculate the entropy change of the system during this process.

PROBLEM THREE ​(3 points)

Calculate the pressure in a 0.6 m​3 ​vessel charged with 9 kg of carbon dioxide at 40 ​°​C. ​Select the
most suitable method.

PROBLEM FOUR [3.5 points]

Steam enters an insulated pipe at 200 kPa and 200°C and leaves at 150 kPa and 150°C. The
inlet-to-outlet diameter ratio for the pipe is D1/D2=1.80. Determine the inlet velocity of the
steam (V​1​) in m/s. ​WRITE YOUR ASSUMPTIONS

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