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Chủ từ - Computers are being used in all kinds of work.
Sau adj (tính từ) - She is a good teacher.
Sau enough - He didn’t have enough money to buy that house.
a/ an/ the
(a/ an/ the + adj + noun)

this, that, these, those,

- The scientists have become important people in our society.
each, every, both, no…
Sau giới từ - The robbery is under investigation.
few, a few, little, a little, some, any, many, - You have to do a lot of exercises of grammar.
most… - I have little knowledge about genetics.
Trước N (danh từ) - Modern society needs engineers.
(keep, make + O + adj.)
be, seem, appear, feel, taste, look, sound,
- She is beautiful.
smell, keep,…

- Mary looks happy now.

Be + adj. + enough - She is tall enough to play basketball.
Be, seem, look, feel, smell, taste + so + adj. +
- The film is so exciting that I’ve seen it many times
- Meat is more expensive than fish.
So sánh
- This is the most intelligent boy I’ve ever seen.
Be + adv + v3/ed - The South of Vietnam was completely liberated on April 30, 1975.
HAVE + adv + V3/ed - I have recently finished my work.

Trước adj - I’m truthfully grateful to you for your help.

S+V(thường) +O+ adv. - The doctor told me to breathe in slowly.
Đứng đầu câu, phía sau co dấu phẩy - Suddenly, he heard a strange voice.
- trước V thường
Sau S He works in a bank.

V Adv Adj N (Adv)

1. She is _____________ in asking for bigger salary. She has worked hard.
A. reason B. reasoned C. reasonable D. unreasonable
2. Learning English has become a ____________ in our country.
A. necessary B. necessity C. necessitate D. necessarily.
3. English is the language of international ____________
A. communicate B. communicative C. communication D. communicatively
4. English is ________________ outnumbered by Chinese. A. easy B. easily C. ease D. uneasy
5. There were too many _________________ nationalities in my class and we had to speak English.
A. differs B. differences C. difference D. different
6. He was ________________ right when he said that the man was guilty.
A. reason B. reasonable C. reasonably D. reasons
7. It is _________ to regard any language as the property of a particular nation.
A. reason B. reasonable C. unreasonable D. reasoned
8. Fortunately, the plane landed __________ after the violent storm.
A. safe B. unsafe C. safety D. safely
9. In this course, students receive ____________ in the basic English grammar.
A. instruct B. instruction C. instructional D. instructive
10. Most children are ill-prepared for ____________
A. employer B. employee C. employment D. unemployment
11. This company offered a lot of ________________ jobs.
A. attractive B. attraction C. attracting D. attracted
12. He is ___________ with his new job.
A. occupy B. occupational C. occupation D. occupied
13. Nothing could ___________ him. A. satisfy B. satisfied C. satisfaction D. satisfactory
14. Daisy does the housework _______. A. disappoint B. disappointed C. disappointing D. disappointedly
15. She did the job ___________ A. success B. succeed C. successful D. successfully
16. My teacher always gives us a clear __________
A. explain B. explaining C. explanatory D. explanation
17. Getting such a well-paid job is beyond my _________
A. expect B. expected C. expecting D. expectation
18. He has suffered many ______________ in his new job.
A. disappoint B. disappointments C. disappointment D. disappointed
19. He has very little __________ of history .
A. understand B. understood C. understanding D. understandable
20. Would you accept her __________ ? A. invite B. invited C. inviting D. invitation
21. This room has to be ___________ A. large B. enlarge C. enlarges D. enlarged
22. In many cities around the world ,_______ is a serious problem .
A. pollute B. polluted C. polluting D. pollution
23. The ___________ development leads to our country’s prosperity.
A. industry B. industries C. industrial D. industrialize
24. Forests provide timber, one of Man’s most ______________ resources.
A. value B. invaluable C. valueless D. valuable
25. These chemicals are __________. They can cause death or illness if taken into the body.
A. poison B. poisonous C. poisoning D. poisoned
26. We have to____________ the natural resources of our country.
A. conserve B. conservation C. conservative D. conserving
27. Does the earth have enough __________ resources to support people?
A. nature B. naturalize C. natural D. naturally
28. Exhaust fumes from motor vehicles ___________ the air.
A. pollute B. polluted C. polluting D. pollution
29. She decided to ______________ her studies after obtaining her first degree
A. pursue B. pursuit C. pursuer D. pursuable
30. I'm always _____________ about his kindness
A. suspiciously B. suspiciousness C. suspicion D. suspicious
31. Young students join the club __________________
A. enthusiastic B. enthusiastically C. enthusiasm D. enthusiast
32. He’s a ___________ person.
A. change B. changeably C. changeable D. changeability
33. He is a(n) _____________ man. He always helps people without thinking of his own benefit.
A. selfish B. unselfish C. selfishness D. unselfishness
34. My friend often shows her _________ whenever I have trouble.
A. sympathy B. sympathize C. sympathetic D. sympathetically
35. He doesn’t know much about the project but he is very _________
A. enthusiastic B. enthusiast C. enthusiasm D. enthusiastically
36. Only _______ pilots are allowed to fly large passenger planes.
A. experience B. experienced C. inexperience D. inexperienced
37. It was one of the most ______ experiences I’ve ever had.
A. fright B. frighten C. frightened D. frightening
38. All the countries should act to stop the _______ of rainforests.
A. destroy B. destruction C. destructive D. destructively
39. He felt _______ at being the center of attention.
A. embarrass B. embarrassed C. embarrassing D. embarrassment
40. Mrs. Feng felt very _______ towards her son.
A. protected B. protecting C. protection D. protective
41. He is so ………………… giving help.
A. generous B. generosity C. generously D. general
42. We hope this application will be treated………………
A. sympathy B. sympathetic C. unsympathetic D. sympathetically
43. Talking to you is a great…………………………… me.
A. comfort B. comfortable C. comfortably D. uncomfortable
44. She is really……………………… A. care B. caring C. carefully D. carefulness
45. She ………………………. to help me. A. voluntary B. volunteer C. voluntarily D. volunteers
46. She helps me……………………… A. voluntary B. volunteer C. voluntarily D. volunteers
47. Do you think that if you bring ……………… to others, you are also a happy person?
A. happy B. happiness C. happily D. happiest
48. I think you should give it up. There’s no ………………for it.
A. help B. helpful C. helpless D. helpfully
49. One ………………of living in the town is the lack of safe places for the children to play.
A. disadvantage B. disadvantaged C. advantage D. advantaged
50. Volunteer students spent their summer vacations teaching _________ people.
A. literate B. literacy C. illiterate D. illiteracy
51. We are determined to ___________ racism from our sports.
A. eradicate B. eradicated C. eradicating D. eradication
52. Her _________ to Sales Manager took everyone by surprise.
A. promotion B. promote C. promoter D. promotional
53. Walking and golf increased in ………………during the 1980s.
A. popular B. popularly C. popularize D. popularity
54. Do not write anything until the instructor finishes his …………
A. explain B. explanatory C. explanation D. explainer
55. How many ………………are there in the competition?
A. participates B. participants C. participations
56. They were bitterly ……………… at the result of the game.
A. disappoint B. disappointed C. disappointing D. disappointedly
57. It’s …………… to take more than the recommended dose of tablets.
A. danger B. dangerously C. endanger D. dangerous
58. Their company has 2 ……………in every European city.
A. represent B. representative C. representatives
59. Knowing the ending already didn’t spoil my …………… of the film.
A. enjoy B. enjoyable C. enjoyment D. to enjoy
60. She complained to the company about its awful service and they sent her a written ……………
A. apologize B. apology C. apologetic D. apologized
61. His teacher’s explanation certainly sounded ……………….
A. belief B. believe C. believer D. believable
62. They announce that the weather is very …………………… at this time of year.
A. change B. changed C. changeable D. changeless
63. It is __________to regard any language as the possession of a particular nation.
A. Reason B. unreasonable C. reasonably
64. More research is necessary for the ________ of a cure for AIDS.
A. develop B. developed C. developing D. development
65. He emphasized the _________ of conserving minerals
A. importance B. important C. importantly
66. Don’t be afraid. This snake is _________
A. harm B. harmful C. harmless
67. He felt __________ with the results of his exam.
A. disappointing B. disappointed C. disappointedly D. disappointment
68. He worked hard to ________ good crops form poor soil.
A. produce B. product C. production D. productive
69. The judge told him it was ________ to drink and drive and banned him for a year.
A. responsibly B. responsibility C. irresponsible
70. How can you imagine the ________ of mathematics in our modern life.
A. importantly B. importance C. important D. unimportantly
71. You have to be aware of the damage humans are doing to quicken the …………of wildlife.
A. extinct B. extinctive C. extinction
72. I like this room because it is _________ furnished.
A. comfortable B. comfortably C. uncomfortable D. comfort
73. She is too ________ toward her children; she should let them be more independent.
A. protect B. protection C. protective D. protectively
74. Nothing is more precious than _________and freedom
A. independent B. independence C. independently
75. I sometimes do not feel _________when I am at a party
A. comfort B. comfortable C. comfortably
76. The ___________ of land is rising all the time.
A. value B. valueless C. invaluable D. valuable
77. His _________ research is really important.
A. science B. scientist C. scientific D. conspicuous
78. Not getting the job was a terrible ____________
A. disappointment B. disappoint C. disappointed D. disappointing
79. You should drive more ___________ at night.
A. careful B. careless C. carefully D. care
80. It’s _________________________to pay so much money for that old car
A. reason B. reasoned C. unreasonable D. reasonably
81. No one can make him change his _________________
A. decision B. decide C. decisive D. decided
82. She can look back on her career with great________________
A. satisfy B. satisfactory C. satisfactorily D. satisfaction
83. What is the …………………in price between these two bikes?
A. difference B. differ C. different D. differently
84. Marilyn Monroe was very …………………………………in 1960s.
A. famously B. fame C. famous
85. Every country has a …………………………….flag & an anthem.
A. nation B. nationality C. national
86. That car is ………………………..expensive.
A. surprise B. surprising C. surprised D. surprisingly
87. You should make your own ……………………………
A. decide B. decision C. deciding D. decisive
88. The project can’t be carried out because of……………………problems.
A. finance B. financial C. financially D. b & c
89. We appreciate the………………………of many people to help us complete our work.
A. participate B. participation C. participated
90. After Peter’s arrival, the ………………………began.
A. discuss B. discussion C. discussing D. discussed
91. Before the steamboat arrived, the day was glory with………………………
A. expect B. expected C. unexpected D. expectation
92. He wasn’t …………………………when he got a low-paid job.
A. satisfy B. satisfied C. satisfaction D. satisfactory
93. We should try to teach our children a sense of …………………………
A. responsibility B. responsible C. irresponsible
94. Stuntmen are always in ………………………when they’re acting.
A. danger B. dangerous C. dangerously D. endanger
95. I’m very tired now because I couldn’t …………………………….. last night.
A. sleepy B. asleep C. sleep D. sleepless
96. A healthy body will be able to fight off the illness __________ without the use of medicine.
A. nature B. natural C. naturalize D. naturally
97. As a child I had an ___________ friend called Polly.
A. image B. imagine C. imaginative D. imaginary
98. His father was working ___________ at his desk.
A. industry B. industrial C. industrious D. industriously
99. He has a limited ____________ of French.
A. know B. knowable C. knowledge D. knowing
100. Dolphins are a ___________ species ( = it is illegal to harm or kill them).
A. protected B. protection C. protective D. protectively

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