Ethics (CSR)

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 Whether we should have an international regulation or leave CSR as

voluntary? Who and how do we enforce and monitor CSR? The disclosure,
transparency – to produce documents to show that they have done
something and not just skim through it and hide it within themselves.
 Have extra territorial laws? Making behaviours standardized.
 CSR is exploited – used wrongly to gain public image, means to attract
more investors as they are less risky – reduces litigation
 CSR is like a shield/ deviate all the bad critics and protect themselves
from bad word of mouth
 Corporation see it as a short-term goal and not long-term
 Companies (Shell/Coca Cola) practiced CSR superficially – they constantly
emphasized on their CSR efforts but are doing it wrongly – they lost the
real motive of practicing CSR.
 When the companies are cheating on their own code of conduct – how can
they even adhere to international regulation?
 How does CSR matter to you? Is CSR really that important? Or is it
showing off that you’re part of CSR important?
 Double standards in commitment
 How about changing CSR to CSA? Responsibilities are shared but
accountability is towards 1 single person in charge.

Corporations are more profit oriented – as long as they’re profitable, anything

goes. With money, comes power, comes ruling the entire game – to the extent
that they could influence the government and cover up for mistakes made.

Corporations do CSR half-heartedly? They don’t use their heart to do it. They
don’t have the heart to be ethical enough that their actions are actually hurting
the innocent.

CSR is a gimmick – we see the notion of making profit - a bad connation and
corporations are trying to mask it. Corporations exploit the employees in a way.
Companies keep promoting themselves and CSR for reputation sake – the report
is manipulated to make themselves look nicer.
Another way of encouraging companies to participate in solving social problems
is to promote shared value. Make the social responsibility profitable, so that the
project can be self-sustained.

Tabacco case – like human exploitation. BAT expects them to grow tobacco but
do not provide them with the necessary gears for free or otherwise provide them
with the option of buying it with their own keeps when they themselves do not
have enough to survive on.

These articles also serve as a wake up call for corporations who have been
messing up the original intention of what CSR has set out to achieve.
CSR will take time to change – they are affected by company culture, business
environment, culture. Corporations need to be genuinely concerned about the


Since power is everything, we will need greater transparency. Check and balance
on corporation power – maybe engage an external party

As long as humans are around, the problem will still be there. The invisible hand
is working because everyone is driving towards self-interest and profit motive.

Will you abolish CSR? No and yes – but it is debatable depending on which
perspective you’re looking at. The basic intentions are still good – to help the
communities and there are certainly companies who have done well in it

We believe in KARMA - what goes around comes around. You would not be able
to live long with feeling guilty (maybe) and at the end of the day it comes back to
yourself – whether you can live with what you do

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